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[Commie] Tonari no Kaibutsu - 09 [BD 720p...

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Title: Tonari no Kaibutsu 09
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Keyframes File: kaibutsu09bd_premux_keyframes.log

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Comment: 0,0:24:17.10,0:24:21.10,ep title,Caption,0,0,0,,{\frz341.7\blur0.7\pos(326,75)\c&H6F7683&}Next Episode
Comment: 0,0:24:17.10,0:24:21.10,ep title,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fs140\blur0.8\c&H6F7683&\frz7.781\pos(735.571,140.857)}Christmas

Dialogue: 5,0:00:03.06,0:00:08.48,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,Helpful Advice from Golbez Asako!
Dialogue: 1,0:00:09.73,0:00:11.24,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,71)\blur1\fs80\fnFranklin Gothic Medium\c&HFDFDFE&\fscx142\fscy142}Cultural Festival
Dialogue: 0,0:00:09.73,0:00:11.24,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,71)\bord0.4\blur5\fs80\fnFranklin Gothic Medium\c&HEFE1F9&\3c&HEFE1F9&\fscx142\fscy142}Cultural Festival
Dialogue: 5,0:00:09.96,0:00:11.24,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,Cultural festival!
Dialogue: 1,0:00:11.24,0:00:15.49,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(68,222)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:11.24,0:00:15.49,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\pos(0,0)\blur1\p1\c&HF9F9F8&}m 0 173 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:17.62,0:00:17.74,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(68,222)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:17.62,0:00:17.66,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,0)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 0,0:00:17.66,0:00:17.74,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.01,0)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:17.74,0:00:17.78,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(68,221.82)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:17.74,0:00:17.78,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.01,-0.18)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:17.78,0:00:17.82,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(68,221.66)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:17.78,0:00:17.82,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-0.34)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:17.82,0:00:17.87,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.99,221.48)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:17.82,0:00:17.87,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.01,-0.52)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:17.87,0:00:17.91,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.99,221.23)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:17.87,0:00:17.91,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.01,-0.77)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:17.91,0:00:17.95,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.94,220.88)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:17.91,0:00:17.95,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.06,-1.12)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:17.95,0:00:17.99,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.98,220.52)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:17.95,0:00:17.99,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.03,-1.48)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:17.99,0:00:18.03,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.94,220.12)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:17.99,0:00:18.03,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.06,-1.88)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:18.03,0:00:18.07,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.99,219.73)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:18.03,0:00:18.07,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.01,-2.27)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:18.07,0:00:18.12,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.99,219.25)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:18.07,0:00:18.12,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.01,-2.75)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:18.12,0:00:18.16,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.95,218.73)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:18.12,0:00:18.16,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.05,-3.27)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:18.16,0:00:18.20,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.99,218.11)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:18.16,0:00:18.20,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.01,-3.89)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:18.20,0:00:18.24,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.97,217.5)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:18.20,0:00:18.24,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.03,-4.5)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:18.24,0:00:18.28,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.99,216.89)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:18.24,0:00:18.28,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.01,-5.11)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:18.28,0:00:18.32,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.98,216.19)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:18.28,0:00:18.32,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.02,-5.81)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:18.32,0:00:18.37,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.96,215.46)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:18.32,0:00:18.37,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.04,-6.54)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:18.37,0:00:18.41,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.96,214.72)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:18.37,0:00:18.41,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.04,-7.28)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:18.41,0:00:18.45,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.97,213.86)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:18.41,0:00:18.45,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.03,-8.14)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:18.45,0:00:18.49,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.98,213.02)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:18.45,0:00:18.49,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.02,-8.98)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:18.49,0:00:18.53,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.97,212.07)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:18.49,0:00:18.53,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.03,-9.93)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:18.53,0:00:18.57,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.96,211.13)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:18.53,0:00:18.57,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.04,-10.87)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:18.57,0:00:18.62,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.95,210.18)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:18.57,0:00:18.62,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.05,-11.82)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:18.62,0:00:18.66,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.97,209.07)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:18.62,0:00:18.66,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.03,-12.93)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:18.66,0:00:18.70,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.96,208.07)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:18.66,0:00:18.70,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.04,-13.93)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:18.70,0:00:18.74,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.96,206.94)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:18.70,0:00:18.74,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.04,-15.06)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:18.74,0:00:18.78,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.96,205.84)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:18.74,0:00:18.78,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.04,-16.16)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:18.78,0:00:18.82,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.96,204.6)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:18.78,0:00:18.82,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.05,-17.4)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:18.82,0:00:18.87,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.96,203.34)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:18.82,0:00:18.87,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.05,-18.66)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:18.87,0:00:18.91,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.96,202.09)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:18.87,0:00:18.91,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.04,-19.91)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:18.91,0:00:18.95,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.96,200.84)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:18.91,0:00:18.95,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.04,-21.16)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:18.95,0:00:18.99,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.96,199.49)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:18.95,0:00:18.99,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.04,-22.51)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:18.99,0:00:19.03,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.96,198.09)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:18.99,0:00:19.03,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.04,-23.91)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:19.03,0:00:19.07,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.97,196.68)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.03,0:00:19.07,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.03,-25.32)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:19.07,0:00:19.12,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.97,195.23)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.07,0:00:19.12,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.03,-26.77)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:19.12,0:00:19.16,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.97,193.74)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.12,0:00:19.16,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.03,-28.26)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:19.16,0:00:19.20,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.97,192.22)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.16,0:00:19.20,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.03,-29.78)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:19.20,0:00:19.24,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.97,190.64)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.20,0:00:19.24,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.03,-31.36)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:19.24,0:00:19.28,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.95,189.06)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.24,0:00:19.28,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.05,-32.94)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:19.28,0:00:19.33,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.95,187.31)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.28,0:00:19.33,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.05,-34.69)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:19.33,0:00:19.37,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.95,185.78)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.33,0:00:19.37,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.05,-36.22)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:19.37,0:00:19.41,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.95,184.05)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.37,0:00:19.41,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.05,-37.95)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:19.41,0:00:19.45,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.95,182.28)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.41,0:00:19.45,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.05,-39.72)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:19.45,0:00:19.49,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.95,180.53)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.45,0:00:19.49,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.05,-41.47)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:19.49,0:00:19.53,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.95,178.77)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.49,0:00:19.53,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.05,-43.23)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:19.53,0:00:19.58,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.94,176.78)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.53,0:00:19.58,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.06,-45.22)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:19.58,0:00:19.62,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.92,175.02)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.58,0:00:19.62,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.08,-46.98)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:19.62,0:00:19.66,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.93,173.03)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.62,0:00:19.66,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.07,-48.97)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:19.66,0:00:19.70,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.93,171.04)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.66,0:00:19.70,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.08,-50.96)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:19.70,0:00:19.74,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.92,169.03)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.70,0:00:19.74,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.08,-52.97)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:19.74,0:00:19.78,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.92,167.03)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.74,0:00:19.78,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.08,-54.97)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:19.78,0:00:19.83,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.94,165)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.78,0:00:19.83,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.06,-57)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:19.83,0:00:19.87,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.94,162.92)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.83,0:00:19.87,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.06,-59.08)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:19.87,0:00:19.91,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.91,160.78)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.87,0:00:19.91,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.1,-61.22)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:19.91,0:00:19.95,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.92,158.63)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.91,0:00:19.95,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.08,-63.37)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:19.95,0:00:19.99,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.92,156.42)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.95,0:00:19.99,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.08,-65.58)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:19.99,0:00:20.03,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.88,154.23)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.99,0:00:20.03,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.12,-67.77)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:20.03,0:00:20.08,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.88,151.93)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.03,0:00:20.08,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.12,-70.07)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:20.08,0:00:20.12,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.89,149.69)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.08,0:00:20.12,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.12,-72.31)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:20.12,0:00:20.16,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.89,147.42)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.12,0:00:20.16,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.12,-74.58)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:20.16,0:00:20.20,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.9,144.98)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.16,0:00:20.20,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.1,-77.02)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:20.20,0:00:20.24,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.89,142.68)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.20,0:00:20.24,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.11,-79.32)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:20.24,0:00:20.28,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.89,140.2)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.24,0:00:20.28,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.11,-81.8)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:20.28,0:00:20.33,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.89,137.77)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.28,0:00:20.33,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.11,-84.23)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:20.33,0:00:20.37,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.89,135.29)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.33,0:00:20.37,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.11,-86.71)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:20.37,0:00:20.41,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.89,132.82)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.37,0:00:20.41,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.11,-89.18)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:20.41,0:00:20.45,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.88,130.29)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.41,0:00:20.45,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.12,-91.71)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:20.45,0:00:20.49,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.86,127.71)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.45,0:00:20.49,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.14,-94.29)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:20.49,0:00:20.53,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.87,125.15)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.49,0:00:20.53,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.13,-96.85)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:20.53,0:00:20.58,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.87,122.46)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.53,0:00:20.58,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.13,-99.54)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:20.58,0:00:20.62,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.87,119.8)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.58,0:00:20.62,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.13,-102.2)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:20.62,0:00:20.66,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.89,117.11)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.62,0:00:20.66,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.11,-104.89)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:20.66,0:00:20.70,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.89,114.41)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.66,0:00:20.70,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.11,-107.59)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:20.70,0:00:20.74,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.89,111.67)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.70,0:00:20.74,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.11,-110.33)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:20.74,0:00:20.78,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.89,108.93)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.74,0:00:20.78,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.11,-113.07)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:20.78,0:00:20.83,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.87,106.1)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.78,0:00:20.83,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.13,-115.9)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:20.83,0:00:20.87,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.89,103.28)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.83,0:00:20.87,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.11,-118.72)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:20.87,0:00:20.91,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.89,100.42)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.87,0:00:20.91,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.11,-121.58)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:20.91,0:00:20.95,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.9,97.51)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.91,0:00:20.95,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.1,-124.49)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:20.95,0:00:20.99,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.89,94.67)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.95,0:00:20.99,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.11,-127.33)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:20.99,0:00:21.04,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.89,91.7)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.99,0:00:21.04,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.11,-130.3)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:21.04,0:00:21.08,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.87,88.72)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.04,0:00:21.08,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.13,-133.28)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:21.08,0:00:21.12,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.88,85.69)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.08,0:00:21.12,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.12,-136.31)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:21.12,0:00:21.16,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.87,82.72)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.12,0:00:21.16,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.13,-139.28)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:21.16,0:00:21.20,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.87,79.71)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.16,0:00:21.20,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.13,-142.29)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:21.20,0:00:21.24,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.87,76.69)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.20,0:00:21.24,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.13,-145.3)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:21.24,0:00:21.29,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.87,73.5)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.24,0:00:21.29,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.13,-148.5)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:21.29,0:00:21.33,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.9,70.39)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.29,0:00:21.33,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.1,-151.61)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:21.33,0:00:21.37,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.9,67.3)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.33,0:00:21.37,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.1,-154.7)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:21.37,0:00:21.41,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.91,64.09)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.37,0:00:21.41,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.09,-157.91)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:21.41,0:00:21.45,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.9,60.93)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.41,0:00:21.45,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.1,-161.07)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:21.45,0:00:21.49,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.9,57.71)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.45,0:00:21.49,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.1,-164.29)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:21.49,0:00:21.54,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.9,54.45)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.49,0:00:21.54,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.1,-167.54)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:21.54,0:00:21.58,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.9,51.21)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.54,0:00:21.58,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.1,-170.79)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:21.58,0:00:21.62,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.93,47.88)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.58,0:00:21.62,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.07,-174.12)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:21.62,0:00:21.66,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.89,44.49)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.62,0:00:21.66,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.12,-177.51)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:21.66,0:00:21.70,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.89,41.23)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.66,0:00:21.70,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.11,-180.77)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:21.70,0:00:21.74,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.91,37.86)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.70,0:00:21.74,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.09,-184.14)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:21.74,0:00:21.79,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.89,34.44)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.74,0:00:21.79,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.11,-187.56)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:21.79,0:00:21.83,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.87,31)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.79,0:00:21.83,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.13,-191)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:21.83,0:00:21.87,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.9,27.61)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.83,0:00:21.87,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.1,-194.39)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:21.87,0:00:21.91,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.9,24.1)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.87,0:00:21.91,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.1,-197.9)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:21.91,0:00:21.95,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.9,20.61)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.91,0:00:21.95,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.1,-201.39)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:21.95,0:00:21.99,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.89,17.08)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.95,0:00:21.99,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.11,-204.92)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:21.99,0:00:22.04,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.89,13.56)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.99,0:00:22.04,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.11,-208.44)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:22.04,0:00:22.08,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.89,10.06)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.04,0:00:22.08,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.11,-211.94)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:22.08,0:00:22.12,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.89,6.47)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.08,0:00:22.12,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.11,-215.53)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:22.12,0:00:22.16,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.88,2.81)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.12,0:00:22.16,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.12,-219.19)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:22.16,0:00:22.20,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.88,-0.71)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.16,0:00:22.20,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.12,-222.71)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:22.20,0:00:22.24,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.88,-4.46)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.20,0:00:22.24,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.12,-226.46)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:22.24,0:00:22.29,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.88,-8.07)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.24,0:00:22.29,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.12,-230.07)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:22.29,0:00:22.33,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.88,-11.72)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.29,0:00:22.33,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.12,-233.72)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:22.33,0:00:22.37,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.89,-15.47)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.33,0:00:22.37,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.11,-237.47)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:22.37,0:00:22.41,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.89,-19.23)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.37,0:00:22.41,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.11,-241.23)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:22.41,0:00:22.45,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.9,-23.01)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.41,0:00:22.45,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.1,-245.01)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:22.45,0:00:22.49,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.9,-26.79)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.45,0:00:22.49,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.1,-248.79)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:22.49,0:00:22.54,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.9,-30.54)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.49,0:00:22.54,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.1,-252.54)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:22.54,0:00:22.58,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.91,-34.33)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.54,0:00:22.58,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.09,-256.33)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:22.58,0:00:22.62,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.91,-38.29)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.58,0:00:22.62,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.09,-260.29)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:22.62,0:00:22.66,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.91,-42.09)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.62,0:00:22.66,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.09,-264.09)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:22.66,0:00:22.70,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.93,-45.95)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.66,0:00:22.70,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.07,-267.95)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:22.70,0:00:22.75,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.92,-49.84)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.70,0:00:22.75,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.08,-271.84)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:22.75,0:00:22.79,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.91,-53.84)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.75,0:00:22.79,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.09,-275.84)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:22.79,0:00:22.83,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.92,-57.73)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.79,0:00:22.83,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.08,-279.73)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:22.83,0:00:22.87,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.92,-61.71)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.83,0:00:22.87,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.08,-283.71)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:22.87,0:00:22.91,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.92,-65.71)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.87,0:00:22.91,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.08,-287.71)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:22.91,0:00:22.95,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.93,-69.69)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.91,0:00:22.95,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.07,-291.69)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:22.95,0:00:23.00,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.93,-73.73)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.95,0:00:23.00,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.07,-295.73)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:23.00,0:00:23.04,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.93,-77.74)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.00,0:00:23.04,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.07,-299.74)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:23.04,0:00:23.08,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.94,-81.74)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.04,0:00:23.08,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.07,-303.74)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:23.08,0:00:23.12,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.94,-85.8)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.08,0:00:23.12,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.06,-307.8)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:23.12,0:00:23.16,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.94,-89.95)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.12,0:00:23.16,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.06,-311.95)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:23.16,0:00:23.20,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.94,-94.04)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.16,0:00:23.20,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.06,-316.04)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:23.20,0:00:23.25,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.95,-98.24)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.20,0:00:23.25,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.05,-320.24)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:23.25,0:00:23.29,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.95,-102.29)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.25,0:00:23.29,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.05,-324.29)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:23.29,0:00:23.33,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.95,-106.51)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.29,0:00:23.33,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.05,-328.51)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:23.33,0:00:23.37,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.95,-110.7)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.33,0:00:23.37,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.05,-332.7)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:23.37,0:00:23.41,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.95,-114.85)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.37,0:00:23.41,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.05,-336.85)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:23.41,0:00:23.45,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.96,-119.09)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.41,0:00:23.45,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.04,-341.09)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:23.45,0:00:23.50,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.96,-123.31)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.45,0:00:23.50,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.04,-345.31)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:23.50,0:00:23.54,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.96,-127.56)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.50,0:00:23.54,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.04,-349.56)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:23.54,0:00:23.58,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.96,-131.82)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.54,0:00:23.58,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.04,-353.82)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:23.58,0:00:23.62,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.96,-136.08)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.58,0:00:23.62,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.04,-358.08)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:23.62,0:00:23.66,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.97,-140.36)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.62,0:00:23.66,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.03,-362.36)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:23.66,0:00:23.70,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.97,-144.66)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.66,0:00:23.70,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.03,-366.66)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:23.70,0:00:23.75,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.99,-149.04)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.70,0:00:23.75,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.01,-371.04)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:23.75,0:00:23.79,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.99,-153.33)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.75,0:00:23.79,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.01,-375.33)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:23.79,0:00:23.83,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(67.99,-157.77)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.79,0:00:23.83,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.01,-379.77)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:23.83,0:00:23.87,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(68,-162.04)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.83,0:00:23.87,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-384.04)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:23.87,0:00:23.91,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(68,-166.48)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.87,0:00:23.91,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-388.48)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:23.91,0:00:23.95,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(68.01,-170.84)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.91,0:00:23.95,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-392.84)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:23.95,0:00:24.00,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(68.01,-175.26)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.95,0:00:24.00,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-397.26)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:24.00,0:00:24.04,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(68.02,-179.67)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:24.00,0:00:24.04,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.02,-401.67)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:24.04,0:00:24.08,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(68.03,-184.16)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:24.04,0:00:24.08,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.03,-406.16)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:24.08,0:00:24.12,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(68.04,-188.65)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:24.08,0:00:24.12,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.04,-410.65)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:24.12,0:00:24.16,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(68.04,-193.14)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:24.12,0:00:24.16,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.04,-415.14)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:24.16,0:00:24.20,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(68.04,-197.63)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:24.16,0:00:24.20,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.04,-419.63)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:24.20,0:00:24.25,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(68.06,-202.13)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:24.20,0:00:24.25,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.05,-424.13)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:24.25,0:00:24.29,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(68.06,-206.63)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:24.25,0:00:24.29,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.06,-428.63)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:24.29,0:00:24.33,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(68.07,-211.12)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:24.29,0:00:24.33,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.07,-433.12)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:24.33,0:00:24.37,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(68.06,-215.72)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:24.33,0:00:24.37,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.06,-437.72)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:24.37,0:00:24.41,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(68.08,-220.35)}Today was the cultural festival\NOur class did grate\NIt was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:24.37,0:00:24.41,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.08,-442.35)}m 0 173 l 0 2000 l 1280 2000 l 1280 173
Dialogue: 1,0:00:27.54,0:00:27.58,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-9.35)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:27.54,0:00:35.26,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,0)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:27.58,0:00:27.63,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-14.19)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:27.63,0:00:27.67,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-19.07)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:27.67,0:00:27.71,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-23.95)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:27.71,0:00:27.75,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-28.84)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:27.75,0:00:27.79,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-33.72)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:27.79,0:00:27.83,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-38.66)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:27.83,0:00:27.88,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-43.55)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:27.88,0:00:27.92,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-48.47)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:27.92,0:00:27.96,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-53.42)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:27.96,0:00:28.00,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-58.34)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:28.00,0:00:28.04,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-63.29)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:28.04,0:00:28.08,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-68.29)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:28.08,0:00:28.13,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-73.26)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:28.13,0:00:28.17,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-78.26)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:28.17,0:00:28.21,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-83.26)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:28.21,0:00:28.25,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-88.26)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:28.25,0:00:28.29,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-93.28)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:28.29,0:00:28.33,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-98.3)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:28.33,0:00:28.38,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-103.31)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:28.38,0:00:28.42,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-108.34)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:28.42,0:00:28.46,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-113.38)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:28.46,0:00:28.50,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-118.5)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:28.50,0:00:28.54,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-123.57)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:28.54,0:00:28.58,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-128.57)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:28.58,0:00:28.63,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-133.72)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:28.63,0:00:28.67,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-138.79)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:28.67,0:00:28.71,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-143.88)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:28.71,0:00:28.75,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-149.04)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:28.75,0:00:28.79,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-154.14)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:28.79,0:00:28.83,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-159.28)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:28.83,0:00:28.88,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-164.4)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:28.88,0:00:28.92,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-169.52)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:28.92,0:00:28.96,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-174.64)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:28.96,0:00:29.00,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-179.87)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:29.00,0:00:29.04,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-185.02)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:29.04,0:00:29.08,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-190.14)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:29.08,0:00:29.13,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-195.38)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:29.13,0:00:29.17,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-200.59)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:29.17,0:00:29.21,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-205.76)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:29.21,0:00:29.25,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-210.97)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:29.25,0:00:29.29,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-216.2)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:29.29,0:00:29.34,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-221.38)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:29.34,0:00:29.38,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-226.63)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:29.38,0:00:29.42,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-231.85)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:29.42,0:00:29.46,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-237.1)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:29.46,0:00:29.50,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-242.34)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:29.50,0:00:29.54,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-247.6)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:29.54,0:00:29.59,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-252.84)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:29.59,0:00:29.63,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-258.09)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:29.63,0:00:29.67,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-263.35)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:29.67,0:00:29.71,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-268.61)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:29.71,0:00:29.75,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-273.88)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:29.75,0:00:29.79,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-279.16)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:29.79,0:00:29.84,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-284.44)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:29.84,0:00:29.88,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-289.75)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:29.88,0:00:29.92,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-295.06)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:29.92,0:00:29.96,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-300.35)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:29.96,0:00:30.00,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-305.66)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:30.00,0:00:30.04,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-310.97)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:30.04,0:00:30.09,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-316.33)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:30.09,0:00:30.13,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-321.62)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:30.13,0:00:30.17,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-326.96)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:30.17,0:00:30.21,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-332.27)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:30.21,0:00:30.25,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-337.59)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:30.25,0:00:30.29,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-342.98)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:30.29,0:00:30.34,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-348.31)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:30.34,0:00:30.38,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-353.65)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:30.38,0:00:30.42,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-358.98)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:30.42,0:00:30.46,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-364.36)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:30.46,0:00:30.50,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-369.72)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:30.50,0:00:30.54,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-375.02)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:30.54,0:00:30.59,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-380.46)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:30.59,0:00:30.63,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-385.81)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:30.63,0:00:30.67,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-391.18)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:30.67,0:00:30.71,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-396.57)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:30.71,0:00:30.75,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-401.95)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:30.75,0:00:30.79,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-407.37)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:30.79,0:00:30.84,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-412.79)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:30.84,0:00:30.88,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-418.13)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:30.88,0:00:30.92,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-423.57)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:30.92,0:00:30.96,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-428.88)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:30.96,0:00:31.00,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-434.33)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:31.00,0:00:31.05,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-439.79)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:31.05,0:00:31.09,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-445.09)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:31.09,0:00:31.13,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-450.56)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:31.13,0:00:31.17,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-455.98)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:31.17,0:00:31.21,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-461.39)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:31.21,0:00:31.25,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-466.78)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:31.25,0:00:31.30,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-472.22)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:31.30,0:00:31.34,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-477.62)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:31.34,0:00:31.38,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-483.06)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:31.38,0:00:31.42,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-488.51)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:31.42,0:00:31.46,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-493.92)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:31.46,0:00:31.50,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-499.33)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:31.50,0:00:31.55,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-504.79)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:31.55,0:00:31.59,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-510.26)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:31.59,0:00:31.63,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-515.62)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:31.63,0:00:31.67,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-521.08)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:31.67,0:00:31.71,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-526.53)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:31.71,0:00:31.75,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-531.97)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:31.75,0:00:31.80,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-537.41)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:31.80,0:00:31.84,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-542.86)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:31.84,0:00:31.88,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-548.29)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:31.88,0:00:31.92,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-553.72)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:31.92,0:00:31.96,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-559.19)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:31.96,0:00:32.00,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-564.66)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:32.00,0:00:32.05,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-570.1)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:32.05,0:00:32.09,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-575.54)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:32.09,0:00:32.13,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-580.99)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:32.13,0:00:32.17,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-586.43)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:32.17,0:00:32.21,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-591.88)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:32.21,0:00:32.25,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-597.34)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:32.25,0:00:32.30,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-602.77)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:32.30,0:00:32.34,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-608.24)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:32.34,0:00:32.38,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-613.65)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:32.38,0:00:32.42,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-619.03)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:32.42,0:00:32.46,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-624.51)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:32.46,0:00:32.50,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-630.03)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:32.50,0:00:32.55,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-635.41)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:32.55,0:00:32.59,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-640.89)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:32.59,0:00:32.63,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-646.27)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:32.63,0:00:32.67,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-651.75)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:32.67,0:00:32.71,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-657.22)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:32.71,0:00:32.76,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-662.69)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:32.76,0:00:32.80,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-668.1)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:32.80,0:00:32.84,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-673.62)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:32.84,0:00:32.88,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-679)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:32.88,0:00:32.92,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-684.46)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:32.92,0:00:32.96,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-689.9)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:32.96,0:00:33.01,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-695.35)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:33.01,0:00:33.05,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-700.75)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:33.05,0:00:33.09,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-706.24)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:33.09,0:00:33.13,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-711.65)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:33.13,0:00:33.17,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-717.04)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:33.17,0:00:33.21,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-722.54)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:33.21,0:00:33.26,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-727.96)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:33.26,0:00:33.30,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-733.33)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:33.30,0:00:33.34,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-738.83)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:33.34,0:00:33.38,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-744.27)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:33.38,0:00:33.42,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-749.59)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:33.42,0:00:33.46,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-755.08)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:33.46,0:00:33.51,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-760.57)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:33.51,0:00:33.55,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-765.94)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:33.55,0:00:33.59,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-771.32)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:33.59,0:00:33.63,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-776.79)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:33.63,0:00:33.67,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-782.15)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:33.67,0:00:33.71,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-787.53)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:33.71,0:00:33.76,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-793.02)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:33.76,0:00:33.80,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-798.33)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:33.80,0:00:33.84,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-803.76)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:33.84,0:00:33.88,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-809.23)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:33.88,0:00:33.92,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-814.52)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:33.92,0:00:33.96,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-819.96)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:33.96,0:00:34.01,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-825.42)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:34.01,0:00:34.05,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-830.71)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:34.05,0:00:34.09,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-836.16)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:34.09,0:00:34.13,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-841.53)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:34.13,0:00:34.17,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-846.9)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:34.17,0:00:34.21,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-852.3)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:34.21,0:00:34.26,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-857.64)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:34.26,0:00:34.30,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-863.02)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:34.30,0:00:34.34,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-868.35)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:34.34,0:00:34.38,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-873.77)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:34.38,0:00:34.42,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-879.08)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:34.42,0:00:34.47,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-884.43)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:34.47,0:00:34.51,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-889.8)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:34.51,0:00:34.55,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-895.13)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:34.55,0:00:34.59,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-900.53)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:34.59,0:00:34.63,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-905.8)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:34.63,0:00:34.67,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-911.19)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:34.67,0:00:34.72,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-916.54)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:34.72,0:00:34.76,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-921.88)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:34.76,0:00:34.80,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-927.2)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:34.80,0:00:34.84,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-932.49)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:34.84,0:00:34.88,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-937.79)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:34.88,0:00:34.92,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-943.16)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:34.92,0:00:34.97,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-948.42)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:34.97,0:00:35.01,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-953.69)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:35.01,0:00:35.05,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-959.06)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:35.05,0:00:35.09,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-964.43)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:35.09,0:00:35.13,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-969.68)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:35.13,0:00:35.17,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-974.99)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:35.17,0:00:35.22,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-980.27)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:35.22,0:00:35.26,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-985.56)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 1,0:00:35.26,0:00:35.30,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-990.86)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.26,0:00:35.30,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,0)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:35.30,0:00:35.34,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-996.13)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.30,0:00:35.34,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-5.26)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:35.34,0:00:35.38,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1001.41)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.34,0:00:35.38,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-10.52)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:35.38,0:00:35.42,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1006.67)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.38,0:00:35.42,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-15.8)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:35.42,0:00:35.47,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1011.94)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.42,0:00:35.47,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-21.06)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:35.47,0:00:35.51,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1017.2)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.47,0:00:35.51,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-26.3)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:35.51,0:00:35.55,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1022.46)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.51,0:00:35.55,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-31.55)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:35.55,0:00:35.59,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1027.7)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.55,0:00:35.59,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-36.8)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:35.59,0:00:35.63,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1032.95)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.59,0:00:35.63,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-42.05)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:35.63,0:00:35.67,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1038.2)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.63,0:00:35.67,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-47.28)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:35.67,0:00:35.72,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1043.45)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.67,0:00:35.72,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-52.51)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:35.72,0:00:35.76,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1048.67)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.72,0:00:35.76,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-57.71)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:35.76,0:00:35.80,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1053.92)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.76,0:00:35.80,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-62.96)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:35.80,0:00:35.84,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1059.11)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.80,0:00:35.84,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.01,-68.15)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:35.84,0:00:35.88,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1064.34)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.84,0:00:35.88,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-73.37)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:35.88,0:00:35.92,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1069.52)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.88,0:00:35.92,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-78.53)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:35.92,0:00:35.97,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1074.72)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.92,0:00:35.97,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-83.75)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:35.97,0:00:36.01,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1079.94)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.97,0:00:36.01,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-88.94)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:36.01,0:00:36.05,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1085.14)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.01,0:00:36.05,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-94.12)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:36.05,0:00:36.09,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1090.32)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.05,0:00:36.09,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-99.26)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:36.09,0:00:36.13,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1095.44)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.09,0:00:36.13,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-104.39)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:36.13,0:00:36.18,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1100.68)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.13,0:00:36.18,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-109.63)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:36.18,0:00:36.22,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1105.84)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.18,0:00:36.22,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-114.77)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:36.22,0:00:36.26,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1111.02)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.22,0:00:36.26,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-119.93)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:36.26,0:00:36.30,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1116.16)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.26,0:00:36.30,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-125.09)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:36.30,0:00:36.34,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1121.37)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.30,0:00:36.34,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.01,-130.26)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:36.34,0:00:36.38,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1126.48)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.34,0:00:36.38,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-135.38)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:36.38,0:00:36.43,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1131.61)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.38,0:00:36.43,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.01,-140.5)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:36.43,0:00:36.47,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1136.75)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.43,0:00:36.47,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-145.59)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:36.47,0:00:36.51,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1141.91)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.47,0:00:36.51,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(-0.01,-150.72)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:36.51,0:00:36.55,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1146.94)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.51,0:00:36.55,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.02,-155.88)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:36.55,0:00:36.59,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1152.14)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.55,0:00:36.59,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-160.99)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:36.59,0:00:36.63,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1157.18)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.59,0:00:36.63,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-166.02)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:36.63,0:00:36.68,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1162.26)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.63,0:00:36.68,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-171.14)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:36.68,0:00:36.72,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1167.41)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.68,0:00:36.72,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-176.26)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:36.72,0:00:36.76,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1172.48)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.72,0:00:36.76,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-181.31)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:36.76,0:00:36.80,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1177.53)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.76,0:00:36.80,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-186.34)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:36.80,0:00:36.84,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1182.63)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.80,0:00:36.84,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,-191.45)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:36.84,0:00:36.88,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1187.75)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.84,0:00:36.88,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.02,-196.57)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:36.88,0:00:36.93,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1192.82)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.88,0:00:36.93,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-201.6)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:36.93,0:00:36.97,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1197.83)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.93,0:00:36.97,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-206.6)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:36.97,0:00:37.01,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1202.88)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.97,0:00:37.01,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-211.65)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:37.01,0:00:37.05,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1207.91)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:37.01,0:00:37.05,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-216.65)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:37.05,0:00:37.09,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1212.93)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:37.05,0:00:37.09,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-221.66)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:37.09,0:00:37.13,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1217.95)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:37.09,0:00:37.13,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-226.66)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:37.13,0:00:37.18,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1222.98)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:37.13,0:00:37.18,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-231.66)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:37.18,0:00:37.22,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1227.99)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:37.18,0:00:37.22,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-236.66)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:37.22,0:00:37.26,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1233.01)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:37.22,0:00:37.26,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-241.66)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:37.26,0:00:37.30,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1238.02)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:37.26,0:00:37.30,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-246.66)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:37.30,0:00:37.34,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1243.02)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:37.30,0:00:37.34,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-251.66)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:37.34,0:00:37.38,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1248.02)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:37.34,0:00:37.38,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-256.63)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:37.38,0:00:37.43,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1253.02)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:37.38,0:00:37.43,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-261.6)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:37.43,0:00:37.47,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1258.01)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:37.43,0:00:37.47,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.02,-266.57)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:37.47,0:00:37.51,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1262.97)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:37.47,0:00:37.51,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-271.54)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:37.51,0:00:37.55,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1267.89)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:37.51,0:00:37.55,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-276.42)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:37.55,0:00:37.59,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1272.9)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:37.55,0:00:37.59,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-281.4)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:37.59,0:00:37.64,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1277.82)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:37.59,0:00:37.64,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-286.34)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:37.64,0:00:37.68,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H464742&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(73.08,-1282.73)}It was worth all the practice!\NThere was a party afterwad!\NBut I pickd the wrong song to\Nsing and looked dumb (lol)\N\N\NOoh, but something wonderful \Nhappened today!\NMy best friend Mitty finally \Ncalled me her friend. \N\N\N\N\NI don't think I'll get any sleep\N tonite after everything that \Nhappened\N\N\NFriends are nice...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:37.64,0:00:37.68,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0.01,-291.24)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 0,0:00:39.96,0:00:49.02,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\blur1\p1\c&HF6F6F4&\pos(0,0)}m 0 0 l 0 720 l 1280 720 l 1280 0
Dialogue: 1,0:00:39.97,0:00:40.01,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,117)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:40.01,0:00:40.05,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,114)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:40.05,0:00:40.10,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,111)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:40.10,0:00:40.14,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,108.01)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:40.14,0:00:40.18,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,105.01)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:40.18,0:00:40.22,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,102.03)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:40.22,0:00:40.26,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,99.04)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:40.26,0:00:40.30,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,96.09)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:40.30,0:00:40.35,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,93.13)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:40.35,0:00:40.39,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,90.24)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:40.39,0:00:40.43,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,87.29)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:40.43,0:00:40.47,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,84.36)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:40.47,0:00:40.51,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,81.58)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:40.51,0:00:40.55,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,78.72)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:40.55,0:00:40.60,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,75.89)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:40.60,0:00:40.64,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,73.05)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:40.64,0:00:40.68,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,70.21)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:40.68,0:00:40.72,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,67.43)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:40.72,0:00:40.76,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,64.65)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:40.76,0:00:40.80,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,61.89)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:40.80,0:00:40.85,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,59.14)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:40.85,0:00:40.89,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,56.42)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:40.89,0:00:40.93,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,53.66)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:40.93,0:00:40.97,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,50.99)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:40.97,0:00:41.01,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,48.3)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:41.01,0:00:41.06,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,45.62)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:41.06,0:00:41.10,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,42.89)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:41.10,0:00:41.14,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,40.31)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:41.14,0:00:41.18,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,37.67)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:41.18,0:00:41.22,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,35.03)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:41.22,0:00:41.26,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,32.45)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:41.26,0:00:41.31,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,29.82)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:41.31,0:00:41.35,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,27.32)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:41.35,0:00:41.39,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,24.74)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:41.39,0:00:41.43,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,22.25)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:41.43,0:00:41.47,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,19.72)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:41.47,0:00:41.51,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,17.26)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:41.51,0:00:41.56,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,14.75)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:41.56,0:00:41.60,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,12.29)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:41.60,0:00:41.64,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,9.8)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:41.64,0:00:41.68,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,7.35)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:41.68,0:00:41.72,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,4.91)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:41.72,0:00:41.76,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,2.54)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:41.76,0:00:41.81,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,0.14)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:41.81,0:00:41.85,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-2.27)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:41.85,0:00:41.89,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-4.6)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:41.89,0:00:41.93,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-6.99)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:41.93,0:00:41.97,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-9.29)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:41.97,0:00:42.01,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-11.63)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:42.01,0:00:42.06,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-13.95)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:42.06,0:00:42.10,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-16.2)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:42.10,0:00:42.14,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-18.45)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:42.14,0:00:42.18,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-20.7)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:42.18,0:00:42.22,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-22.93)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:42.22,0:00:42.26,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-25.19)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:42.26,0:00:42.31,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-27.41)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:42.31,0:00:42.35,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-29.61)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:42.35,0:00:42.39,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-31.82)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:42.39,0:00:42.43,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-33.95)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:42.43,0:00:42.47,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-36.08)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:42.47,0:00:42.51,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-38.26)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:42.51,0:00:42.56,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-40.31)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:42.56,0:00:42.60,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-42.43)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:42.60,0:00:42.64,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-44.44)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:42.64,0:00:42.68,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-46.55)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:42.68,0:00:42.72,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-48.58)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:42.72,0:00:42.77,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-50.62)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:42.77,0:00:42.81,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-52.62)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:42.81,0:00:42.85,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-54.62)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:42.85,0:00:42.89,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-56.62)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:42.89,0:00:42.93,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-58.58)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:42.93,0:00:42.97,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-60.58)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:42.97,0:00:43.02,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-62.5)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:43.02,0:00:43.06,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-64.41)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:43.06,0:00:43.10,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-66.37)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:43.10,0:00:43.14,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-68.23)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:43.14,0:00:43.18,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-70.14)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:43.18,0:00:43.22,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-71.95)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:43.22,0:00:43.27,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-73.83)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:43.27,0:00:43.31,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-75.61)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:43.31,0:00:43.35,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-77.46)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:43.35,0:00:43.39,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-79.21)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:43.39,0:00:43.43,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-80.99)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:43.43,0:00:43.47,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-82.74)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:43.47,0:00:43.52,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-84.49)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:43.52,0:00:43.56,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-86.2)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:43.56,0:00:43.60,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-87.88)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:43.60,0:00:43.64,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-89.59)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:43.64,0:00:43.68,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-91.35)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:43.68,0:00:43.72,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-92.96)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:43.72,0:00:43.77,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-94.58)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:43.77,0:00:43.81,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-96.15)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:43.81,0:00:43.85,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-97.8)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:43.85,0:00:43.89,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-99.42)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:43.89,0:00:43.93,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-100.96)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:43.93,0:00:43.97,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-102.49)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:43.97,0:00:44.02,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-104.02)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:44.02,0:00:44.06,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-105.53)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:44.06,0:00:44.10,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-107.04)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:44.10,0:00:44.14,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-108.51)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:44.14,0:00:44.18,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-109.98)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:44.18,0:00:44.22,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-111.41)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:44.22,0:00:44.27,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-112.91)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:44.27,0:00:44.31,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-114.21)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:44.31,0:00:44.35,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-115.65)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:44.35,0:00:44.39,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-117.05)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:44.39,0:00:44.43,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-118.39)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:44.43,0:00:44.48,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-119.67)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:44.48,0:00:44.52,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-121.13)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:44.52,0:00:44.56,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-122.38)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:44.56,0:00:44.60,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-123.64)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:44.60,0:00:44.64,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-124.88)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:44.64,0:00:44.68,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-126.16)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:44.68,0:00:44.73,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-127.37)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:44.73,0:00:44.77,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-128.6)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:44.77,0:00:44.81,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-129.83)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:44.81,0:00:44.85,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-131.03)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:44.85,0:00:44.89,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-132.17)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:44.89,0:00:44.93,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-133.32)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:44.93,0:00:44.98,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-134.46)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:44.98,0:00:45.02,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-135.58)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:45.02,0:00:45.06,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-136.69)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:45.06,0:00:45.10,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-137.74)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:45.10,0:00:45.14,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-138.82)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:45.14,0:00:45.18,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-139.84)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:45.18,0:00:45.23,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-140.85)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:45.23,0:00:45.27,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-141.86)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:45.27,0:00:45.31,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-142.86)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:45.31,0:00:45.35,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-143.85)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:45.35,0:00:45.39,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-144.82)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:45.39,0:00:45.43,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-145.77)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:45.43,0:00:45.48,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-146.76)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:45.48,0:00:45.52,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-147.55)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:45.52,0:00:45.56,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-148.46)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:45.56,0:00:45.60,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-149.32)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:45.60,0:00:45.64,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-150.22)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:45.64,0:00:45.68,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-151)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:45.68,0:00:45.73,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-151.81)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:45.73,0:00:45.77,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-152.67)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:45.77,0:00:45.81,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-153.43)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:45.81,0:00:45.85,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-154.18)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:45.85,0:00:45.89,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-154.93)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:45.89,0:00:45.93,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-155.64)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:45.93,0:00:45.98,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-156.29)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:45.98,0:00:46.02,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-156.96)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:46.02,0:00:46.06,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-157.65)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:46.06,0:00:46.10,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-158.35)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:46.10,0:00:46.14,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-158.89)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:46.14,0:00:46.19,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-159.61)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:46.19,0:00:46.23,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-160.14)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:46.23,0:00:46.27,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-160.68)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:46.27,0:00:46.31,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-161.23)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:46.31,0:00:46.35,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-161.78)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:46.35,0:00:46.39,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-162.26)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:46.39,0:00:46.44,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-162.78)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:46.44,0:00:46.48,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-163.24)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:46.48,0:00:46.52,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-163.71)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:46.52,0:00:46.56,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-164.16)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:46.56,0:00:46.60,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-164.6)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:46.60,0:00:46.64,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-165.02)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:46.64,0:00:46.69,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-165.35)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:46.69,0:00:46.73,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-165.69)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:46.73,0:00:46.77,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-166.09)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:46.77,0:00:46.81,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-166.39)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:46.81,0:00:46.85,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-166.74)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:46.85,0:00:46.89,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-167.01)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:46.89,0:00:46.94,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-167.26)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:46.94,0:00:46.98,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-167.5)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:46.98,0:00:47.02,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-167.74)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:47.02,0:00:47.06,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-167.97)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:47.06,0:00:47.10,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-168.16)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:47.10,0:00:47.14,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-168.34)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:47.14,0:00:47.19,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-168.49)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:47.19,0:00:47.23,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-168.64)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:47.23,0:00:47.27,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-168.77)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:47.27,0:00:47.31,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-168.87)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:47.31,0:00:47.35,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-168.99)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 1,0:00:47.35,0:00:49.02,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\an7\q2\blur1\fs100\c&H4F4B47&\fnFranklin Gothic Book\pos(76.08,-169.05)}Good job the other day.\NI noticed a lot of typos. \N\N\NAnd what does the "Golbez" \Nin your blog title mean?\NMizutani\N\N\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h{\fs73\b1\fscx90}no   name      {\b0\fscx105\fsp5}2012-10-29-20:32
Dialogue: 35,0:00:49.02,0:00:49.02,Default,chapter,0,0,0,,{OP}
Dialogue: 0,0:01:00.28,0:01:04.25,OP,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\fad(150,250)\pos(835,471)\frz8.494}All this time my heart has been troubled
Dialogue: 0,0:01:00.28,0:01:04.25,OP,,0,0,0,,{\pos(919,637)\blur0.5\fad(150,250)}and I feel constricted
Dialogue: 1,0:01:00.28,0:01:04.25,OP top,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\fad(150,250)\pos(835,471)\frz8.494}All this time my heart has been troubled
Dialogue: 1,0:01:00.28,0:01:04.25,OP top,,0,0,0,,{\pos(919,637)\blur0.5\fad(150,250)}and I feel constricted
Dialogue: 0,0:01:05.50,0:01:10.67,OP,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\fad(150,250)}The afternoon glow surrounds me and all I do is watch you
Dialogue: 1,0:01:05.50,0:01:10.67,OP top,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\fad(150,250)}The afternoon glow surrounds me and all I do is watch you
Dialogue: 0,0:01:10.67,0:01:14.67,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\frz351.5\pos(497,410)\blur0.5}I try to keep up with you as you go through school
Dialogue: 1,0:01:10.67,0:01:14.67,OP top,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\frz351.5\pos(497,410)\blur0.5}I try to keep up with you as you go through school
Dialogue: 0,0:01:16.01,0:01:18.68,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5\frz346\pos(312,61)}and make a secret of keeping it up
Dialogue: 1,0:01:16.01,0:01:18.68,OP top,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5\frz346\pos(312,61)}and make a secret of keeping it up
Dialogue: 0,0:01:18.68,0:01:21.43,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5}Little by little
Dialogue: 1,0:01:18.68,0:01:21.43,OP top,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5}Little by little
Dialogue: 0,0:01:22.06,0:01:24.89,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5\frz352.6\pos(213.333,435.334)}I don't mind that I know
Dialogue: 0,0:01:22.06,0:01:24.89,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5\frz10.78\pos(385,609)}way too much about you already,
Dialogue: 1,0:01:22.06,0:01:24.89,OP top,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5\frz352.6\pos(213.333,435.334)}I don't mind that I know
Dialogue: 1,0:01:22.06,0:01:24.89,OP top,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5\frz10.78\pos(385,609)}way too much about you already,
Dialogue: 0,0:01:27.44,0:01:31.32,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5\pos(331,231)\frz351.4}and so I've gotten good at
Dialogue: 0,0:01:27.44,0:01:31.32,OP,,0,0,0,,{\pos(275,420)\frz3.598\fad(150,250)\blur0.5}pretending not to overhear you
Dialogue: 1,0:01:27.44,0:01:31.32,OP top,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5\pos(331,231)\frz351.4}and so I've gotten good at
Dialogue: 1,0:01:27.44,0:01:31.32,OP top,,0,0,0,,{\pos(275,420)\frz3.598\fad(150,250)\blur0.5}pretending not to overhear you
Dialogue: 0,0:01:31.86,0:01:36.45,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5}Hey, when I take a deep breath and open my eyes
Dialogue: 1,0:01:31.86,0:01:36.45,OP top,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5}Hey, when I take a deep breath and open my eyes
Dialogue: 0,0:01:36.74,0:01:42.41,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5}I stop second-guessing myself and impulsively greet you
Dialogue: 1,0:01:36.74,0:01:42.41,OP top,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5}I stop second-guessing myself and impulsively greet you
Dialogue: 0,0:01:44.24,0:01:50.46,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5\pos(518,31)\frz349.4\c&HD9F6F1&\3c&HD9F6F1&}I want everything you offer,
Dialogue: 1,0:01:44.24,0:01:50.46,OP top,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5\pos(518,31)\frz349.4}I want everything you offer,
Dialogue: 0,0:01:46.37,0:01:50.46,OP,,0,0,0,,{\pos(446,146)\frz357.8\fad(150,250)\blur0.5\c&HD9F6F1&\3c&HD9F6F1&}it overwhelms me
Dialogue: 1,0:01:46.37,0:01:50.46,OP top,,0,0,0,,{\pos(446,146)\frz357.8\fad(150,250)\blur0.5}it overwhelms me
Dialogue: 0,0:01:47.75,0:01:50.46,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5\frz344.4\pos(1005,326)\c&HD9F6F1&\3c&HD9F6F1&}My tears are full of my feelings
Dialogue: 1,0:01:47.75,0:01:50.46,OP top,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5\frz344.4\pos(1005,326)}My tears are full of my feelings
Dialogue: 0,0:01:50.46,0:01:55.17,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5\frz349.5\pos(234,26)}I don't really understand
Dialogue: 0,0:01:50.46,0:01:55.17,OP,,0,0,0,,{\pos(365,201)\frz8.973\fad(150,250)\blur0.5}how love works yet
Dialogue: 1,0:01:50.46,0:01:55.17,OP top,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5\frz349.5\pos(234,26)}I don't really understand
Dialogue: 1,0:01:50.46,0:01:55.17,OP top,,0,0,0,,{\pos(365,201)\frz8.973\fad(150,250)\blur0.5}how love works yet
Dialogue: 0,0:01:55.80,0:02:01.01,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5\frz347.9\pos(870,384)}I keep repeating that to myself and miss my chances
Dialogue: 1,0:01:55.80,0:02:01.01,OP top,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5\frz347.9\pos(870,384)}I keep repeating that to myself and miss my chances
Dialogue: 0,0:02:01.01,0:02:06.89,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5\pos(188,167)\frz38.96}Sorry, no sweet girly heart here
Dialogue: 1,0:02:01.01,0:02:06.89,OP top,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5\pos(188,167)\frz38.96}Sorry, no sweet girly heart here
Dialogue: 0,0:02:06.89,0:02:10.06,OP,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5}This is my "I love you"
Dialogue: 1,0:02:06.89,0:02:10.06,OP top,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,250)\blur0.5}This is my "I love you"
Dialogue: 35,0:02:18.99,0:02:18.99,Default,chapter,0,0,0,,{Part A}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:18.99,0:02:23.99,ep title,EpTitle,0,0,0,,{\blur0.45\fs90\frz350.5\pos(833,331)}All or Nothing
Dialogue: 5,0:02:28.12,0:02:29.54,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,{\i1}I have to face myself.
Dialogue: 5,0:02:30.83,0:02:33.75,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,{\i1}If these feelings won't go away, I need to stop running.
Dialogue: 5,0:02:52.90,0:02:53.65,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Yo.
Dialogue: 5,0:02:55.41,0:02:57.11,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,You're awake, Shizuku?
Dialogue: 5,0:02:58.24,0:03:00.07,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,What are you doing here?
Dialogue: 5,0:03:00.07,0:03:03.53,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Natsume and Sasayan want to study together,
Dialogue: 5,0:03:03.53,0:03:05.12,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,so I came here to get you.
Dialogue: 5,0:03:05.12,0:03:07.12,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,You need to buy a cell phone.
Dialogue: 5,0:03:07.12,0:03:08.62,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,No, that's not what I meant...
Dialogue: 5,0:03:10.78,0:03:12.63,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,{\i1}This would be considered breaking and entering.
Dialogue: 5,0:03:13.58,0:03:17.42,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,I tried to enter through the front door,
Dialogue: 5,0:03:17.42,0:03:21.64,Default,,0,0,0,,but your dad was surprised 'cause he didn't know school was off today.
Dialogue: 5,0:03:22.64,0:03:24.39,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Why would Dad still be home?
Dialogue: 5,0:03:24.39,0:03:29.52,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,He told me not to mention that he was home, before chasing me off.
Dialogue: 5,0:03:38.94,0:03:40.43,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Dad.
Dialogue: 5,0:03:40.43,0:03:42.57,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Why are you still here?
Dialogue: 5,0:03:42.57,0:03:44.12,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,I let myself in.
Dialogue: 5,0:03:49.33,0:03:50.66,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Went under?!
Dialogue: 5,0:03:52.14,0:03:54.96,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Y-You're saying that the store went under?!
Dialogue: 5,0:03:54.96,0:03:55.70,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,When?!
Dialogue: 5,0:03:56.38,0:03:58.84,Default,Dad,0,0,0,,A-Around two weeks ago...
Dialogue: 5,0:03:58.84,0:04:00.59,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Why didn't you say something sooner?!
Dialogue: 5,0:04:00.59,0:04:02.84,Default,Dad,0,0,0,,I-I thought it would shock you.
Dialogue: 5,0:04:02.84,0:04:03.93,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,No kidding!
Dialogue: 5,0:04:04.72,0:04:06.97,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,{\i1}Damn, I was too careless!
Dialogue: 5,0:04:06.97,0:04:09.60,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,{\i1}I let my guard down because everything seemed fine the past few years.
Dialogue: 5,0:04:09.60,0:04:13.19,Default,Dad,0,0,0,,{\an8}See? I knew this would happen.
Dialogue: 5,0:04:13.19,0:04:16.86,Default,Dad,0,0,0,,{\an8}I should've just apologized.
Dialogue: 5,0:04:14.53,0:04:16.86,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,We won't get anywhere like this.
Dialogue: 5,0:04:16.86,0:04:18.52,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,I need to call Mom.
Dialogue: 5,0:04:18.52,0:04:19.40,Default,Dad,0,0,0,,What?!
Dialogue: 5,0:04:20.19,0:04:21.32,Default,Dad,0,0,0,,Really?
Dialogue: 5,0:04:21.32,0:04:22.90,Default,Dad,0,0,0,,You're going to tell Yoshino?
Dialogue: 5,0:04:25.66,0:04:27.03,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Of course.
Dialogue: 5,0:04:27.03,0:04:27.49,Default,Mom,0,0,0,,{\i1}Hello?
Dialogue: 5,0:04:28.16,0:04:29.29,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Oh, Mom?
Dialogue: 5,0:04:29.29,0:04:32.00,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Looks like you're in the middle of something, Pops.
Dialogue: 5,0:04:30.24,0:04:32.00,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,{\an8}Uh-huh, this is Shizuku.
Dialogue: 5,0:04:32.00,0:04:34.08,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Should I leave?
Dialogue: 5,0:04:32.66,0:04:34.96,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,{\an8}Uh-huh, Dad's store went...
Dialogue: 5,0:04:34.96,0:04:36.88,Default,Dad,0,0,0,,No, it's okay now.
Dialogue: 5,0:04:36.88,0:04:40.25,Default,Dad,0,0,0,,I would rather have an oblivious kid like you around right now.
Dialogue: 5,0:04:40.25,0:04:41.67,Default,Mom,0,0,0,,{\i1}Again?
Dialogue: 5,0:04:41.67,0:04:44.97,Default,Mom,0,0,0,,{\i1}How long does he want me to keep working?
Dialogue: 5,0:04:44.97,0:04:47.51,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Uh-huh. Sorry, Mom.
Dialogue: 5,0:04:48.93,0:04:52.02,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Okay, I'll let him know.
Dialogue: 5,0:04:52.64,0:04:53.31,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Bye.
Dialogue: 5,0:04:55.94,0:04:58.36,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,"Die, stubby."
Dialogue: 5,0:04:58.36,0:04:59.40,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,That was her response.
Dialogue: 5,0:04:59.40,0:05:00.27,Default,Dad,0,0,0,,Stop!
Dialogue: 5,0:05:00.27,0:05:03.90,Default,Dad,0,0,0,,Don't do that with the same face, \Nvoice, and expression as your mother!
Dialogue: 5,0:05:05.78,0:05:07.78,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,I'll go get changed.
Dialogue: 5,0:05:07.78,0:05:10.79,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,You probably haven't started cleaning up the store.
Dialogue: 5,0:05:11.62,0:05:13.79,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Haru. Sorry, but can you leave for today?
Dialogue: 5,0:05:15.13,0:05:16.75,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Shizuku's incredible.
Dialogue: 5,0:05:16.75,0:05:18.58,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,She's completely unfazed.
Dialogue: 5,0:05:18.58,0:05:20.75,Default,Dad,0,0,0,,Well, this is the sixth time...
Dialogue: 5,0:05:21.02,0:05:22.42,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Sixth time?!
Dialogue: 5,0:05:22.42,0:05:24.34,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,You're hopeless, Pops.
Dialogue: 5,0:05:26.06,0:05:29.89,Default,Dad,0,0,0,,Yeah, I'm a hopeless father...
Dialogue: 5,0:05:30.93,0:05:36.14,Default,Dad,0,0,0,,My wife works, so we manage to get by,
Dialogue: 5,0:05:37.19,0:05:42.07,Default,Dad,0,0,0,,but Shizuku and Takaya must be lonely.
Dialogue: 5,0:05:42.98,0:05:47.28,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,It would be cruelest to keep your hopes up when I already know the answer.
Dialogue: 5,0:05:48.24,0:05:50.78,Default,Dad,0,0,0,,She grew up to be an emotionless person.
Dialogue: 5,0:05:51.05,0:05:53.24,Default,Dad,0,0,0,,She hasn't made any friends.
Dialogue: 5,0:05:53.24,0:05:58.29,Default,Dad,0,0,0,,Well, she liked math problems more than dolls when she was little.
Dialogue: 5,0:05:58.67,0:06:00.29,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,She has friends now.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:00.29,0:06:01.75,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Three, if you include me.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:01.75,0:06:03.13,Default,Dad,0,0,0,,What?! Really?
Dialogue: 5,0:06:04.33,0:06:06.30,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Dad, I'm ready.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:06.30,0:06:11.15,Default,Dad,0,0,0,,Shizuku, a girl your age is supposed to take longer to get ready.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:12.39,0:06:15.56,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Whatever. Go put some clothes on.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:15.56,0:06:16.26,Default,Dad,0,0,0,,Yes, ma'am.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:22.61,0:06:24.28,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,What? I have.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:24.58,0:06:27.07,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,I had a girlfriend in middle school.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:29.11,0:06:30.16,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,What?!
Dialogue: 5,0:06:30.16,0:06:32.62,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,Is that true, Sasayan?
Dialogue: 5,0:06:32.95,0:06:38.46,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,Yeah, I heard a rumor that she liked me, so I asked her out.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:38.46,0:06:40.92,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,Yoshida, do you remember Yamase?
Dialogue: 5,0:06:40.92,0:06:43.38,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,I think she was in your class our first year.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:43.38,0:06:48.13,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,E-Everybody looked the same to me in middle school...
Dialogue: 5,0:06:48.13,0:06:51.55,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,You went to the same middle school as me?
Dialogue: 5,0:06:51.55,0:06:53.22,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,You {\i1}just{\i0} realized that?
Dialogue: 5,0:06:53.22,0:06:54.14,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,That's cold.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:55.64,0:06:56.22,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,So?
Dialogue: 5,0:06:57.56,0:06:58.35,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Did you do it?
Dialogue: 5,0:07:01.27,0:07:04.07,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,What are you talking about?!
Dialogue: 5,0:07:04.33,0:07:06.94,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,Just kidding. She dumped me in a heartbeat.
Dialogue: 5,0:07:06.94,0:07:08.49,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,Honestly...
Dialogue: 5,0:07:08.49,0:07:11.66,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,If you're going to talk about that stuff, I'm leaving.
Dialogue: 5,0:07:11.66,0:07:13.53,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Oh, sorry.
Dialogue: 5,0:07:13.53,0:07:14.74,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,I was just joking around.
Dialogue: 5,0:07:15.74,0:07:17.50,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,So? What about you, Yoshida?
Dialogue: 5,0:07:20.33,0:07:22.54,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,I'm really leaving!
Dialogue: 5,0:07:24.66,0:07:28.51,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,Anyway, Haru... Did anything happen with Mitty?
Dialogue: 5,0:07:28.51,0:07:30.97,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Huh? Nothing happened.
Dialogue: 5,0:07:30.97,0:07:33.64,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,It sounds like she's thinking things through right now.
Dialogue: 5,0:07:33.97,0:07:34.89,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,Huh?
Dialogue: 5,0:07:35.89,0:07:39.14,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,She said that she's going to think about our relationship.
Dialogue: 5,0:07:39.40,0:07:42.44,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,When did she say that?
Dialogue: 5,0:07:42.44,0:07:43.15,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,During the cultural festival.
Dialogue: 5,0:07:43.56,0:07:45.40,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,{\i1}A month ago?!
Dialogue: 5,0:07:45.40,0:07:51.15,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,{\i1}Oh, I think I understand why\N they're not making any progress.
Dialogue: 5,0:07:51.61,0:07:53.71,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,{\an8}Yoshida, how do I do this one?
Dialogue: 5,0:07:52.45,0:07:53.91,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,{\i1}Because of him.
Dialogue: 5,0:07:53.71,0:07:54.78,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,{\an8}Huh?
Dialogue: 5,0:07:53.91,0:07:59.54,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,{\i1}He's satisfied with the way things are, so it's all up to Mitty.
Dialogue: 5,0:07:54.78,0:07:57.99,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,{\an8}Like I said, you just do this and this.
Dialogue: 5,0:07:57.99,0:08:01.16,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,{\an8}Can you explain it in a way I can understand?
Dialogue: 5,0:07:59.54,0:08:04.67,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,{\i1}If he doesn't do something, Mitty will move on without him!
Dialogue: 5,0:08:05.21,0:08:06.54,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Here's the answer.
Dialogue: 5,0:08:08.30,0:08:10.17,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,I wish everything was this easy.
Dialogue: 5,0:08:10.17,0:08:11.84,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,Hmm? What do you mean?
Dialogue: 5,0:08:11.84,0:08:15.47,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,I thought that people in love \Nwere supposed to get together,
Dialogue: 5,0:08:15.47,0:08:18.89,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,but I'm not sure if anything's changed.
Dialogue: 5,0:08:18.89,0:08:20.77,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,Yeah, I know what you mean.
Dialogue: 5,0:08:20.77,0:08:23.56,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,What are couples supposed to do?
Dialogue: 5,0:08:23.56,0:08:26.19,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Well, I can think of one thing to do.
Dialogue: 5,0:08:26.19,0:08:28.61,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,But we're talking about Mizutani.
Dialogue: 5,0:08:28.61,0:08:31.03,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,{\i1}I don't like where this is going...
Dialogue: 5,0:08:33.61,0:08:34.53,Default,Mi,0,0,0,,Huh?
Dialogue: 5,0:08:34.53,0:08:36.54,Default,Mi,0,0,0,,Welcome, Shizuku.
Dialogue: 5,0:08:36.54,0:08:39.41,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,{\i1}I-I completely forgot.
Dialogue: 5,0:08:39.95,0:08:43.96,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,{\i1}I told Haru that I was going to think about our relationship.
Dialogue: 5,0:08:43.96,0:08:46.14,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,Oh! Mitty!
Dialogue: 5,0:08:46.14,0:08:47.92,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,You're here!
Dialogue: 5,0:08:48.29,0:08:50.55,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,I just stopped in for a minute.
Dialogue: 5,0:08:50.55,0:08:53.51,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,My dad kept telling me I should come.
Dialogue: 5,0:08:53.51,0:08:54.63,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,This is from him.
Dialogue: 5,0:08:54.98,0:08:57.30,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,Yay! Sweets!
Dialogue: 5,0:08:57.30,0:08:59.22,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,{\i1}Were they waiting for me?
Dialogue: 5,0:09:03.52,0:09:05.27,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Haru, do you have a moment?
Dialogue: 5,0:09:09.52,0:09:13.28,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,{\i1}I brought him outside, but what now?
Dialogue: 5,0:09:13.28,0:09:15.41,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Was your dad's place okay?
Dialogue: 5,0:09:16.48,0:09:17.78,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Oh, you mean his store?
Dialogue: 5,0:09:18.28,0:09:22.50,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,My dad called a friend, so it \Ndoesn't look like it'll take too long.
Dialogue: 5,0:09:23.36,0:09:30.50,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Your dad said that you were lonely because your mom had to work.
Dialogue: 5,0:09:30.50,0:09:31.75,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Is that true?
Dialogue: 5,0:09:32.09,0:09:37.26,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Yeah, if that's what he thinks, he should go find a job...
Dialogue: 5,0:09:38.49,0:09:41.72,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,I want to be like my mom.
Dialogue: 5,0:09:41.72,0:09:44.39,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,I want to become a working woman.
Dialogue: 5,0:09:45.52,0:09:47.56,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,But the pot...
Dialogue: 5,0:09:47.56,0:09:48.60,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Pot?
Dialogue: 5,0:09:48.60,0:09:50.52,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,For holding water.
Dialogue: 5,0:09:51.32,0:09:53.53,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,There was a large one in our yard.
Dialogue: 5,0:09:53.53,0:09:56.03,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,We were going to keep goldfish in it,
Dialogue: 5,0:09:56.61,0:09:59.37,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,but it didn't work out.
Dialogue: 5,0:09:59.37,0:10:01.91,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,I wasn't that interested in the goldfish,
Dialogue: 5,0:10:02.67,0:10:09.19,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,but I read books and bought food and was all \Nready to have one, so I was sort of disappointed.
Dialogue: 5,0:10:11.90,0:10:16.94,Default,,0,0,0,,I concluded that I was disappointed because I built up my expectations.
Dialogue: 5,0:10:17.76,0:10:18.26,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,{\i1}Huh?
Dialogue: 5,0:10:19.08,0:10:22.48,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,{\i1}Was I lonely then?
Dialogue: 5,0:10:23.74,0:10:26.10,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Okay, I have something good for you.
Dialogue: 5,0:10:26.10,0:10:26.52,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Huh?
Dialogue: 5,0:10:26.95,0:10:27.85,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Come with me.
Dialogue: 5,0:10:43.45,0:10:44.20,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,{\i1}Stupid.
Dialogue: 5,0:10:44.86,0:10:48.12,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,You can't feel lonely if there's no one else around.
Dialogue: 5,0:11:03.64,0:11:04.81,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Haru.
Dialogue: 5,0:11:05.18,0:11:07.22,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Stop! I don't need any crayfish!
Dialogue: 5,0:11:07.22,0:11:08.23,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,What?
Dialogue: 5,0:11:08.23,0:11:10.56,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,There's a huge one around here, though.
Dialogue: 5,0:11:11.23,0:11:14.29,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,I wasn't saying that I wanted to keep a pet in the pot!
Dialogue: 5,0:11:14.29,0:11:17.30,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,You'll change your mind once you see it.
Dialogue: 5,0:11:20.03,0:11:20.03,Default,chapter,0,0,0,,{Part B}
Dialogue: 5,0:11:23.40,0:11:24.28,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,Excuse me.
Dialogue: 5,0:11:24.92,0:11:26.87,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,I'm looking for this book.
Dialogue: 5,0:11:26.87,0:11:30.29,Default,,0,0,0,,It's on the second floor in the E section, toward the back on the right side.
Dialogue: 5,0:11:30.29,0:11:32.00,Default,A,0,0,0,,Would you like me to show you the way?
Dialogue: 5,0:11:32.00,0:11:33.83,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,No, that won't be necessary.
Dialogue: 5,0:11:33.83,0:11:35.00,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,Thank you.
Dialogue: 5,0:11:35.00,0:11:37.71,Default,A,0,0,0,,Um, the stairs are the other way.
Dialogue: 5,0:11:38.98,0:11:39.76,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,Thanks.
Dialogue: 5,0:11:43.08,0:11:46.26,Default,A,0,0,0,,That student's asked the same question five times...
Dialogue: 5,0:11:47.08,0:11:48.64,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,{\i1}This is a pain.
Dialogue: 5,0:11:48.64,0:11:52.02,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,{\i1}Why are they assigning reports that require materials you can't find in a book store?
Dialogue: 5,0:11:54.65,0:11:55.40,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,Oh?
Dialogue: 5,0:11:55.70,0:11:57.41,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,{\i1}I found it. It's a miracle.
Dialogue: 5,0:12:04.49,0:12:05.16,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Huh?
Dialogue: 5,0:12:05.74,0:12:06.87,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Yamaken.
Dialogue: 5,0:12:08.12,0:12:10.13,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Are you looking for something?
Dialogue: 5,0:12:10.13,0:12:12.62,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,I need a reference on economic policies.
Dialogue: 5,0:12:12.62,0:12:14.00,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Modern economics?
Dialogue: 5,0:12:14.00,0:12:15.58,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Do you have to write a report?
Dialogue: 5,0:12:15.58,0:12:18.35,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,I would recommend this book on economic indicators.
Dialogue: 5,0:12:19.67,0:12:20.67,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,Thanks.
Dialogue: 5,0:12:23.01,0:12:24.72,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,I wanted to see you.
Dialogue: 5,0:12:25.99,0:12:27.55,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,{\i1}What's wrong with her?
Dialogue: 5,0:12:27.55,0:12:29.47,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,{\i1}Is she interested in me?
Dialogue: 5,0:12:29.47,0:12:34.43,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,On the last mock exam, you beat me in \NEnglish, but I had the highest overall score.
Dialogue: 5,0:12:34.43,0:12:35.94,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,{\i1}Like I give a damn!
Dialogue: 5,0:12:35.94,0:12:38.52,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,Now look here, Mizutani...
Dialogue: 5,0:12:38.52,0:12:41.49,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,No offense, but I'm not trying to compete with you.
Dialogue: 5,0:12:41.92,0:12:45.21,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,Is there any point to studying all the time?
Dialogue: 5,0:12:46.02,0:12:49.29,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,No offense, but I think it's stupid,
Dialogue: 5,0:12:49.29,0:12:53.43,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,seeing as how I can fool around and succeed in life.
Dialogue: 5,0:12:54.24,0:12:56.89,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,That's what you call a life that's not boring?
Dialogue: 5,0:12:58.52,0:13:02.41,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,At least in academics, you can control\N the outcome, whether it's good or bad.
Dialogue: 5,0:13:03.77,0:13:06.26,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,{\i1}Hmm? Is that why I like to study?
Dialogue: 5,0:13:07.58,0:13:09.97,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,Haru's not with you today?
Dialogue: 5,0:13:09.97,0:13:10.72,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Haru?
Dialogue: 5,0:13:11.47,0:13:14.31,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,He's been spending a lot of time by the river.
Dialogue: 5,0:13:14.31,0:13:15.27,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,Huh?
Dialogue: 5,0:13:15.27,0:13:16.98,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,It's November.
Dialogue: 5,0:13:16.98,0:13:20.65,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,He wants to catch a large crayfish and give it to me.
Dialogue: 5,0:13:22.24,0:13:25.07,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,I'm pretty sure there aren't any crayfish in November.
Dialogue: 5,0:13:26.84,0:13:30.33,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,He has the mind of a kid in grade school.
Dialogue: 0,0:13:30.33,0:13:32.70,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnMermaid\fax0.27\blur0.65\fs30\fscx80\fscy120\b1\c&H171815&\frz20.82\move(622,429,622,805,25,2361)}The Japanese Economy and Business Cycles
Dialogue: 6,0:13:30.72,0:13:33.46,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,{\i1}Damn, why are we talking about him?
Dialogue: 5,0:13:34.16,0:13:36.54,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,{\i1}Wait. Was {\i0}I{\i1} the one who brought him up?
Dialogue: 5,0:13:36.54,0:13:39.37,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,{\i1}But that's the only conversation topic I can think of!
Dialogue: 5,0:13:40.36,0:13:43.34,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,{\i1}And why do I need to think of a topic of conversation?!
Dialogue: 5,0:13:43.34,0:13:49.26,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,After thinking about what you said to \Nme, I decided I needed to face everyone.
Dialogue: 5,0:13:49.26,0:13:51.13,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,I don't remember saying anything about that.
Dialogue: 5,0:13:51.86,0:13:54.80,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,Besides, why are you telling me this?
Dialogue: 5,0:13:54.80,0:13:55.74,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Hmm?
Dialogue: 5,0:13:55.74,0:13:56.81,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Why?
Dialogue: 5,0:13:57.77,0:14:01.19,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,I was impressed by the advice you\N gave me during the cultural festival.
Dialogue: 5,0:14:05.24,0:14:07.28,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,Oh, hello? Yoshida?
Dialogue: 5,0:14:07.28,0:14:08.57,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,Where are you?
Dialogue: 5,0:14:08.57,0:14:09.84,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,Is Mizutani with you?
Dialogue: 5,0:14:10.74,0:14:12.37,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,Huh? The river?
Dialogue: 5,0:14:14.81,0:14:15.87,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,Well?
Dialogue: 5,0:14:16.29,0:14:19.04,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,Yoshida's playing around by the river by himself.
Dialogue: 5,0:14:19.04,0:14:21.59,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,He said that Mizutani probably went to the library.
Dialogue: 5,0:14:21.59,0:14:22.54,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,What?
Dialogue: 5,0:14:22.54,0:14:24.88,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,They're taking it easy, huh?
Dialogue: 5,0:14:25.33,0:14:29.64,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,{\i1}Jeez, Haru is off doing weird stuff again.
Dialogue: 5,0:14:29.64,0:14:30.89,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,{\i1}That's why Mitty...
Dialogue: 5,0:14:31.31,0:14:34.39,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,I happened to be someone who was easily accessible.
Dialogue: 5,0:14:34.66,0:14:36.60,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,{\i1}...feels that way!
Dialogue: 5,0:14:36.97,0:14:38.39,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,Whatever.
Dialogue: 5,0:14:38.39,0:14:41.19,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,Let's do our best to prepare for finals.
Dialogue: 5,0:14:41.19,0:14:42.23,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,All right.
Dialogue: 5,0:14:43.82,0:14:45.48,Default,Maki,0,0,0,,I'm telling you, it's true!
Dialogue: 5,0:14:45.48,0:14:47.24,Default,Yuka,0,0,0,,No way!
Dialogue: 5,0:14:53.53,0:14:57.37,Default,Yumi,0,0,0,,I heard that Kitano from Class 2 asked Natsume out.
Dialogue: 5,0:14:57.37,0:14:59.67,Default,Yuka,0,0,0,,What? That's the guy Miki likes.
Dialogue: 5,0:14:59.67,0:15:01.42,Default,Yuka,0,0,0,,That's too bad.
Dialogue: 5,0:15:01.42,0:15:03.75,Default,Yayo,0,0,0,,This seems to happen a lot.
Dialogue: 5,0:15:03.75,0:15:07.71,Default,Yumi,0,0,0,,Natsume might as well only make friends with boys.
Dialogue: 5,0:15:11.34,0:15:12.51,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,Natsume?
Dialogue: 5,0:15:12.93,0:15:15.45,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,What are you doing, Natsume?
Dialogue: 5,0:15:15.45,0:15:17.06,Default,Maki,0,0,0,,Hey, look.
Dialogue: 5,0:15:17.06,0:15:19.73,Default,Yuka,0,0,0,,Yeah, it's her.
Dialogue: 5,0:15:19.73,0:15:21.81,Default,Maki,0,0,0,,Is that her boyfriend then?
Dialogue: 5,0:15:21.81,0:15:24.60,Default,Yuka,0,0,0,,Really? Is he helping her study?
Dialogue: 5,0:15:26.51,0:15:27.90,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,What's their problem?
Dialogue: 5,0:15:27.90,0:15:29.70,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,S-Sasayan...
Dialogue: 5,0:15:30.07,0:15:32.16,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,S-Sorry.
Dialogue: 5,0:15:32.16,0:15:33.66,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,Sorry. Sorry.
Dialogue: 5,0:15:33.66,0:15:34.72,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,Natsume?
Dialogue: 5,0:15:34.72,0:15:36.20,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,This is all my fault...
Dialogue: 5,0:15:36.70,0:15:37.70,Default,,0,0,0,,Sorry.
Dialogue: 5,0:15:39.62,0:15:40.75,Default,Maki,0,0,0,,So like I said...
Dialogue: 5,0:15:40.75,0:15:41.58,Default,,0,0,0,,Yeah.
Dialogue: 5,0:15:42.77,0:15:44.54,Default,Maki,0,0,0,,She hasn't changed.
Dialogue: 5,0:15:48.22,0:15:50.77,Default,Mi,0,0,0,,Oh, it's Natsume.
Dialogue: 5,0:15:54.09,0:15:56.43,Default,Mi,0,0,0,,Didn't expect to run into you here.
Dialogue: 5,0:15:56.43,0:15:57.43,Default,Mi,0,0,0,,What are you doing?
Dialogue: 5,0:16:04.94,0:16:06.15,Default,Maki,0,0,0,,L-Let's go.
Dialogue: 5,0:16:08.90,0:16:10.57,Default,Mi,0,0,0,,Hmm? What's up?
Dialogue: 5,0:16:24.79,0:16:26.88,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Aren't you getting on?
Dialogue: 5,0:16:27.63,0:16:29.86,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,No, I'll take a taxi.
Dialogue: 5,0:16:29.86,0:16:31.34,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Okay, bye.
Dialogue: 5,0:16:42.23,0:16:43.35,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,{\i1}Wait.
Dialogue: 5,0:16:43.35,0:16:45.02,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,{\i1}Wait, wait, wait.
Dialogue: 5,0:16:46.61,0:16:49.48,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,{\i1}Do you realize who she is?
Dialogue: 5,0:16:50.07,0:16:51.82,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,{\i1}What am I doing?
Dialogue: 5,0:16:53.99,0:16:59.54,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,If you can't give up one, learn to balance both at the same time.
Dialogue: 5,0:16:59.54,0:17:00.91,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Oh, that makes sense.
Dialogue: 0,0:17:00.91,0:17:04.37,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs70\blur1\pos(108,67)\frz32.15\c&H495D66&}Priorities
Dialogue: 0,0:17:00.91,0:17:02.12,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H495D66&\pos(496,83)\frz37.25}Stupid
Dialogue: 0,0:17:00.91,0:17:04.37,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H52656E&\frz37.25\pos(610,253)}Haru
Dialogue: 0,0:17:00.91,0:17:04.37,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H3B4D57&\pos(173,262)\frz36.07}Study (Future)
Dialogue: 0,0:17:00.91,0:17:04.37,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H384C58&\frz36.07\pos(232,452)}Electronic Organizer
Dialogue: 0,0:17:00.91,0:17:04.37,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H3C484F&\frz36.07\pos(282,602)}Family Finances
Dialogue: 0,0:17:00.91,0:17:02.00,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H55656F&\frz36.07\pos(700,398)}Can't break free
Dialogue: 0,0:17:00.91,0:17:01.78,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H52636D&\frz36.07\pos(841,535)}What is love?
Dialogue: 5,0:17:01.22,0:17:04.37,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,Why does it have to be all or nothing?
Dialogue: 0,0:17:01.78,0:17:01.87,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H52636D&\frz36.07\pos(841,535)}What is love{\c&H20272A&}?
Dialogue: 0,0:17:01.87,0:17:02.00,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H52636D&\frz36.07\pos(841,535)}What is lov{\c&H20272A&}e?
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.00,0:17:02.12,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H55656F&\frz36.07\pos(700,398)}Can't break {\c&H1F272D&}free
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.00,0:17:02.12,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H52636D&\frz36.07\pos(841,535)}What{\c&H20272A&} is love?
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.12,0:17:02.20,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H495D66&\pos(496,83)\frz37.25\clip(m 519 94 l 517 81 512 68 501 49 385 78 402 165)}Stupid
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.12,0:17:02.20,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H55656F&\frz36.07\pos(700,398)}Can't{\c&H1F272D&} break free
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.12,0:17:02.20,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H52636D&\frz36.07\pos(841,535)}Wha{\c&H20272A&}t is love?
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.20,0:17:02.28,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H55656F&\frz36.07\pos(700,398)}Can't{\c&H1F272D&} br{\c&H55656F&}eak free
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.20,0:17:02.28,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H52636D&\frz36.07\pos(841,535)}W{\c&H20272A&}hat is love?
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.28,0:17:02.37,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H495D66&\pos(496,83)\frz37.25\clip(m 456 120 l 460 116 466 108 471 100 471 89 494 96 512 100 537 103 510 157 444 163)}Stupid
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.28,0:17:02.37,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H55656F&\frz36.07\pos(700,398)}Ca{\c&H1F272D&}n't{\c&H55656F&} break free
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.28,0:17:02.37,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H20272A&\frz36.07\pos(841,535)}What is love?
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.37,0:17:02.45,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H495D66&\pos(496,83)\frz37.25\clip(m 517 100 l 520 88 522 74 524 60 524 47 535 39 533 56 530 76 524 99)}Stupid
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.37,0:17:02.45,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H55656F&\frz36.07\pos(700,398)}C{\c&H1F272D&}an{\c&H55656F&}'t break free
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.37,0:17:02.45,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H20272A&\frz36.07\pos(841,535)}What is lov{\c&H52636D&}e?
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.45,0:17:02.53,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H495D66&\pos(496,83)\frz37.25\clip(m 470 121 l 474 118 473 103 481 82 486 71 486 60 370 104 393 189)}Stupid
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.45,0:17:02.53,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H1F272D&\frz36.07\pos(700,398)}C{\c&H55656F&}an't break free
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.45,0:17:02.53,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H20272A&\frz36.07\pos(841,535)}What i{\c&H52636D&}s love?
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.53,0:17:02.62,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H495D66&\pos(496,83)\frz37.25\clip(m 523 92 l 521 86 520 74 523 61 529 46 541 20 416 33 414 163)}Stupid
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.53,0:17:02.62,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H55656F&\frz36.07\pos(700,398)}Can{\c&H1D292C&}'t {\c&H55656F&}break free
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.53,0:17:02.62,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H20272A&\frz36.07\pos(841,535)}What is lo{\c&H52636D&}ve?
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.62,0:17:04.37,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H495D66&\pos(496,83)\frz37.25}Stupid
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.62,0:17:02.70,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H55656F&\frz36.07\pos(700,398)}Can't b{\c&H1D292C&}re{\c&H55656F&}ak free
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.62,0:17:02.70,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H20272A&\frz36.07\pos(841,535)}What is love{\c&H52636D&}?
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.70,0:17:02.78,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H55656F&\frz36.07\pos(700,398)}Can't break {\c&H1D292C&}f{\c&H55656F&}ree
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.70,0:17:02.78,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H52636D&\frz36.07\pos(841,535)}Wha{\c&H20272A&}t is love?
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.78,0:17:04.37,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H55656F&\frz36.07\pos(700,398)}Can't break free
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.78,0:17:02.87,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H52636D&\frz36.07\pos(841,535)}What is {\c&H20272A&}love?
Dialogue: 0,0:17:02.87,0:17:03.41,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H52636D&\frz36.07\pos(841,535)}What is love?
Dialogue: 0,0:17:03.41,0:17:03.62,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H52636D&\frz36.07\pos(841,535)}What is lo{\c&H20272A&}ve{\c&H52636D&}?
Dialogue: 0,0:17:03.62,0:17:03.87,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H52636D&\frz36.07\pos(841,535)}What is lo{\c&H20272A&}v{\c&H52636D&}e?
Dialogue: 0,0:17:03.87,0:17:04.37,signs,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fnJust The Way You Are\fs65\blur1\c&H52636D&\frz36.07\pos(841,535)}What is love?
Dialogue: 5,0:17:04.71,0:17:05.91,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,Are you a robot?
Dialogue: 5,0:17:06.60,0:17:09.52,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,{\i1}And why do I have to help analyze her state of mind?
Dialogue: 5,0:17:11.88,0:17:13.26,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,You're pretty funny.
Dialogue: 5,0:17:14.76,0:17:19.30,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,J-Just to be clear, I'm only helping you out of courtesy!
Dialogue: 5,0:17:19.30,0:17:21.89,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,I have no other reason for doing this!
Dialogue: 5,0:17:22.76,0:17:24.02,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,I understand.
Dialogue: 5,0:17:24.02,0:17:24.89,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Thank you.
Dialogue: 5,0:17:28.90,0:17:29.73,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,Damn it!
Dialogue: 5,0:17:32.78,0:17:34.53,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,{\i1}Why did it have to be Ha—
Dialogue: 5,0:17:37.78,0:17:40.33,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,{\i1}The girl who's in love with Haru?
Dialogue: 5,0:17:57.53,0:18:01.35,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,{\i1}Every time I deal with another person, I'm\N reminded how little control I have over my life.
Dialogue: 5,0:18:06.10,0:18:07.56,Default,Yoshi,0,0,0,,I have an announcement.
Dialogue: 5,0:18:07.56,0:18:11.86,Default,Yoshi,0,0,0,,Starting today, your mother will start \Nworking because your father is a failure.
Dialogue: 5,0:18:12.16,0:18:14.16,Default,Both,0,0,0,,Have a safe trip.
Dialogue: 5,0:18:19.33,0:18:21.58,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Oh, hello? Mom?
Dialogue: 5,0:18:22.28,0:18:24.95,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,I got 100 on the last test,
Dialogue: 5,0:18:24.95,0:18:26.45,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,and the test before that.
Dialogue: 5,0:18:28.12,0:18:29.85,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Why are you a failure?
Dialogue: 5,0:18:31.16,0:18:32.56,Default,Dad,0,0,0,,No mercy, huh?
Dialogue: 5,0:18:33.05,0:18:37.01,Default,Dad,0,0,0,,Oh, Shizuku. Would you like a pet goldfish,
Dialogue: 5,0:18:37.01,0:18:39.40,Default,Dad,0,0,0,,since we didn't get to go to the festival?
Dialogue: 5,0:18:39.40,0:18:41.30,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,No, I don't need one.
Dialogue: 5,0:18:42.23,0:18:43.89,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,I don't need goldfish anymore.
Dialogue: 5,0:18:46.90,0:18:49.38,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,{\i1}Why does it have to be all or nothing?
Dialogue: 5,0:18:50.12,0:18:51.23,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,{\i1}Because...
Dialogue: 5,0:18:51.86,0:18:55.55,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,{\i1}it's a waste of time to bother with anything uncertain.
Dialogue: 5,0:18:58.81,0:19:01.49,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Oh? You didn't go home yet?
Dialogue: 5,0:19:01.49,0:19:04.03,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,Oh, welcome back.
Dialogue: 5,0:19:04.03,0:19:06.37,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,Well, I just got a call.
Dialogue: 5,0:19:07.36,0:19:09.49,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,Yeah, thanks for the heads-up.
Dialogue: 5,0:19:10.68,0:19:13.13,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,Aren't you cold, Haru?
Dialogue: 5,0:19:14.20,0:19:17.14,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,What? Welcome back, Mitty!
Dialogue: 5,0:19:17.14,0:19:18.13,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Hey.
Dialogue: 5,0:19:18.13,0:19:20.01,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Oh, Shizuku!
Dialogue: 5,0:19:20.63,0:19:23.39,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Haru, you're still here?
Dialogue: 5,0:19:23.39,0:19:26.43,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Shimoyanagi and his buddies just left.
Dialogue: 5,0:19:26.43,0:19:27.81,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,We were hanging out together.
Dialogue: 5,0:19:27.81,0:19:29.06,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Shimoyanagi?
Dialogue: 5,0:19:29.43,0:19:31.69,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,{\i1}He must've been scared.
Dialogue: 5,0:19:31.69,0:19:35.25,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,Man, you look like you're having a lot of fun down there!
Dialogue: 5,0:19:35.25,0:19:36.36,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Really?
Dialogue: 5,0:19:36.36,0:19:39.53,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,Natsume, why are you so hyper?
Dialogue: 5,0:19:39.88,0:19:41.99,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,So did you find any crayfish?
Dialogue: 5,0:19:41.99,0:19:43.82,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Right, crayfish.
Dialogue: 5,0:19:43.82,0:19:45.49,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,I found one, but it was asleep.
Dialogue: 5,0:19:45.49,0:19:47.37,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Hiding behind a leaf!
Dialogue: 5,0:19:47.37,0:19:50.29,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,{\i1}He must've forgotten his original objective.
Dialogue: 5,0:19:50.29,0:19:52.79,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,I had lots of fun, though.
Dialogue: 5,0:19:52.79,0:19:53.79,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,That's nice.
Dialogue: 5,0:19:54.20,0:19:56.00,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,I couldn't find any crayfish,
Dialogue: 5,0:19:56.00,0:19:59.51,Default,,0,0,0,,but I'll find something better for you, so don't worry.
Dialogue: 5,0:20:00.67,0:20:02.84,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Right... Thanks...
Dialogue: 5,0:20:04.22,0:20:08.43,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,{\i1}Actually, my brother's currently using that pot for storage.
Dialogue: 5,0:20:11.73,0:20:16.19,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,{\i1}Why does he care so much about the things I find meaningless?
Dialogue: 5,0:20:18.44,0:20:23.78,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,{\i1}In the end, I'm still letting him build up my expectations.
Dialogue: 5,0:20:32.62,0:20:34.25,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,Oh, excuse me.
Dialogue: 5,0:20:34.25,0:20:35.81,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,Could you pull over?
Dialogue: 5,0:20:36.81,0:20:38.59,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,{\i1}I'm going to return this.
Dialogue: 5,0:20:38.59,0:20:41.65,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,{\i1}Then I'll never bother with her again...
Dialogue: 5,0:21:01.91,0:21:02.40,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,Hey!
Dialogue: 5,0:21:03.12,0:21:04.54,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,Are you going home?
Dialogue: 5,0:21:04.54,0:21:06.49,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Oh. Yes.
Dialogue: 5,0:21:06.49,0:21:09.49,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Oh, I left my bag down there.
Dialogue: 5,0:21:09.49,0:21:11.08,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,We'll go on ahead then.
Dialogue: 5,0:21:11.08,0:21:11.77,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Okay.
Dialogue: 5,0:21:18.25,0:21:19.25,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,Yo.
Dialogue: 5,0:21:23.01,0:21:23.84,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,Haru.
Dialogue: 5,0:21:25.34,0:21:28.01,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,Give that back to Mizutani.
Dialogue: 5,0:21:30.18,0:21:32.60,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Why do you have something that belongs to Shizuku?
Dialogue: 5,0:21:32.60,0:21:33.77,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,No reason.
Dialogue: 5,0:21:34.18,0:21:36.81,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,I ran into her at the library today.
Dialogue: 5,0:21:36.81,0:21:37.76,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Yamaken.
Dialogue: 5,0:21:40.03,0:21:41.53,Default,Haru,0,0,0,,Are you in love with Shizuku?
Dialogue: 5,0:21:44.95,0:21:46.91,Default,Yama,0,0,0,,Is that a problem?
Dialogue: 30,0:22:11.10,0:22:11.10,Default,chapter,0,0,0,,{ED}
Dialogue: 0,0:22:16.90,0:22:20.53,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,150)\blur0.5}The stars shine on the trees lining the road
Dialogue: 0,0:22:20.53,0:22:24.53,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,150)\blur0.5}Here I walk with you through the city
Dialogue: 0,0:22:24.53,0:22:31.16,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,150)\blur0.5}You laughed, the snow fell, and our breath froze in the air
Dialogue: 0,0:22:31.16,0:22:38.30,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,150)\blur0.5}Why, I wonder, is there such a weird tension between us
Dialogue: 0,0:22:38.30,0:22:41.88,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,150)\blur0.5}even though we did nothing but joke today?
Dialogue: 0,0:22:41.88,0:22:45.93,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,150)\blur0.5}It's a little vexing and painful...
Dialogue: 0,0:22:48.93,0:22:52.35,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,150)\blur0.5}Even the winter nights this year
Dialogue: 0,0:22:52.35,0:22:56.15,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,150)\blur0.5}have warmth to them
Dialogue: 0,0:22:56.15,0:23:02.40,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,150)\blur0.5}I used to hate the cold, but I've come to like it these days
Dialogue: 0,0:23:02.40,0:23:09.41,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,150)\blur0.5}Will you suggest to take the long way home?
Dialogue: 0,0:23:10.37,0:23:17.42,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,150)\blur0.5}I don't know whether this is love or not and won't press the issue
Dialogue: 0,0:23:17.42,0:23:23.67,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,150)\blur0.5}I like you, even though we fight and have our troubles
Dialogue: 0,0:23:23.67,0:23:31.02,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,150)\blur0.5}I'll entrust my wishes to the snow starting to fall
Dialogue: 0,0:23:31.64,0:23:36.98,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,150)\blur0.5}and hope we can be together
Dialogue: 0,0:23:36.98,0:23:39.48,ED,,0,0,0,,{\fad(150,150)\blur0.5}for just a little longer
Dialogue: 30,0:23:41.07,0:23:41.07,Default,chapter,0,0,0,,{Part C}
Dialogue: 5,0:23:41.36,0:23:44.19,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,Yep, winter break is coming up.
Dialogue: 5,0:23:44.19,0:23:45.57,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,I can't wait.
Dialogue: 5,0:23:45.90,0:23:48.40,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,You have remedial classes first, right?
Dialogue: 5,0:23:48.40,0:23:49.32,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,Yep.
Dialogue: 5,0:23:49.67,0:23:52.00,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,I've been wondering.
Dialogue: 5,0:23:52.00,0:23:54.49,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,How did you get into this school?
Dialogue: 5,0:23:55.04,0:23:56.83,Default,Natsu,0,0,0,,A super parlor trick!
Dialogue: 5,0:23:57.70,0:23:58.34,Default,Both,0,0,0,,Oh.
Dialogue: 5,0:23:59.23,0:24:02.00,Default,Shi,0,0,0,,Oh, the choose-your-own method of application.
Dialogue: 5,0:24:02.00,0:24:03.59,Default,Sasa,0,0,0,,Huh? Where's Yoshida?
Dialogue: 5,0:24:04.08,0:24:04.08,Default,chapter,0,0,0,,{Preview}
Dialogue: 5,0:24:06.98,0:24:08.34,Default,,0,0,0,,Stare...
Dialogue: 5,0:24:08.34,0:24:10.60,Default,Yuu,0,0,0,,It's still warm.
Dialogue: 5,0:24:10.60,0:24:13.83,Default,Yuu,0,0,0,,Huh? Wait, he left a letter behind?
Dialogue: 5,0:24:13.83,0:24:17.10,Default,Yuu,0,0,0,,"I went to school. -Yoshida."
Dialogue: 1,0:24:17.10,0:24:21.10,ep title,Caption,0,0,0,,{\frz341.7\blur0.4\pos(326,75)}Next Episode
Dialogue: 1,0:24:17.10,0:24:21.10,ep title,Caption,0,0,0,,{\fs140\blur0.4\frz7.781\pos(735.571,140.857)}Christmas
Dialogue: 5,0:24:18.90,0:24:20.15,Default,Yuu,0,0,0,,Homeless?

Pasted: Jan 11, 2014, 1:29:30 pm
Views: 5