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[Commie] Senki Zesshou Symphogear G - 05 [D10AA1C4].mkv...

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Comment: 99,0:00:27.71,0:00:27.71,Default,,0,0,0,,{OP}
Comment: 0,0:02:40.22,0:02:45.72,epTitle,,0,0,0,,{\fs40\fad(482,430)\bord1.5\blur7\c&HFFFFFF&\3c&H090909&\pos(984.763,723.619)}Bloodbath Serenade
Comment: 99,0:05:26.84,0:05:26.84,Default,,0,0,0,,{insert song here}
Comment: 0,0:05:32.24,0:05:37.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&\clip(0,6,1280,80)}Ooh, oh yeah...
Comment: 0,0:05:32.24,0:05:37.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}Ooh, oh yeah...
Comment: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\blur3\3c&H7CA248&\fs80\clip(442,10,836,148)}Fly
Comment: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&\fs80}Fly
Comment: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(740,80)\clip(442,10,836,148)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&\fscx50\fscy50\p1}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Comment: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(740,80)\clip(442,10,836,148)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&\fscx50\fscy50\p1}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Comment: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,10,836,148)\an8\pos(540,80)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Comment: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Comment: 0,0:05:50.65,0:05:56.91,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&\clip(0,6,1280,80)}Even the untold numbers of human prayers and the world's gentle light
Comment: 0,0:05:50.65,0:05:56.91,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}Even the untold numbers of human prayers and the world's gentle light
Comment: 0,0:05:56.91,0:06:03.42,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&\clip(0,6,1280,80)}are the devil's invention, like a gaol that swallows all
Comment: 0,0:05:56.91,0:06:03.42,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}are the devil's invention, like a gaol that swallows all
Comment: 0,0:06:03.42,0:06:06.67,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&\clip(0,6,1280,80)}Rather than being tossed around
Comment: 0,0:06:03.42,0:06:06.67,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}Rather than being tossed around
Comment: 0,0:06:06.67,0:06:09.30,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&\clip(0,6,1280,80)}by my karma, and replaceable
Comment: 0,0:06:06.67,0:06:09.30,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}by my karma, and replaceable
Comment: 0,0:06:09.30,0:06:14.72,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&\clip(0,6,1280,80)}I will be me, and one of a kind
Comment: 0,0:06:09.30,0:06:14.72,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}I will be me, and one of a kind
Comment: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&\clip(0,6,1280,128)}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Comment: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Comment: 0,0:06:21.98,0:06:28.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&\clip(0,6,1280,80)}All I do is look at the Sirius stars in my heart
Comment: 0,0:06:21.98,0:06:28.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}All I do is look at the Sirius stars in my heart
Comment: 0,0:06:28.49,0:06:33.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&\clip(0,6,1280,80)}and cross the darkness
Comment: 0,0:06:28.49,0:06:33.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}and cross the darkness
Comment: 0,0:06:36.75,0:06:43.39,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&\clip(0,6,1280,80)}The noise that rages around us and a silence like polar ice
Comment: 0,0:06:36.75,0:06:43.39,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}The noise that rages around us and a silence like polar ice
Comment: 0,0:06:43.39,0:06:49.88,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&\clip(0,6,1280,80)}are part of your heartbeat, like a carol that wipes the world away
Comment: 0,0:06:43.39,0:06:49.88,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}are part of your heartbeat, like a carol that wipes the world away
Comment: 0,0:06:49.88,0:06:53.12,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&\clip(0,6,1280,80)}I didn't want to be betrayed, I didn't want to be hurt
Comment: 0,0:06:49.88,0:06:53.12,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}I didn't want to be betrayed, I didn't want to be hurt
Comment: 0,0:06:53.12,0:06:55.77,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&\clip(0,6,1280,80)}All I wanted was to live free of sin
Comment: 0,0:06:53.12,0:06:55.77,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}All I wanted was to live free of sin
Comment: 0,0:06:55.77,0:07:00.75,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&\clip(0,6,1280,80)}Now that dream lies dormant
Comment: 0,0:06:55.77,0:07:00.75,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}Now that dream lies dormant
Comment: 0,0:07:02.84,0:07:09.40,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&\clip(0,6,1280,80)}My paranoia was smashed to pieces the moment we held hands
Comment: 0,0:07:02.84,0:07:09.40,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}My paranoia was smashed to pieces the moment we held hands
Comment: 0,0:07:09.40,0:07:15.64,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&\clip(0,6,1280,80)}With burning fire I reenact my memories
Comment: 0,0:07:09.40,0:07:15.64,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}With burning fire I reenact my memories
Comment: 0,0:07:15.64,0:07:21.02,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&\clip(0,6,1280,80)}here where life and death have no meaning
Comment: 0,0:07:15.64,0:07:21.02,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}here where life and death have no meaning
Comment: 0,0:11:05.64,0:11:07.14,epTitle,,0,0,0,,{TS 11:07}{right top to left bottom}{\NApple Candy\NApricot Candy\NApple\NApricot\N200 yen each\NIf you win at rock-paper-scissors, \Nyou get another one for free!}Candy
Comment: 99,0:11:15.48,0:11:15.48,Default,,0,0,0,,{intermission}
Comment: 99,0:14:55.29,0:14:55.29,Default,,0,0,0,,{insert} {1454} {Just activation song, no need to sub}
Comment: 99,0:15:25.52,0:15:25.52,Default,,0,0,0,,{insert} {1525}
Comment: 99,0:19:01.62,0:19:01.62,Default,,0,0,0,,{insert song}{1830}{Hibiki's}
Comment: 99,0:20:54.98,0:20:54.98,Default,,0,0,0,,{insert song}
Comment: 99,0:22:09.43,0:22:09.43,Default,,0,0,0,,{ED}

Dialogue: 99,0:00:04.18,0:00:07.48,Default,,0,0,0,,A new Queen of the Stage has been crowned!
Dialogue: 99,0:00:07.48,0:00:09.73,Default,,0,0,0,,Now, who'll be our next challenger?
Dialogue: 99,0:00:09.73,0:00:12.24,Default,,0,0,0,,Feel free to jump in from the audience as well!
Dialogue: 99,0:00:12.80,0:00:13.78,Default,,0,0,0,,We'll do it!
Dialogue: 99,0:00:19.33,0:00:20.39,Default,,0,0,0,,Those girls?!
Dialogue: 99,0:00:23.47,0:00:25.36,Default,,0,0,0,,We'd like to challenge...
Dialogue: 99,0:00:25.36,0:00:26.88,Default,,0,0,0,,...the champion!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:30.80,0:00:33.72,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}Tell me your wishes
Dialogue: 0,0:00:33.72,0:00:36.39,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}I'm right here next to you
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.39,0:00:41.35,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3\t(2316,3192,\3c&H1E3758&)}Don't hide your feelings, for only through them are you alive
Dialogue: 0,0:00:41.35,0:00:46.69,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3\3c&H5F2C2E&}We need no reasons for the notes that draw us to each other
Dialogue: 0,0:00:46.69,0:00:53.90,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3\3c&H680D9D&}L{*\3c&H660F9E&}e{*\3c&H6511A0&}t {*\3c&H6316A3&}t{*\3c&H6119A5&}h{*\3c&H601BA7&}e {*\3c&H5E20AA&}f{*\3c&H5D22AC&}i{*\3c&H5B25AE&}r{*\3c&H5A27B0&}e {*\3c&H582CB3&}o{*\3c&H562FB5&}f {*\3c&H5434B8&}o{*\3c&H5336BA&}u{*\3c&H5238BC&}r {*\3c&H4F3DBF&}h{*\3c&H4E40C1&}e{*\3c&H4D42C3&}a{*\3c&H4B45C5&}r{*\3c&H4A47C6&}t{*\3c&H494AC8&}s {*\3c&H474ECB&}r{*\3c&H4551CD&}a{*\3c&H4453CF&}g{*\3c&H4356D1&}e {*\3c&H405BD4&}t{*\3c&H3F5DD6&}h{*\3c&H3E5FD8&}r{*\3c&H3D62D9&}o{*\3c&H3C64DB&}u{*\3c&H3A67DD&}g{*\3c&H3969DF&}h {*\3c&H376EE2&}t{*\3c&H3571E4&}h{*\3c&H3473E6&}e {*\3c&H3278E9&}h{*\3c&H317AEB&}e{*\3c&H2F7DED&}a{*\3c&H2E7FEE&}v{*\3c&H2D82F0&}e{*\3c&H2C84F2&}n{\3c&H2B87F4&}s
Dialogue: 0,0:00:53.90,0:00:58.20,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,0)\blur3\3c&H680D9D&}T{*\3c&H601CA7&}r{*\3c&H582BB2&}u{*\3c&H513ABD&}e {*\3c&H4159D3&}s{*\3c&H3A68DE&}o{*\3c&H3277E9&}n{\3c&H2B87F4&}g
Dialogue: 0,0:01:04.50,0:01:07.17,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3\3c&H9F4E22&)}When, I wonder, did seeking you out
Dialogue: 0,0:01:07.17,0:01:09.75,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3\3c&H4831BF&}become as natural as breathing?
Dialogue: 0,0:01:09.75,0:01:13.92,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3\3c&H0863F0&\t(2240,2281,\3c&H585223&)\t(3199,3241,\3c&H552E27&)}My heart aches and I scream
Dialogue: 0,0:01:13.92,0:01:14.38,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(50,0)\blur3\3c&H552E27&}Start me up
Dialogue: 0,0:01:14.38,0:01:14.88,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(0,50)\blur3\c&H39BB33&\3c&H274B1E&}Start {\3c&H552E27&\1c&HFFFFFF&}me {\c&H39BB33&\3c&H274B1E&}up
Dialogue: 0,0:01:14.88,0:01:17.30,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}The ever-present noise
Dialogue: 0,0:01:17.30,0:01:19.93,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}laughs at our reality from everywhere, far away
Dialogue: 0,0:01:19.93,0:01:25.27,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}What little light I can see is so radiant it gives me hope
Dialogue: 2,0:01:25.27,0:01:28.06,OP scary,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur1}To protect your peace
Dialogue: 1,0:01:25.27,0:01:28.06,OP scary,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur6\b1\c&HFFFFFF&}To protect your peace
Dialogue: 0,0:01:25.27,0:01:28.06,OP scary,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur6\b1\c&HFFFFFF&}To protect your peace
Dialogue: 2,0:01:28.06,0:01:30.36,OP scary,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur1}it is best to choose solitude
Dialogue: 1,0:01:28.06,0:01:30.36,OP scary,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur6\b1\c&HFFFFFF&}it is best to choose solitude
Dialogue: 0,0:01:28.06,0:01:30.36,OP scary,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur6\b1\c&HFFFFFF&}it is best to choose solitude
Dialogue: 2,0:01:31.07,0:01:33.28,OP scary,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur1}I want to feel a warmth
Dialogue: 1,0:01:31.07,0:01:33.28,OP scary,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur6\b1\c&HFFFFFF&}I want to feel a warmth
Dialogue: 0,0:01:31.07,0:01:33.28,OP scary,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur6\b1\c&HFFFFFF&}I want to feel a warmth
Dialogue: 2,0:01:33.28,0:01:38.53,OP scary,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,1800)\blur1}that we all cling to helplessly
Dialogue: 1,0:01:33.28,0:01:38.53,OP scary,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,1800)\blur6\b1\c&HFFFFFF&}that we all cling to helplessly
Dialogue: 0,0:01:33.28,0:01:38.53,OP scary,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,1800)\blur6\b1\c&HFFFFFF&}that we all cling to helplessly
Dialogue: 0,0:01:38.53,0:01:43.58,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3\3c&H680D9D&}T{*\3c&H660F9F&}h{*\3c&H6512A1&}e {*\3c&H6218A5&}m{*\3c&H601BA7&}e{*\3c&H5F1EA9&}l{*\3c&H5D21AB&}o{*\3c&H5C24AD&}d{*\3c&H5A27AF&}y {*\3c&H582CB3&}o{*\3c&H562FB5&}f {*\3c&H5335BA&}m{*\3c&H5238BC&}y {*\3c&H4F3EC0&}l{*\3c&H4D41C2&}i{*\3c&H4C44C4&}f{*\3c&H4A47C6&}e {*\3c&H484CCA&}i{*\3c&H464FCC&}s {*\3c&H4355D0&}c{*\3c&H4258D2&}o{*\3c&H405BD4&}n{*\3c&H3F5ED7&}s{*\3c&H3D61D9&}e{*\3c&H3C64DB&}c{*\3c&H3A67DD&}r{*\3c&H3969DF&}a{*\3c&H386CE1&}t{*\3c&H366FE3&}e{*\3c&H3572E5&}d {*\3c&H3278E9&}t{*\3c&H307BEB&}o {*\3c&H2D81EF&}y{*\3c&H2C84F1&}o{\3c&H2B87F4&}u
Dialogue: 0,0:01:43.58,0:01:46.12,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3\3c&H680D9D&}I {*\3c&H6414A2&}w{*\3c&H6217A4&}i{*\3c&H601BA7&}l{*\3c&H5F1EA9&}l {*\3c&H5B26AE&}s{*\3c&H5929B1&}h{*\3c&H572DB4&}o{*\3c&H5630B6&}w {*\3c&H5238BB&}y{*\3c&H503BBE&}o{*\3c&H4E3FC0&}u {*\3c&H4B46C5&}a {*\3c&H474DCB&}b{*\3c&H4551CD&}e{*\3c&H4454D0&}a{*\3c&H4258D2&}u{*\3c&H405BD5&}t{*\3c&H3E5FD7&}i{*\3c&H3C63DA&}f{*\3c&H3B66DC&}u{*\3c&H396ADF&}l {*\3c&H3571E4&}r{*\3c&H3375E7&}a{*\3c&H3278E9&}i{*\3c&H307CEC&}n{*\3c&H2E7FEE&}b{*\3c&H2C83F1&}o{\3c&H2B87F4&}w
Dialogue: 0,0:01:46.12,0:01:48.54,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3\3c&H680D9D&}I{*\3c&H6511A0&}t{*\3c&H6315A3&}'{*\3c&H611AA6&}s {*\3c&H5D22AC&}t{*\3c&H5A27AF&}h{*\3c&H582BB2&}e {*\3c&H5434B8&}p{*\3c&H5238BC&}r{*\3c&H503CBF&}o{*\3c&H4D41C2&}l{*\3c&H4B45C5&}o{*\3c&H494AC8&}g{*\3c&H474ECB&}u{*\3c&H4552CE&}e {*\3c&H405BD4&}o{*\3c&H3E5FD8&}f {*\3c&H3A68DE&}e{*\3c&H386CE1&}t{*\3c&H3571E4&}e{*\3c&H3375E7&}r{*\3c&H3179EA&}n{*\3c&H2F7EED&}i{*\3c&H2D82F0&}t{\3c&H2B87F4&}y
Dialogue: 0,0:01:48.54,0:01:53.59,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3\3c&H680D9D&}N{*\3c&H660F9E&}o{*\3c&H6512A0&}b{*\3c&H6315A2&}o{*\3c&H6218A4&}d{*\3c&H611AA6&}y {*\3c&H5E20AA&}w{*\3c&H5C23AC&}i{*\3c&H5B25AE&}l{*\3c&H5A28B0&}l {*\3c&H572EB4&}t{*\3c&H5531B6&}a{*\3c&H5433B8&}k{*\3c&H5336BA&}e {*\3c&H503CBE&}t{*\3c&H4F3EC0&}h{*\3c&H4D41C2&}e {*\3c&H4A47C6&}o{*\3c&H494AC8&}a{*\3c&H484CCA&}t{*\3c&H464FCC&}h {*\3c&H4355D0&}i{*\3c&H4257D2&}n {*\3c&H3F5DD6&}m{*\3c&H3E60D8&}y {*\3c&H3B65DC&}h{*\3c&H3A68DE&}e{*\3c&H386BE0&}a{*\3c&H376EE2&}r{*\3c&H3670E4&}t {*\3c&H3376E8&}f{*\3c&H3179EA&}r{*\3c&H307BEC&}o{*\3c&H2F7EEE&}m {*\3c&H2C84F2&}m{\3c&H2B87F4&}e
Dialogue: 0,0:01:53.59,0:01:57.05,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3\3c&H680D9D&}L{*\3c&H6511A0&}e{*\3c&H6316A3&}t {*\3c&H5E1FA9&}u{*\3c&H5C23AD&}s {*\3c&H582CB3&}f{*\3c&H5531B6&}l{*\3c&H5335BA&}y {*\3c&H4F3EC0&}a{*\3c&H4C43C3&}n{*\3c&H4A47C6&}d {*\3c&H4650CD&}u{*\3c&H4355D0&}n{*\3c&H4159D3&}i{*\3c&H3F5ED7&}t{*\3c&H3D62DA&}e {*\3c&H386BE0&}i{*\3c&H3670E3&}n {*\3c&H3179EA&}s{*\3c&H2F7DED&}o{*\3c&H2D82F0&}n{\3c&H2B87F4&}g
Dialogue: 0,0:01:57.05,0:02:01.30,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3\3c&H680D9D&}b{*\3c&H6512A0&}e{*\3c&H6217A4&}c{*\3c&H601CA7&}a{*\3c&H5D21AB&}u{*\3c&H5B26AF&}s{*\3c&H582BB2&}e {*\3c&H5335BA&}t{*\3c&H513ABD&}h{*\3c&H4E3FC1&}e {*\3c&H494AC8&}s{*\3c&H464FCC&}k{*\3c&H4454CF&}y {*\3c&H3F5ED7&}a{*\3c&H3C63DA&}w{*\3c&H3A68DE&}a{*\3c&H376DE1&}i{*\3c&H3572E5&}t{*\3c&H3277E9&}s {*\3c&H2D81F0&}u{\3c&H2B87F4&}s
Dialogue: 99,0:02:11.60,0:02:13.78,Default,,0,0,0,,Tsubasa, it's those girls!
Dialogue: 99,0:02:13.78,0:02:17.28,Default,,0,0,0,,Yeah... but what could they be planning?
Dialogue: 99,0:02:17.76,0:02:20.80,Default,,0,0,0,,Hibiki, do you know them?
Dialogue: 99,0:02:20.80,0:02:22.05,Default,,0,0,0,,Y-Yeah.
Dialogue: 99,0:02:22.05,0:02:23.58,Default,,0,0,0,,Well, um... Miku—
Dialogue: 99,0:02:24.70,0:02:31.25,Default,,0,0,0,,They are the Symphogear users who declared war on the world. Our enemy.
Dialogue: 99,0:02:31.25,0:02:34.49,Default,,0,0,0,,Then they're allies of Maria?
Dialogue: 99,0:02:34.49,0:02:37.57,Default,,0,0,0,,The one who was controlling the Noise at the concert arena?
Dialogue: 99,0:02:37.57,0:02:39.97,Default,,0,0,0,,Yes... although...
Dialogue: 0,0:02:40.22,0:02:45.72,epTitle,,0,0,0,,{\1a&HFF&\fs40\fad(441,430)\bord1.5\blur7\3c&H090909&\pos(984.763,723.619)}Bloodbath Serenade
Dialogue: 1,0:02:40.22,0:02:45.72,epTitle,,0,0,0,,{\fs40\fad(441,430)\blur0.5\bord0\c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HFFFFFF&\pos(984.763,723.619)}Bloodbath Serenade
Dialogue: 99,0:03:01.16,0:03:06.47,Default,,0,0,0,,Whenever you use your power, Finè's soul grows stronger. {taken from ep.4}
Dialogue: 99,0:03:06.47,0:03:10.66,Default,,0,0,0,,That means yours fades out more and more!
Dialogue: 99,0:03:10.66,0:03:12.92,Default,,0,0,0,,I won't let that happen.
Dialogue: 99,0:03:13.71,0:03:15.23,Default,,0,0,0,,We'll do it!
Dialogue: 99,0:03:15.87,0:03:19.05,Default,,0,0,0,,{\fad(0,520)}Protecting Maria is the reason we fight!
Dialogue: 99,0:03:20.84,0:03:22.65,Default,,0,0,0,,Are you having regrets?
Dialogue: 99,0:03:26.64,0:03:28.57,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm fine, ma'am.
Dialogue: 99,0:03:28.57,0:03:32.46,Default,,0,0,0,,I will accomplish the mission that has been given to me.
Dialogue: 99,0:03:35.51,0:03:37.86,Default,,0,0,0,,Looks like our countrymen have caught up with us.
Dialogue: 99,0:03:37.86,0:03:40.43,Default,,0,0,0,,They've found us already?
Dialogue: 99,0:03:40.43,0:03:42.85,Default,,0,0,0,,Though we may make use of heretical technology,
Dialogue: 99,0:03:42.85,0:03:45.12,Default,,0,0,0,,in the end, we are still just amateurs.
Dialogue: 99,0:03:45.75,0:03:50.87,Default,,0,0,0,,It'd be overly optimistic to think we could go toe-to-toe with trained professionals.
Dialogue: 99,0:03:50.87,0:03:52.33,Default,,0,0,0,,What should we do?
Dialogue: 99,0:03:52.33,0:03:56.20,Default,,0,0,0,,We need to take the initiative by confronting them before they enter the building.
Dialogue: 99,0:03:56.20,0:03:58.70,Default,,0,0,0,,Maria, I'll leave it to you to eliminate them.
Dialogue: 99,0:03:59.42,0:04:00.81,Default,,0,0,0,,Eliminate them?
Dialogue: 99,0:04:00.81,0:04:02.50,Default,,0,0,0,,They're just normal humans!
Dialogue: 99,0:04:02.50,0:04:04.47,Default,,0,0,0,,They wouldn't survive one blow from the Gungnir!
Dialogue: 99,0:04:04.47,0:04:07.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Nonetheless, that is what you must do.
Dialogue: 99,0:04:09.06,0:04:12.36,Default,,0,0,0,,You were like this at the concert site, too.
Dialogue: 99,0:04:12.36,0:04:13.48,Default,,0,0,0,,Maria.
Dialogue: 99,0:04:13.48,0:04:16.31,Default,,0,0,0,,Are you so afraid to stain your hands with blood?
Dialogue: 99,0:04:16.79,0:04:17.71,Default,,0,0,0,,Ma'am...
Dialogue: 99,0:04:18.50,0:04:19.82,Default,,0,0,0,,I...
Dialogue: 99,0:04:37.59,0:04:38.98,Default,,0,0,0,,Kiri{ PLS}.
Dialogue: 99,0:04:38.98,0:04:41.14,Default,,0,0,0,,What is our objective?
Dialogue: 99,0:04:41.14,0:04:46.12,Default,,0,0,0,,To steal the pendants made from relic fragments!
Dialogue: 99,0:04:46.12,0:04:48.85,Default,,0,0,0,,So we don't have to do it like this.
Dialogue: 99,0:04:48.85,0:04:54.17,Default,,0,0,0,,I heard that whoever's standing on that stage at the end gets one wish granted.
Dialogue: 99,0:04:54.17,0:04:56.05,Default,,0,0,0,,How could we miss this opportunity?
Dialogue: 99,0:04:56.05,0:04:57.16,Default,,0,0,0,,Real cute.
Dialogue: 99,0:04:57.16,0:05:00.20,Default,,0,0,0,,If you wanna pick a fight with us, we're ready for you!
Dialogue: 99,0:05:01.56,0:05:03.62,Default,,0,0,0,,I'll go along with you just this once.
Dialogue: 99,0:05:03.62,0:05:05.79,Default,,0,0,0,,But don't forget that this is—
Dialogue: 99,0:05:05.79,0:05:09.12,Default,,0,0,0,,I know. This time we're gonna succeed for sure.
Dialogue: 99,0:05:09.60,0:05:12.04,Default,,0,0,0,,It is time for you to decide, Maria.
Dialogue: 99,0:05:14.21,0:05:16.53,Default,,0,0,0,,Then let's hear our challengers sing!
Dialogue: 99,0:05:16.53,0:05:17.70,Default,,0,0,0,,Um...
Dialogue: 99,0:05:17.70,0:05:19.08,Default,,0,0,0,,Tsukuyomi Shirabe and...
Dialogue: 99,0:05:19.08,0:05:20.88,Default,,0,0,0,,Akatsuki Kirika!
Dialogue: 99,0:05:20.88,0:05:22.04,Default,,0,0,0,,Okay!
Dialogue: 99,0:05:22.04,0:05:24.18,Default,,0,0,0,,They'll be performing Orbital Beat!
Dialogue: 99,0:05:24.18,0:05:26.84,Default,,0,0,0,,The Zwei Wing song, of course!
Dialogue: 0,0:05:25.95,0:05:28.39,ORBITAL BEAT robot,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)}Now praying for your painful cry...
Dialogue: 0,0:05:28.81,0:05:31.26,ORBITAL BEAT robot,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)}Now praying for your painful cry...
Dialogue: 99,0:05:29.73,0:05:31.20,Default,,0,0,0,,This song...
Dialogue: 99,0:05:31.20,0:05:33.22,Default,,0,0,0,,Isn't it Tsubasa and Kanade's?
Dialogue: 0,0:05:32.24,0:05:37.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,6,1280,11)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&}Ooh, oh yeah...
Dialogue: 0,0:05:32.24,0:05:37.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,11,1280,16)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H80A152&}Ooh, oh yeah...
Dialogue: 0,0:05:32.24,0:05:37.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,16,1280,21)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H85A15D&}Ooh, oh yeah...
Dialogue: 0,0:05:32.24,0:05:37.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,21,1280,26)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8AA067&}Ooh, oh yeah...
Dialogue: 0,0:05:32.24,0:05:37.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,26,1280,31)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8EA072&}Ooh, oh yeah...
Dialogue: 0,0:05:32.24,0:05:37.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,31,1280,36)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H939F7C&}Ooh, oh yeah...
Dialogue: 0,0:05:32.24,0:05:37.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,36,1280,41)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H989F87&}Ooh, oh yeah...
Dialogue: 0,0:05:32.24,0:05:37.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,41,1280,46)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H9D9E91&}Ooh, oh yeah...
Dialogue: 0,0:05:32.24,0:05:37.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,46,1280,51)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA19E9C&}Ooh, oh yeah...
Dialogue: 0,0:05:32.24,0:05:37.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,51,1280,56)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA69DA6&}Ooh, oh yeah...
Dialogue: 0,0:05:32.24,0:05:37.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,56,1280,61)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAB9DB1&}Ooh, oh yeah...
Dialogue: 0,0:05:32.24,0:05:37.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,61,1280,66)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAF9CBB&}Ooh, oh yeah...
Dialogue: 0,0:05:32.24,0:05:37.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,66,1280,71)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB49CC6&}Ooh, oh yeah...
Dialogue: 0,0:05:32.24,0:05:37.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,71,1280,76)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB99BD0&}Ooh, oh yeah...
Dialogue: 0,0:05:32.24,0:05:37.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,76,1280,81)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}Ooh, oh yeah...
Dialogue: 99,0:05:33.70,0:05:35.39,Default,,0,0,0,,What are they trying to do here?
Dialogue: 99,0:05:35.39,0:05:37.25,Default,,0,0,0,,Provoke us?
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,10,836,15)\blur3\fs80\3c&H7CA248&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,15,836,20)\blur3\fs80\3c&H7EA14D&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,20,836,25)\blur3\fs80\3c&H80A152&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,25,836,30)\blur3\fs80\3c&H83A158&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,30,836,35)\blur3\fs80\3c&H85A05D&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,35,836,40)\blur3\fs80\3c&H88A063&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,40,836,45)\blur3\fs80\3c&H8AA068&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,45,836,50)\blur3\fs80\3c&H8DA06E&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,50,836,55)\blur3\fs80\3c&H8F9F73&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,55,836,60)\blur3\fs80\3c&H929F79&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,60,836,65)\blur3\fs80\3c&H949F7E&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,65,836,70)\blur3\fs80\3c&H969F83&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,70,836,75)\blur3\fs80\3c&H999E89&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,75,836,80)\blur3\fs80\3c&H9B9E8E&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,80,836,85)\blur3\fs80\3c&H9E9E94&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,85,836,90)\blur3\fs80\3c&HA09E99&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,90,836,95)\blur3\fs80\3c&HA39D9F&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,95,836,100)\blur3\fs80\3c&HA59DA4&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,100,836,105)\blur3\fs80\3c&HA89DAA&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,105,836,110)\blur3\fs80\3c&HAA9DAF&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,110,836,115)\blur3\fs80\3c&HAC9CB4&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,115,836,120)\blur3\fs80\3c&HAF9CBA&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,120,836,125)\blur3\fs80\3c&HB19CBF&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,125,836,130)\blur3\fs80\3c&HB49CC5&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,130,836,135)\blur3\fs80\3c&HB69BCA&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,135,836,140)\blur3\fs80\3c&HB99BD0&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,140,836,145)\blur3\fs80\3c&HBB9BD5&}Fly
Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,60,,{\an8\pos(640,60)\clip(442,145,836,150)\blur3\fs80\3c&HBE9BDB&}Fly
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,10,836,15)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&H7CA248&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,15,836,20)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&H7EA14D&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,20,836,25)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&H80A152&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,25,836,30)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&H83A158&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,30,836,35)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&H85A05D&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,35,836,40)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&H88A063&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,40,836,45)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&H8AA068&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,45,836,50)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&H8DA06E&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,50,836,55)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&H8F9F73&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,55,836,60)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&H929F79&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,60,836,65)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&H949F7E&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,65,836,70)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&H969F83&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,70,836,75)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&H999E89&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,75,836,80)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&H9B9E8E&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,80,836,85)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&H9E9E94&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,85,836,90)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&HA09E99&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,90,836,95)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&HA39D9F&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,95,836,100)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&HA59DA4&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,100,836,105)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&HA89DAA&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,105,836,110)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&HAA9DAF&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,110,836,115)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&HAC9CB4&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,115,836,120)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&HAF9CBA&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,120,836,125)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&HB19CBF&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,125,836,130)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&HB49CC5&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,130,836,135)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&HB69BCA&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,135,836,140)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&HB99BD0&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,140,836,145)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&HBB9BD5&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(442,145,836,150)\pos(740,80)\an8\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\p1\3c&HBE9BDB&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,10,836,15)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&H7CA248&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,15,836,20)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&H7EA14D&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,20,836,25)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&H80A152&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,25,836,30)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&H83A158&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,30,836,35)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&H85A05D&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,35,836,40)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&H88A063&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,40,836,45)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&H8AA068&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,45,836,50)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&H8DA06E&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,50,836,55)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&H8F9F73&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,55,836,60)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&H929F79&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,60,836,65)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&H949F7E&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,65,836,70)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&H969F83&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,70,836,75)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&H999E89&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,75,836,80)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&H9B9E8E&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,80,836,85)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&H9E9E94&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,85,836,90)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&HA09E99&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,90,836,95)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&HA39D9F&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,95,836,100)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&HA59DA4&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,100,836,105)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&HA89DAA&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,105,836,110)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&HAA9DAF&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,110,836,115)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&HAC9CB4&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,115,836,120)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&HAF9CBA&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,120,836,125)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&HB19CBF&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,125,836,130)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&HB49CC5&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,130,836,135)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&HB69BCA&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,135,836,140)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&HB99BD0&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,140,836,145)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&HBB9BD5&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 1,0:05:37.90,0:05:39.90,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(540,80)\clip(442,145,836,150)\blur3\fscx50\fscy50\fry180\p1\3c&HBE9BDB&}m -165 -29 l -173 -55 l -179 -56 l -172 -28 m -187 -60 l -203 -63 l -181 -20 l -174 -26 m -184 -18 b -215 -69 -219 -74 -248 -119 b -262 -121 -275 -124 -288 -127 b -275 -107 -262 -88 -252 -67 b -244 -64 -235 -61 -228 -59 b -214 -44 -203 -27 -190 -9 m -193 -6 b -206 -21 -219 -37 -234 -52 b -242 -54 -251 -56 -258 -57 b -273 -78 -286 -97 -300 -115 b -318 -117 -337 -117 -355 -119 b -317 -81 -302 -64 -283 -36 b -270 -35 -256 -34 -242 -32 b -222 -18 -209 -5 -194 7 m -196 12 b -214 1 -232 -11 -248 -19 b -262 -20 -277 -20 -292 -20 b -314 -46 -340 -71 -374 -96 b -399 -96 -424 -95 -445 -95 b -387 -59 -339 -19 -321 13 b -294 7 -272 4 -249 2 b -233 8 -215 16 -197 24
Dialogue: 99,0:05:43.29,0:05:44.82,Default,,0,0,0,,It has begun.
Dialogue: 99,0:05:45.38,0:05:47.03,Default,,0,0,0,,Come, Maria!
Dialogue: 0,0:05:50.65,0:05:56.91,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,6,1280,11)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&}Even the untold numbers of human prayers and the world's gentle light
Dialogue: 0,0:05:50.65,0:05:56.91,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,11,1280,16)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H80A152&}Even the untold numbers of human prayers and the world's gentle light
Dialogue: 0,0:05:50.65,0:05:56.91,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,16,1280,21)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H85A15D&}Even the untold numbers of human prayers and the world's gentle light
Dialogue: 0,0:05:50.65,0:05:56.91,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,21,1280,26)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8AA067&}Even the untold numbers of human prayers and the world's gentle light
Dialogue: 0,0:05:50.65,0:05:56.91,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,26,1280,31)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8EA072&}Even the untold numbers of human prayers and the world's gentle light
Dialogue: 0,0:05:50.65,0:05:56.91,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,31,1280,36)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H939F7C&}Even the untold numbers of human prayers and the world's gentle light
Dialogue: 0,0:05:50.65,0:05:56.91,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,36,1280,41)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H989F87&}Even the untold numbers of human prayers and the world's gentle light
Dialogue: 0,0:05:50.65,0:05:56.91,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,41,1280,46)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H9D9E91&}Even the untold numbers of human prayers and the world's gentle light
Dialogue: 0,0:05:50.65,0:05:56.91,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,46,1280,51)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA19E9C&}Even the untold numbers of human prayers and the world's gentle light
Dialogue: 0,0:05:50.65,0:05:56.91,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,51,1280,56)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA69DA6&}Even the untold numbers of human prayers and the world's gentle light
Dialogue: 0,0:05:50.65,0:05:56.91,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,56,1280,61)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAB9DB1&}Even the untold numbers of human prayers and the world's gentle light
Dialogue: 0,0:05:50.65,0:05:56.91,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,61,1280,66)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAF9CBB&}Even the untold numbers of human prayers and the world's gentle light
Dialogue: 0,0:05:50.65,0:05:56.91,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,66,1280,71)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB49CC6&}Even the untold numbers of human prayers and the world's gentle light
Dialogue: 0,0:05:50.65,0:05:56.91,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,71,1280,76)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB99BD0&}Even the untold numbers of human prayers and the world's gentle light
Dialogue: 0,0:05:50.65,0:05:56.91,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,76,1280,81)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}Even the untold numbers of human prayers and the world's gentle light
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.91,0:06:03.42,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,6,1280,11)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&}are the devil's invention, like a gaol that swallows all
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.91,0:06:03.42,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,11,1280,16)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H80A152&}are the devil's invention, like a gaol that swallows all
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.91,0:06:03.42,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,16,1280,21)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H85A15D&}are the devil's invention, like a gaol that swallows all
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.91,0:06:03.42,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,21,1280,26)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8AA067&}are the devil's invention, like a gaol that swallows all
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.91,0:06:03.42,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,26,1280,31)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8EA072&}are the devil's invention, like a gaol that swallows all
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.91,0:06:03.42,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,31,1280,36)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H939F7C&}are the devil's invention, like a gaol that swallows all
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.91,0:06:03.42,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,36,1280,41)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H989F87&}are the devil's invention, like a gaol that swallows all
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.91,0:06:03.42,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,41,1280,46)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H9D9E91&}are the devil's invention, like a gaol that swallows all
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.91,0:06:03.42,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,46,1280,51)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA19E9C&}are the devil's invention, like a gaol that swallows all
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.91,0:06:03.42,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,51,1280,56)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA69DA6&}are the devil's invention, like a gaol that swallows all
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.91,0:06:03.42,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,56,1280,61)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAB9DB1&}are the devil's invention, like a gaol that swallows all
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.91,0:06:03.42,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,61,1280,66)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAF9CBB&}are the devil's invention, like a gaol that swallows all
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.91,0:06:03.42,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,66,1280,71)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB49CC6&}are the devil's invention, like a gaol that swallows all
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.91,0:06:03.42,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,71,1280,76)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB99BD0&}are the devil's invention, like a gaol that swallows all
Dialogue: 0,0:05:56.91,0:06:03.42,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,76,1280,81)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}are the devil's invention, like a gaol that swallows all
Dialogue: 0,0:06:03.42,0:06:06.67,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,6,1280,11)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&}Rather than being tossed around
Dialogue: 0,0:06:03.42,0:06:06.67,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,11,1280,16)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H80A152&}Rather than being tossed around
Dialogue: 0,0:06:03.42,0:06:06.67,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,16,1280,21)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H85A15D&}Rather than being tossed around
Dialogue: 0,0:06:03.42,0:06:06.67,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,21,1280,26)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8AA067&}Rather than being tossed around
Dialogue: 0,0:06:03.42,0:06:06.67,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,26,1280,31)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8EA072&}Rather than being tossed around
Dialogue: 0,0:06:03.42,0:06:06.67,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,31,1280,36)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H939F7C&}Rather than being tossed around
Dialogue: 0,0:06:03.42,0:06:06.67,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,36,1280,41)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H989F87&}Rather than being tossed around
Dialogue: 0,0:06:03.42,0:06:06.67,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,41,1280,46)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H9D9E91&}Rather than being tossed around
Dialogue: 0,0:06:03.42,0:06:06.67,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,46,1280,51)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA19E9C&}Rather than being tossed around
Dialogue: 0,0:06:03.42,0:06:06.67,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,51,1280,56)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA69DA6&}Rather than being tossed around
Dialogue: 0,0:06:03.42,0:06:06.67,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,56,1280,61)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAB9DB1&}Rather than being tossed around
Dialogue: 0,0:06:03.42,0:06:06.67,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,61,1280,66)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAF9CBB&}Rather than being tossed around
Dialogue: 0,0:06:03.42,0:06:06.67,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,66,1280,71)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB49CC6&}Rather than being tossed around
Dialogue: 0,0:06:03.42,0:06:06.67,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,71,1280,76)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB99BD0&}Rather than being tossed around
Dialogue: 0,0:06:03.42,0:06:06.67,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,76,1280,81)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}Rather than being tossed around
Dialogue: 0,0:06:06.67,0:06:09.30,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,6,1280,11)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&}by my karma, and replaceable
Dialogue: 0,0:06:06.67,0:06:09.30,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,11,1280,16)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H80A152&}by my karma, and replaceable
Dialogue: 0,0:06:06.67,0:06:09.30,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,16,1280,21)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H85A15D&}by my karma, and replaceable
Dialogue: 0,0:06:06.67,0:06:09.30,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,21,1280,26)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8AA067&}by my karma, and replaceable
Dialogue: 0,0:06:06.67,0:06:09.30,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,26,1280,31)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8EA072&}by my karma, and replaceable
Dialogue: 0,0:06:06.67,0:06:09.30,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,31,1280,36)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H939F7C&}by my karma, and replaceable
Dialogue: 0,0:06:06.67,0:06:09.30,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,36,1280,41)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H989F87&}by my karma, and replaceable
Dialogue: 0,0:06:06.67,0:06:09.30,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,41,1280,46)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H9D9E91&}by my karma, and replaceable
Dialogue: 0,0:06:06.67,0:06:09.30,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,46,1280,51)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA19E9C&}by my karma, and replaceable
Dialogue: 0,0:06:06.67,0:06:09.30,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,51,1280,56)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA69DA6&}by my karma, and replaceable
Dialogue: 0,0:06:06.67,0:06:09.30,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,56,1280,61)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAB9DB1&}by my karma, and replaceable
Dialogue: 0,0:06:06.67,0:06:09.30,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,61,1280,66)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAF9CBB&}by my karma, and replaceable
Dialogue: 0,0:06:06.67,0:06:09.30,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,66,1280,71)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB49CC6&}by my karma, and replaceable
Dialogue: 0,0:06:06.67,0:06:09.30,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,71,1280,76)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB99BD0&}by my karma, and replaceable
Dialogue: 0,0:06:06.67,0:06:09.30,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,76,1280,81)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}by my karma, and replaceable
Dialogue: 0,0:06:09.30,0:06:14.72,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,6,1280,11)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&}I will be me, and one of a kind
Dialogue: 0,0:06:09.30,0:06:14.72,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,11,1280,16)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H80A152&}I will be me, and one of a kind
Dialogue: 0,0:06:09.30,0:06:14.72,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,16,1280,21)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H85A15D&}I will be me, and one of a kind
Dialogue: 0,0:06:09.30,0:06:14.72,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,21,1280,26)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8AA067&}I will be me, and one of a kind
Dialogue: 0,0:06:09.30,0:06:14.72,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,26,1280,31)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8EA072&}I will be me, and one of a kind
Dialogue: 0,0:06:09.30,0:06:14.72,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,31,1280,36)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H939F7C&}I will be me, and one of a kind
Dialogue: 0,0:06:09.30,0:06:14.72,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,36,1280,41)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H989F87&}I will be me, and one of a kind
Dialogue: 0,0:06:09.30,0:06:14.72,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,41,1280,46)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H9D9E91&}I will be me, and one of a kind
Dialogue: 0,0:06:09.30,0:06:14.72,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,46,1280,51)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA19E9C&}I will be me, and one of a kind
Dialogue: 0,0:06:09.30,0:06:14.72,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,51,1280,56)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA69DA6&}I will be me, and one of a kind
Dialogue: 0,0:06:09.30,0:06:14.72,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,56,1280,61)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAB9DB1&}I will be me, and one of a kind
Dialogue: 0,0:06:09.30,0:06:14.72,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,61,1280,66)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAF9CBB&}I will be me, and one of a kind
Dialogue: 0,0:06:09.30,0:06:14.72,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,66,1280,71)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB49CC6&}I will be me, and one of a kind
Dialogue: 0,0:06:09.30,0:06:14.72,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,71,1280,76)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB99BD0&}I will be me, and one of a kind
Dialogue: 0,0:06:09.30,0:06:14.72,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,76,1280,81)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}I will be me, and one of a kind
Dialogue: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,6,1280,11)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Dialogue: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,11,1280,16)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7EA14E&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Dialogue: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,16,1280,21)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H81A154&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Dialogue: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,21,1280,26)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H84A15A&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Dialogue: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,26,1280,31)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H87A060&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Dialogue: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,31,1280,36)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H89A066&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Dialogue: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,36,1280,41)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8CA06C&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Dialogue: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,41,1280,46)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8F9F72&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Dialogue: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,46,1280,51)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H929F79&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Dialogue: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,51,1280,56)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H949F7F&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Dialogue: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,56,1280,61)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H979F85&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Dialogue: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,61,1280,66)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H9A9E8B&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Dialogue: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,66,1280,71)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H9D9E91&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Dialogue: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,71,1280,76)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H9F9E97&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Dialogue: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,76,1280,81)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA29D9D&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Dialogue: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,81,1280,86)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA59DA3&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Dialogue: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,86,1280,91)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA89DAA&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Dialogue: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,91,1280,96)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAA9DB0&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Dialogue: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,96,1280,101)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAD9CB6&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Dialogue: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,101,1280,106)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB09CBC&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Dialogue: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,106,1280,111)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB39CC2&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Dialogue: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,111,1280,116)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB59BC8&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Dialogue: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,116,1280,121)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB89BCE&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Dialogue: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,121,1280,126)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBB9BD4&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Dialogue: 0,0:06:15.60,0:06:21.98,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,126,1280,131)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}Louder, louder, our burning hearts are connected by our thunderous pulse
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.98,0:06:28.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,6,1280,11)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&}All I do is look at the Sirius stars in my heart
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.98,0:06:28.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,11,1280,16)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H80A152&}All I do is look at the Sirius stars in my heart
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.98,0:06:28.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,16,1280,21)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H85A15D&}All I do is look at the Sirius stars in my heart
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.98,0:06:28.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,21,1280,26)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8AA067&}All I do is look at the Sirius stars in my heart
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.98,0:06:28.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,26,1280,31)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8EA072&}All I do is look at the Sirius stars in my heart
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.98,0:06:28.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,31,1280,36)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H939F7C&}All I do is look at the Sirius stars in my heart
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.98,0:06:28.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,36,1280,41)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H989F87&}All I do is look at the Sirius stars in my heart
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.98,0:06:28.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,41,1280,46)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H9D9E91&}All I do is look at the Sirius stars in my heart
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.98,0:06:28.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,46,1280,51)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA19E9C&}All I do is look at the Sirius stars in my heart
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.98,0:06:28.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,51,1280,56)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA69DA6&}All I do is look at the Sirius stars in my heart
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.98,0:06:28.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,56,1280,61)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAB9DB1&}All I do is look at the Sirius stars in my heart
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.98,0:06:28.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,61,1280,66)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAF9CBB&}All I do is look at the Sirius stars in my heart
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.98,0:06:28.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,66,1280,71)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB49CC6&}All I do is look at the Sirius stars in my heart
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.98,0:06:28.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,71,1280,76)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB99BD0&}All I do is look at the Sirius stars in my heart
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.98,0:06:28.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,76,1280,81)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}All I do is look at the Sirius stars in my heart
Dialogue: 0,0:06:28.49,0:06:33.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,6,1280,11)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&}and cross the darkness
Dialogue: 0,0:06:28.49,0:06:33.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,11,1280,16)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H80A152&}and cross the darkness
Dialogue: 0,0:06:28.49,0:06:33.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,16,1280,21)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H85A15D&}and cross the darkness
Dialogue: 0,0:06:28.49,0:06:33.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,21,1280,26)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8AA067&}and cross the darkness
Dialogue: 0,0:06:28.49,0:06:33.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,26,1280,31)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8EA072&}and cross the darkness
Dialogue: 0,0:06:28.49,0:06:33.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,31,1280,36)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H939F7C&}and cross the darkness
Dialogue: 0,0:06:28.49,0:06:33.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,36,1280,41)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H989F87&}and cross the darkness
Dialogue: 0,0:06:28.49,0:06:33.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,41,1280,46)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H9D9E91&}and cross the darkness
Dialogue: 0,0:06:28.49,0:06:33.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,46,1280,51)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA19E9C&}and cross the darkness
Dialogue: 0,0:06:28.49,0:06:33.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,51,1280,56)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA69DA6&}and cross the darkness
Dialogue: 0,0:06:28.49,0:06:33.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,56,1280,61)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAB9DB1&}and cross the darkness
Dialogue: 0,0:06:28.49,0:06:33.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,61,1280,66)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAF9CBB&}and cross the darkness
Dialogue: 0,0:06:28.49,0:06:33.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,66,1280,71)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB49CC6&}and cross the darkness
Dialogue: 0,0:06:28.49,0:06:33.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,71,1280,76)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB99BD0&}and cross the darkness
Dialogue: 0,0:06:28.49,0:06:33.49,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,76,1280,81)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}and cross the darkness
Dialogue: 0,0:06:36.75,0:06:43.39,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,6,1280,11)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&}The noise that rages around us and a silence like polar ice
Dialogue: 0,0:06:36.75,0:06:43.39,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,11,1280,16)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H80A152&}The noise that rages around us and a silence like polar ice
Dialogue: 0,0:06:36.75,0:06:43.39,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,16,1280,21)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H85A15D&}The noise that rages around us and a silence like polar ice
Dialogue: 0,0:06:36.75,0:06:43.39,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,21,1280,26)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8AA067&}The noise that rages around us and a silence like polar ice
Dialogue: 0,0:06:36.75,0:06:43.39,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,26,1280,31)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8EA072&}The noise that rages around us and a silence like polar ice
Dialogue: 0,0:06:36.75,0:06:43.39,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,31,1280,36)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H939F7C&}The noise that rages around us and a silence like polar ice
Dialogue: 0,0:06:36.75,0:06:43.39,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,36,1280,41)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H989F87&}The noise that rages around us and a silence like polar ice
Dialogue: 0,0:06:36.75,0:06:43.39,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,41,1280,46)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H9D9E91&}The noise that rages around us and a silence like polar ice
Dialogue: 0,0:06:36.75,0:06:43.39,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,46,1280,51)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA19E9C&}The noise that rages around us and a silence like polar ice
Dialogue: 0,0:06:36.75,0:06:43.39,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,51,1280,56)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA69DA6&}The noise that rages around us and a silence like polar ice
Dialogue: 0,0:06:36.75,0:06:43.39,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,56,1280,61)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAB9DB1&}The noise that rages around us and a silence like polar ice
Dialogue: 0,0:06:36.75,0:06:43.39,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,61,1280,66)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAF9CBB&}The noise that rages around us and a silence like polar ice
Dialogue: 0,0:06:36.75,0:06:43.39,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,66,1280,71)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB49CC6&}The noise that rages around us and a silence like polar ice
Dialogue: 0,0:06:36.75,0:06:43.39,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,71,1280,76)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB99BD0&}The noise that rages around us and a silence like polar ice
Dialogue: 0,0:06:36.75,0:06:43.39,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,76,1280,81)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}The noise that rages around us and a silence like polar ice
Dialogue: 99,0:06:42.67,0:06:45.13,Default,,0,0,0,,They were reduced to ash?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:43.39,0:06:49.88,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,6,1280,11)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&}are part of your heartbeat, like a carol that wipes the world away
Dialogue: 0,0:06:43.39,0:06:49.88,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,11,1280,16)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H80A152&}are part of your heartbeat, like a carol that wipes the world away
Dialogue: 0,0:06:43.39,0:06:49.88,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,16,1280,21)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H85A15D&}are part of your heartbeat, like a carol that wipes the world away
Dialogue: 0,0:06:43.39,0:06:49.88,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,21,1280,26)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8AA067&}are part of your heartbeat, like a carol that wipes the world away
Dialogue: 0,0:06:43.39,0:06:49.88,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,26,1280,31)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8EA072&}are part of your heartbeat, like a carol that wipes the world away
Dialogue: 0,0:06:43.39,0:06:49.88,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,31,1280,36)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H939F7C&}are part of your heartbeat, like a carol that wipes the world away
Dialogue: 0,0:06:43.39,0:06:49.88,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,36,1280,41)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H989F87&}are part of your heartbeat, like a carol that wipes the world away
Dialogue: 0,0:06:43.39,0:06:49.88,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,41,1280,46)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H9D9E91&}are part of your heartbeat, like a carol that wipes the world away
Dialogue: 0,0:06:43.39,0:06:49.88,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,46,1280,51)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA19E9C&}are part of your heartbeat, like a carol that wipes the world away
Dialogue: 0,0:06:43.39,0:06:49.88,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,51,1280,56)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA69DA6&}are part of your heartbeat, like a carol that wipes the world away
Dialogue: 0,0:06:43.39,0:06:49.88,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,56,1280,61)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAB9DB1&}are part of your heartbeat, like a carol that wipes the world away
Dialogue: 0,0:06:43.39,0:06:49.88,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,61,1280,66)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAF9CBB&}are part of your heartbeat, like a carol that wipes the world away
Dialogue: 0,0:06:43.39,0:06:49.88,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,66,1280,71)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB49CC6&}are part of your heartbeat, like a carol that wipes the world away
Dialogue: 0,0:06:43.39,0:06:49.88,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,71,1280,76)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB99BD0&}are part of your heartbeat, like a carol that wipes the world away
Dialogue: 0,0:06:43.39,0:06:49.88,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,76,1280,81)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}are part of your heartbeat, like a carol that wipes the world away
Dialogue: 0,0:06:49.88,0:06:53.12,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,6,1280,11)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&}I didn't want to be betrayed, I didn't want to be hurt
Dialogue: 0,0:06:49.88,0:06:53.12,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,11,1280,16)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H80A152&}I didn't want to be betrayed, I didn't want to be hurt
Dialogue: 0,0:06:49.88,0:06:53.12,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,16,1280,21)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H85A15D&}I didn't want to be betrayed, I didn't want to be hurt
Dialogue: 0,0:06:49.88,0:06:53.12,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,21,1280,26)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8AA067&}I didn't want to be betrayed, I didn't want to be hurt
Dialogue: 0,0:06:49.88,0:06:53.12,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,26,1280,31)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8EA072&}I didn't want to be betrayed, I didn't want to be hurt
Dialogue: 0,0:06:49.88,0:06:53.12,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,31,1280,36)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H939F7C&}I didn't want to be betrayed, I didn't want to be hurt
Dialogue: 0,0:06:49.88,0:06:53.12,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,36,1280,41)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H989F87&}I didn't want to be betrayed, I didn't want to be hurt
Dialogue: 0,0:06:49.88,0:06:53.12,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,41,1280,46)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H9D9E91&}I didn't want to be betrayed, I didn't want to be hurt
Dialogue: 0,0:06:49.88,0:06:53.12,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,46,1280,51)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA19E9C&}I didn't want to be betrayed, I didn't want to be hurt
Dialogue: 0,0:06:49.88,0:06:53.12,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,51,1280,56)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA69DA6&}I didn't want to be betrayed, I didn't want to be hurt
Dialogue: 0,0:06:49.88,0:06:53.12,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,56,1280,61)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAB9DB1&}I didn't want to be betrayed, I didn't want to be hurt
Dialogue: 0,0:06:49.88,0:06:53.12,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,61,1280,66)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAF9CBB&}I didn't want to be betrayed, I didn't want to be hurt
Dialogue: 0,0:06:49.88,0:06:53.12,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,66,1280,71)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB49CC6&}I didn't want to be betrayed, I didn't want to be hurt
Dialogue: 0,0:06:49.88,0:06:53.12,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,71,1280,76)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB99BD0&}I didn't want to be betrayed, I didn't want to be hurt
Dialogue: 0,0:06:49.88,0:06:53.12,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,76,1280,81)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}I didn't want to be betrayed, I didn't want to be hurt
Dialogue: 0,0:06:53.12,0:06:55.77,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,6,1280,11)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&}All I wanted was to live free of sin
Dialogue: 0,0:06:53.12,0:06:55.77,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,11,1280,16)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H80A152&}All I wanted was to live free of sin
Dialogue: 0,0:06:53.12,0:06:55.77,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,16,1280,21)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H85A15D&}All I wanted was to live free of sin
Dialogue: 0,0:06:53.12,0:06:55.77,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,21,1280,26)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8AA067&}All I wanted was to live free of sin
Dialogue: 0,0:06:53.12,0:06:55.77,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,26,1280,31)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8EA072&}All I wanted was to live free of sin
Dialogue: 0,0:06:53.12,0:06:55.77,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,31,1280,36)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H939F7C&}All I wanted was to live free of sin
Dialogue: 0,0:06:53.12,0:06:55.77,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,36,1280,41)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H989F87&}All I wanted was to live free of sin
Dialogue: 0,0:06:53.12,0:06:55.77,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,41,1280,46)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H9D9E91&}All I wanted was to live free of sin
Dialogue: 0,0:06:53.12,0:06:55.77,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,46,1280,51)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA19E9C&}All I wanted was to live free of sin
Dialogue: 0,0:06:53.12,0:06:55.77,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,51,1280,56)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA69DA6&}All I wanted was to live free of sin
Dialogue: 0,0:06:53.12,0:06:55.77,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,56,1280,61)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAB9DB1&}All I wanted was to live free of sin
Dialogue: 0,0:06:53.12,0:06:55.77,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,61,1280,66)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAF9CBB&}All I wanted was to live free of sin
Dialogue: 0,0:06:53.12,0:06:55.77,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,66,1280,71)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB49CC6&}All I wanted was to live free of sin
Dialogue: 0,0:06:53.12,0:06:55.77,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,71,1280,76)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB99BD0&}All I wanted was to live free of sin
Dialogue: 0,0:06:53.12,0:06:55.77,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,76,1280,81)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}All I wanted was to live free of sin
Dialogue: 0,0:06:55.77,0:07:00.75,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,6,1280,11)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&}Now that dream lies dormant
Dialogue: 0,0:06:55.77,0:07:00.75,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,11,1280,16)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H80A152&}Now that dream lies dormant
Dialogue: 0,0:06:55.77,0:07:00.75,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,16,1280,21)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H85A15D&}Now that dream lies dormant
Dialogue: 0,0:06:55.77,0:07:00.75,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,21,1280,26)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8AA067&}Now that dream lies dormant
Dialogue: 0,0:06:55.77,0:07:00.75,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,26,1280,31)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8EA072&}Now that dream lies dormant
Dialogue: 0,0:06:55.77,0:07:00.75,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,31,1280,36)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H939F7C&}Now that dream lies dormant
Dialogue: 0,0:06:55.77,0:07:00.75,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,36,1280,41)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H989F87&}Now that dream lies dormant
Dialogue: 0,0:06:55.77,0:07:00.75,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,41,1280,46)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H9D9E91&}Now that dream lies dormant
Dialogue: 0,0:06:55.77,0:07:00.75,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,46,1280,51)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA19E9C&}Now that dream lies dormant
Dialogue: 0,0:06:55.77,0:07:00.75,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,51,1280,56)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA69DA6&}Now that dream lies dormant
Dialogue: 0,0:06:55.77,0:07:00.75,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,56,1280,61)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAB9DB1&}Now that dream lies dormant
Dialogue: 0,0:06:55.77,0:07:00.75,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,61,1280,66)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAF9CBB&}Now that dream lies dormant
Dialogue: 0,0:06:55.77,0:07:00.75,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,66,1280,71)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB49CC6&}Now that dream lies dormant
Dialogue: 0,0:06:55.77,0:07:00.75,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,71,1280,76)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB99BD0&}Now that dream lies dormant
Dialogue: 0,0:06:55.77,0:07:00.75,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,76,1280,81)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}Now that dream lies dormant
Dialogue: 99,0:06:56.46,0:06:57.93,Default,,0,0,0,,Dr. Ver?
Dialogue: 99,0:06:57.93,0:07:00.65,Default,,0,0,0,,If I'm stepping on your toes, then I apologize,
Dialogue: 99,0:07:00.65,0:07:05.52,Default,,0,0,0,,but I think it would be a waste to use Gungnir or the newly awakened Finè against weaklings like these.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:02.84,0:07:09.40,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,6,1280,11)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&}My paranoia was smashed to pieces the moment we held hands
Dialogue: 0,0:07:02.84,0:07:09.40,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,11,1280,16)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H80A152&}My paranoia was smashed to pieces the moment we held hands
Dialogue: 0,0:07:02.84,0:07:09.40,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,16,1280,21)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H85A15D&}My paranoia was smashed to pieces the moment we held hands
Dialogue: 0,0:07:02.84,0:07:09.40,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,21,1280,26)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8AA067&}My paranoia was smashed to pieces the moment we held hands
Dialogue: 0,0:07:02.84,0:07:09.40,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,26,1280,31)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8EA072&}My paranoia was smashed to pieces the moment we held hands
Dialogue: 0,0:07:02.84,0:07:09.40,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,31,1280,36)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H939F7C&}My paranoia was smashed to pieces the moment we held hands
Dialogue: 0,0:07:02.84,0:07:09.40,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,36,1280,41)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H989F87&}My paranoia was smashed to pieces the moment we held hands
Dialogue: 0,0:07:02.84,0:07:09.40,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,41,1280,46)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H9D9E91&}My paranoia was smashed to pieces the moment we held hands
Dialogue: 0,0:07:02.84,0:07:09.40,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,46,1280,51)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA19E9C&}My paranoia was smashed to pieces the moment we held hands
Dialogue: 0,0:07:02.84,0:07:09.40,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,51,1280,56)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA69DA6&}My paranoia was smashed to pieces the moment we held hands
Dialogue: 0,0:07:02.84,0:07:09.40,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,56,1280,61)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAB9DB1&}My paranoia was smashed to pieces the moment we held hands
Dialogue: 0,0:07:02.84,0:07:09.40,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,61,1280,66)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAF9CBB&}My paranoia was smashed to pieces the moment we held hands
Dialogue: 0,0:07:02.84,0:07:09.40,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,66,1280,71)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB49CC6&}My paranoia was smashed to pieces the moment we held hands
Dialogue: 0,0:07:02.84,0:07:09.40,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,71,1280,76)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB99BD0&}My paranoia was smashed to pieces the moment we held hands
Dialogue: 0,0:07:02.84,0:07:09.40,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,76,1280,81)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}My paranoia was smashed to pieces the moment we held hands
Dialogue: 99,0:07:05.96,0:07:08.53,Default,,0,0,0,,{\fad(0,230)}Let me take care of this.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:09.40,0:07:15.64,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,6,1280,11)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&}With burning fire I reenact my memories
Dialogue: 0,0:07:09.40,0:07:15.64,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,11,1280,16)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H80A152&}With burning fire I reenact my memories
Dialogue: 0,0:07:09.40,0:07:15.64,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,16,1280,21)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H85A15D&}With burning fire I reenact my memories
Dialogue: 0,0:07:09.40,0:07:15.64,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,21,1280,26)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8AA067&}With burning fire I reenact my memories
Dialogue: 0,0:07:09.40,0:07:15.64,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,26,1280,31)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8EA072&}With burning fire I reenact my memories
Dialogue: 0,0:07:09.40,0:07:15.64,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,31,1280,36)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H939F7C&}With burning fire I reenact my memories
Dialogue: 0,0:07:09.40,0:07:15.64,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,36,1280,41)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H989F87&}With burning fire I reenact my memories
Dialogue: 0,0:07:09.40,0:07:15.64,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,41,1280,46)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H9D9E91&}With burning fire I reenact my memories
Dialogue: 0,0:07:09.40,0:07:15.64,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,46,1280,51)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA19E9C&}With burning fire I reenact my memories
Dialogue: 0,0:07:09.40,0:07:15.64,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,51,1280,56)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA69DA6&}With burning fire I reenact my memories
Dialogue: 0,0:07:09.40,0:07:15.64,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,56,1280,61)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAB9DB1&}With burning fire I reenact my memories
Dialogue: 0,0:07:09.40,0:07:15.64,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,61,1280,66)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAF9CBB&}With burning fire I reenact my memories
Dialogue: 0,0:07:09.40,0:07:15.64,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,66,1280,71)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB49CC6&}With burning fire I reenact my memories
Dialogue: 0,0:07:09.40,0:07:15.64,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,71,1280,76)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB99BD0&}With burning fire I reenact my memories
Dialogue: 0,0:07:09.40,0:07:15.64,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,76,1280,81)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}With burning fire I reenact my memories
Dialogue: 0,0:07:15.64,0:07:21.02,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,6,1280,11)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H7CA248&}here where life and death have no meaning
Dialogue: 0,0:07:15.64,0:07:21.02,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,11,1280,16)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H80A152&}here where life and death have no meaning
Dialogue: 0,0:07:15.64,0:07:21.02,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,16,1280,21)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H85A15D&}here where life and death have no meaning
Dialogue: 0,0:07:15.64,0:07:21.02,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,21,1280,26)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8AA067&}here where life and death have no meaning
Dialogue: 0,0:07:15.64,0:07:21.02,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,26,1280,31)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H8EA072&}here where life and death have no meaning
Dialogue: 0,0:07:15.64,0:07:21.02,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,31,1280,36)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H939F7C&}here where life and death have no meaning
Dialogue: 0,0:07:15.64,0:07:21.02,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,36,1280,41)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H989F87&}here where life and death have no meaning
Dialogue: 0,0:07:15.64,0:07:21.02,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,41,1280,46)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&H9D9E91&}here where life and death have no meaning
Dialogue: 0,0:07:15.64,0:07:21.02,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,46,1280,51)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA19E9C&}here where life and death have no meaning
Dialogue: 0,0:07:15.64,0:07:21.02,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,51,1280,56)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HA69DA6&}here where life and death have no meaning
Dialogue: 0,0:07:15.64,0:07:21.02,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,56,1280,61)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAB9DB1&}here where life and death have no meaning
Dialogue: 0,0:07:15.64,0:07:21.02,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,61,1280,66)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HAF9CBB&}here where life and death have no meaning
Dialogue: 0,0:07:15.64,0:07:21.02,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,66,1280,71)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB49CC6&}here where life and death have no meaning
Dialogue: 0,0:07:15.64,0:07:21.02,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,71,1280,76)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HB99BD0&}here where life and death have no meaning
Dialogue: 0,0:07:15.64,0:07:21.02,ORBITAL BEAT,,0,0,0,,{\clip(0,76,1280,81)\pos(30,15)\fad(400,400)\blur3\3c&HBE9BDB&}here where life and death have no meaning
Dialogue: 0,0:07:32.44,0:07:34.82,ORBITAL BEAT robot,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)}Now praying for your painful cry...
Dialogue: 0,0:07:35.64,0:07:38.10,ORBITAL BEAT robot,,0,0,0,,{\fad(400,400)}Now praying for your painful cry...
Dialogue: 99,0:07:54.90,0:07:56.28,Default,,0,0,0,,Tsubasa...
Dialogue: 99,0:07:56.28,0:08:01.20,Default,,0,0,0,,Why must we, the singers of songs, fight each other?
Dialogue: 99,0:08:06.10,0:08:08.13,Default,,0,0,0,,The massive explosion we heard came from this building, right?
Dialogue: 99,0:08:08.13,0:08:10.26,Default,,0,0,0,,Maybe they're doing some kind of construction work.
Dialogue: 99,0:08:10.26,0:08:14.03,Default,,0,0,0,,If we don't get to practice soon, \NCoach is gonna give us an earful.
Dialogue: 99,0:08:18.76,0:08:20.31,Default,,0,0,0,,Well, well.
Dialogue: 99,0:08:21.18,0:08:22.56,Default,,0,0,0,,Stop, Ver.
Dialogue: 99,0:08:22.94,0:08:24.56,Default,,0,0,0,,Those kids have nothing to do with this!
Dialogue: 99,0:08:24.56,0:08:26.61,Default,,0,0,0,,{\move(640,685,1540,685,1928,2030)}Stop!{TESHOWER: make this track along the bow}
Dialogue: 99,0:08:36.55,0:08:40.70,Default,,0,0,0,,With those amazing voices, even the champion has to sit up and take notice!
Dialogue: 99,0:08:41.11,0:08:43.58,Default,,0,0,0,,I can't wait to see how they scored!
Dialogue: 99,0:08:43.92,0:08:46.15,Default,,0,0,0,,How dare you two gang up on me!
Dialogue: 99,0:08:47.53,0:08:49.45,Default,,0,0,0,,Our hideout has been discovered.
Dialogue: 99,0:08:50.30,0:08:53.22,Default,,0,0,0,,We were able to fend off the intruders,
Dialogue: 99,0:08:53.22,0:08:55.97,Default,,0,0,0,,but since they've identified our location, we can't stay here any longer.
Dialogue: 99,0:08:56.61,0:09:00.97,Default,,0,0,0,,We will be relocating shortly. \NRegroup at the designated location.
Dialogue: 99,0:09:00.97,0:09:02.33,Default,,0,0,0,,Hold on!
Dialogue: 99,0:09:02.33,0:09:05.69,Default,,0,0,0,,We're this close to getting our hands on the pendants!
Dialogue: 99,0:09:05.69,0:09:06.85,Default,,0,0,0,,This is an emergency.
Dialogue: 99,0:09:06.85,0:09:08.38,Default,,0,0,0,,Regroup. That's an order.
Dialogue: 99,0:09:10.48,0:09:13.29,Default,,0,0,0,,All right! It looks like the results are in!
Dialogue: 99,0:09:13.29,0:09:13.99,Default,,0,0,0,,Oh?
Dialogue: 99,0:09:14.72,0:09:17.47,Default,,0,0,0,,Hey, are you running away?!
Dialogue: 99,0:09:17.47,0:09:18.28,Default,,0,0,0,,Shirabe!
Dialogue: 99,0:09:18.95,0:09:21.79,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm sure they'll be fine with Maria there.
Dialogue: 99,0:09:21.79,0:09:23.86,Default,,0,0,0,,But I'm worried about her.
Dialogue: 99,0:09:27.22,0:09:28.56,Default,,0,0,0,,Let's go after them, Tachibana.
Dialogue: 99,0:09:30.50,0:09:31.96,Default,,0,0,0,,Miku, you should stay here.
Dialogue: 99,0:09:32.45,0:09:35.58,Default,,0,0,0,,We may have to fight them.
Dialogue: 99,0:09:35.58,0:09:36.89,Default,,0,0,0,,O-Okay.
Dialogue: 99,0:09:40.58,0:09:41.86,Default,,0,0,0,,Hibiki...
Dialogue: 99,0:09:41.86,0:09:44.23,Default,,0,0,0,,I really don't think this is...
Dialogue: 99,0:09:59.40,0:10:01.70,Default,,0,0,0,,Dammit! What should we do?!
Dialogue: 99,0:10:09.22,0:10:12.19,Default,,0,0,0,,Kirika and Shirabe, right?
Dialogue: 99,0:10:13.45,0:10:15.21,Default,,0,0,0,,Three on two...
Dialogue: 99,0:10:15.21,0:10:17.76,Default,,0,0,0,,You have the advantage in numbers.
Dialogue: 99,0:10:17.76,0:10:23.88,Default,,0,0,0,,But think about what you stand to lose by fighting us here.
Dialogue: 99,0:10:24.77,0:10:27.52,Default,,0,0,0,,How can you suggest such foul tactics?
Dialogue: 99,0:10:27.52,0:10:31.29,Default,,0,0,0,,You were singing so cheerfully just a moment ago!
Dialogue: 99,0:10:33.52,0:10:35.93,Default,,0,0,0,,I just don't want to fight you here.
Dialogue: 99,0:10:36.67,0:10:38.43,Default,,0,0,0,,I know! A duel!
Dialogue: 99,0:10:38.43,0:10:41.20,Default,,0,0,0,,I will challenge you to a fair duel!
Dialogue: 99,0:10:41.20,0:10:42.28,Default,,0,0,0,,Why?
Dialogue: 99,0:10:42.62,0:10:46.13,Default,,0,0,0,,It's not like we have to fight every time we meet, right?
Dialogue: 99,0:10:46.13,0:10:47.61,Default,,0,0,0,,What do {\i1}you{\i0} want to do?
Dialogue: 99,0:10:49.68,0:10:52.75,Default,,0,0,0,,We will notify you of when the duel is to take place. Goodbye.
Dialogue: 99,0:11:01.69,0:11:03.67,Default,,0,0,0,,Are the three of you together?
Dialogue: 99,0:11:03.67,0:11:05.64,Default,,0,0,0,,We've detected the emergence of the Noise.
Dialogue: 99,0:11:06.44,0:11:08.64,Default,,0,0,0,,They seem to have disappeared since then,
Dialogue: 99,0:11:09.34,0:11:11.77,Default,,0,0,0,,but please investigate the general vicinity just in case.
Dialogue: 99,0:11:11.77,0:11:12.65,Default,,0,0,0,,Roger.
Dialogue: 99,0:11:13.30,0:11:13.97,Default,,0,0,0,,Roger...
Dialogue: 99,0:11:24.23,0:11:29.08,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}An abandoned hideout and traces of many people killed in a Noise attack...
Dialogue: 99,0:11:29.77,0:11:33.45,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}This is different to the previous attacks. What could it mean?
Dialogue: 99,0:11:33.45,0:11:34.50,Default,,0,0,0,,Commander! {is this right?}{yep}
Dialogue: 99,0:11:35.09,0:11:38.26,Default,,0,0,0,,The government's data processing center just finished the analysis.
Dialogue: 99,0:11:38.26,0:11:39.68,Default,,0,0,0,,Displaying on main monitor.
Dialogue: 99,0:11:40.61,0:11:42.26,Default,,0,0,0,,Comparing Aufwachen waveforms.
Dialogue: 99,0:11:43.21,0:11:44.34,Default,,0,0,0,,Scanning for differences.
Dialogue: 99,0:11:44.34,0:11:46.41,Default,,0,0,0,,None found, even at one-trillionth precision.
Dialogue: 99,0:11:49.12,0:11:53.13,Default,,0,0,0,,That means, the black Gungnir used by Maria Cadenzavna Eve
Dialogue: 99,0:11:53.13,0:11:56.57,Default,,0,0,0,,is exactly the same as Hibiki's.
Dialogue: 99,0:11:59.16,0:12:01.18,Default,,0,0,0,,The same as mine...
Dialogue: 99,0:12:02.66,0:12:08.83,Default,,0,0,0,,It's possible that Ryoko stole part of the Gungnir and provided it to the American government.
Dialogue: 99,0:12:09.28,0:12:11.21,Default,,0,0,0,,They used that to create their Gungnir.
Dialogue: 99,0:12:12.02,0:12:17.46,Default,,0,0,0,,Another Gungnir Symphogear, created in accordance with Sakurai Theory...
Dialogue: 99,0:12:17.46,0:12:19.61,Default,,0,0,0,,But that doesn't make sense.
Dialogue: 99,0:12:19.61,0:12:23.47,Default,,0,0,0,,The American government was after Finè's research.
Dialogue: 99,0:12:24.05,0:12:28.22,Default,,0,0,0,,If they had an institute like the FIS and the ability to manufacture their own Symphogear,
Dialogue: 99,0:12:28.59,0:12:30.75,Default,,0,0,0,,why would they need to go after Finè?
Dialogue: 99,0:12:30.75,0:12:35.73,Default,,0,0,0,,Considering that they decided to renounce their own government's authority and go rogue,
Dialogue: 99,0:12:35.73,0:12:40.42,Default,,0,0,0,,the FIS must have intended to monopolize all \Ntechnology and information regarding the relics
Dialogue: 99,0:12:40.42,0:12:43.49,Default,,0,0,0,,while establishing their own command authority.
Dialogue: 99,0:12:47.48,0:12:54.29,Default,,0,0,0,,Why would FIS go as far as to make \Nenemies of their own home country?
Dialogue: 99,0:13:03.35,0:13:07.05,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}Our countrymen finally caught up with us.
Dialogue: 99,0:13:07.05,0:13:11.06,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}But the Nephilim is still only partly grown.
Dialogue: 99,0:13:11.85,0:13:14.22,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}We are still far from being able to activate the Frontier.
Dialogue: 99,0:13:19.56,0:13:25.57,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}You should have already accepted everything you would need to do to carry on Serena's wishes, Maria.
Dialogue: 99,0:13:25.57,0:13:28.69,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}You do not have time to continue to doubt yourself.
Dialogue: 99,0:13:43.37,0:13:45.97,Default,,0,0,0,,The Nephilim's output is still fluctuating wildly.
Dialogue: 99,0:13:45.97,0:13:53.31,Default,,0,0,0,,As we expected, it is impossible to control a complete relic that was forcibly awakened without the use of a song.
Dialogue: 99,0:13:55.40,0:13:57.25,Default,,0,0,0,,I'll sing.
Dialogue: 99,0:13:58.01,0:14:00.31,Default,,0,0,0,,No... You can't mean that song...
Dialogue: 99,0:14:02.02,0:14:07.95,Default,,0,0,0,,My swan song may be able to reset the Nephilim to its pre-awakened state.
Dialogue: 99,0:14:07.95,0:14:10.17,Default,,0,0,0,,But that's too risky!
Dialogue: 99,0:14:10.17,0:14:12.89,Default,,0,0,0,,What if you're not able to suppress the Nephilim?
Dialogue: 99,0:14:15.15,0:14:18.85,Default,,0,0,0,,Then my big sister's here to take care of it for me, right?
Dialogue: 99,0:14:18.85,0:14:21.47,Default,,0,0,0,,There are people from the FIS here to help us too.
Dialogue: 99,0:14:21.47,0:14:23.09,Default,,0,0,0,,I won't be on my own.
Dialogue: 99,0:14:23.09,0:14:25.09,Default,,0,0,0,,It'll be all right.
Dialogue: 99,0:14:25.56,0:14:26.82,Default,,0,0,0,,Serena.
Dialogue: 99,0:14:27.34,0:14:31.77,Default,,0,0,0,,Though I never wished for the ability to don this Gear,
Dialogue: 99,0:14:31.77,0:14:36.09,Default,,0,0,0,,I did wish to protect everyone once I found out I had it.
Dialogue: 99,0:14:38.35,0:14:39.40,Default,,0,0,0,,Serena!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:25.75,0:15:35.01,lullaby insert,,0,0,0,,{\fad(800,800)\blur0.4}The apple floated in the big broad sky
Dialogue: 99,0:15:31.12,0:15:31.99,Default,,0,0,0,,Serena!
Dialogue: 99,0:15:34.28,0:15:35.20,Default,,0,0,0,,Serena!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:35.01,0:15:43.44,lullaby insert,,0,0,0,,{\fad(800,800)\blur0.4}The apple crashed down on the ground
Dialogue: 99,0:15:36.38,0:15:38.38,Default,,0,0,0,,Someone, please help my sister!
Dialogue: 99,0:15:38.38,0:15:40.96,Default,,0,0,0,,One of our valuable specimens just self-destructed? {probably referring to Serana, but probably it is the better fitted to the scene, I suppose. }
Dialogue: 99,0:15:40.96,0:15:42.22,Default,,0,0,0,,These experiments aren't free, you know!
Dialogue: 99,0:15:42.22,0:15:42.81,Default,,0,0,0,,How disappointing.
Dialogue: 99,0:15:42.81,0:15:44.82,Default,,0,0,0,,How can you say such horrible things?
Dialogue: 0,0:15:43.44,0:15:52.74,lullaby insert,,0,0,0,,{\fad(800,800)\blur0.4}The stars were born and then the songs
Dialogue: 99,0:15:44.82,0:15:49.02,Default,,0,0,0,,My sister just spilled her own blood to protect you all!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:52.74,0:16:01.87,lullaby insert,,0,0,0,,{\fad(800,800)\blur0.4}And the lulu amel could smile forever
Dialogue: 0,0:16:01.87,0:16:11.84,lullaby insert,,0,0,0,,{\fad(800,800)\blur0.4}Then the stars kissed and the songs fell asleep
Dialogue: 99,0:16:02.22,0:16:03.39,Default,,0,0,0,,Thank goodness...
Dialogue: 99,0:16:03.95,0:16:05.36,Default,,0,0,0,,Maria.
Dialogue: 99,0:16:05.36,0:16:06.60,Default,,0,0,0,,Serena!
Dialogue: 99,0:16:07.14,0:16:08.51,Default,,0,0,0,,Serena!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:11.84,0:16:21.06,lullaby insert,,0,0,0,,{\fad(800,800)\blur0.4}Where is my home?
Dialogue: 99,0:16:12.99,0:16:15.24,Default,,0,0,0,,{\t(1150,2250,3,\fs1)}Serena!{TEHSHOWER: something idk}
Dialogue: 0,0:16:21.06,0:16:30.36,lullaby insert,,0,0,0,,{\fad(800,800)\blur0.4}Where is my home?
Dialogue: 99,0:16:22.99,0:16:24.21,Default,,0,0,0,,Serena...
Dialogue: 99,0:16:24.64,0:16:30.35,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}Unlike you, I may not be able to protect anyone with my song.
Dialogue: 99,0:16:32.28,0:16:34.92,Default,,0,0,0,,We will soon be arriving at the rendezvous point.
Dialogue: 99,0:16:34.92,0:16:36.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Okay?
Dialogue: 99,0:16:36.95,0:16:38.97,Default,,0,0,0,,Okay, ma'am.
Dialogue: 99,0:16:50.92,0:16:51.61,Default,,0,0,0,,Maria!
Dialogue: 99,0:16:52.58,0:16:53.90,Default,,0,0,0,,Are you all right?!
Dialogue: 99,0:16:54.54,0:16:55.16,Default,,0,0,0,,Yes.
Dialogue: 99,0:16:57.28,0:16:58.91,Default,,0,0,0,,Thank goodness.
Dialogue: 99,0:16:58.91,0:17:03.57,Default,,0,0,0,,If Finè ever awakens inside you, \Nwe'll never be able to see you again.
Dialogue: 99,0:17:03.57,0:17:07.13,Default,,0,0,0,,Even if I become Finè's vessel, I'll still be me.
Dialogue: 99,0:17:07.13,0:17:08.46,Default,,0,0,0,,Don't worry.
Dialogue: 99,0:17:11.49,0:17:14.17,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm glad you two are safe.
Dialogue: 99,0:17:14.17,0:17:17.42,Default,,0,0,0,,Now, let's be off before they catch up to us.
Dialogue: 99,0:17:17.42,0:17:18.93,Default,,0,0,0,,Please wait, ma'am!
Dialogue: 99,0:17:18.93,0:17:21.85,Default,,0,0,0,,We were unable to secure any of their pendants!
Dialogue: 99,0:17:21.85,0:17:24.18,Default,,0,0,0,,We can't retreat now!
Dialogue: 99,0:17:24.18,0:17:26.85,Default,,0,0,0,,We promised to duel with them, so—
Dialogue: 99,0:17:27.44,0:17:27.98,Default,,0,0,0,,Ma'am!
Dialogue: 99,0:17:29.90,0:17:31.36,Default,,0,0,0,,That's enough!
Dialogue: 99,0:17:31.88,0:17:36.36,Default,,0,0,0,,The three of you need to realize that battle is not a game!
Dialogue: 99,0:17:36.36,0:17:38.92,Default,,0,0,0,,Let's stop there.
Dialogue: 99,0:17:38.92,0:17:42.12,Default,,0,0,0,,We can still turn things around at this point,
Dialogue: 99,0:17:42.52,0:17:43.70,Default,,0,0,0,,can't we?
Dialogue: 99,0:17:43.70,0:17:49.58,Default,,0,0,0,,Besides, I think it's high time we arranged that duel they promised.
Dialogue: 99,0:17:51.87,0:17:53.63,Default,,0,0,0,,We've detected the emergence of more Noise!
Dialogue: 99,0:17:54.06,0:17:55.81,Default,,0,0,0,,Just like old times.
Dialogue: 99,0:17:55.81,0:17:57.63,Default,,0,0,0,,A warning shot to announce their duel!
Dialogue: 99,0:17:57.63,0:17:59.36,Default,,0,0,0,,Location identified!
Dialogue: 99,0:17:59.36,0:18:00.45,Default,,0,0,0,,It can't be!
Dialogue: 99,0:18:00.45,0:18:01.14,Default,,0,0,0,,What's the matter?
Dialogue: 99,0:18:01.60,0:18:05.43,Default,,0,0,0,,An unlisted address in Tokyo, \NSpecially Designated Blockade Area!
Dialogue: 99,0:18:05.43,0:18:07.94,Default,,0,0,0,,The former site of the Kadingir?!{KADINGIR DATO?!}
Dialogue: 99,0:18:13.33,0:18:17.95,Default,,0,0,10,,The perfect place to settle a score, huh?
Dialogue: 99,0:18:23.22,0:18:24.16,Default,,0,0,0,,You bastard!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:01.78,0:19:04.45,hibiki,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}A fist with a person's soul
Dialogue: 0,0:19:04.45,0:19:06.99,hibiki,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}The essence of the flames of war
Dialogue: 0,0:19:06.99,0:19:09.54,hibiki,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}I unleash my full power
Dialogue: 0,0:19:09.54,0:19:10.04,hibiki,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}3,{\alpha&HFF&} 2, 1, 0
Dialogue: 0,0:19:10.04,0:19:10.46,hibiki,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}3, 2,{\alpha&HFF&} 1, 0
Dialogue: 0,0:19:10.46,0:19:10.79,hibiki,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}3, 2, 1,{\alpha&HFF&} 0
Dialogue: 0,0:19:10.79,0:19:11.54,hibiki,,0,0,0,,{\fad(0,200)\blur3}3, 2, 1, 0
Dialogue: 0,0:19:11.54,0:19:17.09,hibiki,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}A single straight line, the shortest path
Dialogue: 0,0:19:17.09,0:19:21.22,hibiki,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}Her happiness shows the way
Dialogue: 99,0:19:21.38,0:19:22.73,Default,,0,0,0,,Take this!
Dialogue: 99,0:19:25.30,0:19:26.93,Default,,0,0,0,,Where are Shirabe and Kirika?!
Dialogue: 99,0:19:26.93,0:19:29.43,Default,,0,0,0,,They're currently under detention.
Dialogue: 99,0:19:29.43,0:19:32.44,Default,,0,0,0,,That's why I'm here to greet you instead.
Dialogue: 99,0:19:32.44,0:19:37.99,Default,,0,0,0,,I'd hate to let their youthful naïveté get in the way of our plan.
Dialogue: 99,0:19:38.56,0:19:40.57,Default,,0,0,0,,What are you plotting, FIS?!
Dialogue: 99,0:19:40.57,0:19:42.09,Default,,0,0,0,,Plotting?!
Dialogue: 99,0:19:42.09,0:19:43.82,Default,,0,0,0,,That doesn't sound very respectable.
Dialogue: 99,0:19:43.82,0:19:47.58,Default,,0,0,0,,What we seek is the salvation of humankind!
Dialogue: 99,0:19:48.14,0:19:53.33,Default,,0,0,0,,We wish to save the countless lives that will be lost when the Moon falls down to Earth.
Dialogue: 99,0:19:53.33,0:19:54.71,Default,,0,0,0,,The Moon?!
Dialogue: 99,0:19:54.71,0:19:59.33,Default,,0,0,0,,Research organizations all across the world have been measuring the Moon's trajectory for three months!
Dialogue: 99,0:19:59.33,0:20:01.22,Default,,0,0,0,,Why wouldn't they announce a possible collision—
Dialogue: 99,0:20:01.22,0:20:04.72,Default,,0,0,0,,Why {\i1}would{\i0} they announce it?
Dialogue: 99,0:20:04.72,0:20:11.10,Default,,0,0,0,,News of a cataclysmic disaster that we are powerless to prevent would only throw the world into disarray.{uh, call bruce willis???}{may need split}
Dialogue: 99,0:20:11.10,0:20:16.77,Default,,0,0,0,,There are many reasons they would wish to conceal such an inconvenient truth.{al gore pls go}
Dialogue: 99,0:20:17.52,0:20:20.46,Default,,0,0,0,,Could it be that the ones who know about it
Dialogue: 99,0:20:20.46,0:20:23.11,Default,,0,0,0,,are secretly devising a way to save themselves and no one else?
Dialogue: 99,0:20:23.72,0:20:26.99,Default,,0,0,0,,What would you do if that was so?
Dialogue: 99,0:20:26.99,0:20:31.75,Default,,0,0,0,,Our answer to that is: the Nephilim!
Dialogue: 99,0:20:35.50,0:20:36.71,Default,,0,0,0,,Chris!
Dialogue: 99,0:20:37.81,0:20:38.55,Default,,0,0,0,,Yukine!
Dialogue: 99,0:20:41.44,0:20:43.22,Default,,0,0,0,,A Noise that restricts mobility?!
Dialogue: 99,0:20:43.22,0:20:47.72,Default,,0,0,0,,That is how we will unite the people of the world and form one country and government to protect them!
Dialogue: 99,0:20:48.16,0:20:50.47,Default,,0,0,0,,The Nephilim is our means to that end!
Dialogue: 0,0:20:54.93,0:20:57.56,hibiki,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}My heart shakes the world
Dialogue: 0,0:20:57.56,0:21:00.23,hibiki,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}My heart sings fiery
Dialogue: 99,0:20:59.52,0:21:01.74,Default,,0,0,0,,Hero of the Lunar Attack!
Dialogue: 0,0:21:00.23,0:21:04.82,hibiki,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}Calm and chill, my mind is set
Dialogue: 99,0:21:01.74,0:21:04.49,Default,,0,0,0,,What do you seek to protect with those fists of yours?!
Dialogue: 0,0:21:04.82,0:21:07.32,hibiki,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}Even if it costs me my life
Dialogue: 0,0:21:07.32,0:21:10.12,hibiki,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}I feel the warmth of your hand in mine
Dialogue: 0,0:21:10.12,0:21:12.70,hibiki,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}I have no regrets at all
Dialogue: 0,0:21:12.70,0:21:15.04,hibiki,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}Just look at the future
Dialogue: 0,0:21:15.04,0:21:17.50,hibiki,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}Stand proud as a flower
Dialogue: 0,0:21:17.50,0:21:20.33,hibiki,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}And you'll surely be reborn as one
Dialogue: 99,0:21:18.75,0:21:22.58,Default,,0,0,0,,Though your fists may be able to protect a few,
Dialogue: 99,0:21:22.58,0:21:26.29,Default,,0,0,0,,think of how many more lives they have taken!
Dialogue: 99,0:21:27.63,0:21:28.93,Default,,0,0,0,,{\fad(0,80)}That's why you're a hypocrite!
Dialogue: 99,0:21:35.65,0:21:36.23,Default,,0,0,0,,Huh?
Dialogue: 99,0:21:42.06,0:21:43.44,Default,,0,0,0,,Tachibana!
Dialogue: 0,0:22:23.07,0:22:26.49,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}I've lost sight of tomorrow
Dialogue: 0,0:22:26.49,0:22:29.74,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}I still have the courage to walk forth
Dialogue: 0,0:22:29.74,0:22:36.75,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}as long as there is meaning to our meeting here
Dialogue: 0,0:22:36.75,0:22:43.42,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}Even after you let go of my hand, your warmth lingers,
Dialogue: 0,0:22:43.42,0:22:50.43,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}which I hold onto when our promise isn't enough
Dialogue: 0,0:22:50.43,0:22:57.73,ED,,0,500,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}The clouds we see are like two sides of a coin,
Dialogue: 0,0:22:57.73,0:23:03.52,ED,,0,500,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}but even so the sky we live under is the same
Dialogue: 0,0:23:03.52,0:23:05.90,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}I will never forget that
Dialogue: 0,0:23:05.90,0:23:13.24,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}I'm sure that saying goodbye doesn't have to mark the end
Dialogue: 0,0:23:13.24,0:23:19.62,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}It's the password necessary to start on a new page
Dialogue: 0,0:23:19.62,0:23:23.08,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}I escaped from the trappings of my own mind
Dialogue: 0,0:23:23.08,0:23:26.21,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}when I saw your smile for the first time
Dialogue: 0,0:23:26.21,0:23:29.76,ED,,0,0,0,,{\an9\fad(200,200)\blur3}It will forever be my compass
Dialogue: 0,0:23:29.76,0:23:33.26,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,200)\blur3}I won't turn back
Dialogue: 0,0:23:33.26,0:23:37.22,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,1200)\blur3}until we meet again

Pasted: Aug 4, 2013, 11:38:34 am
Views: 8