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Bleach Movie 01 - Memories of Nobody.mkv...

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Dialogue: 0,1:27:43.52,1:27:46.80,Song,,0,0,0,,l want to be loved, but don't try to love,
Dialogue: 0,1:27:46.80,1:27:50.56,Song,,0,0,0,,repeating and wandering through
Dialogue: 0,1:27:50.56,1:27:54.60,Song,,0,0,0,,The single answer l've found is
Dialogue: 0,1:27:54.60,1:28:00.97,Song,,0,0,0,,no matter how scared, or hurt l become,
Dialogue: 0,1:28:00.97,1:28:04.99,Song,,0,0,0,,l tell the person l love, "l love you"
Dialogue: 0,1:28:26.92,1:28:30.60,Song,,0,0,0,,l don't care
Dialogue: 0,1:28:30.60,1:28:33.80,Song,,0,0,0,,Whether you "do love me, or do not love me"
Dialogue: 0,1:28:33.80,1:28:36.04,Song,,0,0,0,,No matter how hard you wish
Dialogue: 0,1:28:36.04,1:28:40.56,Song,,0,0,0,,ln this world, there are way too many things that cannot be changed,
Dialogue: 0,1:28:40.56,1:28:43.28,Song,,0,0,0,,And the fact
Dialogue: 0,1:28:43.28,1:28:46.72,Song,,0,0,0,,That l love you
Dialogue: 0,1:28:46.72,1:28:49.99,Song,,0,0,0,,ls the truth that cannot be changed by anyone
Dialogue: 0,1:28:53.06,1:28:58.48,Song,,0,0,0,,Crossing over a thousand nights, l want to tell you
Dialogue: 0,1:28:58.48,1:29:03.08,Song,,0,0,0,,l have to tell you
Dialogue: 0,1:29:03.08,1:29:05.80,Song,,0,0,0,,l want to be loved, but don't try to love,
Dialogue: 0,1:29:05.80,1:29:09.20,Song,,0,0,0,,Repeating and wandering
Dialogue: 0,1:29:09.20,1:29:13.64,Song,,0,0,0,,The single answer l've found is
Dialogue: 0,1:29:13.64,1:29:19.56,Song,,0,0,0,,No matter how scared, or hurt l become,
Dialogue: 0,1:29:19.56,1:29:23.91,Song,,0,0,0,,l tell the person l love, "l love you"
Dialogue: 0,1:29:24.56,1:29:30.56,Song,,0,0,0,,lt is scary to put feelings into words,
Dialogue: 0,1:29:30.56,1:29:35.47,Song,,0,0,0,,but l'll tell the person l love, "l love you"
Dialogue: 0,1:29:46.48,1:29:49.92,Song,,0,0,0,,There is no way to express in words,
Dialogue: 0,1:29:49.92,1:29:52.76,Song,,0,0,0,,The joy of coming across each other in this vast world
Dialogue: 0,1:29:52.76,1:29:55.81,Song,,0,0,0,,That is why we smile,
Dialogue: 0,1:29:55.81,1:30:00.20,Song,,0,0,0,,singing the passing colorful autumn in sol-fa,
Dialogue: 0,1:30:00.20,1:30:03.88,Song,,0,0,0,,Facing back against the winter, waiting for the spring sunlight
Dialogue: 0,1:30:03.88,1:30:08.83,Song,,0,0,0,,ln order to be reborn so that we can protect someone
Dialogue: 0,1:30:09.48,1:30:14.80,Song,,0,0,0,,The path l came, and the path l go, whenever l turn back
Dialogue: 0,1:30:14.80,1:30:19.32,Song,,0,0,0,,l had cowardly eyes
Dialogue: 0,1:30:19.32,1:30:22.12,Song,,0,0,0,,l want to face it, but cannot be honest about it
Dialogue: 0,1:30:22.12,1:30:25.48,Song,,0,0,0,,Repeating over the days of
Dialogue: 0,1:30:25.48,1:30:32.72,Song,,0,0,0,,not being able to love the person
Dialogue: 0,1:30:32.72,1:30:35.92,Song,,0,0,0,,But hating to be by myself,
Dialogue: 0,1:30:35.92,1:30:40.31,Song,,0,0,0,,l tried to love someone without getting hurt
Dialogue: 0,1:31:06.60,1:31:08.72,Song,,0,0,0,,Crossing over a thousand nights,
Dialogue: 0,1:31:08.72,1:31:12.00,Song,,0,0,0,,l shall go to you now,
Dialogue: 0,1:31:12.00,1:31:16.56,Song,,0,0,0,,There is something l must tell you
Dialogue: 0,1:31:16.56,1:31:19.14,Song,,0,0,0,,l want to be loved, but don't try to love,
Dialogue: 0,1:31:19.14,1:31:22.72,Song,,0,0,0,,Repeating and wandering
Dialogue: 0,1:31:22.72,1:31:27.16,Song,,0,0,0,,The single answer l've found is
Dialogue: 0,1:31:27.16,1:31:33.12,Song,,0,0,0,,no matter how scared, or hurt l become,
Dialogue: 0,1:31:33.12,1:31:37.23,Song,,0,0,0,,l tell the person l love, "l love you"
Dialogue: 0,1:31:37.92,1:31:44.00,Song,,0,0,0,,Even if that feeling is denied,
Dialogue: 0,1:31:44.00,1:31:46.44,Song,,0,0,0,,Telling the person l love...
Dialogue: 0,1:31:46.44,1:31:51.03,Song,,0,0,0,,ls the most wonderful thing in this world.

Pasted: Dec 13, 2012, 4:27:06 am
Views: 8