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[mSubs] SPT Layzner 31 [55F02D5B].mkv - track...

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Audio URI: SPT Layzner 31 - The Plotted Crusade.mp4
Video File: SPT Layzner 31 - The Plotted Crusade.mp4
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Comment: 0,0:23:35.24,0:23:39.05,LayznerMusic,,0,0,0,,The red rose

Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.68,0:00:04.85,Credits1,OP,0,0,0,,/m/subs
Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.68,0:00:04.69,Credits2,OP,0,0,0,,Translation: UK Windom, starseeker
Dialogue: 0,0:00:04.65,0:00:08.07,Title,,0,0,0,,{\pos(331,395)}Blue Comet SPT Layzner
Dialogue: 0,0:00:06.02,0:00:08.07,Title,,0,0,0,,{\pos(430,169)}Episode 31
Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.68,0:00:04.69,Credits2,OP,0,0,0,,Timing: Gunlord / RAWs: Iriliane
Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.68,0:00:04.69,Credits2,,0,0,0,,QC: Ametuchi, Ray, DrugLordKai
Dialogue: 0,0:00:10.38,0:00:16.10,LayznerTopMusic,OP,0,0,0,,Sora ni aoi ryusei
Dialogue: 0,0:00:10.38,0:00:16.10,LayznerMusic,OP,0,0,0,,The blue comet in the sky...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:16.14,0:00:22.07,LayznerTopMusic,OP,0,0,0,,Yoru no unga o suberu you dane
Dialogue: 0,0:00:16.14,0:00:22.07,LayznerMusic,OP,0,0,0,,...looks like it's slipping past the night
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.31,0:00:28.87,LayznerTopMusic,OP,0,0,0,,Futari biru no mado kara
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.31,0:00:28.87,LayznerMusic,OP,0,0,0,,From the windows of our home...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:28.90,0:00:35.12,LayznerTopMusic,OP,0,0,0,,Tooku no machi o sagashite ita yo
Dialogue: 0,0:00:28.90,0:00:35.12,LayznerMusic,OP,0,0,0,,...It looked like it was searching for a town far away
Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.95,0:00:38.63,LayznerTopMusic,OP,0,0,0,,Kanashii hitomi de
Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.95,0:00:38.63,LayznerMusic,OP,0,0,0,,Don't blame my love... {OLD:Don't accuse me of love...}
Dialogue: 0,0:00:39.11,0:00:41.88,LayznerTopMusic,OP,0,0,0,,Ai o semenaide
Dialogue: 0,0:00:39.11,0:00:41.88,LayznerMusic,OP,0,0,0,,...with your lonely eyes
Dialogue: 0,0:00:42.33,0:00:48.51,LayznerTopMusic,OP,0,0,0,,Nani mo iwazuni ikasete hoshii
Dialogue: 0,0:00:42.33,0:00:48.51,LayznerMusic,OP,0,0,0,,I want you to let me go without saying a word
Dialogue: 0,0:00:48.71,0:00:51.39,LayznerTopMusic,OP,0,0,0,,Hosoi sono kata o
Dialogue: 0,0:00:48.71,0:00:51.39,LayznerMusic,OP,0,0,0,,Just embrace... {OLD:Hold onto the...}
Dialogue: 0,0:00:52.05,0:00:54.73,LayznerTopMusic,OP,0,0,0,,Sotto dakishimete
Dialogue: 0,0:00:52.05,0:00:54.73,LayznerMusic,OP,0,0,0,,...that thin back { who's fading away}
Dialogue: 0,0:00:54.88,0:01:00.40,LayznerTopMusic,OP,0,0,0,,Namida kisu de nugutta
Dialogue: 0,0:00:54.88,0:01:00.40,LayznerMusic,OP,0,0,0,,And wipe away those tears with a kiss
Dialogue: 0,0:01:01.35,0:01:05.96,Default,,0,0,0,,Earthlings! You aren't able to rescue even one woman!
Dialogue: 0,0:01:05.97,0:01:08.35,Default,,0,0,0,,Now open your eyes and see what happens!
Dialogue: 0,0:01:09.23,0:01:10.33,Default,,0,0,0,,I'll be your opponent!
Dialogue: 0,0:01:10.73,0:01:14.04,LayznerTopMusic,OP,0,0,0,,Lonely Way - kono boku no
Dialogue: 0,0:01:10.73,0:01:14.04,LayznerMusic,OP,0,0,0,,Lonely Way - I will go on my... {OLD: Lonely Way - As the way}{ALT: I will go}{A: Because kono boku no lonely way is actually one sentence, so the one has to elide into the other somehow.}
Dialogue: 0,0:01:14.07,0:01:17.46,LayznerTopMusic,OP,0,0,0,,Lonely Way - omou mama
Dialogue: 0,0:01:14.07,0:01:17.46,LayznerMusic,OP,0,0,0,,Lonely Way - Just as I please {Lonely Way - I think now}{ALT:My own way}
Dialogue: 0,0:01:17.49,0:01:22.84,LayznerTopMusic,OP,0,0,0,,Hashire merosu no you ni
Dialogue: 0,0:01:17.49,0:01:22.84,LayznerMusic,OP,0,0,0,,Running just like Melos {OLD:I run just like Melos}
Dialogue: 0,0:01:23.58,0:01:26.80,LayznerTopMusic,OP,0,0,0,,Lonely Way - ikisaki wa
Dialogue: 0,0:01:23.58,0:01:26.80,LayznerMusic,OP,0,0,0,,Lonely Way - Toward my destination,
Dialogue: 0,0:01:26.81,0:01:36.73,LayznerTopMusic,OP,0,0,0,,Lonely Way - haruka kanata no yume o sagashite
Dialogue: 0,0:01:26.81,0:01:36.73,LayznerMusic,OP,0,0,0,,Lonely Way - To find my distant dream
Dialogue: 0,0:22:57.00,0:23:02.01,LayznerTopMusic,,0,0,0,,Dakishimete, kinou yori
Dialogue: 0,0:22:57.00,0:23:02.01,LayznerMusic,,0,0,0,,Hold me now, {OLD:tighter than yesterday.}
Dialogue: 0,0:23:02.04,0:23:07.52,LayznerTopMusic,,0,0,0,,Aishitai hito ga iru
Dialogue: 0,0:23:02.04,0:23:07.52,LayznerMusic,,0,0,0,,I want to love you more than yesterday. {OLD:There are people I want to love.}
Dialogue: 0,0:23:08.13,0:23:16.36,LayznerTopMusic,,0,0,0,,Toki wa hitoshizuku nigai namida
Dialogue: 0,0:23:08.13,0:23:16.36,LayznerMusic,,0,0,0,,Time is a single bitter tear.
Dialogue: 0,0:23:16.39,0:23:21.20,LayznerTopMusic,,0,0,0,,Kizutsuita pururougu
Dialogue: 0,0:23:16.39,0:23:21.20,LayznerMusic,,0,0,0,,A prologue of being hurt
Dialogue: 0,0:23:21.23,0:23:27.12,LayznerTopMusic,,0,0,0,,Yasashisa e tsuzukuno yo
Dialogue: 0,0:23:21.23,0:23:27.12,LayznerMusic,,0,0,0,,leads us towards tenderness.
Dialogue: 0,0:23:27.49,0:23:33.67,LayznerTopMusic,,0,0,0,,Mayowanai futari dake no
Dialogue: 0,0:23:27.49,0:23:33.67,LayznerMusic,,0,0,0,,Our red rose will not go astray.
Dialogue: 0,0:23:35.24,0:23:39.05,LayznerTopMusic,,0,0,0,,LA ROSE ROUGE
Dialogue: 0,0:02:01.16,0:02:04.98,Default,,0,0,0,,Today, once again, the sun shines equally upon all.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:05.82,0:02:08.14,Default,,0,0,0,,On both the Earth and Grados...
Dialogue: 0,0:02:08.50,0:02:13.46,Title,,0,0,0,,{\pos(323,298)}The Plotted {\c&HBC919F&}Cru{\c&HFFFFFF&}sade
Dialogue: 0,0:02:15.37,0:02:20.17,Default,,0,0,0,,Your Excellency, the Holy Maiden of Cuzco requested an audience with you yet again this morning... {kakka, kesa(this morning) ha mata kusko no seijyou ha kakka to no eikken wo motomete orimasu ga,}{OLD: Your Excellency, the Holy Maiden of Cuzco is asking for an audience with you yet again...}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:20.17,0:02:22.44,Default,,0,0,0,,What should I do? Drive her away?
Dialogue: 0,0:02:24.20,0:02:26.17,Default,,0,0,0,,No... let me see her.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:26.17,0:02:26.70,Default,,0,0,0,,Sir..?
Dialogue: 0,0:02:27.97,0:02:29.24,Default,,0,0,0,,Bring her here.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:29.24,0:02:30.13,Default,,0,0,0,,But...
Dialogue: 0,0:02:31.57,0:02:33.76,Default,,0,0,0,,Man's heart is fickle. {utsuroi(change; changing; vicissitudes) yasuki(easiness; simpleness) ha hito no kokoro}{OLD: A man's heart is a fleeting one.}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:35.06,0:02:36.93,Default,,0,0,0,,Just like the scent of this incense.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:38.66,0:02:40.40,Default,,0,0,0,,Today, I want to see her.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:40.40,0:02:41.33,Default,,0,0,0,,Yes, Sir!
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.61,0:03:18.13,Default,,0,0,0,,Do you know what scent this is?
Dialogue: 0,0:03:19.40,0:03:20.26,Default,,0,0,0,,It's musk.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:21.60,0:03:23.46,Default,,0,0,0,,It seems that roughly two thousand years ago...
Dialogue: 0,0:03:26.30,0:03:31.77,Default,,0,0,0,,Men of Earth would apparently risk their lives for these fumes.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:33.55,0:03:35.68,Default,,0,0,0,,Albatro Mill Julia Asuka.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:36.61,0:03:40.30,Default,,0,0,0,,You were once nothing but a soldier. What happened to you? {my boyfriend is deeeeeeaaaad}
Dialogue: 0,0:03:41.85,0:03:43.77,Default,,0,0,0,,Is it the three years spent on Earth?
Dialogue: 0,0:03:43.77,0:03:48.36,Default,,0,0,0,,Your Excellency, may I suggest that you open your heart to the light of the Sun and the sound of the wind? {gah, too mouthful}{it's less than 3 lines, we'll live}{A: Sounds like Disney Pocahantas to me}
Dialogue: 0,0:03:49.46,0:03:50.88,Default,,0,0,0,,And what if I do?
Dialogue: 0,0:03:52.44,0:03:57.20,Default,,0,0,0,,Please, Your Excellency, the two races must live together harmoniously with love. {?????????????}
Dialogue: 0,0:03:57.20,0:04:02.08,Default,,0,0,0,,With your orders, Earth and Grados can live together hand in hand.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:02.70,0:04:07.77,Default,,0,0,0,,Julia... Do you think I'm a man that would give that order?
Dialogue: 0,0:04:08.30,0:04:09.73,Default,,0,0,0,,Please, I beg of you...
Dialogue: 0,0:04:11.77,0:04:13.80,Default,,0,0,0,,Please, I beg you, Your Excellency!
Dialogue: 0,0:04:14.62,0:04:16.26,Default,,0,0,0,,That won't do, Father!
Dialogue: 0,0:04:17.40,0:04:23.66,Default,,0,0,0,,Surely you're not believing what this impure woman just said, Father?
Dialogue: 0,0:04:25.73,0:04:28.33,Default,,0,0,0,,I shall answer on behalf of my father.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:29.18,0:04:32.70,Default,,0,0,0,,Compared to Gradosians, Earthlings are an inferior race in every aspect. {????????}
Dialogue: 0,0:04:32.86,0:04:36.00,Default,,0,0,0,,To live together hand in hand with them is just absurd.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:36.00,0:04:40.63,Default,,0,0,0,,Absolutely not, Earthlings and Gradosians are the same on the inside!
Dialogue: 0,0:04:41.33,0:04:45.37,Default,,0,0,0,,We both appreciate beauty and believe the truth.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:45.37,0:04:47.77,Default,,0,0,0,,We both know love, and are prideful races.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:48.45,0:04:50.96,Default,,0,0,0,,And where can you find such Earthlings?
Dialogue: 0,0:04:51.92,0:04:55.33,Default,,0,0,0,,Look around you. They are all submissive slaves. {OLD: All of them are nothing but submissive slaves.}
Dialogue: 0,0:04:55.33,0:04:57.63,Default,,0,0,0,,That's because Gradosians forced them to be so.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:58.46,0:05:02.76,Default,,0,0,0,,All for a childish, meaningless display of power.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:04.31,0:05:05.63,Default,,0,0,0,,Interesting.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:07.20,0:05:12.04,Default,,0,0,0,,Then show me this potential you believe Earthlings have.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:14.18,0:05:16.10,Default,,0,0,0,,I will create the stage for you.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:18.36,0:05:22.35,Default,,0,0,0,,Which one of the two races is the better...
Dialogue: 0,0:05:22.35,0:05:24.60,Default,,0,0,0,,Let it be decided with a battle.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:25.74,0:05:31.68,Default,,0,0,0,,If Earthlings win, I will forgive your lack of manners and spare you.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:31.68,0:05:34.16,Default,,0,0,0,,I do not wish for any battle.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:34.90,0:05:39.03,Default,,0,0,0,,But if they lose... then I shall take your life!
Dialogue: 0,0:05:39.68,0:05:41.60,Default,,0,0,0,,I will execute you on the spot.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:43.06,0:05:45.20,Default,,0,0,0,,What do you think, Father?
Dialogue: 0,0:05:45.20,0:05:50.06,Default,,0,0,0,,Since you dislike unnecessary bloodshed, I believe this is for the best.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:54.67,0:05:57.76,Default,,0,0,0,,Then I will take custody of this woman until then. {OLD:Then until that time, I will keep custody of this woman.}
Dialogue: 0,0:06:07.00,0:06:09.20,Default,,0,0,0,,Listen, you Earthlings!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:10.16,0:06:13.63,Default,,0,0,0,,Grados Military Command has taken the Holy Maiden of Cuzco prisoner! {???}
Dialogue: 0,0:06:14.44,0:06:16.57,Default,,0,0,0,,With the pride of Earthlings at stake,
Dialogue: 0,0:06:16.57,0:06:21.10,Default,,0,0,0,,We demand someone courageous to fight a Gradosian warrior for her sake!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:21.30,0:06:24.96,Default,,0,0,0,,If the Earthling wins, she will be acquitted.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:24.96,0:06:29.50,Default,,0,0,0,,But! If there is no one to fight, she will be executed!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:29.00,0:06:29.90,DefaultTop,,0,0,0,,What!? {eh}
Dialogue: 0,0:06:31.34,0:06:35.15,Default,,0,0,0,,Furthermore, Earth's warrior must be a bona fide Earthling. {yay anti-hero loopholes}
Dialogue: 0,0:06:35.15,0:06:38.08,Default,,0,0,0,,Any weapons used must be Earth-made as well.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:38.08,0:06:40.26,Default,,0,0,0,,Heavy weaponry will not be needed. {?????????? This doesn't make sense - or maybe I misheard ??? as something else?}{possibly ???}{old: Use of heavy weapons are unnecessary}
Dialogue: 0,0:06:40.26,0:06:44.03,Default,,0,0,0,,Entrance is free. We allow all Earthlings to spectate.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:44.03,0:06:46.73,Default,,0,0,0,,Time and place of the event is written here!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:48.97,0:06:50.48,Default,,0,0,0,,I must tell the others!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:53.20,0:06:54.16,Default,,0,0,0,,Excuse me.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:56.18,0:07:00.31,Default,,0,0,0,,Arrangements for using the stadium as an arena have been completed without delay. {tougi jyou to naru stadium no hou no tehai ha, todokoorinaku(without delay; smoothly; without a hitch) owarimashita.}{OLD: Arrangements for the stadium to be used as arena is completed.}{A: I'm sorry Windom had to go through a baptism of fire with such a difficult episode. I feel ya man.}
Dialogue: 0,0:07:01.12,0:07:02.93,Default,,0,0,0,,Here is the diagram of how the players will be positioned. {kore ga kankeisha no haichi(stationing; posting; disposition) zu desu.}{A: Players meaning Ru Cain, Julia, Gosterro, etc.}{OLD: This is the official diagram of the layout}{???}
Dialogue: 0,0:07:03.84,0:07:05.85,Default,,0,0,0,,How are the townsfolk reacting?
Dialogue: 0,0:07:06.53,0:07:09.00,Default,,0,0,0,,One can see that they are greatly shocked.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:09.76,0:07:14.30,Default,,0,0,0,,Then naturally, someone has volunteered to save the lady, correct?
Dialogue: 0,0:07:14.68,0:07:15.93,Default,,0,0,0,,No, not at all.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:16.48,0:07:18.35,Default,,0,0,0,,How pathetic.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:19.56,0:07:24.75,Default,,0,0,0,,Then what about you, Rowan? Won't you represent the Earthlings?
Dialogue: 0,0:07:24.75,0:07:27.70,Default,,0,0,0,,No, I know where my place is.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:28.88,0:07:33.71,Default,,0,0,0,,Don't be so cold. You can become a hero, you know.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:34.62,0:07:38.59,Default,,0,0,0,,Compared to His Excellency Ru Kain's intellect, a hero is nothing much.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:40.20,0:07:46.12,Default,,0,0,0,,The way I see it, all of this is just a strategy to measure Earth's weaponry.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:47.70,0:07:49.60,Default,,0,0,0,,That's enough. You are dismissed.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:49.60,0:07:50.36,Default,,0,0,0,,Sir!
Dialogue: 0,0:07:54.76,0:07:57.92,Default,,0,0,0,,How about it? Any Earthlings volunteered to fight? {A: Get your face out of Rowan's personal space Arthur}
Dialogue: 0,0:07:59.34,0:08:00.96,Default,,0,0,0,,Nope, not a single one.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:01.78,0:08:03.84,Default,,0,0,0,,Commander Giura told me to fight.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:04.10,0:08:06.53,Default,,0,0,0,,Really? And you're okay with that?
Dialogue: 0,0:08:07.56,0:08:09.46,Default,,0,0,0,,Actually, I recommended you instead. {you're a git Rowan}
Dialogue: 0,0:08:09.56,0:08:12.53,Default,,0,0,0,,No way! Don't do stuff like that without my permission!
Dialogue: 0,0:08:13.36,0:08:14.26,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm joking. {A: Arthur's 'stache is still the height of hipsterism}
Dialogue: 0,0:08:21.32,0:08:25.02,Default,,0,0,0,,But... just what is Ru Kain's real motive?
Dialogue: 0,0:08:25.02,0:08:28.84,Default,,0,0,0,,The Holy Maiden of Cuzco is giving Earthlings emotional support.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:29.50,0:08:32.62,Default,,0,0,0,,- So basically she's an obstacle to him, right?\N- Yes.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:32.94,0:08:37.96,Default,,0,0,0,,Then instead of a roundabout plan like this, why doesn't he just kill her off? {because Ru Kain's an evil villain}{A: Might be smarter than Raoh in HNK ever was, if you ask me.}
Dialogue: 0,0:08:38.80,0:08:42.10,Default,,0,0,0,,That would just increase the hatred towards the Grados forces.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:43.08,0:08:47.73,Default,,0,0,0,,But, if it's made as if the Earthlings let her die...
Dialogue: 0,0:08:47.92,0:08:48.58,Default,,0,0,0,,What do you think would happen?
Dialogue: 0,0:08:50.20,0:08:52.66,Default,,0,0,0,,That would inflict psychological damage on the Earthlings.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:53.46,0:08:57.67,Default,,0,0,0,,To kill someone who supports you, with your own hand...
Dialogue: 0,0:08:58.52,0:09:05.90,Default,,0,0,0,,Ergo, while achieving the initial goal, it will also give Earthlings a sense of defeat.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:06.70,0:09:09.33,Default,,0,0,0,,And... he must have another goal in mind.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:11.76,0:09:13.95,Default,,0,0,0,,Come on, Eiji, I beg of you.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:13.95,0:09:17.68,Default,,0,0,0,,I don't care if it's you, David, I can't tell you where the underground factory is.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:17.96,0:09:21.88,Default,,0,0,0,,That's the rule to protect the organization. You should understand this.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:22.26,0:09:26.28,Default,,0,0,0,,That's why I'm asking you! You can just take me there! {A: No you do not have access to the batcave David}
Dialogue: 0,0:09:26.28,0:09:27.50,Default,,0,0,0,,If we fight them we'll lose.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:28.16,0:09:32.26,Default,,0,0,0,,The SPTs we're developing still don't have the capability to fight them. {blaaargh this sounds awkward}{Old:The SPTs in development still don't have much power behind them. }
Dialogue: 0,0:09:32.26,0:09:35.60,Default,,0,0,0,,Then you're telling us to let the Holy Maiden of Cuzco die!?
Dialogue: 0,0:09:36.54,0:09:39.98,Default,,0,0,0,,So again with the 'Earthlings are incompetent', then...
Dialogue: 0,0:09:40.50,0:09:41.32,Default,,0,0,0,,This is so annoying.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:41.72,0:09:42.80,Default,,0,0,0,,You might be fine with it, but...!
Dialogue: 0,0:09:44.52,0:09:45.46,Default,,0,0,0,,You might...
Dialogue: 0,0:09:45.88,0:09:48.70,Default,,0,0,0,,But what about us, the Earthlings then?!
Dialogue: 0,0:09:49.02,0:09:52.64,Default,,0,0,0,,Ru Kain is challenging us, the Earthlings!
Dialogue: 0,0:09:52.64,0:09:56.98,Default,,0,0,0,,You do know how much the Holy Maiden of Cuzco encourages us, right?!
Dialogue: 0,0:09:57.82,0:09:59.20,Default,,0,0,0,,But if you fight them, you'll lose!
Dialogue: 0,0:09:59.20,0:10:01.76,Default,,0,0,0,,It's not about wining or losing! It's about pride! {A: He is such a shounen protagonist}
Dialogue: 0,0:10:12.92,0:10:14.22,Default,,0,0,0,,Listen well, all of you.
Dialogue: 0,0:10:15.42,0:10:20.36,Default,,0,0,0,,I shall give one of you the honor of representing Grados in battle.
Dialogue: 0,0:10:23.86,0:10:24.80,Default,,0,0,0,,Will it be you?
Dialogue: 0,0:10:26.76,0:10:27.53,Default,,0,0,0,,Will it be you?
Dialogue: 0,0:10:29.10,0:10:29.86,Default,,0,0,0,,Will it be you?
Dialogue: 0,0:10:31.94,0:10:34.30,Default,,0,0,0,,Or... you?
Dialogue: 0,0:10:34.50,0:10:37.06,Default,,0,0,0,,Understood, sir! I, Gosterro, will take the du--
Dialogue: 0,0:10:37.52,0:10:39.18,Default,,0,0,0,,Don't open your mouth without permission!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:39.18,0:10:40.20,Default,,0,0,0,,Forgive me!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:40.20,0:10:43.26,Default,,0,0,0,,But, I believe only I can--
Dialogue: 0,0:10:44.08,0:10:47.10,Default,,0,0,0,,You have lost in battle countless times.
Dialogue: 0,0:10:47.10,0:10:51.30,Default,,0,0,0,,Then, please give me this honor as my last chance, Your Excellency!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:51.88,0:10:54.53,Default,,0,0,0,,Do you hate the Holy Maiden of Cuzco that much? {no he just wants to rape her}
Dialogue: 0,0:10:55.16,0:10:57.88,Default,,0,0,0,,It'd be such a shame to give her up to someone else! {OLD: I refuse to respect a worthless person like that.}{UK: Sorry, have no idea what he's saying.}{mottainaku 'tte hito ni nanka yuzurenai}{A: You were saying...}
Dialogue: 0,0:10:58.98,0:11:01.83,Default,,0,0,0,,Even as a rough soldier myself. {jibun koso au 'tte kusetsuki no senshi de gozaimasu}{jibun koso ao tetsuki no senshi de gozaimasu}
Dialogue: 0,0:11:03.16,0:11:06.64,Default,,0,0,0,,Do not forget those words. This is your last chance.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:07.20,0:11:08.63,Default,,0,0,0,,Leave it to me, Sir!
Dialogue: 0,0:11:15.36,0:11:17.80,Default,,0,0,0,,Hating the woman who rejected your love, now?
Dialogue: 0,0:11:17.84,0:11:21.16,Default,,0,0,0,,Maybe he still has feelings for her?
Dialogue: 0,0:11:21.16,0:11:23.28,Default,,0,0,0,,"Please, Julia, I love you...!"
Dialogue: 0,0:11:23.80,0:11:29.14,Default,,0,0,0,,You morons! Barbarians like you don't deserve to kill her!
Dialogue: 0,0:11:45.54,0:11:47.36,Default,,0,0,0,,The place is bigger than I thought. {A: Fine I'll show you the batcave}
Dialogue: 0,0:11:53.50,0:11:55.80,Default,,0,0,0,,- Doctor!\N - Professor Gilbert!
Dialogue: 0,0:11:57.96,0:12:02.33,Default,,0,0,0,,So you're the ones creating SPTs in this underground factory?
Dialogue: 0,0:12:02.96,0:12:06.28,Default,,0,0,0,,Eiji told me before, but I almost didn't recognize you all!
Dialogue: 0,0:12:06.54,0:12:10.06,Default,,0,0,0,,You too, Doctor! That hairstyle suits you well!
Dialogue: 0,0:12:11.08,0:12:11.86,Default,,0,0,0,,You too.
Dialogue: 0,0:12:12.08,0:12:16.32,Default,,0,0,0,,Man, you should have told us sooner! You're such a killjoy, Eiji. {Again, not quite sure what David says - hito ga arui?}{A: o-hito ga warui}
Dialogue: 0,0:12:16.32,0:12:19.06,Default,,0,0,0,,No, it's a necessary precaution.
Dialogue: 0,0:12:19.80,0:12:25.20,Default,,0,0,0,,Our greatest fear is that the enemy learns of us before we finish building up our combat capacity. {wareware no senryoku ga jyuujitsu shinai uchi ha, teki ni kono soshiki wo satorareru no ha ichiban kowai.}{OLD: Until the construction is finished, being detected by our enemies is the biggest concern.}
Dialogue: 0,0:12:26.90,0:12:29.26,Default,,0,0,0,,I know what your reasons for coming here are.
Dialogue: 0,0:12:29.98,0:12:34.82,Default,,0,0,0,,David, you want one of these SPTs we're constructing, right? {hisaku(secret plan or measures) chuu}
Dialogue: 0,0:12:35.40,0:12:39.04,Default,,0,0,0,,Straight to the point as always, Professor! I'll be-- {OLD: As expected of Professor, you sure know what I want! Then I'll--}{sasuga hakase hanashi ha hayai ya.}
Dialogue: 0,0:12:39.04,0:12:40.33,Default,,0,0,0,,I can't let you borrow it. {OLD: I can't give it to you.}{kasu}
Dialogue: 0,0:12:40.35,0:12:41.17,Default,,0,0,0,,What? {eh}
Dialogue: 0,0:12:41.18,0:12:42.33,Default,,0,0,0,,Professor?!
Dialogue: 0,0:12:43.02,0:12:45.90,Default,,0,0,0,,Eiji will take care of rescuing the Holy Maiden of Cuzco.
Dialogue: 0,0:12:46.62,0:12:48.52,Default,,0,0,0,,We must not fall for Ru Kain's taunting.
Dialogue: 0,0:12:49.04,0:12:52.42,Default,,0,0,0,,But Doctor, Earthling pride is at stake!
Dialogue: 0,0:12:52.42,0:12:55.14,Default,,0,0,0,,It's not a matter of simply rescuing her!
Dialogue: 0,0:12:55.80,0:12:59.82,Default,,0,0,0,,But we must protect these unfinished SPTs, and also your lives.
Dialogue: 0,0:13:00.04,0:13:05.40,Default,,0,0,0,,There's no meaning in finishing these SPTs if we let the Holy Maiden of Cuzco get killed!
Dialogue: 0,0:13:06.00,0:13:07.24,Default,,0,0,0,,We're not letting her die.
Dialogue: 0,0:13:07.48,0:13:10.20,Default,,0,0,0,,It's the same thing if we Earthlings do nothing!
Dialogue: 0,0:13:10.88,0:13:15.44,Default,,0,0,0,,Even if we finish these SPTs, lost pride can't be easily reclaimed!
Dialogue: 0,0:13:16.22,0:13:19.06,Default,,0,0,0,,In this world, the only thing we can't reclaim are human lives!
Dialogue: 0,0:13:19.90,0:13:20.52,Default,,0,0,0,,Don't be rash!
Dialogue: 0,0:14:00.76,0:14:03.88,Default,,0,0,0,,If we can't borrow these SPTs, we can't do a thing.
Dialogue: 0,0:14:04.52,0:14:05.82,Default,,0,0,0,,Well, let's head back.
Dialogue: 0,0:14:05.82,0:14:09.72,Default,,0,0,0,,Then what did we come here for? You're the worst!
Dialogue: 0,0:14:09.72,0:14:12.18,Default,,0,0,0,,You lack motivation, just admitting defeat like that!
Dialogue: 0,0:14:12.18,0:14:16.14,Default,,0,0,0,,Yeah, I guess I lack the patience. Don't you think so, Eiji?
Dialogue: 0,0:14:16.84,0:14:17.70,Default,,0,0,0,,I wonder about that--
Dialogue: 0,0:14:21.46,0:14:22.52,Default,,0,0,0,,David!
Dialogue: 0,0:14:22.52,0:14:24.24,Default,,0,0,0,,What are you doing?!
Dialogue: 0,0:14:24.58,0:14:25.86,Default,,0,0,0,,David! {A: Look at how fast he climbs that thing. Hnng aag must robot-jack}
Dialogue: 0,0:14:27.02,0:14:30.16,Default,,0,0,0,,Simone, open the door! We're stealing this!
Dialogue: 0,0:14:34.46,0:14:35.92,Default,,0,0,0,,Anna! Take care of Eiji!
Dialogue: 0,0:14:41.36,0:14:43.16,Default,,0,0,0,,Simone! Hurry!
Dialogue: 0,0:14:46.32,0:14:49.26,Default,,0,0,0,,- Stop! What are you doing?!\N - Get back here!
Dialogue: 0,0:14:49.86,0:14:53.40,Default,,0,0,0,,Come back, David! This is reckless! David!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:34.14,0:15:36.68,Default,,0,0,0,,Come out, warriors of the Earthlings!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:42.78,0:15:44.62,Default,,0,0,0,,Are there no warriors on Earth?
Dialogue: 0,0:15:47.96,0:15:50.68,Default,,0,0,0,,The Maiden is risking her life for all of you.
Dialogue: 0,0:15:52.66,0:15:54.93,Default,,0,0,0,,Is there no one who chooses to fight?!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:55.58,0:16:00.34,Default,,0,0,0,,This has nothing to do with pride! There is no battle to be fought!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:05.90,0:16:06.63,Default,,0,0,0,,Julia.
Dialogue: 0,0:16:07.26,0:16:10.32,Default,,0,0,0,,No matter what you say they will not answer.
Dialogue: 0,0:16:10.84,0:16:12.84,Default,,0,0,0,,This is how they really are.
Dialogue: 0,0:16:14.80,0:16:19.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Look! They are nothing but frightened primates!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:19.66,0:16:23.36,Default,,0,0,0,,They have no pride, no will, not even intention to save their allies!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:26.50,0:16:28.16,Default,,0,0,0,,With this, it is now clear as day!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:28.76,0:16:33.68,Default,,0,0,0,,Earthlings are a race fit only to be subjugated by Grados!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:34.58,0:16:35.62,Default,,0,0,0,,Earthlings!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:36.76,0:16:39.80,Default,,0,0,0,,You aren't able to rescue even one woman!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:40.60,0:16:46.84,Default,,0,0,0,,Now open your eyes, and see the end of a woman who died for your sake!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:48.46,0:16:50.43,Default,,0,0,0,,I am not the one killing her.
Dialogue: 0,0:16:51.28,0:16:53.13,Default,,0,0,0,,All of you killed her!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:56.76,0:16:57.81,Default,,0,0,0,,Execute her!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:14.48,0:17:18.08,Default,,0,0,0,,Julia... Now scream, and beg for forgiveness!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:19.06,0:17:22.03,Default,,0,0,0,,If you do, at least your life can be saved.
Dialogue: 0,0:17:23.06,0:17:26.08,Default,,0,0,0,,Now cry, and kneel before me! {Kneel before Zod}{A: YURIAAAA oh wait wrong show again}
Dialogue: 0,0:17:31.28,0:17:33.60,Default,,0,0,0,,It's like a dream, Julia!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:40.10,0:17:42.98,Default,,0,0,0,,I think my brain's going to burst!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:55.88,0:17:57.58,Default,,0,0,0,,Gosterro! I'll take you on!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:57.94,0:17:58.52,Default,,0,0,0,,David!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:59.48,0:18:00.71,Default,,0,0,0,,We've got a rash one here.
Dialogue: 0,0:18:00.86,0:18:03.60,Default,,0,0,0,,Tch, I'll deal with you later! Just you wait.
Dialogue: 0,0:18:05.64,0:18:06.70,Default,,0,0,0,,Excuse me.
Dialogue: 0,0:18:08.60,0:18:10.80,Default,,0,0,0,,Just like you to throw down the gauntlet, David! {o-boushi nuide kita na david-rashi janai ka}{UK: No idea here, sorry}{star: done what I can}{A: He says throw down the hat, but gauntlet translates better here}{OLD: Well if it isn't David being the white knight!}
Dialogue: 0,0:18:25.34,0:18:26.06,Default,,0,0,0,,Damn it!
Dialogue: 0,0:18:46.88,0:18:48.48,Default,,0,0,0,,That's the spirit, David!
Dialogue: 0,0:18:48.56,0:18:51.01,Default,,0,0,0,,Stand up! I'll show you what Earthlings are made of!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:09.52,0:19:12.28,Default,,0,0,0,,Don't move so much! I got something for you! {not sure if ????? here refers to the sniper or his arms malfunctioning}
Dialogue: 0,0:19:23.84,0:19:24.72,Default,,0,0,0,,D-damn it...
Dialogue: 0,0:19:33.72,0:19:34.67,Default,,0,0,0,,David!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:41.14,0:19:43.54,Default,,0,0,0,,While I'm at it, I'm going to kill you as flashily as possible!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:46.30,0:19:47.56,Default,,0,0,0,,David, run!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:47.82,0:19:48.60,Default,,0,0,0,,Simone!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:49.16,0:19:50.83,Default,,0,0,0,,Watch out, I got sniped!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:50.84,0:19:51.46,Default,,0,0,0,,What!?
Dialogue: 0,0:19:55.58,0:19:58.58,Default,,0,0,0,,A woman, now? I like it!
Dialogue: 0,0:20:24.50,0:20:25.26,Default,,0,0,0,,Simone!
Dialogue: 0,0:20:36.62,0:20:37.93,Default,,0,0,0,,Simone!
Dialogue: 0,0:20:39.56,0:20:42.76,Default,,0,0,0,,Well, this is nice. I'll just kill you both at once!
Dialogue: 0,0:20:43.74,0:20:44.80,Default,,0,0,0,,Stop right there, Gosterro!
Dialogue: 0,0:20:47.28,0:20:49.32,Default,,0,0,0,,You have no right to kill those two!
Dialogue: 0,0:20:49.80,0:20:51.16,Default,,0,0,0,,Silence, you ruffian!
Dialogue: 0,0:20:52.04,0:20:54.88,Default,,0,0,0,,This is a fight between Earthlings and Gradosians.
Dialogue: 0,0:20:55.70,0:20:58.26,Default,,0,0,0,,It is not a place for one with filthy blood like you!
Dialogue: 0,0:20:58.92,0:21:00.16,Default,,0,0,0,,You're the dirty one!
Dialogue: 0,0:21:00.94,0:21:02.98,Default,,0,0,0,,The reason why they're bleeding...
Dialogue: 0,0:21:02.98,0:21:05.40,Default,,0,0,0,, because this soldier shot them!
Dialogue: 0,0:21:07.42,0:21:08.40,Default,,0,0,0,,Gosterro...
Dialogue: 0,0:21:09.26,0:21:11.38,Default,,0,0,0,,Damn that brat...interfering like that.
Dialogue: 0,0:21:29.28,0:21:30.50,Default,,0,0,0,,Bring Gosterro here!
Dialogue: 0,0:21:35.42,0:21:40.56,Default,,0,0,0,,Ru Kain, sir! Please, forgive me! Forgive me! Please forgive me!
Dialogue: 0,0:21:41.78,0:21:46.08,Default,,0,0,0,,You shameless fool... you're a disgrace to Grados!
Dialogue: 0,0:21:46.68,0:21:47.70,Default,,0,0,0,,I'll finish you!
Dialogue: 0,0:21:48.96,0:21:50.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Please, stop!
Dialogue: 0,0:21:50.82,0:21:51.52,Default,,0,0,0,,What?!
Dialogue: 0,0:21:52.42,0:21:54.28,Default,,0,0,0,,Please forgive this man.
Dialogue: 0,0:21:55.48,0:21:57.88,Default,,0,0,0,,That man has attempted to kill you several times!
Dialogue: 0,0:21:58.80,0:22:01.68,Default,,0,0,0,,I do not wish to see bloodshed! {A: The way Gosterro keeps looking from her to him and not getting any of it is great}
Dialogue: 0,0:22:02.34,0:22:04.28,Default,,0,0,0,,Do you not hate this man?!
Dialogue: 0,0:22:05.04,0:22:06.88,Default,,0,0,0,,He is a pitiful man.
Dialogue: 0,0:22:08.86,0:22:09.52,Default,,0,0,0,,Pity...
Dialogue: 0,0:22:10.42,0:22:11.32,Default,,0,0,0,,Pity, is it...
Dialogue: 0,0:22:13.02,0:22:14.20,Default,,0,0,0,,Lock him in a cell!
Dialogue: 0,0:22:17.70,0:22:18.88,Default,,0,0,0,,Thank you very much.
Dialogue: 0,0:22:19.68,0:22:20.88,Default,,0,0,0,,I don't need your gratitude...! {A: JULIAAAAA}
Dialogue: 0,0:22:21.76,0:22:23.90,Default,,0,0,0,,Your Excellency, how should we deal with them?
Dialogue: 0,0:22:26.48,0:22:29.56,Default,,0,0,0,,Do you intend to embarrass me even further?!
Dialogue: 0,0:22:30.36,0:22:31.12,Default,,0,0,0,,We're leaving! {A: Aaand postcard memory}
Dialogue: 0,0:22:38.92,0:22:39.96,Default,,0,0,0,,Ru Kain...
Dialogue: 0,0:22:41.16,0:22:43.24,Default,,0,0,0,,You are still young.
Dialogue: 0,0:22:44.40,0:22:48.17,Default,,0,0,0,,There is still much that you must learn.
Dialogue: 0,0:23:54.50,0:23:57.08,Default,,0,0,0,,You tore my heart into pieces!
Dialogue: 0,0:23:57.38,0:24:01.70,Default,,0,0,0,,Now I'm going to tear you siblings into pieces!
Dialogue: 0,0:24:04.02,0:24:07.56,Title,,0,0,0,,{\c&H7D2E1B&\pos(278.935,303)}Ah, {\c&HFFFFFF&}Gosterro

Pasted: Sep 17, 2013, 8:31:28 pm
Views: 9