get paid to paste


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Comment: 10,0:00:00.33,0:00:00.33,OreimoDefault,,0,0,0,,Part A
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Comment: 0,0:00:00.33,0:00:00.33,Signs,,0,0,0,code line all,function rel_pos(d_x,d_y) x1,y1=get_pos() x2,y2=get_pos("end") if (x1==x2 and y1==y2) then return string.format("\\pos(%d,%d)",x1+d_x,y1+d_y) end t_pos=count*_G.tonumber(get_parameter("delay")) progress=math.floor(100*t_pos/(line.duration+t_pos))/100 return string.format("\\move(%d,%d,%d,%d)",x1+d_x+(x2-x1)*progress,y1+d_y+(y2-y1)*progress,x2+d_x,y2+d_y) end
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Comment: 0,0:00:00.33,0:00:00.33,Signs,,0,0,0,code line all,count=0 function inc() count=count+1 return count end
Comment: 0,0:00:00.33,0:00:00.33,Signs,,0,0,0,code line all,function get_parameter(param) lactor=string.lower(lactor) _,_,result=string.find(lactor,param.."%s*(%S+)%s*%-") if (result==nil) then _,_,result=string.find(lactor,param.."%s*(%S+)%s*$") end return result end
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Comment: 0,0:00:00.33,0:00:00.33,Signs,,0,0,0,template char all fxgroup swipe,!retime("line",(inc()-1)*_G.tonumber(get_parameter("delay")),0)!{!tags("pos","move")!!handle_pos($x-$lx,$y-$ly)!\fad(!get_parameter("in") ~= nil and get_parameter("in") or "0"!,!get_parameter("out") ~= nil and get_parameter("out") or "0"!)}
Comment: 0,0:00:19.70,0:00:23.20,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(456.667,233.999)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding about \Nthat, right? {buttons: Save | OK | Send, optional. White text at top says "Compose"}
Comment: 1,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.93,Signs,Kiri1,0,0,0,,{\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(780,90.333)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Which is {\i1}why{\i0} I didn't stop \Nyou.
Comment: 0,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.93,Signs,Kiri1,0,0,0,,{\pos(0,0)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 586 100 b 587 90 594 83 606 83 l 779 84 b 790 84 795 93 797 97 l 797 126 b 795 133 789 139 782 138 l 604 137 b 596 137 587 133 586 121
Comment: 1,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.93,Signs,Kuro1,0,0,0,,{\an4\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(528.889,191.111)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}I don't recall asking you to refrain.
Comment: 0,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.93,Signs,Kuro1,0,0,0,,{\blur1\an7\pos(1.5,1.5)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 190 b 520 183 529 175 536 174 l 781 174 b 793 175 798 181 799 191 800 197 795 208 784 208 l 538 209 b 528 208 519 199 520 191
Comment: 1,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.93,Signs,Kuro2,0,0,0,,{\an4\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(529,263)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Just admit it already.
Comment: 0,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.93,Signs,Kuro2,0,0,0,,{\blur1\an7\pos(2,9)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 255 b 520 245 529 237 538 237 l 745 237 b 756 237 762 244 763 255 b 763 264 758 272 748 272 l 538 272 b 529 272 520 263 520 255
Comment: 1,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.93,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\pos(792,314)\an6\fs18\fscx95\blur0.7\c&H634874&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}What? You're making no sense.
Comment: 0,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.93,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\pos(0,0)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 302 582 295 591 296 l 775 296 b 789 294 794 301 795 303 l 799 313 b 801 327 789 334 779 334 l 601 334 b 584 335 571 332 571 317
Comment: 1,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.93,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\an7\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(540,365)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}This... was neither the \Noutcome I envisioned nor \Ndesired.
Comment: 0,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.93,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\blur1\an7\pos(2,0.5)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 383 b 520 373 529 365 538 365 l 720 365 b 731 365 737 372 738 383 l 738 403 b 738 411 733 419 723 419 l 538 419 b 529 419 520 410 520 403
Comment: 1,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.93,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\an9\fs17\fscx92\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(781,434)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Delusional brat. Fine, \NI'm so done with this \Nchat.
Comment: 0,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.93,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\pos(0,0.5)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 641 451 b 641 438 654 433 664 433 l 770 433 b 783 433 792 438 792 451 l 792 468 b 792 480 782 485 772 485 l 664 485 b 654 485 641 480 641 468
Comment: 1,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.93,Signs,Kiri4,0,0,0,,{\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(780,510)\iclip(m 694 572 b 701 562 715 550 721 545 733 533 743 523 755 506 776 494 805 491 818 496 l 810 609 704 613)}Oh, that's right. If you ever need \Nfashion advice, I'd be happy to \Nhelp. Just ask away.
Comment: 0,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.93,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\pos(2,-1)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 694 572 b 701 562 715 550 721 545 733 533 743 523 755 506 776 494 805 491 818 496 l 810 609 704 613)}m 527 519 b 527 506 540 501 550 501 l 776 501 b 789 501 798 506 798 519 l 798 560 b 798 572 788 577 778 577 l 550 577 b 540 577 527 572 527 560
Comment: 1,0:06:19.89,0:06:20.10,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscy102.75\an9\fs17\fscx94.53\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(786.23,48.15)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Delusional brat. Fine, \NI'm so done with this \Nchat.
Comment: 0,0:06:19.89,0:06:20.10,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx102.75\fscy102.75\pos(-16.24,-397.27)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 641 451 b 641 438 654 433 664 433 l 770 433 b 783 433 792 438 792 451 l 792 468 b 792 480 782 485 772 485 l 664 485 b 654 485 641 480 641 468
Comment: 1,0:06:19.89,0:06:20.10,Signs,Kiri4,0,0,0,,{\fscx102.75\fscy102.75\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(785.21,126.24)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Oh, that's right. If you ever need \Nfashion advice, I'd be happy to \Nhelp. Just ask away.
Comment: 0,0:06:19.89,0:06:20.10,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx102.75\fscy102.75\pos(-14.18,-398.81)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 527 519 b 527 506 540 501 550 501 l 776 501 b 789 501 798 506 798 519 l 798 560 b 798 572 788 577 778 577 l 550 577 b 540 577 527 572 527 560
Comment: 1,0:06:19.93,0:06:20.73,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(788,52)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Comment: 0,0:06:19.93,0:06:20.73,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\pos(0,0)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Comment: 1,0:06:20.10,0:06:21.06,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536,122)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Comment: 0,0:06:20.10,0:06:21.06,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\blur1\an7\pos(3,-4)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Comment: 1,0:06:20.10,0:06:21.06,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(788,182)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Comment: 0,0:06:20.10,0:06:21.06,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\pos(8,-114.5)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Comment: 1,0:06:20.89,0:06:21.06,Signs,Kiri7,0,0,0,,{\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(788,557)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 756 505 b 746 517 730 538 720 548 693 568 685 577 706 601 l 452 601)}A map of where?
Comment: 0,0:06:20.89,0:06:21.06,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.4\fscy98.4\pos(16.91,256.54)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 756 505 b 746 517 730 538 720 548 693 568 685 577 706 601 l 452 601)}m 616 309 b 616 298 628 290 641 290 l 775 290 b 789 290 799 298 799 309 l 799 317 b 799 327 789 335 775 335 l 641 335 b 628 335 616 329 616 317
Comment: 1,0:06:21.98,0:06:22.52,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536,122)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Comment: 0,0:06:21.98,0:06:22.52,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\blur1\an7\pos(3,-4)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Comment: 1,0:06:21.98,0:06:22.52,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(788,182)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Comment: 0,0:06:21.98,0:06:22.52,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\pos(8,-114.5)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Comment: 1,0:06:21.98,0:06:22.14,Signs,Kiri7,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(788,557)\iclip(m 710 593 b 704 575 696 543 692 527 l 595 546 603 620)}A map of where?
Comment: 0,0:06:21.98,0:06:22.14,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.4\fscy98.4\pos(16.91,256.54)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 710 593 b 704 575 696 543 692 527 l 595 546 603 620)}m 616 309 b 616 298 628 290 641 290 l 766 290 b 780 290 790 298 790 309 l 790 317 b 790 327 780 335 766 335 l 641 335 b 628 335 616 329 616 317
Comment: 1,0:06:22.23,0:06:22.52,Signs,Kiri8,0,0,0,,{\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(788,140)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Comment: 0,0:06:22.23,0:06:22.52,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\pos(-1,87.22)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81

Dialogue: 0,0:00:12.11,0:00:12.23,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\fnKG Mullally\bord0\b0\c&H4E3C32&\blur1.1\fs35\pos(397.334,123.334)\iclip(m 292 78 l 300 174 187 197)}Break up with Senpai
Dialogue: 0,0:00:12.23,0:00:12.44,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\fnKG Mullally\bord0\b0\c&H4E3C32&\blur1.1\fs35\pos(397.334,123.334)}Break up with Senpai
Dialogue: 0,0:00:12.44,0:00:14.11,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\fnKG Mullally\bord0\b0\c&H4E3C32&\blur1.2\pos(640,210)\fs130\t(1195,1670,\c&HFFFFFF&)}Break up with Senpai
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.70,0:00:19.74,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(456.67,234)\c&HCD8F89&}You were
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.74,0:00:19.78,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(456.67,234.01)\c&HCD8F89&}You were
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.78,0:00:19.82,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.41,234.06)\c&HCD8F89&}You were
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.82,0:00:19.87,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.42,234.06)\c&HCD8F89&}You were
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.87,0:00:19.91,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(456.7,233.99)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.91,0:00:19.95,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(456.7,234.01)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.95,0:00:19.99,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.43,234.06)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.99,0:00:20.03,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.4,234.08)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.03,0:00:20.12,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(456.42,233.61)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.12,0:00:20.16,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.42,234.08)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.16,0:00:20.24,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(456.96,235.05)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.24,0:00:20.32,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.46,234.09)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.32,0:00:20.37,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.07,234.11)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were {\c&HCD8F89&}kidd
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.37,0:00:20.41,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.05,234.11)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were {\c&HCD8F89&}kidd
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.41,0:00:20.45,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.51,234.1)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were {\c&HCD8F89&}kidd
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.45,0:00:20.53,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.05,234.12)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were {\c&HCD8F89&}kidd
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.53,0:00:20.62,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.51,234.1)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were {\c&HCD8F89&}kidd
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.62,0:00:20.66,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(456.49,234.3)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were {\c&HCD8F89&}kidd
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.66,0:00:20.70,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(456.48,234.35)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were {\c&HCD8F89&}kidd
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.70,0:00:20.78,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.51,234.11)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were {\c&HCD8F89&}kidd
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.78,0:00:20.83,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(456.77,234.22)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were {\c&HCD8F89&}kidding
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.83,0:00:20.87,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(456.76,234.23)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were {\c&HCD8F89&}kidding
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.87,0:00:20.91,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.48,234.14)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were {\c&HCD8F89&}kidding
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.91,0:00:20.99,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(456.74,234.23)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were {\c&HCD8F89&}kidding
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.99,0:00:21.03,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.46,234.16)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were {\c&HCD8F89&}kidding
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.03,0:00:21.12,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(456.74,234.24)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were {\c&HCD8F89&}kidding
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.12,0:00:21.16,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.44,234.11)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were {\c&HCD8F89&}kidding
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.16,0:00:21.20,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.46,234.06)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were {\c&HCD8F89&}kidding
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.20,0:00:21.28,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(456.46,234.08)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were {\c&HCD8F89&}kidding
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.28,0:00:21.37,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.45,234.08)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were {\c&HCD8F89&}kidding
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.37,0:00:21.45,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(456.98,234.45)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were {\c&HCD8F89&}kidding
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.45,0:00:21.49,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.48,234.12)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were {\c&HCD8F89&}kidding
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.49,0:00:21.53,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.49,234.11)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were {\c&HCD8F89&}kidding
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.53,0:00:21.58,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457,234.44)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.58,0:00:21.62,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457,234.41)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.62,0:00:21.66,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.49,234.13)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.66,0:00:21.70,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.48,234.12)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.70,0:00:21.74,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.48,234.11)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.74,0:00:21.78,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(456.49,234.13)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding {\c&HCD8F89&}about
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.78,0:00:21.83,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(456.48,234.13)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding {\c&HCD8F89&}about
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.83,0:00:21.87,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.48,234.13)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding {\c&HCD8F89&}about
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.87,0:00:21.91,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.48,234.12)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding {\c&HCD8F89&}about
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.91,0:00:21.99,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(456.38,234.59)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding {\c&HCD8F89&}about
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.99,0:00:22.03,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.53,234.12)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding {\c&HCD8F89&}about
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.03,0:00:22.08,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.52,234.01)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding {\c&HCD8F89&}about
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.08,0:00:22.12,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(456.78,234.19)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding {\c&HCD8F89&}about \Nthat,
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.12,0:00:22.16,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(456.79,234.19)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding {\c&HCD8F89&}about \Nthat,
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.16,0:00:22.20,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.52,234.18)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding {\c&HCD8F89&}about \Nthat,
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.20,0:00:22.24,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(456.79,234.19)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding {\c&HCD8F89&}about \Nthat,
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.24,0:00:22.29,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(456.78,234.21)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding {\c&HCD8F89&}about \Nthat,
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.29,0:00:22.33,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.51,234.18)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding {\c&HCD8F89&}about \Nthat,
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.33,0:00:22.41,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(456.79,234.21)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding {\c&HCD8F89&}about \Nthat,
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.41,0:00:22.45,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.53,234.11)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding {\c&HCD8F89&}about \Nthat,
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.45,0:00:22.49,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.53,234.05)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding {\c&HCD8F89&}about \Nthat,
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.49,0:00:22.54,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(456.77,234)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding {\c&HCD8F89&}about \Nthat, right
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.54,0:00:22.58,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(456.77,234.03)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding {\c&HCD8F89&}about \Nthat, right
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.58,0:00:22.62,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.52,234.13)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding {\c&HCD8F89&}about \Nthat, right
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.62,0:00:22.66,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.45,234.24)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding {\c&HCD8F89&}about \Nthat, right
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.66,0:00:22.70,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.29,234.36)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding about \Nthat, right
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.70,0:00:22.74,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.28,234.39)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding about \Nthat, right
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.74,0:00:22.83,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.53,234.12)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding about \Nthat, right
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.83,0:00:22.91,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.52,234.12)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding about \Nthat, right{\c&HCD8F89&}? {buttons: Save | OK | Send, optional. White text at top says "Compose"}
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.91,0:00:22.95,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.49,234.14)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding about \Nthat, right{\c&HCD8F89&}? {buttons: Save | OK | Send, optional. White text at top says "Compose"}
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.95,0:00:22.99,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.48,234.2)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding about \Nthat, right{\c&HCD8F89&}? {buttons: Save | OK | Send, optional. White text at top says "Compose"}
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.99,0:00:23.04,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.29,234.36)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding about \Nthat, right? {buttons: Save | OK | Send, optional. White text at top says "Compose"}
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.04,0:00:23.08,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.37,234.4)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding about \Nthat, right? {buttons: Save | OK | Send, optional. White text at top says "Compose"}
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.08,0:00:23.20,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\b0\fs35\an7\blur1\frz2.711\pos(457.52,234.22)\c&HB5B4B2&}You were kidding about \Nthat, right? {buttons: Save | OK | Send, optional. White text at top says "Compose"}
Dialogue: 10,0:00:28.10,0:00:30.58,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,{\i1}I never received a reply.
Dialogue: 10,0:00:34.83,0:00:36.63,OreimoDefault,Students,0,0,0,,{*ALT*}Morning.
Dialogue: 10,0:00:37.97,0:00:41.14,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Is Gokou absent today?
Dialogue: 10,0:00:41.77,0:00:45.43,OreimoDefault,Sena,0,0,0,,Kousaka-senpai, what are you talking about?
Dialogue: 10,0:00:45.43,0:00:47.41,OreimoDefault,Sena,0,0,0,,Why would she be here at all?
Dialogue: 10,0:00:47.41,0:00:48.64,OreimoDefault,Sena,0,0,0,,Gokou-san...
Dialogue: 10,0:00:48.98,0:00:50.79,OreimoDefault,Sena,0,0,0,,transferred schools.
Dialogue: 10,0:00:51.64,0:00:53.13,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Transferred...?
Dialogue: 10,0:00:54.71,0:00:56.11,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Since when?
Dialogue: 10,0:00:56.11,0:00:57.15,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,What's the deal here?!
Dialogue: 10,0:00:57.15,0:00:58.90,OreimoDefault,Sena,0,0,0,,S-Senpai—
Dialogue: 10,0:00:58.90,0:01:01.26,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,What's the deal here, huh?
Dialogue: 10,0:01:01.26,0:01:02.16,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Why?!
Dialogue: 10,0:01:02.16,0:01:03.81,OreimoDefault,Sena,0,0,0,,Please, calm down!
Dialogue: 10,0:01:04.42,0:01:05.48,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Sorry.
Dialogue: 10,0:01:05.48,0:01:06.66,OreimoDefault,Sena,0,0,0,,It's okay.
Dialogue: 10,0:01:07.05,0:01:09.98,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Are you serious? Is this true?
Dialogue: 10,0:01:09.98,0:01:11.92,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Why didn't anyone tell me?
Dialogue: 10,0:01:12.46,0:01:17.28,OreimoDefault,Sena,0,0,0,,I thought you of all people would know already.
Dialogue: 10,0:01:17.28,0:01:18.17,OreimoDefault,Sena,0,0,0,,You're Gokou-san's...
Dialogue: 10,0:01:19.07,0:01:20.43,OreimoDefault,Sena,0,0,0,,boyfriend, after all.
Dialogue: 10,0:01:22.26,0:01:23.69,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,I see.
Dialogue: 10,0:01:23.69,0:01:25.56,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,So this is for real.
Dialogue: 10,0:01:27.51,0:01:28.56,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Is anyone home?
Dialogue: 10,0:01:28.56,0:01:30.49,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Excuse me!
Dialogue: 10,0:01:34.88,0:01:37.05,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,You've got to be joking.
Dialogue: 0,0:01:43.82,0:01:46.83,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\pos(904,305.6)\blur1\frz356.1\fs23\c&HDCB082&}Kuroneko
Dialogue: 10,0:01:58.99,0:02:02.12,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,I don't {\i1}think{\i0} I did anything to ruin our relationship.
Dialogue: 10,0:02:03.75,0:02:05.82,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,What the hell happened?
Dialogue: 10,0:02:07.47,0:02:11.79,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,{\i1}More so than anyone else in the world,
Dialogue: 10,0:02:11.79,0:02:14.32,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,{\i1}I'll continue to love you forever.
Dialogue: 10,0:02:19.38,0:02:21.87,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,What am I going to do with myself?
Dialogue: 10,0:02:23.22,0:02:24.82,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Get a grip, me!
Dialogue: 10,0:02:28.40,0:02:33.46,OreimoDefault,Manami,0,0,0,,{\i1}If anything troubles you, please don't hesitate to talk to me about it.
Dialogue: 10,0:02:35.52,0:02:36.79,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,No...
Dialogue: 10,0:02:38.65,0:02:40.30,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Miyabi-chwan~
Dialogue: 10,0:02:43.90,0:02:44.98,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Wha—What are—
Dialogue: 10,0:02:44.98,0:02:47.05,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Shh! Keep it down.
Dialogue: 10,0:02:47.37,0:02:50.31,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Wh-What are you doing straddling your sis—
Dialogue: 10,0:02:51.59,0:02:53.73,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Time for life counseling.{or whatever Kirino always says. Have we even come across one of these before?}{there was one in the first ep, lemme check}{I checked. It wasn't exact wording}{oh right.}
Dialogue: 10,0:02:59.70,0:03:01.99,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,All right, I get the picture.
Dialogue: 10,0:03:01.99,0:03:03.35,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,That damn cat...
Dialogue: 10,0:03:03.35,0:03:05.51,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,So she broke up with you without the slightest warning?
Dialogue: 10,0:03:05.51,0:03:08.44,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Get real. What's she thinking?
Dialogue: 10,0:03:10.72,0:03:13.08,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,So what are you gonna do about it?
Dialogue: 10,0:03:13.87,0:03:16.25,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,I don't know. I'm so lost.
Dialogue: 10,0:03:17.43,0:03:19.50,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,That's why I asked you for counseling.
Dialogue: 10,0:03:22.52,0:03:23.51,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Well, fine.
Dialogue: 10,0:03:23.89,0:03:29.01,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,First things first—Do you like the goth girl?
Dialogue: 10,0:03:30.14,0:03:31.02,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Yeah.
Dialogue: 10,0:03:31.47,0:03:35.02,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Even after the senseless way she dumped you?
Dialogue: 10,0:03:36.15,0:03:39.27,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Yeah. I love her. Still do.
Dialogue: 10,0:03:40.89,0:03:42.03,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I see.
Dialogue: 10,0:03:49.33,0:03:51.41,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,D-Don't cry!
Dialogue: 10,0:03:51.95,0:03:53.04,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Come on.
Dialogue: 10,0:03:56.88,0:03:57.67,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Thank you.
Dialogue: 10,0:04:00.94,0:04:03.04,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Turn around for me, will you?
Dialogue: 10,0:04:03.04,0:04:03.58,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Huh?
Dialogue: 10,0:04:03.58,0:04:04.82,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Just do it!
Dialogue: 10,0:04:10.33,0:04:11.30,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,What's the big idea?!
Dialogue: 10,0:04:11.30,0:04:12.81,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Don't turn around!
Dialogue: 10,0:04:13.20,0:04:16.22,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Seeing your back pissed me off for some reason.
Dialogue: 10,0:04:16.22,0:04:18.06,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,All right, eyes in front.
Dialogue: 10,0:04:27.41,0:04:28.61,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,What are you—
Dialogue: 10,0:04:29.29,0:04:31.12,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Cheer up, will you?
Dialogue: 10,0:04:32.13,0:04:35.03,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I'm on your side.
Dialogue: 10,0:04:35.03,0:04:39.94,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,You may be a hopeless mess, and everyone else might abandon you,
Dialogue: 10,0:04:39.94,0:04:42.71,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,but I'll stay by your side.
Dialogue: 10,0:04:42.71,0:04:46.63,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I'll worry over you and scold you until the end.
Dialogue: 10,0:04:47.76,0:04:49.13,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,So cheer up,
Dialogue: 10,0:04:49.79,0:04:51.07,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Aniki.
Dialogue: 10,0:04:53.49,0:04:55.64,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Thank you, Kirino.
Dialogue: 10,0:04:57.88,0:05:00.09,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Your body is so warm...
Dialogue: 10,0:05:00.77,0:05:01.90,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Sh-Shut up.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:02.66,0:05:04.80,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I-I'm just...
Dialogue: 10,0:05:04.80,0:05:09.17,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,doing what Mom used to do to cheer me up after I lost a race.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:09.17,0:05:11.71,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,D-Don't read too much into it.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:11.71,0:05:12.66,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,All right.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:14.15,0:05:18.16,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,So don't say anything creepy. You hear?
Dialogue: 10,0:05:18.16,0:05:19.67,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,I hear.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:22.82,0:05:24.13,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I was wondering...
Dialogue: 10,0:05:24.13,0:05:24.67,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Huh?
Dialogue: 10,0:05:25.51,0:05:32.04,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,You said that if I got a real boyfriend, you'd cry.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:32.04,0:05:32.93,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Yeah...
Dialogue: 10,0:05:33.53,0:05:39.36,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Then let's say I found someone I really loved, and I dated him,
Dialogue: 10,0:05:39.36,0:05:45.44,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,and then he dumped me and disappeared, and I was crying...
Dialogue: 10,0:05:46.06,0:05:47.69,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,what would you do?
Dialogue: 10,0:05:49.57,0:05:50.47,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Well, I'd—
Dialogue: 10,0:05:50.47,0:05:52.93,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,You know what, don't even tell me.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:52.93,0:05:54.98,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I already know what you're going to say.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:54.98,0:05:57.80,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,We're siblings, after all.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:57.80,0:06:00.21,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Let's see. It would go something like this:
Dialogue: 10,0:06:01.06,0:06:03.75,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,"Ah, geez. The things I do, seriously.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:03.75,0:06:05.75,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,You're hopeless, you are."
Dialogue: 10,0:06:13.02,0:06:15.62,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Kyousuke. Just leave it to me!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.14,0:06:23.65,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\pos(630.667,8.666)\blur0.9\c&HFBF9F5&}Goth            girl
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.48,Signs,Kiri1,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(780,90.33)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Which is why I didn't stop \Nyou.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.48,Signs,Kiri1,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\pos(0,0)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 586 100 b 587 90 594 83 606 83 l 779 84 b 790 84 795 93 797 97 l 797 126 b 795 133 789 139 782 138 l 604 137 b 596 137 587 133 586 121
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.48,Signs,Kuro1,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an4\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(528.89,191.11)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}I don't recall asking you to refrain.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.48,Signs,Kuro1,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\blur1\an7\pos(1.5,1.5)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 190 b 520 183 529 175 536 174 l 781 174 b 793 175 798 181 799 191 800 197 795 208 784 208 l 538 209 b 528 208 519 199 520 191
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.48,Signs,Kuro2,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an4\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(529,263)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Just admit it already.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.48,Signs,Kuro2,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\blur1\an7\pos(2,9)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 255 b 520 245 529 237 538 237 l 745 237 b 756 237 762 244 763 255 b 763 264 758 272 748 272 l 538 272 b 529 272 520 263 520 255
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.48,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscy100\pos(792,314)\an6\fs18\fscx95\blur0.7\c&H634874&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}What? You're making no sense.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.48,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\pos(0,0)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 302 582 295 591 296 l 775 296 b 789 294 794 301 795 303 l 799 313 b 801 327 789 334 779 334 l 601 334 b 584 335 571 332 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.48,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an7\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(540,365)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}This... was neither the \Noutcome I envisioned nor \Ndesired.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.48,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\blur1\an7\pos(2,0.5)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 383 b 520 373 529 365 538 365 l 720 365 b 731 365 737 372 738 383 l 738 403 b 738 411 733 419 723 419 l 538 419 b 529 419 520 410 520 403
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.48,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscy100\an9\fs17\fscx92\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(781,434)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Delusional brat. Fine, \NI'm so done with this \Nchat.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.48,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\pos(0,0.5)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 641 451 b 641 438 654 433 664 433 l 770 433 b 783 433 792 438 792 451 l 792 468 b 792 480 782 485 772 485 l 664 485 b 654 485 641 480 641 468
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.23,Signs,Kiri4,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(780,510)\iclip(m 694 572 b 701 562 715 550 721 545 733 533 743 523 755 506 776 494 805 491 818 496 l 810 609 704 613)}Oh, that's right. If you ever need \Nfashion advice, I'd be happy to \Nhelp. Just ask away.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.14,0:06:19.23,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\pos(2,-1)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 694 572 b 701 562 715 550 721 545 733 533 743 523 755 506 776 494 805 491 818 496 l 810 609 704 613)}m 527 519 b 527 506 540 501 550 501 l 776 501 b 789 501 798 506 798 519 l 798 560 b 798 572 788 577 778 577 l 550 577 b 540 577 527 572 527 560
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.23,0:06:19.31,Signs,Kiri4,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(780,510)\iclip(m 649 579 b 657 569 669 561 689 549 713 532 717 512 751 509 780 506 783 504 816 545 l 810 609 704 613)}Oh, that's right. If you ever need \Nfashion advice, I'd be happy to \Nhelp. Just ask away.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.23,0:06:19.31,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\pos(2,-1)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 649 579 b 657 569 669 561 689 549 713 532 717 512 751 509 780 506 783 504 816 545 l 810 609 704 613)}m 527 519 b 527 506 540 501 550 501 l 776 501 b 789 501 798 506 798 519 l 798 560 b 798 572 788 577 778 577 l 550 577 b 540 577 527 572 527 560
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.31,0:06:19.39,Signs,Kiri4,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(779.99,510)\iclip(m 629 579 b 641 569 653 561 666 555 692 539 709 511 743 515 770 514 768 514 805 565 l 810 609 704 613)}Oh, that's right. If you ever need \Nfashion advice, I'd be happy to \Nhelp. Just ask away.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.31,0:06:19.39,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\pos(2.02,-0.98)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 629 579 b 641 569 653 561 666 555 692 539 709 511 743 515 770 514 768 514 805 565 l 810 609 704 613)}m 527 519 b 527 506 540 501 550 501 l 776 501 b 789 501 798 506 798 519 l 798 560 b 798 572 788 577 778 577 l 550 577 b 540 577 527 572 527 560
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.39,0:06:19.48,Signs,Kiri4,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(780,509.99)\iclip(m 613 579 b 626 569 640 566 659 553 682 539 694 518 724 523 747 520 756 533 791 579 l 810 609 704 613)}Oh, that's right. If you ever need \Nfashion advice, I'd be happy to \Nhelp. Just ask away.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.39,0:06:19.48,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\pos(1.99,-1.01)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 613 579 b 626 569 640 566 659 553 682 539 694 518 724 523 747 520 756 533 791 579 l 810 609 704 613)}m 527 519 b 527 506 540 501 550 501 l 776 501 b 789 501 798 506 798 519 l 798 560 b 798 572 788 577 778 577 l 550 577 b 540 577 527 572 527 560
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.48,0:06:19.52,Signs,Kiri1,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.09\fscy100.09\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(780.05,77.99)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Which is why I didn't stop \Nyou.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.48,0:06:19.52,Signs,Kiri1,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.09\fscy100.09\pos(-0.62,-12.42)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 586 100 b 587 90 594 83 606 83 l 779 84 b 790 84 795 93 797 97 l 797 126 b 795 133 789 139 782 138 l 604 137 b 596 137 587 133 586 121
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.48,0:06:19.52,Signs,Kuro1,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.09\fscy100.09\an4\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(528.73,178.85)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}I don't recall asking you to refrain.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.48,0:06:19.52,Signs,Kuro1,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.09\fscy100.09\blur1\an7\pos(0.88,-10.92)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 190 b 520 183 529 175 536 174 l 781 174 b 793 175 798 181 799 191 800 197 795 208 784 208 l 538 209 b 528 208 519 199 520 191
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.48,0:06:19.52,Signs,Kuro2,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.09\fscy100.09\an4\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(528.84,250.8)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Just admit it already.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.48,0:06:19.52,Signs,Kuro2,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.09\fscy100.09\blur1\an7\pos(1.38,-3.41)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 255 b 520 245 529 237 538 237 l 745 237 b 756 237 762 244 763 255 b 763 264 758 272 748 272 l 538 272 b 529 272 520 263 520 255
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.48,0:06:19.52,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscy100.09\pos(792.06,301.85)\an6\fs18\fscx95.08\blur0.7\c&H634874&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}What? You're making no sense.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.48,0:06:19.52,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.09\fscy100.09\pos(-0.62,-12.42)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 302 582 295 591 296 l 775 296 b 789 294 794 301 795 303 l 799 313 b 801 327 789 334 779 334 l 601 334 b 584 335 571 332 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.48,0:06:19.52,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.09\fscy100.09\an7\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(539.85,352.89)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}This... was neither the \Noutcome I envisioned nor \Ndesired.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.48,0:06:19.52,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.09\fscy100.09\blur1\an7\pos(1.38,-11.92)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 383 b 520 373 529 365 538 365 l 720 365 b 731 365 737 372 738 383 l 738 403 b 738 411 733 419 723 419 l 538 419 b 529 419 520 410 520 403
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.48,0:06:19.52,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscy100.09\an9\fs17\fscx92.08\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(781.05,421.95)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Delusional brat. Fine, \NI'm so done with this \Nchat.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.48,0:06:19.52,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.09\fscy100.09\pos(-0.62,-11.92)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 641 451 b 641 438 654 433 664 433 l 770 433 b 783 433 792 438 792 451 l 792 468 b 792 480 782 485 772 485 l 664 485 b 654 485 641 480 641 468
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.48,0:06:19.52,Signs,Kiri4,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.09\fscy100.09\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(780.05,498.02)\iclip(m 623 574 b 586 545 575 479 663 513 708 514 728 512 754 524 770 540 784 561 794 579 l 810 609 704 613)}Oh, that's right. If you ever need \Nfashion advice, I'd be happy to \Nhelp. Just ask away.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.48,0:06:19.52,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.09\fscy100.09\pos(1.38,-13.42)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 623 574 b 586 545 575 479 663 513 708 514 728 512 754 524 770 540 784 561 794 579 l 810 609 704 613)}m 527 519 b 527 506 540 501 550 501 l 776 501 b 789 501 798 506 798 519 l 798 560 b 798 572 788 577 778 577 l 550 577 b 540 577 527 572 527 560
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.52,0:06:19.56,Signs,Kiri1,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.26\fscy100.26\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(780.48,51.27)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Which is why I didn't stop \Nyou.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.52,0:06:19.56,Signs,Kiri1,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.26\fscy100.26\pos(-1.51,-39.29)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 586 100 b 587 90 594 83 606 83 l 779 84 b 790 84 795 93 797 97 l 797 126 b 795 133 789 139 782 138 l 604 137 b 596 137 587 133 586 121
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.52,0:06:19.56,Signs,Kuro1,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.26\fscy100.26\an4\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(528.73,152.31)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}I don't recall asking you to refrain.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.52,0:06:19.56,Signs,Kuro1,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.26\fscy100.26\blur1\an7\pos(0,-37.78)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 190 b 520 183 529 175 536 174 l 781 174 b 793 175 798 181 799 191 800 197 795 208 784 208 l 538 209 b 528 208 519 199 520 191
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.52,0:06:19.56,Signs,Kuro2,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.26\fscy100.26\an4\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(528.84,224.38)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Just admit it already.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.52,0:06:19.56,Signs,Kuro2,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.26\fscy100.26\blur1\an7\pos(0.5,-30.27)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 255 b 520 245 529 237 538 237 l 745 237 b 756 237 762 244 763 255 b 763 264 758 272 748 272 l 538 272 b 529 272 520 263 520 255
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.52,0:06:19.56,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscy100.26\pos(792.51,275.51)\an6\fs18\fscx95.24\blur0.7\c&H634874&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}What? You're making no sense.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.52,0:06:19.56,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.26\fscy100.26\pos(-1.51,-39.29)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 302 582 295 591 296 l 775 296 b 789 294 794 301 795 303 l 799 313 b 801 327 789 334 779 334 l 601 334 b 584 335 571 332 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.52,0:06:19.56,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.26\fscy100.26\an7\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(539.87,326.64)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}This... was neither the \Noutcome I envisioned nor \Ndesired.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.52,0:06:19.56,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.26\fscy100.26\blur1\an7\pos(0.5,-38.79)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 383 b 520 373 529 365 538 365 l 720 365 b 731 365 737 372 738 383 l 738 403 b 738 411 733 419 723 419 l 538 419 b 529 419 520 410 520 403
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.52,0:06:19.56,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscy100.26\an9\fs17\fscx92.23\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(781.49,395.82)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Delusional brat. Fine, \NI'm so done with this \Nchat.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.52,0:06:19.56,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.26\fscy100.26\pos(-1.51,-38.79)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 656 554 b 603 485 638 435 657 438 670 441 693 467 702 482 721 499 750 528 769 543)}m 641 451 b 641 438 654 433 664 433 l 770 433 b 783 433 792 438 792 451 l 792 468 b 792 480 782 485 772 485 l 664 485 b 654 485 641 480 641 468
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.52,0:06:19.56,Signs,Kiri4,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.26\fscy100.26\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(780.48,472.01)\iclip(m 656 554 b 603 485 638 435 657 438 670 441 693 467 702 482 721 499 750 528 769 543)}Oh, that's right. If you ever need \Nfashion advice, I'd be happy to \Nhelp. Just ask away.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.52,0:06:19.56,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.26\fscy100.26\pos(0.5,-40.29)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 656 554 b 603 485 638 435 657 438 670 441 693 467 702 482 721 499 750 528 769 543)}m 527 519 b 527 506 540 501 550 501 l 776 501 b 789 501 798 506 798 519 l 798 560 b 798 572 788 577 778 577 l 550 577 b 540 577 527 572 527 560
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.56,0:06:19.60,Signs,Kiri1,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.41\fscy100.41\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(780.93,17.36)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Which is why I didn't stop \Nyou.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.56,0:06:19.60,Signs,Kiri1,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.41\fscy100.41\pos(-2.24,-73.34)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 586 100 b 587 90 594 83 606 83 l 779 84 b 790 84 795 93 797 97 l 797 126 b 795 133 789 139 782 138 l 604 137 b 596 137 587 133 586 121
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.56,0:06:19.60,Signs,Kuro1,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.41\fscy100.41\an4\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(528.8,118.55)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}I don't recall asking you to refrain.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.56,0:06:19.60,Signs,Kuro1,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.41\fscy100.41\blur1\an7\pos(-0.73,-71.83)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 190 b 520 183 529 175 536 174 l 781 174 b 793 175 798 181 799 191 800 197 795 208 784 208 l 538 209 b 528 208 519 199 520 191
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.56,0:06:19.60,Signs,Kuro2,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.41\fscy100.41\an4\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(528.91,190.73)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Just admit it already.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.56,0:06:19.60,Signs,Kuro2,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.41\fscy100.41\blur1\an7\pos(-0.23,-64.3)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 255 b 520 245 529 237 538 237 l 745 237 b 756 237 762 244 763 255 b 763 264 758 272 748 272 l 538 272 b 529 272 520 263 520 255
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.56,0:06:19.60,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscy100.41\pos(792.98,241.93)\an6\fs18\fscx95.39\blur0.7\c&H634874&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}What? You're making no sense.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.56,0:06:19.60,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.41\fscy100.41\pos(-2.24,-73.34)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 302 582 295 591 296 l 775 296 b 789 294 794 301 795 303 l 799 313 b 801 327 789 334 779 334 l 601 334 b 584 335 571 332 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.56,0:06:19.60,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.41\fscy100.41\an7\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(539.96,293.14)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}This... was neither the \Noutcome I envisioned nor \Ndesired.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.56,0:06:19.60,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.41\fscy100.41\blur1\an7\pos(-0.23,-72.84)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 383 b 520 373 529 365 538 365 l 720 365 b 731 365 737 372 738 383 l 738 403 b 738 411 733 419 723 419 l 538 419 b 529 419 520 410 520 403
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.56,0:06:19.60,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscy100.41\an9\fs17\fscx92.37\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(781.93,362.42)\iclip(m 682 519 b 657 471 648 414 672 396 694 363 720 391 730 428 747 460 767 497 784 521)}Delusional brat. Fine, \NI'm so done with this \Nchat.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.56,0:06:19.60,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.41\fscy100.41\pos(-2.24,-72.84)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 682 519 b 657 471 648 414 672 396 694 363 720 391 730 428 747 460 767 497 784 521)}m 641 451 b 641 438 654 433 664 433 l 770 433 b 783 433 792 438 792 451 l 792 468 b 792 480 782 485 772 485 l 664 485 b 654 485 641 480 641 468
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.56,0:06:19.60,Signs,Kiri4,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.41\fscy100.41\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(780.93,438.73)\iclip(m 682 519 b 657 471 648 414 672 396 694 363 720 391 730 428 747 460 767 497 784 521)}Oh, that's right. If you ever need \Nfashion advice, I'd be happy to \Nhelp. Just ask away.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.56,0:06:19.60,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.41\fscy100.41\pos(-0.23,-74.34)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 682 519 b 657 471 648 414 672 396 694 363 720 391 730 428 747 460 767 497 784 521)}m 527 519 b 527 506 540 501 550 501 l 776 501 b 789 501 798 506 798 519 l 798 560 b 798 572 788 577 778 577 l 550 577 b 540 577 527 572 527 560
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.60,0:06:19.64,Signs,Kuro1,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.79\fscy100.79\an4\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(528.38,80.2)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}I don't recall asking you to refrain.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.60,0:06:19.64,Signs,Kuro1,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.79\fscy100.79\blur1\an7\pos(-3.15,-110.9)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 190 b 520 183 529 175 536 174 l 781 174 b 793 175 798 181 799 191 800 197 795 208 784 208 l 538 209 b 528 208 519 199 520 191
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.60,0:06:19.64,Signs,Kuro2,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.79\fscy100.79\an4\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(528.49,152.66)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Just admit it already.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.60,0:06:19.64,Signs,Kuro2,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.79\fscy100.79\blur1\an7\pos(-2.65,-103.34)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 255 b 520 245 529 237 538 237 l 745 237 b 756 237 762 244 763 255 b 763 264 758 272 748 272 l 538 272 b 529 272 520 263 520 255
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.60,0:06:19.64,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscy100.79\pos(793.55,204.06)\an6\fs18\fscx95.75\blur0.7\c&H634874&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}What? You're making no sense.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.60,0:06:19.64,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.79\fscy100.79\pos(-4.67,-112.41)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 302 582 295 591 296 l 775 296 b 789 294 794 301 795 303 l 799 313 b 801 327 789 334 779 334 l 601 334 b 584 335 571 332 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.60,0:06:19.64,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.79\fscy100.79\an7\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(539.57,255.46)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}This... was neither the \Noutcome I envisioned nor \Ndesired.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.60,0:06:19.64,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.79\fscy100.79\blur1\an7\pos(-2.65,-111.9)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 383 b 520 373 529 365 538 365 l 720 365 b 731 365 737 372 738 383 l 738 403 b 738 411 733 419 723 419 l 538 419 b 529 419 520 410 520 403
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.60,0:06:19.64,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscy100.79\an9\fs17\fscx92.72\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(782.47,325)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Delusional brat. Fine, \NI'm so done with this \Nchat.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.60,0:06:19.64,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.79\fscy100.79\pos(-4.67,-111.9)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 641 451 b 641 438 654 433 664 433 l 770 433 b 783 433 792 438 792 451 l 792 468 b 792 480 782 485 772 485 l 664 485 b 654 485 641 480 641 468
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.60,0:06:19.64,Signs,Kiri4,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.79\fscy100.79\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(781.46,401.6)\iclip(m 682 519 b 657 471 648 414 672 396 694 363 720 391 730 428 747 460 767 497 784 521)}Oh, that's right. If you ever need \Nfashion advice, I'd be happy to \Nhelp. Just ask away.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.60,0:06:19.64,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.79\fscy100.79\pos(-2.65,-113.42)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 682 519 b 657 471 648 414 672 396 694 363 720 391 730 428 747 460 767 497 784 521)}m 527 519 b 527 506 540 501 550 501 l 776 501 b 789 501 798 506 798 519 l 798 560 b 798 572 788 577 778 577 l 550 577 b 540 577 527 572 527 560
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.64,0:06:19.68,Signs,Kuro1,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.06\fscy101.06\an4\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(528.18,40.08)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}I don't recall asking you to refrain.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.64,0:06:19.68,Signs,Kuro1,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.06\fscy101.06\blur1\an7\pos(-4.8,-151.54)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 190 b 520 183 529 175 536 174 l 781 174 b 793 175 798 181 799 191 800 197 795 208 784 208 l 538 209 b 528 208 519 199 520 191
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.64,0:06:19.68,Signs,Kuro2,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.06\fscy101.06\an4\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(528.29,112.73)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Just admit it already.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.64,0:06:19.68,Signs,Kuro2,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.06\fscy101.06\blur1\an7\pos(-4.3,-143.96)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 255 b 520 245 529 237 538 237 l 745 237 b 756 237 762 244 763 255 b 763 264 758 272 748 272 l 538 272 b 529 272 520 263 520 255
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.64,0:06:19.68,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscy101.06\pos(794.08,164.27)\an6\fs18\fscx96.01\blur0.7\c&H634874&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}What? You're making no sense.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.64,0:06:19.68,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.06\fscy101.06\pos(-6.32,-153.06)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 302 582 295 591 296 l 775 296 b 789 294 794 301 795 303 l 799 313 b 801 327 789 334 779 334 l 601 334 b 584 335 571 332 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.64,0:06:19.68,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.06\fscy101.06\an7\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(539.41,215.81)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}This... was neither the \Noutcome I envisioned nor \Ndesired.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.64,0:06:19.68,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.06\fscy101.06\blur1\an7\pos(-4.3,-152.55)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 383 b 520 373 529 365 538 365 l 720 365 b 731 365 737 372 738 383 l 738 403 b 738 411 733 419 723 419 l 538 419 b 529 419 520 410 520 403
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.64,0:06:19.68,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscy101.06\an9\fs17\fscx92.98\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(782.96,285.54)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Delusional brat. Fine, \NI'm so done with this \Nchat.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.64,0:06:19.68,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.06\fscy101.06\pos(-6.32,-152.55)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 641 451 b 641 438 654 433 664 433 l 770 433 b 783 433 792 438 792 451 l 792 468 b 792 480 782 485 772 485 l 664 485 b 654 485 641 480 641 468
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.64,0:06:19.68,Signs,Kiri4,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.06\fscy101.06\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(781.95,362.35)\iclip(m 709 484 b 694 425 703 355 742 344 771 339 777 351 786 435 790 466 801 481 802 505)}Oh, that's right. If you ever need \Nfashion advice, I'd be happy to \Nhelp. Just ask away.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.64,0:06:19.68,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.06\fscy101.06\pos(-4.3,-154.07)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 709 484 b 694 425 703 355 742 344 771 339 777 351 786 435 790 466 801 481 802 505)}m 527 519 b 527 506 540 501 550 501 l 776 501 b 789 501 798 506 798 519 l 798 560 b 798 572 788 577 778 577 l 550 577 b 540 577 527 572 527 560
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.68,0:06:19.73,Signs,Kuro2,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.32\fscy101.32\an4\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(528.22,71.7)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Just admit it already.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.68,0:06:19.73,Signs,Kuro2,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.32\fscy101.32\blur1\an7\pos(-5.72,-185.65)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 255 b 520 245 529 237 538 237 l 745 237 b 756 237 762 244 763 255 b 763 264 758 272 748 272 l 538 272 b 529 272 520 263 520 255
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.68,0:06:19.73,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscy101.32\pos(794.69,123.37)\an6\fs18\fscx96.25\blur0.7\c&H634874&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}What? You're making no sense.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.68,0:06:19.73,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.32\fscy101.32\pos(-7.75,-194.76)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 302 582 295 591 296 l 775 296 b 789 294 794 301 795 303 l 799 313 b 801 327 789 334 779 334 l 601 334 b 584 335 571 332 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.68,0:06:19.73,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.32\fscy101.32\an7\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(539.37,175.05)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}This... was neither the \Noutcome I envisioned nor \Ndesired.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.68,0:06:19.73,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.32\fscy101.32\blur1\an7\pos(-5.72,-194.26)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 383 b 520 373 529 365 538 365 l 720 365 b 731 365 737 372 738 383 l 738 403 b 738 411 733 419 723 419 l 538 419 b 529 419 520 410 520 403
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.68,0:06:19.73,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscy101.32\an9\fs17\fscx93.21\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(783.54,244.96)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Delusional brat. Fine, \NI'm so done with this \Nchat.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.68,0:06:19.73,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.32\fscy101.32\pos(-7.75,-194.26)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 641 451 b 641 438 654 433 664 433 l 770 433 b 783 433 792 438 792 451 l 792 468 b 792 480 782 485 772 485 l 664 485 b 654 485 641 480 641 468
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.68,0:06:19.73,Signs,Kiri4,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.32\fscy101.32\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(782.53,321.96)\iclip(m 709 484 b 694 425 703 355 742 344 771 339 777 351 786 435 790 466 801 481 802 505)}Oh, that's right. If you ever need \Nfashion advice, I'd be happy to \Nhelp. Just ask away.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.68,0:06:19.73,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.32\fscy101.32\pos(-5.72,-195.78)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 709 484 b 694 425 703 355 742 344 771 339 777 351 786 435 790 466 801 481 802 505)}m 527 519 b 527 506 540 501 550 501 l 776 501 b 789 501 798 506 798 519 l 798 560 b 798 572 788 577 778 577 l 550 577 b 540 577 527 572 527 560
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.73,0:06:19.77,Signs,Kuro2,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.68\fscy101.68\blur1\an7\pos(-7.95,-228.06)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 255 b 520 245 529 237 538 237 l 745 237 b 756 237 762 244 763 255 b 763 264 758 272 748 272 l 538 272 b 529 272 520 263 520 255
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.73,0:06:19.77,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscy101.68\pos(795.35,82.08)\an6\fs18\fscx96.6\blur0.7\c&H634874&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}What? You're making no sense.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.73,0:06:19.77,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.68\fscy101.68\pos(-9.99,-237.21)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 302 582 295 591 296 l 775 296 b 789 294 794 301 795 303 l 799 313 b 801 327 789 334 779 334 l 601 334 b 584 335 571 332 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.73,0:06:19.77,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.68\fscy101.68\an7\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(539.11,133.94)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}This... was neither the \Noutcome I envisioned nor \Ndesired.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.73,0:06:19.77,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.68\fscy101.68\blur1\an7\pos(-7.95,-236.7)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 383 b 520 373 529 365 538 365 l 720 365 b 731 365 737 372 738 383 l 738 403 b 738 411 733 419 723 419 l 538 419 b 529 419 520 410 520 403
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.73,0:06:19.77,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscy101.68\an9\fs17\fscx93.55\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(784.16,204.1)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Delusional brat. Fine, \NI'm so done with this \Nchat.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.73,0:06:19.77,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.68\fscy101.68\pos(-9.99,-236.7)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 641 451 b 641 438 654 433 664 433 l 770 433 b 783 433 792 438 792 451 l 792 468 b 792 480 782 485 772 485 l 664 485 b 654 485 641 480 641 468
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.73,0:06:19.77,Signs,Kiri4,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.68\fscy101.68\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(783.15,281.38)}Oh, that's right. If you ever need \Nfashion advice, I'd be happy to \Nhelp. Just ask away.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.73,0:06:19.77,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.68\fscy101.68\pos(-7.95,-238.23)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&}m 527 519 b 527 506 540 501 550 501 l 776 501 b 789 501 798 506 798 519 l 798 560 b 798 572 788 577 778 577 l 550 577 b 540 577 527 572 527 560
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.77,0:06:19.81,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscy101.88\pos(795.83,41.27)\an6\fs18\fscx96.78\blur0.7\c&H634874&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}What? You're making no sense.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.77,0:06:19.81,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.88\fscy101.88\pos(-11.03,-278.63)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 302 582 295 591 296 l 775 296 b 789 294 794 301 795 303 l 799 313 b 801 327 789 334 779 334 l 601 334 b 584 335 571 332 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.77,0:06:19.81,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.88\fscy101.88\an7\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(539.1,93.23)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}This... was neither the \Noutcome I envisioned nor \Ndesired.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.77,0:06:19.81,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.88\fscy101.88\blur1\an7\pos(-8.99,-278.12)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 383 b 520 373 529 365 538 365 l 720 365 b 731 365 737 372 738 383 l 738 403 b 738 411 733 419 723 419 l 538 419 b 529 419 520 410 520 403
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.77,0:06:19.81,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscy101.88\an9\fs17\fscx93.73\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(784.63,163.52)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Delusional brat. Fine, \NI'm so done with this \Nchat.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.77,0:06:19.81,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.88\fscy101.88\pos(-11.03,-278.12)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 641 451 b 641 438 654 433 664 433 l 770 433 b 783 433 792 438 792 451 l 792 468 b 792 480 782 485 772 485 l 664 485 b 654 485 641 480 641 468
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.77,0:06:19.81,Signs,Kiri4,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.88\fscy101.88\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(783.61,240.95)}Oh, that's right. If you ever need \Nfashion advice, I'd be happy to \Nhelp. Just ask away.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.77,0:06:19.81,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx101.88\fscy101.88\pos(-8.99,-279.64)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&}m 527 519 b 527 506 540 501 550 501 l 776 501 b 789 501 798 506 798 519 l 798 560 b 798 572 788 577 778 577 l 550 577 b 540 577 527 572 527 560
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.77,0:06:19.81,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.44\fscy97.44\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(782.6,593.89)\iclip(m 605 601 l 737 601 b 738 596 739 592 740 586 734 566 730 553 726 539 l 825 539 824 664 599 662)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.77,0:06:19.81,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.44\fscy97.44\pos(14.77,544.72)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 605 601 l 737 601 b 738 596 739 592 740 586 734 566 730 553 726 539 l 825 539 824 664 599 662)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.81,0:06:19.85,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx102.14\fscy102.14\an7\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(539.04,53.25)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}This... was neither the \Noutcome I envisioned nor \Ndesired.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.81,0:06:19.85,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx102.14\fscy102.14\blur1\an7\pos(-10.46,-319.04)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 383 b 520 373 529 365 538 365 l 720 365 b 731 365 737 372 738 383 l 738 403 b 738 411 733 419 723 419 l 538 419 b 529 419 520 410 520 403
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.81,0:06:19.85,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscy102.14\an9\fs17\fscx93.97\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(785.18,123.72)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Delusional brat. Fine, \NI'm so done with this \Nchat.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.81,0:06:19.85,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx102.14\fscy102.14\pos(-12.5,-319.04)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 641 451 b 641 438 654 433 664 433 l 770 433 b 783 433 792 438 792 451 l 792 468 b 792 480 782 485 772 485 l 664 485 b 654 485 641 480 641 468
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.81,0:06:19.85,Signs,Kiri4,0,0,0,,{\fscx102.14\fscy102.14\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(784.16,201.34)}Oh, that's right. If you ever need \Nfashion advice, I'd be happy to \Nhelp. Just ask away.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.81,0:06:19.85,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx102.14\fscy102.14\pos(-10.46,-320.57)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&}m 527 519 b 527 506 540 501 550 501 l 776 501 b 789 501 798 506 798 519 l 798 560 b 798 572 788 577 778 577 l 550 577 b 540 577 527 572 527 560
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.81,0:06:19.85,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.44\fscy97.44\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(782.6,555.89)\iclip(m 605 601 l 737 601 b 738 596 739 592 740 586 734 566 730 553 726 539 l 825 539 824 664 599 662)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.81,0:06:19.85,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.44\fscy97.44\pos(14.77,506.72)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 605 601 l 737 601 b 738 596 739 592 740 586 734 566 730 553 726 539 l 825 539 824 664 599 662)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.85,0:06:19.89,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx102.49\fscy102.49\an7\fs18\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(538.79,14.5)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}This... was neither the \Noutcome I envisioned nor \Ndesired.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.85,0:06:19.89,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx102.49\fscy102.49\blur1\an7\pos(-12.6,-359.07)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 520 383 b 520 373 529 365 538 365 l 720 365 b 731 365 737 372 738 383 l 738 403 b 738 411 733 419 723 419 l 538 419 b 529 419 520 410 520 403
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.85,0:06:19.89,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscy102.49\an9\fs17\fscx94.29\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(785.79,85.22)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Delusional brat. Fine, \NI'm so done with this \Nchat.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.85,0:06:19.89,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx102.49\fscy102.49\pos(-14.65,-359.07)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 641 451 b 641 438 654 433 664 433 l 770 433 b 783 433 792 438 792 451 l 792 468 b 792 480 782 485 772 485 l 664 485 b 654 485 641 480 641 468
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.85,0:06:19.89,Signs,Kiri4,0,0,0,,{\fscx102.49\fscy102.49\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(784.76,163.11)}Oh, that's right. If you ever need \Nfashion advice, I'd be happy to \Nhelp. Just ask away.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.85,0:06:19.89,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx102.49\fscy102.49\pos(-12.6,-360.61)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&}m 527 519 b 527 506 540 501 550 501 l 776 501 b 789 501 798 506 798 519 l 798 560 b 798 572 788 577 778 577 l 550 577 b 540 577 527 572 527 560
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.85,0:06:19.89,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.44\fscy97.44\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(782.6,519.89)\iclip(m 730 537 b 681 503 660 456 681 434 697 424 710 418 737 445 753 453 766 466 805 489 l 808 595 765 595 b 757 582 740 554 730 538)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.85,0:06:19.89,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.44\fscy97.44\pos(14.77,469.72)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 731 540 b 680 507 660 456 681 434 697 424 710 418 737 445 753 453 766 466 805 489 l 808 595 765 595 b 752 584 739 557 731 540)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.89,0:06:19.93,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscy102.75\an9\fs17\fscx94.53\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(786.23,48.15)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Delusional brat. Fine, \NI'm so done with this \Nchat.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.89,0:06:19.93,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx102.75\fscy102.75\pos(-16.24,-397.27)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 641 451 b 641 438 654 433 664 433 l 770 433 b 783 433 792 438 792 451 l 792 468 b 792 480 782 485 772 485 l 664 485 b 654 485 641 480 641 468
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.89,0:06:19.93,Signs,Kiri4,0,0,0,,{\fscx102.75\fscy102.75\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(785.21,126.24)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Oh, that's right. If you ever need \Nfashion advice, I'd be happy to \Nhelp. Just ask away.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.89,0:06:19.93,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx102.75\fscy102.75\pos(-14.18,-398.81)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 527 519 b 527 506 540 501 550 501 l 776 501 b 789 501 798 506 798 519 l 798 560 b 798 572 788 577 778 577 l 550 577 b 540 577 527 572 527 560
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.89,0:06:19.93,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.44\fscy97.44\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(782.6,485.89)\iclip(m 730 537 b 681 503 660 456 681 434 697 424 710 418 737 445 753 453 766 466 805 489 l 808 595 765 595 b 757 582 740 554 730 538)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.89,0:06:19.93,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.44\fscy97.44\pos(14.77,435.22)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 730 538 b 681 504 660 457 681 435 697 425 710 419 737 446 753 454 766 467 805 490 l 808 596 765 596 b 757 583 740 555 730 539)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.93,0:06:19.98,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscy102.81\an9\fs17\fscx94.59\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(786.3,13.37)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Delusional brat. Fine, \NI'm so done with this \Nchat.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.93,0:06:19.98,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx102.81\fscy102.81\pos(-16.67,-432.33)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 641 451 b 641 438 654 433 664 433 l 770 433 b 783 433 792 438 792 451 l 792 468 b 792 480 782 485 772 485 l 664 485 b 654 485 641 480 641 468
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.93,0:06:19.98,Signs,Kiri4,0,0,0,,{\fscx102.81\fscy102.81\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(785.28,91.51)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Oh, that's right. If you ever need \Nfashion advice, I'd be happy to \Nhelp. Just ask away.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.93,0:06:19.98,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx102.81\fscy102.81\pos(-14.61,-433.87)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 527 519 b 527 506 540 501 550 501 l 776 501 b 789 501 798 506 798 519 l 798 560 b 798 572 788 577 778 577 l 550 577 b 540 577 527 572 527 560
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.93,0:06:19.98,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.44\fscy97.44\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(782.6,451.89)\iclip(m 730 537 b 681 503 660 456 681 434 697 424 710 418 737 445 753 453 766 466 805 489 l 808 595 765 595 b 757 582 740 554 730 538)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.93,0:06:19.98,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.44\fscy97.44\pos(14.77,401.22)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 730 537 b 681 503 660 456 681 434 697 424 710 418 737 445 753 453 766 466 805 489 l 808 595 765 595 b 757 582 740 554 730 538)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.98,0:06:20.02,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscy102.95\an9\fs17\fscx94.71\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(786.57,-19.72)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Delusional brat. Fine, \NI'm so done with this \Nchat.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.98,0:06:20.02,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx102.95\fscy102.95\pos(-17.46,-466.01)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 641 451 b 641 438 654 433 664 433 l 770 433 b 783 433 792 438 792 451 l 792 468 b 792 480 782 485 772 485 l 664 485 b 654 485 641 480 641 468
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.98,0:06:20.02,Signs,Kiri4,0,0,0,,{\fscx102.95\fscy102.95\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(785.55,58.53)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Oh, that's right. If you ever need \Nfashion advice, I'd be happy to \Nhelp. Just ask away.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.98,0:06:20.02,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx102.95\fscy102.95\pos(-15.4,-467.55)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 527 519 b 527 506 540 501 550 501 l 776 501 b 789 501 798 506 798 519 l 798 560 b 798 572 788 577 778 577 l 550 577 b 540 577 527 572 527 560
Dialogue: 1,0:06:19.98,0:06:20.02,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.71\fscy97.71\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(783.03,420.07)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.98,0:06:20.02,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.71\fscy97.71\pos(13.04,369.26)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.02,0:06:20.06,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscy103.11\an9\fs17\fscx94.86\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(786.94,-50.78)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Delusional brat. Fine, \NI'm so done with this \Nchat.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.02,0:06:20.06,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx103.11\fscy103.11\pos(-18.37,-497.77)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 641 451 b 641 438 654 433 664 433 l 770 433 b 783 433 792 438 792 451 l 792 468 b 792 480 782 485 772 485 l 664 485 b 654 485 641 480 641 468
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.02,0:06:20.06,Signs,Kiri4,0,0,0,,{\fscx103.11\fscy103.11\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(785.91,27.59)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Oh, that's right. If you ever need \Nfashion advice, I'd be happy to \Nhelp. Just ask away.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.02,0:06:20.06,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx103.11\fscy103.11\pos(-16.31,-499.32)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 527 519 b 527 506 540 501 550 501 l 776 501 b 789 501 798 506 798 519 l 798 560 b 798 572 788 577 778 577 l 550 577 b 540 577 527 572 527 560
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.02,0:06:20.06,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.98\fscy97.98\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(783.46,390.12)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.02,0:06:20.06,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.98\fscy97.98\pos(11.35,339.17)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.06,0:06:20.10,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscy103.32\an9\fs17\fscx95.06\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(787.39,-79.81)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Delusional brat. Fine, \NI'm so done with this \Nchat.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.06,0:06:20.10,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx103.32\fscy103.32\pos(-19.55,-527.71)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 641 451 b 641 438 654 433 664 433 l 770 433 b 783 433 792 438 792 451 l 792 468 b 792 480 782 485 772 485 l 664 485 b 654 485 641 480 641 468
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.06,0:06:20.10,Signs,Kiri4,0,0,0,,{\fscx103.32\fscy103.32\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(786.37,-1.28)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Oh, that's right. If you ever need \Nfashion advice, I'd be happy to \Nhelp. Just ask away.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.06,0:06:20.10,Signs,Kiri3,0,0,0,,{\fscx103.32\fscy103.32\pos(-17.48,-529.26)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 527 519 b 527 506 540 501 550 501 l 776 501 b 789 501 798 506 798 519 l 798 560 b 798 572 788 577 778 577 l 550 577 b 540 577 527 572 527 560
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.06,0:06:20.10,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.14\fscy98.14\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(783.83,362.32)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.06,0:06:20.10,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.14\fscy98.14\pos(10.51,311.28)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.06,0:06:20.10,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx96.95\fscy96.95\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.85,597.15)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.06,0:06:20.10,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx96.95\fscy96.95\blur1\an7\pos(20.12,474.99)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.10,0:06:20.14,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.29\fscy98.29\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(784.19,336.79)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.10,0:06:20.14,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.29\fscy98.29\pos(9.68,285.68)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.10,0:06:20.14,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx96.95\fscy96.95\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.85,571.15)\iclip(m 649 579 b 657 569 669 561 689 549 713 532 717 512 751 509 780 506 783 504 816 545 l 810 609 704 613)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.10,0:06:20.14,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx96.95\fscy96.95\blur1\an7\pos(20.12,448.99)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\iclip(m 649 579 b 657 569 669 561 689 549 713 532 717 512 751 509 780 506 783 504 816 545 l 816 635 510 631 497 603 654 602 b 652 600 645 589 648 580)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.14,0:06:20.18,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.43\fscy98.43\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(784.5,313.74)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.14,0:06:20.18,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.43\fscy98.43\pos(8.84,262.56)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.14,0:06:20.18,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.2\fscy97.2\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.75,548.65)\iclip(m 649 579 b 657 569 669 561 689 549 713 532 717 512 751 509 780 506 783 504 816 545 l 810 609 704 613)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.14,0:06:20.18,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.2\fscy97.2\blur1\an7\pos(18.7,426.18)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\iclip(m 649 579 b 657 569 669 561 689 549 713 532 717 512 751 509 780 506 783 504 816 545 l 810 609 656 602 b 652 600 645 589 648 580)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.18,0:06:20.23,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.45\fscy98.45\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(784.72,293.24)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.18,0:06:20.23,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.45\fscy98.45\pos(8.9,242.05)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.18,0:06:20.23,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.3\fscy97.3\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.72,528.63)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.18,0:06:20.23,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.3\fscy97.3\blur1\an7\pos(18.11,406.03)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\iclip(m 629 579 b 641 569 653 561 666 555 692 539 709 511 743 515 770 514 768 514 805 565 l 810 609 704 613)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.18,0:06:20.23,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.3\fscy97.3\pos(22.98,298.51)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 825 579 636 572 b 622 583 625 593 628 601 l 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.23,0:06:20.27,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.57\fscy98.57\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(784.94,275.4)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.23,0:06:20.27,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.57\fscy98.57\pos(8.18,224.14)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.23,0:06:20.27,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.4\fscy97.4\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.69,511.34)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.23,0:06:20.27,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.4\fscy97.4\blur1\an7\pos(17.55,388.62)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\iclip(m 629 579 b 641 569 653 561 666 555 692 539 709 511 743 515 770 514 768 514 805 565 l 810 609 704 613)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.23,0:06:20.27,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.4\fscy97.4\pos(22.42,280.99)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 665 555 632 574 b 622 583 625 593 628 601 l 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.27,0:06:20.31,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.61\fscy98.61\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(785.04,260.39)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.27,0:06:20.31,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.61\fscy98.61\pos(8.01,209.11)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.27,0:06:20.31,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.5\fscy97.5\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.65,496.76)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.27,0:06:20.31,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.5\fscy97.5\blur1\an7\pos(16.97,373.91)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\iclip(m 613 579 b 626 569 640 566 659 553 682 539 694 518 724 523 747 520 756 533 791 579 l 810 609 704 613)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.27,0:06:20.31,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.5\fscy97.5\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(782.34,555.26)\iclip(m 613 579 b 626 569 640 566 659 553 682 539 694 518 724 523 747 520 756 533 791 579 l 810 609 609 610 b 605 599 596 586 612 580)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.27,0:06:20.31,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.5\fscy97.5\pos(21.85,266.17)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 613 579 b 626 569 640 566 659 553 682 539 694 518 724 523 747 520 756 533 791 579 l 810 609 609 610 b 605 599 596 586 612 580)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.31,0:06:20.35,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.7\fscy98.7\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(785.27,248.28)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.31,0:06:20.35,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.7\fscy98.7\pos(7.51,196.96)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.31,0:06:20.35,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.63\fscy97.63\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.58,484.95)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.31,0:06:20.35,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.63\fscy97.63\blur1\an7\pos(16.21,361.94)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.31,0:06:20.35,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.63\fscy97.63\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(782.61,543.53)\iclip(m 613 579 b 626 569 640 566 659 553 682 539 694 518 724 523 747 520 756 533 791 579 l 810 609 609 610 b 605 599 596 586 612 580)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.31,0:06:20.35,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.63\fscy97.63\pos(21.09,254.05)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 613 579 b 626 569 640 566 659 553 682 539 694 518 724 523 747 520 756 533 791 579 l 810 609 609 610 b 605 599 596 586 612 580)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.35,0:06:20.39,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.85\fscy98.85\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(785.51,233.34)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.35,0:06:20.39,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.85\fscy98.85\pos(6.61,181.94)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.35,0:06:20.39,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.75\fscy97.75\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.57,470.36)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.35,0:06:20.39,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.75\fscy97.75\blur1\an7\pos(15.58,347.2)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\iclip(m 623 574 b 586 545 575 479 663 513 708 514 728 512 754 524 770 540 784 561 794 579 l 810 609 704 613)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.35,0:06:20.39,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.75\fscy97.75\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(782.89,529)\iclip(m 623 574 b 586 545 575 479 663 513 708 514 728 512 754 524 770 540 784 561 794 579 l 810 609 704 613)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.35,0:06:20.39,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.75\fscy97.75\pos(20.47,239.19)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 623 574 b 586 545 575 479 663 513 708 514 728 512 754 524 770 540 784 561 794 579 l 810 609 704 613)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.39,0:06:20.43,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.94\fscy98.94\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(785.73,214.37)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.39,0:06:20.43,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.94\fscy98.94\pos(6.07,162.92)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.39,0:06:20.43,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.88\fscy97.88\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.57,451.83)\iclip(m 656 554 b 603 485 638 435 657 438 670 441 693 467 702 482 721 499 750 528 769 543)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.39,0:06:20.43,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.88\fscy97.88\blur1\an7\pos(14.84,328.5)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\iclip(m 656 554 b 603 485 638 435 657 438 670 441 693 467 702 482 721 499 750 528 769 543)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.39,0:06:20.43,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.88\fscy97.88\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(783.24,510.57)\iclip(m 656 554 b 603 485 638 435 657 438 670 441 693 467 702 482 721 499 750 528 769 543)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.39,0:06:20.43,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.88\fscy97.88\pos(19.74,220.34)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 656 554 b 603 485 638 435 657 438 670 441 693 467 702 482 721 499 750 528 769 543)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.43,0:06:20.48,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.05\fscy99.05\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(786,193.39)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.43,0:06:20.48,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.05\fscy99.05\pos(5.5,141.89)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.43,0:06:20.48,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.98\fscy97.98\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.69,431.4)\iclip(m 682 519 b 657 471 648 414 672 396 694 363 720 391 730 428 747 460 767 497 784 521)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.43,0:06:20.48,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.98\fscy97.98\blur1\an7\pos(14.44,307.94)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\iclip(m 682 519 b 657 471 648 414 672 396 694 363 720 391 730 428 747 460 767 497 784 521)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.43,0:06:20.48,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.98\fscy97.98\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(783.6,490.19)\iclip(m 682 519 b 657 471 648 414 672 396 694 363 720 391 730 428 747 460 767 497 784 521 l 794 548 688 529)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.43,0:06:20.48,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.98\fscy97.98\pos(19.34,199.67)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 682 519 b 657 471 648 414 672 396 694 363 720 391 730 428 747 460 767 497 784 521 l 794 548 688 529)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.48,0:06:20.52,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.08\fscy99.08\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(786.21,171.18)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.48,0:06:20.52,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.08\fscy99.08\pos(5.45,119.65)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.48,0:06:20.52,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.18\fscy98.18\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.51,409.77)\iclip(m 682 519 b 657 471 648 414 672 396 694 363 720 391 730 428 747 460 767 497 784 521)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.48,0:06:20.52,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.18\fscy98.18\blur1\an7\pos(13.22,286.06)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\iclip(m 682 519 b 657 471 648 414 672 396 694 363 720 391 730 428 747 460 767 497 784 521)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.48,0:06:20.52,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.18\fscy98.18\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(783.92,468.68)\iclip(m 682 519 b 657 471 648 414 672 396 694 363 720 391 730 428 747 460 767 497 784 521 l 794 548 688 529)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.48,0:06:20.52,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.18\fscy98.18\pos(18.13,177.58)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 682 519 b 657 471 648 414 672 396 694 363 720 391 730 428 747 460 767 497 784 521 l 794 548 688 529)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.52,0:06:20.56,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.2\fscy99.2\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(786.53,148.06)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.52,0:06:20.56,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.2\fscy99.2\pos(4.84,96.48)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.52,0:06:20.56,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.37\fscy98.37\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.43,387.26)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.52,0:06:20.56,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.37\fscy98.37\blur1\an7\pos(12.1,263.31)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.52,0:06:20.56,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.37\fscy98.37\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(784.33,446.29)\iclip(m 709 484 b 694 425 703 355 742 344 771 339 777 351 786 435 790 466 801 481 802 505)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.52,0:06:20.56,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.37\fscy98.37\pos(17.02,154.61)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 709 484 b 694 425 703 355 742 344 771 339 777 351 786 435 790 466 801 481 802 505)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.56,0:06:20.60,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.41\fscy99.41\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(786.94,124.37)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.56,0:06:20.60,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.41\fscy99.41\pos(3.55,72.67)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.56,0:06:20.60,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.51\fscy98.51\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.4,364.32)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.56,0:06:20.60,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.51\fscy98.51\blur1\an7\pos(11.34,240.2)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.56,0:06:20.60,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.51\fscy98.51\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(784.64,423.42)\iclip(m 709 484 b 694 425 703 355 742 344 771 339 777 351 786 435 790 466 801 481 802 505)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.56,0:06:20.60,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.51\fscy98.51\pos(16.27,131.34)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 709 484 b 694 425 703 355 742 344 771 339 777 351 786 435 790 466 801 481 802 505)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.60,0:06:20.64,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.68\fscy99.68\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(787.31,100.35)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.60,0:06:20.64,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.68\fscy99.68\pos(1.8,48.52)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.60,0:06:20.64,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.69\fscy98.69\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.32,340.99)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.60,0:06:20.64,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.69\fscy98.69\blur1\an7\pos(10.31,216.64)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.60,0:06:20.64,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.69\fscy98.69\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(785.02,400.21)\iclip(m 692 459 b 682 423 684 396 705 382 748 365 746 411 774 440)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.60,0:06:20.64,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.69\fscy98.69\pos(15.25,107.59)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 692 459 b 682 423 684 396 705 382 748 365 746 411 774 440)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.64,0:06:20.68,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.87\fscy99.87\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(787.67,76.19)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.64,0:06:20.68,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.87\fscy99.87\pos(0.73,24.26)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.64,0:06:20.68,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.84\fscy98.84\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.26,317.41)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.64,0:06:20.68,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.84\fscy98.84\blur1\an7\pos(9.43,192.86)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.64,0:06:20.68,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.84\fscy98.84\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(785.34,376.71)\iclip(m 692 459 b 682 423 684 396 705 382 748 365 746 411 774 440)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.64,0:06:20.68,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.84\fscy98.84\pos(14.38,83.65)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 692 459 b 682 423 684 396 705 382 748 365 746 411 774 440)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.68,0:06:20.73,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(788,52)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.68,0:06:20.73,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\pos(0,0)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.68,0:06:20.73,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.99\fscy98.99\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.23,293.74)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.68,0:06:20.73,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.99\fscy98.99\blur1\an7\pos(8.63,169.02)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.68,0:06:20.73,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.99\fscy98.99\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(785.68,353.14)\iclip(m 692 459 b 682 423 684 396 705 382 748 365 746 411 774 440)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.68,0:06:20.73,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.99\fscy98.99\pos(13.58,59.64)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 692 459 b 682 423 684 396 705 382 748 365 746 411 774 440)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.73,0:06:20.77,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(788,29)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.73,0:06:20.77,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\pos(0,-23)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.73,0:06:20.77,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.11\fscy99.11\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.23,270.19)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.73,0:06:20.77,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.11\fscy99.11\blur1\an7\pos(7.98,145.31)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.73,0:06:20.77,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.11\fscy99.11\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(785.98,329.65)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.73,0:06:20.77,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.11\fscy99.11\pos(12.94,35.8)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.77,0:06:20.81,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\pos(0,-47)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.77,0:06:20.81,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.21\fscy99.21\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.22,246.82)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.77,0:06:20.81,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.21\fscy99.21\blur1\an7\pos(7.43,121.81)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.77,0:06:20.81,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.21\fscy99.21\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(786.23,306.34)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.77,0:06:20.81,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.21\fscy99.21\pos(12.39,12.18)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.81,0:06:20.85,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.38\fscy99.38\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.16,223.62)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.81,0:06:20.85,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.38\fscy99.38\blur1\an7\pos(6.45,98.4)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.81,0:06:20.85,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.38\fscy99.38\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(786.61,283.25)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.81,0:06:20.85,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.38\fscy99.38\pos(11.42,-11.42)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.85,0:06:20.89,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.49\fscy99.49\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.11,201)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.85,0:06:20.89,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.49\fscy99.49\blur1\an7\pos(5.82,75.64)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.85,0:06:20.89,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.49\fscy99.49\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(786.83,260.7)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.85,0:06:20.89,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.49\fscy99.49\pos(10.8,-34.3)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.89,0:06:20.94,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.57\fscy99.57\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.11,179.13)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.89,0:06:20.94,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.57\fscy99.57\blur1\an7\pos(5.38,53.66)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.89,0:06:20.94,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.57\fscy99.57\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(787.03,238.87)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.89,0:06:20.94,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.57\fscy99.57\pos(10.36,-56.37)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.89,0:06:20.94,Signs,Kiri7,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.89\fscy98.89\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(784.88,610.61)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 756 505 b 746 517 730 538 720 548 693 568 685 577 706 601 l 452 601)}A map of where?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.89,0:06:20.94,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.3\fscy97.3\pos(22.38,313.49)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 756 505 b 746 517 730 538 720 548 693 568 685 577 706 601 l 452 601)}m 616 309 b 616 298 628 290 641 290 l 775 290 b 789 290 799 298 799 309 l 799 317 b 799 327 789 335 775 335 l 641 335 b 628 335 616 329 616 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.94,0:06:20.98,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.76\fscy99.76\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.05,158.06)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.94,0:06:20.98,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.76\fscy99.76\blur1\an7\pos(4.34,32.37)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.94,0:06:20.98,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.76\fscy99.76\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(787.45,217.92)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.94,0:06:20.98,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.76\fscy99.76\pos(9.33,-77.86)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.94,0:06:20.98,Signs,Kiri7,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.12\fscy99.12\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(785.39,590.53)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 756 505 b 746 517 730 538 720 548 693 568 685 577 706 601 l 452 601)}A map of where?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.94,0:06:20.98,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.53\fscy97.53\pos(21.1,292.72)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 756 505 b 746 517 730 538 720 548 693 568 685 577 706 601 l 452 601)}m 616 309 b 616 298 628 290 641 290 l 775 290 b 789 290 799 298 799 309 l 799 317 b 799 327 789 335 775 335 l 641 335 b 628 335 616 329 616 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.98,0:06:21.02,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.81\fscy99.81\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.05,138.55)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.98,0:06:21.02,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.81\fscy99.81\blur1\an7\pos(4.04,12.78)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.98,0:06:21.02,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.81\fscy99.81\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(787.59,198.43)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.98,0:06:21.02,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.81\fscy99.81\pos(9.03,-97.52)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:20.98,0:06:21.02,Signs,Kiri7,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.57\fscy99.57\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(786.72,572.18)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 756 505 b 746 517 730 538 720 548 693 568 685 577 706 601 l 452 601)}A map of where?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.98,0:06:21.02,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx97.97\fscy97.97\pos(18.98,273.03)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 756 505 b 746 517 730 538 720 548 693 568 685 577 706 601 l 452 601)}m 616 309 b 616 298 628 290 641 290 l 775 290 b 789 290 799 298 799 309 l 799 317 b 799 327 789 335 775 335 l 641 335 b 628 335 616 329 616 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:21.02,0:06:21.06,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536,122)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.02,0:06:21.06,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\blur1\an7\pos(3,-4)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:21.02,0:06:21.06,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(788,182)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.02,0:06:21.06,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\pos(8,-114.5)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:21.02,0:06:21.06,Signs,Kiri7,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(788,557)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 756 505 b 746 517 730 538 720 548 693 568 685 577 706 601 l 452 601)}A map of where?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.02,0:06:21.06,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.4\fscy98.4\pos(16.91,256.54)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 756 505 b 746 517 730 538 720 548 693 568 685 577 706 601 l 452 601)}m 616 309 b 616 298 628 290 641 290 l 775 290 b 789 290 799 298 799 309 l 799 317 b 799 327 789 335 775 335 l 641 335 b 628 335 616 329 616 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:21.06,0:06:21.98,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536,122)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.06,0:06:21.98,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\blur1\an7\pos(3,-4)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:21.06,0:06:21.98,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(788,182)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.06,0:06:21.98,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\pos(8,-114.5)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:21.06,0:06:21.64,Signs,Kiri7,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(788,557)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 756 505 b 746 517 730 538 720 548 693 568 685 577 706 601 l 452 601)}A map of where?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.06,0:06:21.64,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.4\fscy98.4\pos(16.91,256.54)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 756 505 b 746 517 730 538 720 548 693 568 685 577 706 601 l 452 601)}m 616 309 b 616 298 628 290 641 290 l 775 290 b 789 290 799 298 799 309 l 799 317 b 799 327 789 335 775 335 l 641 335 b 628 335 616 329 616 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:21.64,0:06:21.77,Signs,Kiri7,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(788,557)\iclip(m 771 612 b 758 601 748 590 740 579 696 587 653 566 653 532 l 835 532 836 611)}A map of where?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.64,0:06:21.77,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.4\fscy98.4\pos(16.91,256.54)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 771 612 b 758 601 748 590 740 579 696 587 653 566 653 532 l 835 532 836 611)}m 616 309 b 616 298 628 290 641 290 l 775 290 b 789 290 799 298 799 309 l 799 317 b 799 327 789 335 775 335 l 641 335 b 628 335 616 329 616 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:21.77,0:06:21.89,Signs,Kiri7,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(788,557)\iclip(m 725 607 b 712 596 702 585 694 574 650 548 634 522 636 497 l 753 514 815 589)}A map of where?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.77,0:06:21.89,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.4\fscy98.4\pos(16.91,256.54)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 725 607 b 712 596 702 585 694 574 650 548 634 522 636 497 l 753 514 815 589)}m 616 309 b 616 298 628 290 641 290 l 766 290 b 780 290 790 298 790 309 l 790 317 b 790 327 780 335 766 335 l 641 335 b 628 335 616 329 616 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:21.89,0:06:21.98,Signs,Kiri7,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(788,557)\iclip(m 674 617 b 661 596 652 579 645 546 l 630 524 721 514 b 731 536 754 573 766 590)}A map of where?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.89,0:06:21.98,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.4\fscy98.4\pos(16.91,256.54)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 674 617 b 661 596 652 579 645 546 l 630 524 721 514 b 731 536 754 573 766 590)}m 616 309 b 616 298 628 290 641 290 l 766 290 b 780 290 790 298 790 309 l 790 317 b 790 327 780 335 766 335 l 641 335 b 628 335 616 329 616 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:21.98,0:06:22.02,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536,122)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.98,0:06:22.02,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\blur1\an7\pos(3,-4)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:21.98,0:06:22.02,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(788,182)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.98,0:06:22.02,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\pos(8,-114.5)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:21.98,0:06:22.02,Signs,Kiri7,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(788,557)\iclip(m 710 593 b 704 575 696 543 692 527 l 595 546 603 620)}A map of where?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.98,0:06:22.02,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.4\fscy98.4\pos(16.91,256.54)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 710 593 b 704 575 696 543 692 527 l 595 546 603 620)}m 616 309 b 616 298 628 290 641 290 l 766 290 b 780 290 790 298 790 309 l 790 317 b 790 327 780 335 766 335 l 641 335 b 628 335 616 329 616 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.02,0:06:22.06,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.9\fscy99.9\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.02,134.79)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.02,0:06:22.06,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.9\fscy99.9\blur1\an7\pos(3.55,8.92)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.02,0:06:22.06,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.9\fscy99.9\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(787.76,194.73)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.02,0:06:22.06,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.9\fscy99.9\pos(8.54,-101.47)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.02,0:06:22.06,Signs,Kiri7,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.9\fscy99.9\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(787.76,569.36)\iclip(m 710 593 b 704 575 696 543 692 527 l 595 546 603 620)}A map of where?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.02,0:06:22.06,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.3\fscy98.3\pos(17.44,269.2)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 714 605 b 704 575 696 543 692 527 l 595 546 603 620)}m 616 309 b 616 298 628 290 641 290 l 766 290 b 780 290 790 298 790 309 l 790 317 b 790 327 780 335 766 335 l 641 335 b 628 335 616 329 616 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.06,0:06:22.10,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.79\fscy99.79\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.01,156.57)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.06,0:06:22.10,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.79\fscy99.79\blur1\an7\pos(4.13,30.84)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.06,0:06:22.10,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.79\fscy99.79\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(787.48,216.45)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.06,0:06:22.10,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.79\fscy99.79\pos(9.12,-79.43)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.06,0:06:22.10,Signs,Kiri7,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.79\fscy99.79\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(787.48,590.66)\iclip(m 589 602 l 669 601 b 659 591 655 584 649 576 l 752 569 b 761 579 766 589 767 601 l 818 601 819 659 574 658)}A map of where?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.06,0:06:22.10,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.19\fscy98.19\pos(18.01,290.83)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 589 602 l 669 601 b 659 591 655 584 649 576 l 752 569 b 761 579 766 589 767 601 l 818 601 819 659 574 658)}m 616 309 b 616 298 628 290 641 290 l 766 290 b 780 290 790 298 790 309 l 790 317 b 790 327 780 335 766 335 l 641 335 b 628 335 616 329 616 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.10,0:06:22.14,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.62\fscy99.62\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.09,181.76)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.10,0:06:22.14,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.62\fscy99.62\blur1\an7\pos(5.1,56.23)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.10,0:06:22.14,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.62\fscy99.62\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(787.15,241.53)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.10,0:06:22.14,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.62\fscy99.62\pos(10.08,-53.85)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.10,0:06:22.14,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.03\fscy98.03\pos(18.96,315.79)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\iclip(m 589 602 l 669 601 b 659 591 655 584 649 576 l 752 569 b 761 579 766 589 767 601 l 818 601 819 659 574 658)}m 616 309 b 616 298 628 290 641 290 l 766 290 b 780 290 790 298 790 309 l 790 317 b 790 327 780 335 766 335 l 641 335 b 628 335 616 329 616 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.14,0:06:22.19,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.53\fscy99.53\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.11,208.77)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.14,0:06:22.19,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.53\fscy99.53\blur1\an7\pos(5.62,83.36)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.14,0:06:22.19,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.53\fscy99.53\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(786.93,268.48)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.14,0:06:22.19,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.53\fscy99.53\pos(10.6,-26.62)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.19,0:06:22.23,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.3\fscy99.3\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.2,236.11)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.19,0:06:22.23,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.3\fscy99.3\blur1\an7\pos(6.93,110.99)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.19,0:06:22.23,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.3\fscy99.3\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(786.44,295.69)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.19,0:06:22.23,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.3\fscy99.3\pos(11.9,1.27)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.23,0:06:22.27,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.16\fscy99.16\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.22,263.4)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.23,0:06:22.27,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.16\fscy99.16\blur1\an7\pos(7.69,138.46)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.23,0:06:22.27,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.16\fscy99.16\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(786.1,322.9)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.23,0:06:22.27,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.16\fscy99.16\pos(12.65,28.89)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.23,0:06:22.27,Signs,Kiri8,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.78\fscy100.78\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(789.72,22.29)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.23,0:06:22.27,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.78\fscy100.78\pos(-5.4,-30.9)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.27,0:06:22.31,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.04\fscy99.04\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.23,290)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.27,0:06:22.31,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.04\fscy99.04\blur1\an7\pos(8.32,165.2)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.27,0:06:22.31,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.04\fscy99.04\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(785.82,349.43)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.27,0:06:22.31,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.04\fscy99.04\pos(13.27,55.76)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.27,0:06:22.31,Signs,Kiri8,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.66\fscy100.66\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(789.43,49.17)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.27,0:06:22.31,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.66\fscy100.66\pos(-4.76,-3.95)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.31,0:06:22.35,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.88\fscy98.88\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.28,315.21)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.31,0:06:22.35,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.88\fscy98.88\blur1\an7\pos(9.27,190.63)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.31,0:06:22.35,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.88\fscy98.88\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(785.44,374.53)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.31,0:06:22.35,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.88\fscy98.88\pos(14.21,81.37)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.31,0:06:22.35,Signs,Kiri8,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.49\fscy100.49\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(789.05,74.79)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.31,0:06:22.35,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.49\fscy100.49\pos(-3.79,21.76)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.35,0:06:22.39,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.68\fscy98.68\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.36,338.4)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.35,0:06:22.39,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.68\fscy98.68\blur1\an7\pos(10.41,214.06)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.35,0:06:22.39,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.68\fscy98.68\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(785.03,397.6)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.35,0:06:22.39,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.68\fscy98.68\pos(15.35,105.02)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.35,0:06:22.39,Signs,Kiri8,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.28\fscy100.28\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(788.63,98.46)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.35,0:06:22.39,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.28\fscy100.28\pos(-2.62,45.53)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.39,0:06:22.44,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.46\fscy98.46\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.45,358.37)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.39,0:06:22.44,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.46\fscy98.46\blur1\an7\pos(11.65,234.31)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.39,0:06:22.44,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.46\fscy98.46\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(784.58,417.45)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.39,0:06:22.44,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.46\fscy98.46\pos(16.57,125.51)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.39,0:06:22.44,Signs,Kiri8,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.07\fscy100.07\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(788.17,118.96)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.39,0:06:22.44,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.07\fscy100.07\pos(-1.35,66.15)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.44,0:06:22.48,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.39\fscy98.39\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.49,373.33)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.44,0:06:22.48,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.39\fscy98.39\blur1\an7\pos(12.06,249.36)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.44,0:06:22.48,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.39\fscy98.39\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(784.44,432.36)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.44,0:06:22.48,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.39\fscy98.39\pos(16.98,140.63)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.44,0:06:22.48,Signs,Kiri8,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.99\fscy99.99\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(788.02,134.09)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.44,0:06:22.48,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.99\fscy99.99\pos(-0.93,81.31)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.48,0:06:22.52,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.4\fscy98.4\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.45,379.25)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.48,0:06:22.52,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.4\fscy98.4\blur1\an7\pos(11.99,255.27)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.48,0:06:22.52,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.4\fscy98.4\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(784.41,438.29)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.48,0:06:22.52,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.4\fscy98.4\pos(16.91,146.54)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.48,0:06:23.65,Signs,Kiri8,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(788,140)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}Where the hell are\Nyou right now?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.48,0:06:23.65,Signs,Kiri5,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\pos(-1,87.22)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 629 61 b 629 48 642 43 652 43 l 782 43 b 795 43 804 48 804 61 l 804 81 b 804 93 794 98 784 98 l 652 98 b 642 98 629 93 629 81
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.52,0:06:23.65,Signs,Kuro4,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.4\fscy98.4\an7\fs17\blur0.7\c&H575757&\pos(536.45,379.25)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}My vision is shrouded \Nby white shadows
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.52,0:06:23.65,Signs,Kuro3,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.4\fscy98.4\blur1\an7\pos(11.99,255.27)\p1\c&HFBFBFA&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 522 135 b 522 125 531 117 540 117 l 674 117 b 685 117 691 124 692 135 l 692 155 b 692 163 687 171 677 171 l 540 171 b 531 171 522 162 522 155
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.52,0:06:23.65,Signs,Kiri6,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.4\fscy98.4\an9\fs18\blur0.7\c&H634874&\pos(784.41,438.29)\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}In a language I can\Nunderstand, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.52,0:06:23.65,Signs,Kiri2,0,0,0,,{\fscx98.4\fscy98.4\pos(16.91,146.54)\an7\p1\blur1\c&HE0C2F2&\clip(m 452 41 l 826 41 826 601 452 601)}m 571 316 b 567 303 582 296 591 297 l 775 297 b 789 295 794 302 795 304 l 799 313 b 801 326 789 333 779 333 l 601 333 b 584 334 571 331 571 317
Dialogue: 10,0:06:23.12,0:06:26.34,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,No dice. She hasn't replied since.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:27.56,0:06:32.56,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Well, she sent me that, so she's {\i1}somewhere{\i0} in the neighborhood.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:33.17,0:06:34.87,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Her and her overblown fantasies...
Dialogue: 10,0:06:35.20,0:06:37.45,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,"White shadows", my ass!
Dialogue: 10,0:06:37.45,0:06:38.91,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,It's just a hot springs town.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:38.91,0:06:40.83,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,So, what now?
Dialogue: 10,0:06:41.26,0:06:46.40,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,{\q2}For the love of God, are you the same guy who\N went all the way to America to bring me back?
Dialogue: 10,0:06:46.40,0:06:48.51,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,If {\i1}others{\i0} are in trouble you jump to help,
Dialogue: 10,0:06:48.51,0:06:51.33,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,but you can't for the life of you help yourself!
Dialogue: 10,0:06:51.89,0:06:53.38,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,You might be right.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:54.24,0:06:56.18,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,At least object, will you?
Dialogue: 10,0:06:57.12,0:06:59.01,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Well, that girl hardly blends into a crowd.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:59.01,0:07:02.33,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,If she's in the neighborhood, someone's probably seen her.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:02.33,0:07:04.14,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Let's ask around as we search.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:08.71,0:07:09.98,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Come on, let's get going.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:10.21,0:07:11.94,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,R-Right.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:15.53,0:07:18.16,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,You seem awfully dependable today.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:18.80,0:07:20.91,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I told you to leave it to me, didn't I?
Dialogue: 10,0:07:22.68,0:07:25.20,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,{\i1}Kirino-san, you're so dashing!
Dialogue: 10,0:07:25.20,0:07:26.87,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,{\i1}You'll make me swoon!
Dialogue: 10,0:07:43.40,0:07:45.39,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Not a trace.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:50.10,0:07:52.22,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Wanna grab a bite to eat first?
Dialogue: 10,0:07:52.22,0:07:53.68,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,It's just about lunch time.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:53.68,0:07:55.40,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Y-You two!
Dialogue: 10,0:08:02.43,0:08:03.87,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Kuroneko!
Dialogue: 10,0:08:09.05,0:08:11.38,OreimoScrolling,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,What are you doing here?
Dialogue: 10,0:08:11.77,0:08:12.55,OreimoScrolling,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Kurone—
Dialogue: 10,0:08:14.30,0:08:15.42,OreimoScrolling,Kirino,0,0,0,,Gotcha!
Dialogue: 10,0:08:14.73,0:08:15.42,OreimoAlternate,Kuroneko,0,0,112,,What are you—
Dialogue: 10,0:08:15.92,0:08:17.68,OreimoScrolling,Kirino,0,0,0,,You... Why you...
Dialogue: 10,0:08:17.97,0:08:19.43,OreimoScrolling,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Hey now...
Dialogue: 10,0:08:20.09,0:08:21.47,OreimoScrolling,Kirino,0,0,0,,You can't run away anymore.
Dialogue: 10,0:08:24.55,0:08:26.31,OreimoScrolling,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,I'm not {\i1}going{\i0} to run.
Dialogue: 10,0:08:26.31,0:08:29.23,OreimoScrolling,Kuroneko,0,0,112,,Now, my hands are hurting, so could you please release your grip?
Dialogue: 10,0:08:29.23,0:08:32.03,OreimoScrolling,Kirino,0,0,0,,What made you think this was a good idea?
Dialogue: 10,0:08:32.03,0:08:33.05,OreimoScrolling,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Think what was a good idea?
Dialogue: 10,0:08:33.05,0:08:34.42,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Give it a rest!
Dialogue: 10,0:08:34.42,0:08:37.49,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Why did you transfer schools without telling us?
Dialogue: 10,0:08:37.75,0:08:39.31,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,That was because...
Dialogue: 10,0:08:41.25,0:08:42.98,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Let me ask again.
Dialogue: 10,0:08:42.98,0:08:45.50,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,What are you two doing here?
Dialogue: 10,0:08:45.78,0:08:47.35,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,What else?
Dialogue: 10,0:08:47.35,0:08:49.50,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I'm here to bring you back!
Dialogue: 10,0:08:49.87,0:08:51.68,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,I-I see.
Dialogue: 10,0:08:51.68,0:08:54.50,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,To bring me back, huh?
Dialogue: 10,0:08:54.99,0:08:58.19,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I know this is rich coming from me,
Dialogue: 10,0:08:58.19,0:09:00.51,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,but don't just up and leave without warning!
Dialogue: 10,0:09:00.99,0:09:04.26,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I haven't given much thought to the future,
Dialogue: 10,0:09:05.58,0:09:07.81,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,but I don't want you to leave!
Dialogue: 10,0:09:09.59,0:09:12.36,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,L-Let's save that discussion for later.
Dialogue: 10,0:09:16.96,0:09:20.24,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,I believe there's something else you'd like to say.
Dialogue: 10,0:09:21.54,0:09:22.98,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,You bet there is.
Dialogue: 10,0:09:22.98,0:09:24.49,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I'm not even getting started.
Dialogue: 10,0:09:25.01,0:09:27.50,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Then let's hear it.
Dialogue: 10,0:09:28.38,0:09:30.75,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Why did you say you were breaking up with him?
Dialogue: 10,0:09:32.46,0:09:37.10,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,I started dating Senpai in order to make a certain wish come true.
Dialogue: 10,0:09:37.80,0:09:42.76,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,We performed many rituals in our quest to turn fantasy into reality.
Dialogue: 10,0:09:43.07,0:09:45.15,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,What? Have you honestly deluded yourself?
Dialogue: 10,0:09:45.15,0:09:47.02,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,In words I can understand, if you please.
Dialogue: 10,0:09:47.85,0:09:51.98,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Were you fine with my dating your brother?
Dialogue: 10,0:09:53.19,0:09:55.88,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I-I told you I didn't mind, didn't I?
Dialogue: 10,0:09:55.88,0:09:56.86,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Over the phone.
Dialogue: 10,0:09:57.50,0:09:58.98,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Really?
Dialogue: 10,0:09:58.98,0:10:00.11,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,And you still don't?
Dialogue: 10,0:10:00.52,0:10:02.82,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I've... accepted it.
Dialogue: 10,0:10:03.24,0:10:04.17,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,That's a lie.
Dialogue: 10,0:10:04.17,0:10:05.61,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,A falsehood to end all falsehoods.
Dialogue: 10,0:10:05.61,0:10:08.61,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Are you sure you weren't just {\i1}pretending{\i0} to accept it?
Dialogue: 10,0:10:08.61,0:10:09.75,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Are you an idiot?
Dialogue: 10,0:10:09.75,0:10:11.58,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,You couldn't be more wrong.
Dialogue: 10,0:10:11.58,0:10:14.55,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,And even if that were true, it's none of your business!
Dialogue: 10,0:10:14.55,0:10:15.34,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Yes, it is.
Dialogue: 10,0:10:15.75,0:10:17.12,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,It's {\i1}plenty{\i0} my business.
Dialogue: 10,0:10:17.12,0:10:20.57,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,For that is not the outcome I desire.
Dialogue: 10,0:10:20.57,0:10:24.09,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,You would bar the path to utopia with your actions.
Dialogue: 10,0:10:24.09,0:10:26.93,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I-I have no clue what you're talking about!
Dialogue: 10,0:10:26.93,0:10:31.44,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,I did not expect this to be the stage of our confrontation,
Dialogue: 10,0:10:32.11,0:10:34.81,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,but let us play the cards we're dealt and settle this.
Dialogue: 10,0:10:36.01,0:10:39.94,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,When I came to your house to hang out with your brother,
Dialogue: 10,0:10:40.28,0:10:43.10,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,wherefore did you run away with a pained look on your face?
Dialogue: 10,0:10:43.10,0:10:44.95,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I didn't have a pained look...
Dialogue: 10,0:10:45.20,0:10:50.75,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Wherefore have you looked so troubled since the two of us began dating?
Dialogue: 10,0:10:51.33,0:10:53.62,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I haven't been troubled.
Dialogue: 10,0:10:54.23,0:11:00.12,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Had you truly accepted our relationship, your expression would not have been such.
Dialogue: 10,0:11:00.12,0:11:03.59,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,I cannot bear to see you do this to yourself.
Dialogue: 10,0:11:10.16,0:11:15.15,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,If you understand me that well, then why did you confess your feelings to him?
Dialogue: 10,0:11:16.61,0:11:17.91,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,You don't find that cruel?
Dialogue: 10,0:11:17.91,0:11:21.36,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,You intentionally did something that would make your friend upset!
Dialogue: 10,0:11:22.04,0:11:25.69,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Because that's what it took to make you admit how you felt.
Dialogue: 10,0:11:25.69,0:11:27.63,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,You don't expect me to believe that was it!
Dialogue: 10,0:11:27.63,0:11:32.11,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I understand you as well as you understand me!
Dialogue: 10,0:11:32.11,0:11:36.15,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I know full well how strongly you felt!
Dialogue: 10,0:11:36.15,0:11:37.67,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,That's why...
Dialogue: 10,0:11:37.67,0:11:39.67,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I held it in this whole time!
Dialogue: 10,0:11:40.70,0:11:41.42,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Held it in?
Dialogue: 10,0:11:42.72,0:11:45.07,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,What, pray tell, were you holding in?
Dialogue: 10,0:11:47.50,0:11:53.34,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,If you consider me your friend, then be honest with me.
Dialogue: 10,0:11:57.93,0:11:59.37,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Fine.
Dialogue: 10,0:11:59.37,0:12:00.69,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I'll say it, okay?
Dialogue: 10,0:12:01.74,0:12:04.95,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I... I...
Dialogue: 10,0:12:05.66,0:12:08.95,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I hate my brother!
Dialogue: 10,0:12:08.95,0:12:09.99,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Hate him!
Dialogue: 10,0:12:09.99,0:12:14.45,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Hate, hate, hate, hate, {\i1}hate{\i0} him!
Dialogue: 10,0:12:16.16,0:12:17.46,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Really?
Dialogue: 10,0:12:18.21,0:12:19.50,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Very well.
Dialogue: 10,0:12:19.50,0:12:20.71,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Continue.
Dialogue: 10,0:12:22.99,0:12:25.35,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I hate my brother.
Dialogue: 10,0:12:27.04,0:12:28.38,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,But...
Dialogue: 10,0:12:28.38,0:12:31.73,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I can't stand the thought of him having a girlfriend!
Dialogue: 10,0:12:31.73,0:12:33.72,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I can't stand not being his number one!{you know, I have no comment on this episode. Just... no comment}
Dialogue: 10,0:12:34.57,0:12:37.68,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,That's why I pulled that stupid stunt!
Dialogue: 10,0:12:37.68,0:12:41.57,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,You mean when you brought your fake boyfriend home?
Dialogue: 10,0:12:41.57,0:12:43.38,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,That's right!
Dialogue: 10,0:12:43.38,0:12:47.87,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I couldn't bear watching you flirt with the frump and the goth,
Dialogue: 10,0:12:47.87,0:12:50.37,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,so I decided to give you a taste of your own medicine.
Dialogue: 10,0:12:51.51,0:12:57.62,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I was scared to death that you'd say, "It's your life," or "So date him."
Dialogue: 10,0:12:58.41,0:13:01.13,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,But I didn't know what else to do.
Dialogue: 10,0:13:01.47,0:13:03.17,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,{\i1}What do you {\i0}want{\i1} me to do?
Dialogue: 10,0:13:03.48,0:13:04.63,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,{\i1}What?
Dialogue: 10,0:13:04.63,0:13:07.92,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,{\i1}That's your business; why would you ask me?
Dialogue: 10,0:13:08.87,0:13:10.93,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,{\i1}I see.
Dialogue: 10,0:13:11.50,0:13:16.08,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,You said you didn't like the idea of me having a boyfriend, didn't you?
Dialogue: 10,0:13:16.08,0:13:22.94,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,So I figured if I said the same to you, then you wouldn't date anyone.{teeechnically she wouldn't be saying "the same" (don't get a boyfriend) but it's clear enough. If you're anal, find a better concise way to word this}
Dialogue: 10,0:13:23.74,0:13:27.69,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,That night, goth girl here asked me over the phone...
Dialogue: 10,0:13:29.23,0:13:31.74,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,{\i1}Do you mind if I ask your brother out?
Dialogue: 10,0:13:35.32,0:13:36.75,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,{\i1}Go ahead.
Dialogue: 10,0:13:37.87,0:13:39.91,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I didn't want to say yes.
Dialogue: 10,0:13:39.91,0:13:43.79,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,But if a girl who genuinely liked you wanted to tell you how she felt,
Dialogue: 10,0:13:43.79,0:13:45.75,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,what right did I have to say no?
Dialogue: 10,0:13:46.18,0:13:48.28,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,That didn't make it any easier on me.
Dialogue: 10,0:13:48.28,0:13:52.51,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I was starting to regret supporting your relationship.
Dialogue: 10,0:13:53.12,0:13:58.06,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,So when I heard you'd dumped him, I was frankly relieved.
Dialogue: 10,0:13:59.13,0:14:01.27,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,But... But then...
Dialogue: 10,0:14:02.09,0:14:05.45,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,you looked so sad about being dumped!
Dialogue: 10,0:14:05.45,0:14:09.88,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,You were crying pathetically and even came to me for help.
Dialogue: 10,0:14:09.88,0:14:11.36,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,That's how deeply it hurt you.
Dialogue: 10,0:14:11.93,0:14:15.12,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,When I saw that, it made me feel even worse.
Dialogue: 10,0:14:15.67,0:14:20.32,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,So instead, I got pissed at the goth girl for dumping you and leaving without a word.
Dialogue: 10,0:14:20.32,0:14:22.62,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I thought, "I'll do something about this, just you wait!"
Dialogue: 10,0:14:24.24,0:14:26.69,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,That's how I really feel.
Dialogue: 10,0:14:26.69,0:14:28.88,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,That's why I'm here.
Dialogue: 10,0:14:30.70,0:14:34.36,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I hate the idea of you having a girlfriend!
Dialogue: 10,0:14:35.19,0:14:39.64,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,But... I hate seeing my brother cry even more.
Dialogue: 10,0:14:40.80,0:14:46.59,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,It's stupid and unreasonable, but that's how I feel.
Dialogue: 10,0:14:48.91,0:14:51.07,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,So listen up, Kuroneko.
Dialogue: 10,0:14:51.07,0:14:54.81,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I'm about to ask you why you did what you did,
Dialogue: 10,0:14:54.81,0:14:57.16,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,rip you a new one, and make you apologize to Kyousuke.
Dialogue: 10,0:14:57.16,0:15:01.16,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Then I'll drag you back with me and make you transfer back.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:01.64,0:15:03.67,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Any questions?
Dialogue: 10,0:15:05.16,0:15:07.48,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,As wild as ever, I see.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:07.48,0:15:10.42,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,You two are just like one another when you get aggravated.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:11.20,0:15:15.36,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Though the thought of your brother having a girlfriend is enough to drive you mad,
Dialogue: 10,0:15:15.36,0:15:18.18,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,you refused to admit it when I asked permission.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:18.18,0:15:24.94,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,You even encouraged him, and now that we broke up you're trying to reunite us.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:26.00,0:15:27.94,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Why did you go to such lengths?
Dialogue: 10,0:15:28.95,0:15:30.69,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Because we're siblings.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:31.47,0:15:37.31,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Kyousuke... my brother, has always helped me.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:37.87,0:15:41.97,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,No matter how far away I was, he never stopped worrying about me.
Dialogue: 0,0:15:40.04,0:15:40.12,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,0)\alpha&H33&\blur0.6\an4\fs25\b0\c&H8C897C&\pos(628,227)\frz0.3739}Kirino
Dialogue: 0,0:15:40.12,0:15:40.62,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\alpha&H88&\t(0,100,\alpha&H33&)\blur0.6\an4\fs25\b0\c&H8C897C&\pos(618,208)\frz0.4834}Kirino
Dialogue: 0,0:15:40.12,0:15:40.62,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,0)\alpha&H33&\blur0.6\an4\fs25\b0\c&H8C897C&\pos(675,238)\frz0.4834}Collection
Dialogue: 0,0:15:40.12,0:15:40.62,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,0)\alpha&H33&\blur0.6\an4\fs25\b0\frz0.6789\pos(498.286,385)\c&H8C897C&}Throw out {\alpha&HFF&}my\N{\alpha&H33&}entire {\alpha&HFF&}collection\Nthat I left with you.
Dialogue: 0,0:15:40.16,0:15:40.62,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,0)\alpha&H33&\blur0.6\an4\fs25\b0\frz0.6789\pos(498.286,385)\c&H8C897C&\alpha&HFF&}Throw out {\alpha&H33&}my\N{\alpha&HFF&}entire {\alpha&H33&}collection\Nthat I left {\alpha&HFF&}with you.
Dialogue: 0,0:15:40.20,0:15:40.62,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,0)\alpha&H33&\blur0.6\an4\fs25\b0\frz0.6789\pos(498.286,385)\c&H8C897C&\alpha&HFF&}Throw out my\Nentire collection\Nthat I left {\alpha&H33&}with you.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:41.97,0:15:45.33,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,When I faltered, he rushed to where I was.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:45.81,0:15:49.71,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,He was always by my side, protecting me time and again.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:49.71,0:15:51.96,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,When I was in pain, he comforted me,
Dialogue: 10,0:15:51.96,0:15:55.13,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,made me laugh, made me angry.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:55.13,0:15:59.43,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,When I did something stupid, he told me off and jealously protected me.{referring to the Mikagami incident, presumably, hence "jealousy"}
Dialogue: 10,0:15:59.55,0:16:03.22,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,When I had something on my mind, he was there to counsel me.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:03.22,0:16:06.39,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Even though by all rights, he should hate my guts.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:06.39,0:16:09.60,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Even though for so long, we'd completely ignored each other.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:13.41,0:16:16.24,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,It's my responsibility to return the favor.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:16.81,0:16:17.99,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,That's all there is to it.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:22.56,0:16:25.03,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,You finally admitted the truth.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:25.03,0:16:26.87,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,It appears my efforts were not in vain.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:27.69,0:16:28.93,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,So?
Dialogue: 10,0:16:28.93,0:16:31.63,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Now that you've wheedled the truth out of me, what next?
Dialogue: 10,0:16:35.58,0:16:37.76,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Let us resume the ritual.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:44.53,0:16:46.37,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Kyousuke.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:46.37,0:16:49.55,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,You said you loved me.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:50.59,0:16:56.44,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,But the thought of you dating drives Kirino mad.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:56.44,0:16:59.28,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Even so, she is trying to reunite us.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:59.92,0:17:05.32,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Because she believes, as siblings, that you would do the same for her.
Dialogue: 10,0:17:06.59,0:17:08.54,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Now, let us hear.
Dialogue: 10,0:17:08.54,0:17:10.29,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,What shall you do?
Dialogue: 10,0:17:11.25,0:17:13.63,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Now, knowing how Kirino feels,
Dialogue: 10,0:17:14.09,0:17:16.54,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,will you nevertheless choose me?
Dialogue: 10,0:17:28.96,0:17:30.19,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Kuroneko...
Dialogue: 10,0:17:30.76,0:17:31.44,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,I—
Dialogue: 10,0:17:31.44,0:17:33.06,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Just kidding!
Dialogue: 10,0:17:33.06,0:17:34.19,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,It was a joke.
Dialogue: 10,0:17:35.92,0:17:37.57,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,I said, it was a joke.
Dialogue: 10,0:17:38.13,0:17:39.45,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,All of this was a joke.
Dialogue: 10,0:17:41.17,0:17:43.61,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,So you need not answer.
Dialogue: 10,0:17:43.61,0:17:45.99,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Wait. Kuroneko, listen.
Dialogue: 10,0:17:45.99,0:17:46.49,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,I—
Dialogue: 10,0:17:46.49,0:17:50.57,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,The moment those next words touch your lips, I will perish!
Dialogue: 10,0:17:54.08,0:17:57.35,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,It's... It's better... this way...
Dialogue: 10,0:18:00.47,0:18:02.38,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Hey, are you all right?
Dialogue: 10,0:18:02.38,0:18:04.39,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Whoa, what's wrong?
Dialogue: 10,0:18:04.68,0:18:07.31,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Oh my god, you're pale as a ghost!
Dialogue: 10,0:18:09.34,0:18:12.11,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,It would appear that the other world calls to me.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:13.37,0:18:16.05,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Pray, do not misunderstand.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:16.05,0:18:18.55,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Never once did I flee.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:18.55,0:18:23.16,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Think of it as merely... a tactical retreat.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:23.44,0:18:24.79,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Okay, we get it!
Dialogue: 10,0:18:24.79,0:18:26.16,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Just don't drop dead on us!
Dialogue: 10,0:18:27.00,0:18:29.57,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Though my flesh may turn to dust,
Dialogue: 10,0:18:29.57,0:18:33.67,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,my spirit shall be... eternal...
Dialogue: 10,0:18:34.35,0:18:38.32,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,{\i1}And with that, Kuroneko lost consciousness.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:44.11,0:18:45.35,OreimoDefault,Both,0,0,0,,Matsudo?!
Dialogue: 10,0:18:45.71,0:18:47.24,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Yes, that's right.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:47.24,0:18:50.10,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,I'm moving to Matsudo, Chiba.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:51.38,0:18:53.77,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,The mad city of a thousand whirling leaves!{this is a play on "Chiba", which is written with the kanji "thousand leaves"}
Dialogue: 10,0:18:54.13,0:18:56.46,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,You're going to offend the residents.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:56.46,0:18:59.25,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,And isn't that awfully close?
Dialogue: 10,0:18:59.25,0:19:00.80,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Indeed it is.
Dialogue: 10,0:19:00.80,0:19:05.44,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,My dad received his new job assignment, and we were given company-owned housing.
Dialogue: 10,0:19:05.44,0:19:07.41,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Then what are you doing here?
Dialogue: 10,0:19:07.83,0:19:09.52,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,We're on a family vacation.
Dialogue: 10,0:19:09.52,0:19:13.10,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Our paperwork was late, so I'm starting school in two days.
Dialogue: 10,0:19:14.61,0:19:15.79,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Which means...
Dialogue: 10,0:19:16.46,0:19:20.79,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,I'll be attending a new school, but it won't affect our meetings.
Dialogue: 10,0:19:20.79,0:19:24.01,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,I uh, guess we'll still be seeing each other.
Dialogue: 10,0:19:24.53,0:19:26.89,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Why didn't you tell us that first?!
Dialogue: 10,0:19:26.89,0:19:28.60,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,H-How could I?
Dialogue: 10,0:19:29.11,0:19:32.60,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,You were trying to persuade me so passionately.
Dialogue: 10,0:19:36.23,0:19:38.63,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Th-That wasn't... like...
Dialogue: 0,0:19:42.53,0:19:44.86,Signs,,0,0,0,,{\fry4\fax-0.29\frx358\blur0.6\fnDroid Sans\b0\fscx150\an4\c&H414547&\frz25.27\move(276.857,364.286,317.857,364.286)}Gokou
Dialogue: 10,0:19:43.55,0:19:47.65,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Gosh, it was so dark out last night.
Dialogue: 10,0:19:47.65,0:19:49.53,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Has Matsudo never heard of streetlamps?
Dialogue: 10,0:19:50.19,0:19:54.30,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I guess that's why this is the "mad city" of Chiba.
Dialogue: 10,0:19:54.30,0:19:55.29,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Not you too...
Dialogue: 10,0:19:57.29,0:19:59.38,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,She should just come back to Chiba City.{where the Kousakas live}
Dialogue: 10,0:20:01.30,0:20:03.36,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Oh yeah, almost forgot.
Dialogue: 10,0:20:03.36,0:20:06.43,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,What are you gonna do about the goth girl anyway?
Dialogue: 10,0:20:08.02,0:20:10.72,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,I guess I didn't get a chance to make myself clear that day.
Dialogue: 10,0:20:11.02,0:20:13.98,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,What were you going to say before she interrupted?
Dialogue: 10,0:20:14.87,0:20:19.06,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,If you're against it, of course I won't date.
Dialogue: 10,0:20:19.06,0:20:21.02,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,At least, not for now.
Dialogue: 10,0:20:21.02,0:20:22.73,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,"Not for now"? So when?
Dialogue: 10,0:20:24.17,0:20:26.45,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,When you get a boyfriend, I guess.
Dialogue: 10,0:20:26.92,0:20:30.41,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,But you're against me getting a boyfriend, aren't you?
Dialogue: 10,0:20:30.68,0:20:31.91,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Y-Yeah...
Dialogue: 10,0:20:32.33,0:20:33.57,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,So we're stuck.
Dialogue: 10,0:20:33.57,0:20:35.04,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Guess we are.{The only solution is incest.}
Dialogue: 10,0:20:37.33,0:20:39.02,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Sorry for the wait.{HNNNNNNNGH}
Dialogue: 10,0:20:39.02,0:20:41.12,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Wh-What's with that outfit?!
Dialogue: 10,0:20:43.12,0:20:44.51,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Is it cute?
Dialogue: 10,0:20:45.51,0:20:46.76,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,You slutty cat!
Dialogue: 10,0:20:47.04,0:20:48.33,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,S-Slutty?
Dialogue: 10,0:20:48.33,0:20:51.08,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,You broke up with him, remember?
Dialogue: 10,0:20:51.08,0:20:53.56,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,So why are you acting like you're in heat?
Dialogue: 10,0:20:56.04,0:21:01.27,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,I am merely performing the ritual as prophesied in the Destiny Record.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:01.62,0:21:03.83,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,I thought you were done with that crap!
Dialogue: 10,0:21:03.83,0:21:06.18,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,I said nothing of the sort.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:06.18,0:21:08.15,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Quite the contrary, it is proceeding as planned.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:09.53,0:21:10.74,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Do not forget.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:11.25,0:21:14.33,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,You have yet to be released from the curse I placed upon you.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:17.00,0:21:17.75,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Ah, yes.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:18.61,0:21:23.14,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,Thanks to our last ritual, I've made excellent progress on my plan.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:23.14,0:21:27.42,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,I was thus able to manifest a yet clearer desire.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:29.47,0:21:32.00,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,What's this supposed to be? Us?
Dialogue: 10,0:21:32.00,0:21:33.55,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,What think you of this depiction?
Dialogue: 10,0:21:33.55,0:21:35.51,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,They look nothing like us.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:35.51,0:21:37.77,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Has your art gotten worse?
Dialogue: 10,0:21:37.77,0:21:41.02,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Well, I can't see us being this friendly with each other.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:42.93,0:21:45.53,OreimoDefault,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,It looks like we have a long road ahead.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:46.66,0:21:49.53,OreimoCredits,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,{\i1}And thus, the curtain fell on this chaotic episode.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:50.84,0:21:57.79,OreimoCredits,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,{\q2\i1}In hindsight, Kirino and I were able to understand\n each other better thanks to Mikagami and Kuroneko.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:58.54,0:22:03.20,OreimoCredits,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,{\i1}I'd be hard pressed to say we get along, but though we may bicker,
Dialogue: 10,0:22:03.20,0:22:06.83,OreimoCredits,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,{\i1}when push comes to shove, we'll be there to help each other.
Dialogue: 10,0:22:06.83,0:22:09.05,OreimoCredits,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,{\i1}That's what it means to be siblings.
Dialogue: 10,0:22:10.08,0:22:14.14,OreimoCredits,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,{\i1}Come Monday, we'll make our ways to different schools.
Dialogue: 10,0:22:14.68,0:22:17.60,OreimoCredits,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,{\i1}We won't see each other there anymore.
Dialogue: 10,0:22:17.60,0:22:21.82,OreimoCredits,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,{\i1}But on the weekends, we'll be able to gather like this.
Dialogue: 10,0:22:22.19,0:22:27.56,OreimoCredits,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,{\i1}Saori, Hinata-chan, and even Sena might join us.
Dialogue: 10,0:22:28.42,0:22:31.94,OreimoCredits,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,{\i1}We'll argue and cause mayhem as usual,
Dialogue: 10,0:22:31.94,0:22:34.57,OreimoCredits,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,{\i1}dish out and receive insults, curse each other...
Dialogue: 10,0:22:34.57,0:22:37.33,OreimoCredits,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,{\i1}maybe even fall in love sometimes.
Dialogue: 10,0:22:38.53,0:22:44.35,OreimoCredits,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,{\i1}If that's what the future holds, I think I can live with that.
Dialogue: 10,0:22:44.93,0:22:46.88,OreimoCredits,Kuroneko,0,0,0,,{\i1}It looks like we have a long road ahead.
Dialogue: 10,0:22:47.66,0:22:48.96,OreimoCredits,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Not {\i1}that{\i0} long.
Dialogue: 10,0:22:49.33,0:22:50.88,OreimoCredits,Kirino,0,0,0,,What was that?
Dialogue: 10,0:22:50.88,0:22:54.64,OreimoCredits,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Oh, um...
Dialogue: 10,0:22:56.36,0:22:59.56,OreimoCredits,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,{\i1}This incident was practically a mirror image of our previous ones.
Dialogue: 10,0:22:59.56,0:23:05.82,OreimoCredits,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,{\i1}If you ask me, there's only one thing I can say to express my gratitude in this case.
Dialogue: 10,0:23:06.41,0:23:08.40,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Thanks, Kirino.
Dialogue: 10,0:23:08.64,0:23:09.56,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Huh?
Dialogue: 10,0:23:09.56,0:23:11.65,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,Where did that come from?
Dialogue: 10,0:23:12.47,0:23:16.32,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,Is it {\i1}that{\i0} unusual for me to show gratitude for you?
Dialogue: 10,0:23:16.32,0:23:18.28,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,All right, sorry.
Dialogue: 10,0:23:21.59,0:23:24.54,OreimoDefault,Kirino,0,0,0,,You're welcome, Kyousuke.
Dialogue: 10,0:23:26.48,0:23:30.20,OreimoDefault,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,{\i1}As for what went through my head in that moment...
Dialogue: 0,0:23:28.34,0:23:35.09,Title,,0,0,0,,{\pos(650,180)\an2\fs85\clip(100,16,148,159)\fad(200,0)\t(0,1043,\clip(100,16,1188,159))}There{\fnSquickt}'{\fnPencilPete FONT}s No Way My Little {\alpha&HFF&}Sister Can Be This Cute{\b\fscx60\fscy90\fnSquickt\fax0.53}!
Dialogue: 0,0:23:28.96,0:23:35.09,Title,,0,0,0,,{\pos(650,180)\an2\fs85\clip(100,16,148,159)\fad(200,0)\t(0,1168,\clip(100,16,1188,159))}{\alpha&HFF&}There{\fnSquickt}'{\fnPencilPete FONT}s No Way My Little {\alpha&H00&}Sister Can Be This Cute{\b\fscx60\fscy90\fnSquickt\fax0.53}!
Dialogue: 10,0:23:30.16,0:23:33.81,OreimoScrolling,Kyousuke,0,0,0,,{\i1}Well, I hardly need to say it.
Dialogue: 0,0:23:35.09,0:23:40.06,Title,,0,0,0,,{\an2\fs85\pos(496,94)\frz2.874}There{\fnSquickt}'{\fnPencilPete FONT}s No Way
Dialogue: 0,0:23:35.09,0:23:40.06,Title,,0,0,0,,{\an2\fs85\pos(916,142)\frz347.3}My Sister Would
Dialogue: 0,0:23:35.09,0:23:40.06,Title,,0,0,0,,{\an2\fs85\frz8.672\pos(858,669)}Wear a Wedding Dress

Pasted: Aug 8, 2013, 3:13:02 am
Views: 5