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Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text
Comment: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:00.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Signs

Dialogue: 0,0:00:06.65,0:00:09.15,Default,,0,0,0,,All right, Sengoku. Sengoku Nadeko.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:10.24,0:00:14.99,Default,,0,0,0,,I won't do anything to you, so calm down. Okay? {period to comma between "you. So" -forks}
Dialogue: 0,0:00:16.87,0:00:19.99,Default,,0,0,0,,Slowly put that thing down on the floor.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.99,0:00:25.58,Default,,0,0,0,,I-It's all right, Kuchinawa-san...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:26.14,0:00:28.50,Default,,0,0,0,,I-I don't care if he figures everything out!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:31.09,0:00:32.76,Default,,0,0,0,,Wh-Why?
Dialogue: 0,0:00:32.76,0:00:35.43,Default,,0,0,0,,Sengoku, can you hear me?
Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.43,0:00:37.26,Default,,0,0,0,,Listen up. Put that down.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:39.26,0:00:41.52,Default,,0,0,0,,Put that talisman down on the floor.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:41.94,0:00:43.18,Default,,0,0,0,,Talisman?
Dialogue: 0,0:00:44.85,0:00:46.35,Default,,0,0,0,,Sengoku! That's...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:47.69,0:00:52.49,Default,,0,0,0,,That's more dangerous than you think. You can still turn back now.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:52.49,0:00:58.99,Default,,0,0,0,,B-But, Koyomi-oniichan... I-I have to do "something" with this. {any reason for the quotes on something? -forks} {albel: yeah, because it's obviously a particular "something". it's not that she doesn't know what to do with it. also it's quoted in LN too, probably for the same reason.}
Dialogue: 0,0:00:58.99,0:01:03.03,Default,,0,0,0,,Because, for me, it's atonement. {changed from "Because, to me, that's atonement." -forks}
Dialogue: 0,0:01:03.03,0:01:04.04,Default,,0,0,0,,Atonement?
Dialogue: 0,0:01:04.04,0:01:07.45,Default,,0,0,0,,Y-Yes, atonement...
Dialogue: 0,0:01:07.45,0:01:10.04,Default,,0,0,0,,I-I'm not the victim. I'm...
Dialogue: 0,0:01:11.55,0:01:15.30,Default,,0,0,0,,Well, I am also the victim, but I'm the culprit too. {replaced all "wrongdoer" with "culprit" -forks} {albel: "well, although I'm the victim too, but I'm also the culprit"}
Dialogue: 0,0:01:15.64,0:01:17.18,Default,,0,0,0,,I see.
Dialogue: 0,0:01:17.18,0:01:24.10,Default,,0,0,0,,I understand now that you've got a lot on your shoulders. Sorry, I didn't notice. {albel: more precisely, "Sorry I didn't notice it". haven't been noticing, maybe? anyway}{changed and re-ordered for consistency two lines down -forks}
Dialogue: 0,0:01:24.39,0:01:26.27,Default,,0,0,0,,I heard about what happened at school too. {albel: "about what happened in school"}
Dialogue: 0,0:01:27.06,0:01:29.61,Default,,0,0,0,,I didn't notice, sorry. {albel: he nearly identically repeats what was translated above as "Sorry I didn't see it". there's no "signs" and no "either". apparently it was added by HS so that nobody would think he speaks about seeing what happened in school. I suggest to rephrase stuff so that we won't need to pull some sort of "signs" out of ass.  maybe "sorry I didn't notice anything"}{tried to order it how he says it here too -forks}
Dialogue: 0,0:01:31.60,0:01:32.90,Default,,0,0,0,,I'll apologize properly later. {albel: it's one sentence with the following phrase. missing "so" nuance. "I'll apologize properly, so... Sengoku, for now, please hand..." or "I'll apologize properly, so, firstly, Sengoku, please hand...". Meh. Don't know how to put the nuance back in there, so disregard it, it's not important.}
Dialogue: 0,0:01:34.40,0:01:38.28,Default,,0,0,0,,Sengoku, for now, please hand that talisman to me.
Dialogue: 0,0:01:40.81,0:01:41.74,Default,,0,0,0,,You...
Dialogue: 0,0:01:42.95,0:01:48.42,Default,,0,0,0,,You always look bothered like that when I talk to you.
Dialogue: 0,0:01:49.42,0:01:52.00,Default,,0,0,0,,But, Sengoku, that talisman...
Dialogue: 0,0:01:52.00,0:01:55.52,Default,,0,0,0,,How about you stop being so indirect? {"roundabout" to "indirect" -forks}
Dialogue: 0,0:01:55.52,0:02:00.39,Default,,0,0,0,,There's no need to worry over such an obstinate, spoiled brat.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:00.39,0:02:02.26,Default,,0,0,0,,All you have to do is punch her and snatch it. {albel: in this and many other shinobu sentences she uses "blah-blah (ii) jarou", i.e. "it's ok to just blah-blah, isn't it?" which is translated everywhere as "should just" or "all you have to" or not translated at all, but otherwise adds a lot of matter-of-factly uttered depreciation. just mentioning it if someone thinks it's a nuance worthy of preservation}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:03.43,0:02:08.88,Default,,0,0,0,,A girl like this, who knows nothing, should just be tossed aside. {added commas, but seems hinky still, check tl? -forks} {albel: yeah, well, it's a bit overloaded. "ucchatte" can be understood in several ways here. one is "defeat", another, more fitting but rare "slap into something spreading it over said something" .  together with "sono hen ni"  and "okeba"   it's "left laying defeated around here"  or,r, more graphically "should be left (laying) swatted around here". it's also a slight possibility that "sono hen ni" is used metaphorically to mean "it's about time to...", but I doubt it. Anyway, according to LN, the sentence is about abandoning her, not even bothering with explaining her where she went wrong after defeating her, and by this act giving her more excuse to feel herself the victim, which is supposedly what she wants.  "such a understanding-nothing girl should just be left blah-blah". lots of depreciation.}{i can't figure out how to/if i need to change this -forks}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:08.88,0:02:13.69,Default,,0,0,0,,Pitiful and cute. It would be a mercy to let her continue being the victim. {added "a" between "It's mercy" -forks} {albel: a bit of accent on "mercy". "Letting her continue being the victim is/would be a mercy(as opposed to something else) to her"}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:14.01,0:02:15.11,Default,,0,0,0,,Shinobu...
Dialogue: 0,0:02:15.11,0:02:17.11,Default,,0,0,0,,A brat who's nothing but cute.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:17.74,0:02:20.37,Default,,0,0,0,,A brat who only thinks of herself. {albel: what she really says here is "wagami ga kawaii dake", which is a bit hard to translate, but it's a refinement of the previous sentence "A brat who's nothing but cute in appearance only" and has nothing to "wagamama" or something else which could be translated as "thinking only of herself". BUT. In LN shinobu also speaks about how nadeko thinks only about herself   ,and without mentioning that nadeko's retort below would make less sense, so let's leave this sentence as it is.}{k}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:20.37,0:02:24.70,Default,,0,0,0,,Just abandon her. Stop this philanthropism.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:24.70,0:02:28.16,Default,,0,0,0,,Crime should be punished. She should be taught that. {added "her" to "put in place" -forks} {albel: "She should (get to) realize that (i.e. that crime should be punished)". where "(get to) realize" is really "to have sinked deeply into one's mind"/"to understand thoroughly"}{couldn't really think of anything better -forks}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:28.96,0:02:30.54,Default,,0,0,0,,Just like I was. {albel: literally "similarly to me". but anything goes, as long as it flows with the previous line}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:31.38,0:02:33.93,Default,,0,0,0,,S-Saying whatever you like... {doesn't make sense to 'murricans, we always speak as we like. maybe "B-being so frank..." or something? -forks} {albel: "being frank" in my head implies that what's being said is agreed to be true. More rejection is needed here. like "Blabbing" or "Running your mouth", dunno. the general idea is "Speaking all you like/whatever comes to your head/whatever suits you".}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:34.88,0:02:38.81,Default,,0,0,0,,I-I'm not like that! W-Well, maybe I am... {albel: ok, this one and the next line are hard. even reading LN I can't fully make out what she tried to say here. But here is the clarifying context: she objects to that understanding of herself. i.e. that she's a understanding-nothing thinking-only-of-herself cute-only-in-appearance brat. What is not made clear enough here is that she thinks she did things not only for herself but also partly out of pity for poor helpless energyless kuchinawa-san. and she wants him to confirm that and that's why she calls up to him later.  hence it's not "That's not it", it's "No, I'm not like that. Well, maybe I am..."}{i tried -forks}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:38.81,0:02:44.09,Default,,0,0,0,,Yes, it's something I'm doing, reluctantly, for my own sake! I'm trying to atone for my own mistake. I'm trying to cover it up... {deception? check tl -forks} {albel: yeah, deception. maybe better to say "deceit". She likely refers to herself lying to K-o-chan about not being possessed and stuff in order to accomplish her goal. Also there was no need to lump atonement and deception into one with comma, those technically are separate sentences. She enumerates what she was/is doing, and how it's selfish and bad, in order to say "but <context from previous line>". Anyway "It's what I'm doing for my own sake (reference to selfisness/thinking about herself), having no (other) choice (ideally this should have been an adverb having-no-choice-ly). It's an atonement. It's a deceit."}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:44.09,0:02:45.64,Default,,0,0,0,,But... But...
Dialogue: 0,0:02:48.85,0:02:51.90,Default,,0,0,0,,S-Say something, Kuchinawa-san.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:51.90,0:02:55.36,Default,,0,0,0,,Don't stay quiet! Please, help me!
Dialogue: 0,0:02:56.05,0:02:56.94,Default,,0,0,0,,Cover...
Dialogue: 0,0:03:00.36,0:03:02.18,Default,,0,0,0,,...for me.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:02.18,0:03:05.04,Default,,0,0,0,,Won't you stop it already, bangs girl? {albel: more precisely something like, "won't you stop it already, bangs girl?"}
Dialogue: 0,0:03:05.04,0:03:10.60,Default,,0,0,0,,Stop your persistent reliance on this "Kuchinawa-san," some god who has {\i1}not even been revived{\i0}... {albel: technically speaking, that's and the next line is one sentence. "Stop depending/relying on some not even yet revived god you call "Kuchinawa-san", and...".  in LN the "not-even-yet-revived" part is stressed. Since HS already introduced some quotation marks in speech that are only visible in LN, I guess it would be prudent if we highlight kuchinawa's nonexistence here too}
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.60,0:03:13.29,Default,,0,0,0,,...and give us that talisman at once. {albel: just reminding that if you added "and..." in the previous line, this one probably needs to start from downcase.}
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.29,0:03:17.67,Default,,0,0,0,,That magic talisman that Gaen Izuko entrusted my master with.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:21.32,0:03:24.05,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}Wrapped around my wrist was nothing more...{\i0} {albel: ugh, does "wrapped there" even work for bracelet-thingies?  巻き付く [まきつく] /(v5k) to twine around/  for a lack of good synonym. also see typeset at 3:23, it should be changed to use chosen verb respectively}{can't really think of anything better -forks}
Dialogue: 0,0:03:24.05,0:03:28.89,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}...than a plain white scrunchie. One that seems totally good for tying hair up with.{\i0} {albel: "A very easy-to-tie-hair-up-with one". kidding kidding. it's ok like it is now.}
Dialogue: 0,0:03:36.02,0:03:38.74,Default,,0,0,0,,Shinobu, don't say things that'll agitate her.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:41.02,0:03:42.36,Default,,0,0,0,,Sengoku!
Dialogue: 0,0:03:42.36,0:03:44.24,Default,,0,0,0,,Stop it, Sengoku! There's still time...
Dialogue: 0,0:03:44.24,0:03:44.99,Default,,0,0,0,,No there isn't! {albel: literally, "no, there isn't (time)"}
Dialogue: 0,0:03:45.49,0:03:48.37,Default,,0,0,0,,I have to eat her! It's already too late for her! {albel: more literally "(there's no other way but) eat (her). It's already too late for this woman". disregard at will.}
Dialogue: 0,0:03:48.37,0:03:50.79,Default,,0,0,0,,Th-The fact that it's too late... {albel: literally, together with the next line "As much as the fact that it's too late is something I understand better than anyone". "the most aware of" has more shouting potential, but it sounds to me as if it's a thing she knows best, not that she is the one who understands it best. but use it anyway, if you want.}
Dialogue: 0,0:03:53.12,0:03:57.04,Default,,0,0,0,, something {\i1}I{\i0} understand the most!
Dialogue: 0,0:03:59.96,0:04:01.80,Default,,0,0,0,,Damn you, reptile! {albel: literally "That reptile" / "You (damned) reptile, you". current translation is good.}
Dialogue: 0,0:04:02.55,0:04:04.14,Default,,0,0,0,,Shinobu!
Dialogue: 0,0:04:13.22,0:04:14.31,Default,,0,0,0,,Why?
Dialogue: 0,0:04:15.56,0:04:19.57,Default,,0,0,0,,Why do you save Shinobu-san, Koyomi-oniichan?
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.22,0:04:21.44,Default,,0,0,0,,Sengoku...
Dialogue: 0,0:04:21.44,0:04:24.82,Default,,0,0,0,,Yet you didn't try to save me! {albel: literally "Even though you didn't save me". "try" and "at all" is not there, although it can probably be understood like that.}
Dialogue: 0,0:04:25.53,0:04:27.03,Default,,0,0,0,,Koyomi-oniichan!
Dialogue: 0,0:04:27.03,0:04:28.41,Default,,0,0,0,,Koyomi-oniichan!
Dialogue: 0,0:04:28.41,0:04:29.66,Default,,0,0,0,,Koyomi-oniichan!
Dialogue: 0,0:04:29.66,0:04:31.21,Default,,0,0,0,,Koyomi-oniichan!
Dialogue: 0,0:04:31.21,0:04:32.54,Default,,0,0,0,,Koyomi-oniichan!
Dialogue: 0,0:04:32.54,0:04:34.71,Default,,0,0,0,,Koyomi-oniichan!
Dialogue: 0,0:04:38.29,0:04:40.71,Default,,0,0,0,,Me too...
Dialogue: 0,0:04:40.71,0:04:42.12,Default,,0,0,0,,Me too!
Dialogue: 0,0:04:42.12,0:04:43.47,Default,,0,0,0,,Me too!
Dialogue: 0,0:04:47.89,0:04:52.10,Default,,0,0,0,,Even though I love you too, Koyomi-oniichan! {albel: more precisely "Even though I love you too, Koyomi-oniichan". Maybe change all previous "Me too"/"+1"/"op sucks" to "Even though". but meh, that sucks. dunno how to make "Nadeko datte" translate identically in the previous lines and the start of this line}{mmgh, i don't know either... unless you're a weirdo, you don't speak in the 3rd person in english, else i'd suggest simply "Nadeko too" and "Nadeko too loves you, Koyomi-oniichan!" -forks}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:03.16,0:05:06.38,Default,,0,0,0,,And so the story returns to the beginning.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:06.38,0:05:09.26,Default,,0,0,0,,Welcome back. Was it fun?
Dialogue: 0,0:05:09.26,0:05:11.04,Default,,0,0,0,,That's good to hear.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:11.85,0:05:12.95,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm alone.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:14.21,0:05:18.88,Default,,0,0,0,,I am overwhelmingly alone. I am the only one standing.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:18.88,0:05:21.13,Default,,0,0,0,,The other two have fallen.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:21.96,0:05:24.26,Default,,0,0,0,,It would've been better if they hadn't chased after me.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:25.98,0:05:27.05,Default,,0,0,0,,Too weak.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:29.55,0:05:35.02,Default,,0,0,0,,What kind of story was this in the end, anyway? Well, Kuchinawa-san? {albel: does "what kind of story was this in the end anyway" sound ok even? "In the end/After all... What kind of story was this?". pity it doesn't blend well with the next sentence, because in LN she asked several questions in row last being "why did it end up like this?" and he responds with "it's all your fault"}{it works with that comma -forks}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:35.35,0:05:41.27,Default,,0,0,0,,I've been saying it's all your fault, Nadeko-chan. Haven't I, huh?
Dialogue: 0,0:05:41.27,0:05:48.39,Default,,0,0,0,,Kuchinawa-san answers. Cynical as usual. As if he was picking a fight with me. {albel: it's a narration referring to previous sentence, so maybe "...answers kuchinawa-san". also the whole line is one long sentence. "Kuchinawa-san answers in his usual, cynical, as if picking up a fight tone"}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:48.39,0:05:51.66,Default,,0,0,0,,No, "as usual" is a weird way of putting it. {and "a weird phrase to say" is a weird phrase to say too. -forks} {albel: well, literally "weird words (to say)". but really "No, "usual" is a strange thing to say"}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:52.41,0:06:00.19,Default,,0,0,0,,This apparition called "Kuchinawa-san" is a god that was revived just several hours ago when I ate that talisman.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:00.19,0:06:03.93,Default,,0,0,0,,Until just now, such an apparition had not existed. {albel: "ima no ima made" is usually translated "until just now", but w/e}
Dialogue: 0,0:06:04.42,0:06:08.03,Default,,0,0,0,,He didn't exist but within my heart. {albel: literally "he didn't exist anywhere but within my heart". this, previous, and the following sentence about existence of gods only in people would best sound similarly wrt negation, methinks, but w/e}
Dialogue: 0,0:06:08.68,0:06:11.62,Default,,0,0,0,,That's essentially enough, though. {spliced for sense -forks} {albel: not really necessary. it's not "usually" there. it's "essentially"/"in the first place". And the next line didn't need to start with "for".  }
Dialogue: 0,0:06:11.62,0:06:18.19,Default,,0,0,0,,Apparitions—even gods—don't exist but within each individual in the first place.   {albel: "(So called) Apparitions, and gods too, (is a thing that) don't exist anywhere but within individuals in the first place". maybe use hyphens instead of commas.  and decide on use "exist only" vs "don't exist anywhere but".}{i got halfway there, dunno why i left it -forks}
Dialogue: 0,0:06:18.19,0:06:24.25,Default,,0,0,0,,{\an8}TL Note: "faith" is 信仰, which in this anime seems to be spiritual energy from belief and worship, which can resurrect lost gods and realize wishes. (we couldn't really TL better, orz)
Dialogue: 0,0:06:18.19,0:06:24.25,Default,,0,0,0,,This image you forced onto me is enough of a faith already. {albel: meh, this is hard. "And this image/impression (of me) you forced on me is enough of a faith". meh. meaning is something like "this image of me in your head is already (qualified to be called/ enough of)  a religious belief   (strong reverence of me fucking enough to bring me back) in itself".}
Dialogue: 0,0:06:24.69,0:06:29.34,Default,,0,0,0,,Faith... In other words, I accidentally created the apparition "Kuchinawa-san"... {albel: taking in account previous sentence "worship" would be instead "faith" or some other word chosen there. "In other words, with/by that image I just arbitrarily(katte ni) accidentally(chatta) created in my mind an apparition called "Kuchinawa-san"?"}{i probably fucked this up, but i re-ordered it and tried to follow what you were saying -forks}
Dialogue: 0,0:06:29.34,0:06:33.45,Default,,0,0,0,,...with just that arbitrary image I formed in my mind?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:33.45,0:06:39.81,Default,,0,0,0,,And thus you single-handedly revived a faith which perished long ago. {albel: "And thus you...". technically speaking, they talk about reviving a perished faith, not some eradicated creature. but somehow these concepts must be equalized here to make sense, even though it's the same 信仰 as before. dunno what to do. maybe we can compromise by using "worship" instead of "faith" everywhere, and saying "creature of worship" here like HS did... remind me, why am I needed even? oh wait, his main idea is that people's belief in itself is (enough for) apparition existence... good luck delivering that in english}
Dialogue: 0,0:06:39.81,0:06:41.83,Default,,0,0,0,,Talk about an amazing delusion!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:42.34,0:06:47.40,Default,,0,0,0,,Delusion... In other words, the Kuchinawa-san I thought was my partner... {albel: better use "in other words" again. at least it's the same "tsumari" as in the sentence at 6:24. also not "felt" but "thought", but w/e flows.}
Dialogue: 0,0:06:47.40,0:06:51.18,Default,,0,0,0,,...was really a hallucination, both visually and aurally?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:54.14,0:06:59.24,Default,,0,0,0,,Why I knew by touch, even though I couldn't see inside my shoe rack due to the angle...{meaning is unclear, also needs ellipsis work. also changed "shoebox" to "shoe cubby" -forks} {albel: Together with the next line it is "To understand by touch, not even being able to look inside my shoe cubby due to the angle, that it's a snake, and a white one at that, is atarimae no hanashi". need to translate "atarimae no hanashi" so that the noun for "hanashi" could be used in the following couple of sentences. I can only translate it here as "obvious/natural thing"}
Dialogue: 0,0:06:59.24,0:07:02.65,Default,,0,0,0,,...that it was a snake, and a white one at that, has an obvious explanation.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:03.30,0:07:07.90,Default,,0,0,0,,Because it was my own delusion, there's no way I wouldn't know. {albel: didn't? not wouldn't? i.e. "there's no way I wouldn't know/understand (that it was a white snake)}{wouldn't is correct -forks}
Dialogue: 0,0:07:09.61,0:07:12.25,Default,,0,0,0,,This is all a rather silly tale. {albel: "somewhat silly hanashi, isn't it?"}
Dialogue: 0,0:07:12.25,0:07:16.12,Default,,0,0,0,,No, not just a tale... this is an actual story. {albel: another "hanashi" plus contrast with "monogatari".}
Dialogue: 0,0:07:16.12,0:07:23.08,Default,,0,0,0,,Well still, with that you actually revived a god, me, so you're really something. {"But, well, you actually revived a god, me, like this, so you're really something." the number of commas is too damn high! probably needs tlc though -forks} {albel: both translations are ok to me, if by "like this" you mean "revived like this" not "god like this", which is apparently the case. I also suggest "with that" or "by that"}{gut -forks}
Dialogue: 0,0:07:24.31,0:07:30.34,Default,,0,0,0,,Nadeko, to summarize, for that purpose, you fabricated a story. {albel: there's no "just". also maybe yoda-shift accent onto "fabricated" and go "for that purpose you fabricated a story"}
Dialogue: 0,0:07:30.91,0:07:33.47,Default,,0,0,0,,Fabricated a story...
Dialogue: 0,0:07:33.47,0:07:38.86,Default,,0,0,0,,The real Nadeko-chan had been living a life that had no prospect of becoming an actual story. {albel: another mention of "life with no story-like quality", how did we translate it the last couple of times? also "living" here is modified by "zatto", which probably would be best understood as "cursorily" here. also missing "just/only" nuance. i.e. all she did was cursorily living blah-blah.}{rectified}
Dialogue: 0,0:07:38.86,0:07:43.31,Default,,0,0,0,,As one adept at escaping reality, this was your biggest escape.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:43.68,0:07:44.65,Default,,0,0,0,,But...
Dialogue: 0,0:07:45.02,0:07:49.11,Default,,0,0,0,,You say that the Kuchinawa-san up to now was just my delusion, but... {albel: there's no "everything". just plain "(if we're to consider the idea that) you until now was my fantasy..." maybe throw in "To say" if it means the stuff in braces and/or improves the flow }
Dialogue: 0,0:07:49.11,0:07:52.03,Default,,0,0,0,,You knew things I didn't, Kuchinawa-san.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:53.06,0:08:00.87,Default,,0,0,0,,Impossible, just impossible. It was your delusion, so at that time I didn't possess any knowledge you didn't. {albel: "me at that time" instead of "I". and maybe use "possess" instead of "have". also "it was your fantasy" not "it is your fantasy"}{trimmed off "That's" at the beginning, unneeded and keeps it to 2 lines instead of 3 -forks}
Dialogue: 0,0:08:00.87,0:08:03.67,Default,,0,0,0,,Th-Then how...
Dialogue: 0,0:08:03.67,0:08:06.32,Default,,0,0,0,,You're just forgetting it all. {albel: maybe "are forgetting"? like continuous action implying she's forcefully keeping her memories blocked?}
Dialogue: 0,0:08:06.32,0:08:12.52,Default,,0,0,0,,In June, you were reading at the bookstore, in order to undo the charm placed on you... {albel: some stuff omitted for irrelevance, I guess. like "reading (while standing without buying)". maybe throw in "in order to" before "undo" and "placed" before "on you", because I like long stuff... wait, that didn't sound right}{yeah man, sounds good}
Dialogue: 0,0:08:12.52,0:08:15.68,Default,,0,0,0,,...thus you have gained some specialized knowledge. {albel: "and thus you have obtained/acquired some specialized knowledge"}
Dialogue: 0,0:08:17.88,0:08:20.54,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm pretty confused about all this.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:21.94,0:08:26.94,Default,,0,0,0,,Can you tell me, Kuchinawa-san? What happened for things to end up like this? {added Kuchinawa-san -forks} {albel: add a comma too} {oh you, ty}
Dialogue: 0,0:08:26.94,0:08:29.44,Default,,0,0,0,,It's clear to you, right, Kuchinawa-san..? {added Kuchinawa-san -forks} {albel: literally "it(what happened from previous sentence) is known/clear to kuchinawa-san". this is obviously ugly and I don't suggest to use that, but the point is, the next couple of lines are connected to this one, e.g. "it's clear to kuchinawa-san", "to the current kuchinawa-san", "to the really revived not my fantasy kuchinawa-san". try putting that into proper english}
Dialogue: 0,0:08:29.83,0:08:31.94,Default,,0,0,0,,To the current Kuchinawa-san... {added Kuchinawa-san -forks}
Dialogue: 0,0:08:31.94,0:08:36.45,Default,,0,0,0,,The not-Nadeko's-delusion, really-revived Kuchinawa-san.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:37.17,0:08:41.55,Default,,0,0,0,,But that's exactly why I think this conversation is utterly stupid. {albel: missing "exactly" nuance. "that's exactly why", disregard at will}
Dialogue: 0,0:08:41.55,0:08:45.43,Default,,0,0,0,,Because the present Kuchinawa-san and I are on equal ground. {albel: "Because present kuchinawa-san is an equal to me". not sure about "an". maybe he just equals to her. but it doesn't seem to be a verb here, although it would may made more sense in the context}
Dialogue: 0,0:08:45.43,0:08:49.46,Default,,0,0,0,,Because he surpassed delusion and possession, and became equal. {albel: literally "Because He's fantasy-surpassed dependency-surpassed sameness/equality". Did it make sense? I guess not. Anyway, like in surrounding sentences, it starts with "Because", because she enumerates reasons for her talking to herself being stupid. Also, not sure that after just mentioning "surpassing possession" it would become immediately obvious that it wasn't him who was possessed. the japanese word used generally means "dependency" and "possession" only when referring to spirits. you see where it comes from. maybe throw in "being" to make sense of it. e.g. "Because he surpassed being fantasy and possession, and became equal with me".}
Dialogue: 0,0:08:49.46,0:08:56.59,Default,,0,0,0,,{\an8} TL Note:  {\i1}yorishiro{\i0} is an object representative of a divine spirit, or to which a spirit is drawn or summoned, or an animal/person occupied by a god.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:49.46,0:08:56.59,Default,,0,0,0,,Because he revived from that talisman, which I swallowed whole, turning my body into the {\i1}yorishiro{\i0}. {albel: this is still continued enumeration of reasons so it must start with because. also preferably kuchinawa-san should be in active voice. i.e. not "he was revived" but "he made a comeback" or something less lame. but don't try too hard inventing it. also "yorishiro" instead of "representative object" + TL Note for "yorishiro". My best attempt is "Because he was revived from that talisman he was sealed in, which I swallowed whole, turning my body into yorishiro"}{took out "that he was sealed in" because it's obvious and too long, still needs a TL note -forks}
Dialogue: 0,0:08:56.59,0:08:59.97,Default,,0,0,0,,Because Kuchinawa-san is me, Nadeko. {albel: last "Because"}
Dialogue: 0,0:09:01.64,0:09:06.65,Default,,0,0,0,,So from here on it's just something like a monologue. As usual. {albel: "mere" is in wrong place. "it's just something like monologue".}
Dialogue: 0,0:09:07.15,0:09:12.99,Default,,0,0,0,,I wonder if my delusion started when I saw the white snake in the shoe rack? {changed "shoebox" to "shoe cubby", someone come up with a better wording maybe? -forks} {albel: "That means" is kind of right translation but only in LN context, where there was some other intermediate text. But here it's a missing reference and this sentence also has wondering nuance, so I suggest replacing it with "I wonder if my fantasy...", to start a new topic which it is.} {albel: PS. maybe "shoe shelf" or "shoe rack"?}{i like shoe rack better -forks}
Dialogue: 0,0:09:12.99,0:09:17.87,Default,,0,0,0,,Not quite. It was around the beginning of the month before last.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:17.87,0:09:20.91,Default,,0,0,0,,Two months ago... Beginning of September?
Dialogue: 0,0:09:22.50,0:09:26.65,Default,,0,0,0,,When you found out Koyomi-oniichan had a girlfriend.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:26.65,0:09:31.63,Default,,0,0,0,,When you saw him walking with his girlfriend in a very amiable manner.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:31.63,0:09:34.70,Default,,0,0,0,,That is "the beginning" for you.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:34.70,0:09:35.30,Default,,0,0,0,,No...
Dialogue: 0,0:09:36.43,0:09:37.68,Default,,0,0,0,,...rather, "the end." {albel: "(should I rather say) the end". maybe put the in quotes too. and go "that is "the beginning" for you", "No", "(Should I rather say) "the end"". oh well, disregard at will}{seems like 'should i rather say "the end"' is too long for 'owari ga na" maybe. -forks}
Dialogue: 0,0:09:39.35,0:09:48.15,Default,,0,0,0,,Just like what your friend did to you, Nadeko-chan. You just got jealous of her. Of that girlfriend.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:48.98,0:09:52.35,Default,,0,0,0,,And so, what did I do?
Dialogue: 0,0:09:52.35,0:09:57.84,Default,,0,0,0,,You had the same idea as that friend of yours. You know what that is, huh? {albel: maybe "you had the same idea as that friend of yours". then the next line can became a full echo and be "The same idea?"}
Dialogue: 0,0:09:57.84,0:09:59.49,Default,,0,0,0,,The same idea?
Dialogue: 0,0:09:59.49,0:10:00.49,Default,,0,0,0,,In other words.
Dialogue: 0,0:10:01.62,0:10:03.49,Default,,0,0,0,,You prayed to a god.
Dialogue: 0,0:10:04.17,0:10:05.50,Default,,0,0,0,,To a god?
Dialogue: 0,0:10:05.50,0:10:09.28,Default,,0,0,0,,Once you found out he had a girlfriend...
Dialogue: 0,0:10:09.28,0:10:15.26,Default,,0,0,0,, came to pray at this shrine whenever you had time. You don't remember any of it?
Dialogue: 0,0:10:16.12,0:10:20.11,Default,,0,0,0,,I don't. In other words, the Hundred Worships ritual?
Dialogue: 0,0:10:20.11,0:10:22.51,Default,,0,0,0,,Though you haven't made so many as a hundred trips. {albel: no "yet" and missing "sasuga ni" nuance. "well, as much as a whole hundred trips you haven't made."}
Dialogue: 0,0:10:24.28,0:10:28.59,Default,,0,0,0,,"Simply praying to a god... this probably won't work." {albel: not "credibility". "certainty of realization".}
Dialogue: 0,0:10:28.59,0:10:31.98,Default,,0,0,0,,That's how everyone likely thinks. But not you, right? {albel: well "should" is not exactly right word here. hazu means a high expectation that thing is like stated. e.g. "that's how everyone likely/probably thinks".}
Dialogue: 0,0:10:31.98,0:10:38.24,Default,,0,0,0,,Because in June, here in this shrine, you broke the magic charm placed on you by your friend.
Dialogue: 0,0:10:38.24,0:10:44.16,Default,,0,0,0,,"Meet an apparition and you'll be drawn to them." Is that what that meant? {albel: maybe add quotes around the meet phrase, b/c it's a citation of aloha-guy. and maybe change to "meant", respectively}
Dialogue: 0,0:10:44.16,0:10:49.29,Default,,0,0,0,,In other words, because I got to know of apparitions, I've come to believe in them.
Dialogue: 0,0:10:50.17,0:10:55.67,Default,,0,0,0,,{\an8}TL Note: {\i1}kamitsukareta{\i0} from kamitsuku, both 噛み付く(bite) and 神憑く(god-possess).
Dialogue: 0,0:10:50.17,0:10:55.67,Default,,0,0,0,,I see. The fact that praying to a god worked was something I learned back then.
Dialogue: 0,0:10:55.67,0:11:00.84,Default,,0,0,0,,But even if that's the case, there would be no meaning for me to do such a thing {\i1}here{\i0}.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:02.10,0:11:06.73,Default,,0,0,0,,A shrine that exhausted its faith, because there were no gods residing here. {albel: another worship which is really "faith". we need to discuss what term to choose considering all its previous uses. also missing "because" on "there was no god (residing here)"}
Dialogue: 0,0:11:06.73,0:11:13.36,Default,,0,0,0,,Right. That morning, this fact was pointed out to you by that girl, Oshino Ougi.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:16.84,0:11:18.87,Default,,0,0,0,,By the way, Nadeko-chan.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:18.87,0:11:23.98,Default,,0,0,0,,I happen to spot you often. And you seem to frequent that shrine. {albel: maybe "spot" instead of "see" (remember koyomi-oniichan and his women?)}
Dialogue: 0,0:11:23.98,0:11:26.91,Default,,0,0,0,,And I don't know what you're praying for...
Dialogue: 0,0:11:26.91,0:11:27.91,Default,,0,0,0,,But it's useless.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:29.05,0:11:33.23,Default,,0,0,0,,That shrine doesn't have a god. Didn't you know? {albel: maybe reverse the relationship, to reflect how it's in japanese. "There's no god in that shrine" . also "Didn't you know?" may sound better. }
Dialogue: 0,0:11:33.23,0:11:38.30,Default,,0,0,0,,If the {\i1}shintai{\i0} were returned, it would be a different story. And by the way, that object... {albel: more sensibly "it would be a different story" .  also missing "by the way" in "And by the way,, that object"}
Dialogue: 0,0:11:38.30,0:11:41.18,Default,,0,0,0,, in Araragi-senpai's hands now.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:41.18,0:11:46.02,Default,,0,0,0,,Gaen Izuko-san entrusted him with it. Mere months ago. {albel: maybe simply "entrusted to him" instead of "trusted to hold on to it".}
Dialogue: 0,0:11:46.02,0:11:48.68,Default,,0,0,0,,It's somewhere in the Araragi residence, maybe? {albel: not really "sure". for the whole talk ougi is saying stuff "I wonder"/"I dunno"/"right?", i.e. feigns ignorance and doubt, and seeking reassurance from listener, while spewing completely correct information. So her "sure"s should probably be converted to "likely". "It's somewhere in the Araragi residence, maybe?"}
Dialogue: 0,0:11:49.56,0:11:54.11,Default,,0,0,0,,If that god were revived... The seal broken...
Dialogue: 0,0:11:54.11,0:11:58.54,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm sure it could easily grant your wish, Nadeko-chan.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:58.54,0:11:59.69,Default,,0,0,0,,No, really.
Dialogue: 0,0:12:01.40,0:12:04.74,Default,,0,0,0,,How to break the seal? I wouldn't know. {from "I don't know how." -forks} {albel: literally "something like that I don't know". maybe "hell if I know!". but disregard at will.}
Dialogue: 0,0:12:05.55,0:12:11.39,Default,,0,0,0,,Since it's a snake god, maybe you should grab some snake slithering around and get it to swallow it whole? {this needs some sort of direct object, like " swallow it whole." or " swallow the talisman whole." etc. still would be a poor sentence, needs work -forks} {albel: well, the general idea is like that a) grab one of doze snakes (living) in the vicinty b) make it swallow the shintai whole c) since we're talking about a snake god, maybe it would/I wonder if that will be enough d) ... e) profit}
Dialogue: 0,0:12:11.39,0:12:16.55,Default,,0,0,0,,And that tasteless scrunchie was also something you got from that high school girl... {albel: "And that tasteless scrunchie also was something that you received from that high-school girl, as a "sign of (making) acquaintance".}
Dialogue: 0,0:12:16.55,0:12:21.72,Default,,0,0,0,, a "sign of making acquaintance." If you had that "deep of a conversation"... {albel: I suggest moving deep conversation part to the line below and sign of aquaintance part to the line above. these belong to completely separate sentences, and I don't like how they ended up united in this line. HS probably just split it this uglily to make oneliners.}
Dialogue: 0,0:12:21.72,0:12:24.22,Default,,0,0,0,, would make sense that time would fly. {albel: "Having had this "deep of a conversation" no surprize that time flew.". my english fails me here. anyway,  any expression would do in place of "no surprize"/"it would make sense"/etc. The quotes around "deep conversation" originate from LN, not sure what they wanted to highlight there, it could have been just translated by "having been so deeply in coversation" without any quotes, but maybe they hint at ougi "talking her in" (that's another way one can intuitively understand the verb). the actual verb used there actually means "to be entranced to occurring talk as much as to forget about time passing", in case anyone wondered}
Dialogue: 0,0:12:25.47,0:12:31.56,Default,,0,0,0,,And with that as the catalyst, I had started the fabrication of a story.
Dialogue: 0,0:12:32.77,0:12:40.11,Default,,0,0,0,,Atonement for killing the snakes... Even things like that were merely believable excuses for me. {"just likely" to "likely just" -forks} {albel: well it's really the first way around.  maybe use "merely" , e.g. "Even things like that were merely/nothing more than likely excuses for me, right?"}
Dialogue: 0,0:12:40.44,0:12:48.03,Default,,0,0,0,,A story I created to find a talisman, Kuchinawa-san's {\i1}shintai{\i0}, in Koyomi-oniichan's room.   {albel: word order yeah baby here we go. "A story I created to find a talisman, Kuchinawa-san's shintai, in Koyomi-oniichan's room", maybe? maybe using hyphens instead of commas. well, disregard at will.}
Dialogue: 0,0:12:48.43,0:12:52.00,Default,,0,0,0,,For the sake of that I used even my own sins. {albel: well, in japanese the "even" is on "my sins" not on "used". i.e. "For (the sake of) that I used even my own sins". but disregard if it sounds ugly.}
Dialogue: 0,0:12:52.39,0:12:58.25,Default,,0,0,0,,For the sake of my own selfish wishes, I tried to revive a god. {albel: "For (the sake of) my own selfish wishes I tried/attempted to revive a god". maybe will sound better if you changed word order in previous line }
Dialogue: 0,0:12:58.63,0:13:03.51,Default,,0,0,0,,For the sake of reviving a god, I fabricated the god's voice. {albel: "For (the sake of) reviving a god, I fabricated the god's voice".}
Dialogue: 0,0:13:03.88,0:13:08.30,Default,,0,0,0,,I wasn't just simply hallucinating, I was looking away from reality. {albel: "Not just was I looking at illusion/hallucination, I was looking away from reality (of her selfish wishes, etc)". meh, sounds bad, disregard.}
Dialogue: 0,0:13:09.35,0:13:12.47,Default,,0,0,0,,Using the story I created as a decoy... {albel: technically it's the same sentence as the next line, maybe ellipsis?} {albel: PS. take the typeset at 13:12 into consideration}
Dialogue: 0,0:13:13.48,0:13:17.23,Default,,0,0,0,,...behind the scenes, I was plotting the god's reinstatement.
Dialogue: 0,0:13:17.90,0:13:22.69,Default,,0,0,0,,But how'd you unlock the door to Koyomi-oniichan's house from inside? {albel: in reality, this sentence only makes sense if it's not about "I" but about "you (kuchinawa-san)", and it's asked in the same manner as some of the previous sentences about kuchinawa-san, so I guess that's it. Anyway, it was him who crawled under the door and supposedly opened it from the inside to let her in. So now we have a choice. either reformulate "I" to "you", or change "inside" to "outside"}
Dialogue: 0,0:13:22.69,0:13:24.95,Default,,0,0,0,,In reality, you just used a key.
Dialogue: 0,0:13:25.49,0:13:29.45,Default,,0,0,0,,Why do you think you left the house the night before in a way your parents would notice... {albel: it's one sentence with the next line. "Why do you think you arranged leaving your house the night before in a way your parents would notice/discover, so that this information would reach Tsukihi-chan and Koyomi-oniichan?"}
Dialogue: 0,0:13:29.45,0:13:35.54,Default,,0,0,0,, this information would reach Tsukihi and Koyomi-oniichan?
Dialogue: 0,0:13:35.54,0:13:40.29,Default,,0,0,0,,So you could enter the Araragi residence and "borrow" a key, of course. {albel: heh, the "pilfer" here is actually polite humble verb for "borrow", but w/e. also "darou ga" nuance maybe can be conveyed with "of course" or "what else"}
Dialogue: 0,0:13:40.29,0:13:46.70,Default,,0,0,0,,Though, being that calculating and committing not only breaking and entering, but larceny as well...
Dialogue: 0,0:13:46.70,0:13:50.30,Default,,0,0,0,,Koyomi-oniichan and Shinobu-san found me out regardless. {albel: maybe "I still (i.e. despite planning and not stopping at anything) got found out/discovered by..." for better english flow, even though "still" is not really there.}
Dialogue: 0,0:13:50.59,0:13:53.81,Default,,0,0,0,,It seems I'm not fit to be a thief. {albel: "It seems I'm not fit to be a thief"}
Dialogue: 0,0:13:53.81,0:13:55.85,Default,,0,0,0,,{\an8}TL Note: {\i1}muite{\i0} can mean to be fit for/suitable, but also to face/turn towards.
Dialogue: 0,0:13:53.81,0:13:55.85,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm not fit ({\i1}muite{\i0}) for anything. {why is (muite) here? -forks} {albel: because there's a play of words with the typeset at 13:57. also, maybe translate it as "fit" everywhere. E.g. "I'm not fit for anything."  just remember to keep it consistent among the lines below}
Dialogue: 0,0:13:57.52,0:14:03.40,Default,,0,0,0,,No, no... You properly revived me, so you're fit... {albel: again, "fit" for consistency. also, there's really no "were able" and "like this", but maybe it's good for the flow. literally, "no no, you properly revived me, so you're fit"}
Dialogue: 0,0:14:03.40,0:14:05.49,Default,,0,0,0,,Fit for what? {albel: "fit to" for consistency }{fit for is more betterer -forks}
Dialogue: 0,0:14:06.40,0:14:07.65,Default,,0,0,0,,A god. {maybe "godhood" to flow better with previous lines? -forks} {albel: in line with "fit to be a thief" above,  I suggest "To be a god"}{it works now -forks}
Dialogue: 0,0:14:09.57,0:14:13.79,Default,,0,0,0,,Jokes aside, you are a god now, Nadeko-chan.
Dialogue: 0,0:14:13.79,0:14:21.67,Default,,0,0,0,,You revived me from my {\i1}shintai{\i0}, that talisman, turning your body into the {\i1}yorishiro{\i0}. {albel: oh fuck da word order. also use "yorishiro" instead of reprobject. "You revived me from my shintai, that talisman I was sealed in, turning your body into/using your body as yorishiro"}
Dialogue: 0,0:14:22.09,0:14:27.59,Default,,0,0,0,,I have been very conveniently listening to or ignoring what others say... {albel: meh, utter fail. firstly it's all past continuous tense.  and  secondly, it's one sentence with the next two lines. "I have been awfully conveniently listening or not listening to what other had to say, twisting reality, fooling myself."  }
Dialogue: 0,0:14:27.59,0:14:29.59,Default,,0,0,0,,...twisting reality...
Dialogue: 0,0:14:29.59,0:14:32.64,Default,,0,0,0,,...and fooling myself.
Dialogue: 0,0:14:32.64,0:14:34.64,Default,,0,0,0,,Well, everyone is like that though. {albel: something like "well, everyone is like that, though".}
Dialogue: 0,0:14:34.64,0:14:36.39,Default,,0,0,0,,But it couldn't be helped, right? {albel: "but it couldn't be helped, right?". it's how it's translated in the following typesets. and it also would look more like "But it can't be helped right?" when nadeko will start talking bout killing kochan.}
Dialogue: 0,0:14:37.27,0:14:42.47,Default,,0,0,0,,Everyone thinks about themselves. It's just that I was like that too. {albel: not sure if in english "like them" makes it immediately understandable that it's "like that too"/"like everyone else too"}
Dialogue: 0,0:14:42.47,0:14:44.57,Default,,0,0,0,,...By playing the victim, huh? {albel: not sure if that ellipsis is not best used in the beginning of the sentence. e.g. " playing the victim, huh."}
Dialogue: 0,0:14:45.70,0:14:50.57,Default,,0,0,0,,Victims and culprits can easily swap places. {"A" and "his" to "the" -forks} {albel: I never got our usage of the with victim and culprit. For all japanese cares here it could be "Victims and culprits", oh well, don't see anything wrong with this.}{victims and culprits seems to actually fit better -forks}
Dialogue: 0,0:14:50.57,0:14:53.68,Default,,0,0,0,,It's all about the standpoint and circumstances. {albel: maybe use better synonyms.  立場 [たちば] /(n) standpoint/position/situation/(P)/     状況 [じょうきょう] /(n,adj-no) state of affairs (around you)/situation/circumstances/(P)/   though it's pretty ok the way it is already}
Dialogue: 0,0:14:53.68,0:14:58.83,Default,,0,0,0,,Seeing the culprit as important... Seeing the victim as important... They're all the same thing. {albel: sorry, I couldn't get what they mean by 被害者重視 when they used it in other episodes, and I can't get it now. it's either explained somewhere deep in LN(unlikely) or some relatively popular japanese term associated with some social campaign or something(likely). normally this would warrant a TL Note, but I can't do anything about it for now. maybe when it comes to batch...}
Dialogue: 0,0:15:03.28,0:15:07.53,Default,,0,0,0,,Um, is there anything else I don't understand yet? {albel: strictly speaking "don't understand (yet)"}
Dialogue: 0,0:15:08.39,0:15:14.10,Default,,0,0,0,,Oh, right. When Koyomi-oniichan returned while I was rummaging about...
Dialogue: 0,0:15:14.10,0:15:17.68,Default,,0,0,0,, was such good timing, how'd he do it the first place? If only he hadn't... {albel:  "if only he hadn't...". also, synonym offerings for "searching"  物色 [ぶっしょく] /(n,vs) (1) looking for a particular person or thing/searching high and low/hunting for/rummaging/scouring (a place) looking for (something)/(2) picking out/singling out/}{i re-ordered this, because you hear "timing" in eigo here, hope it jives -forks}
Dialogue: 0,0:15:17.68,0:15:20.46,Default,,0,0,0,,Just a coincidence maybe?
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.46,0:15:23.69,Default,,0,0,0,,Like, "he just came home and happened to run into you." {albel: the "like" there is kind of quote. "Like, he just came home and accidentally found you". synonym offerings for "found": 鉢合せ [はちあわせ] /(n,vs) (1) bumping of heads/(2) running into/coming across/encountering/ }
Dialogue: 0,0:15:24.72,0:15:25.94,Default,,0,0,0,,S-
Dialogue: 0,0:15:26.35,0:15:28.82,Default,,0,0,0,,Such a convenient way of thinking. {albel: "P-Pretty convenient way of thinking you have there, haven't you?"/ "What a convenient way to think about it" / "Convenient way to think about it, innit?". translate however, as long as the sarcasm is delivered. don't forget to change previous line so that it starts with the same sound.}
Dialogue: 0,0:15:29.15,0:15:35.41,Default,,0,0,0,,That wouldn't explain why my nocturnal self was able to stay active during daylight hours.
Dialogue: 0,0:15:37.00,0:15:40.38,Default,,0,0,0,,That niece pretender has one up on me.
Dialogue: 0,0:15:41.03,0:15:45.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Finally I can hear what that scrunchie says. {albel: "Finally the words of that scrunchie became hearable to me too". editor is to make it into good english. current translation is not bad either.}
Dialogue: 0,0:15:45.35,0:15:49.59,Default,,0,0,0,,But to think, everything was to her arrangement, huh? {albel: meh, a hard one. firstly, she's kind of asking herself, like "so, everything was her arrangement, huh?". but I dunno, how to put it into good english, while preserving "but". maybe "But to think that everything...". Secondly, it's really really ambiguous whom shinobu is talking about. it could equally be kuchinawa, nadeko, and ougi. paranoia urges me to use first or third, but having no other evidence but "niece pretender" in context, I assume it's just nadeko. if a genderless pronoun could be used instead of "her", we could have had preserved the ambiguity, but oh well.}{it's totally ougi-from-the-future}
Dialogue: 0,0:15:57.26,0:15:59.59,Default,,0,0,0,,Oh well, it doesn't matter.
Dialogue: 0,0:16:01.50,0:16:04.44,Default,,0,0,0,,Let's go kill Koyomi-oniichan.
Dialogue: 0,0:16:04.73,0:16:09.60,Default,,0,0,0,,Huh? Is that all right? Isn't that mistaking the means for the end?
Dialogue: 0,0:16:09.60,0:16:12.33,Default,,0,0,0,,But it can't be helped, right? {albel: add "But" maybe}
Dialogue: 0,0:16:12.33,0:16:17.48,Default,,0,0,0,,If he stays alive, Koyomi-oniichan will keep making girlfriends and lovers.
Dialogue: 0,0:16:17.48,0:16:19.75,Default,,0,0,0,,It'd be exhausting to be heartbroken each time.
Dialogue: 0,0:16:22.12,0:16:25.47,Default,,0,0,0,,If I mean to have an unrequited love...
Dialogue: 0,0:16:25.47,0:16:29.59,Default,,0,0,0,,'d be a lot more romantic if he were dead, wouldn't it? {albel: add the reaffirming questioning maybe. "wouldn't it?" or "don't you think?"}
Dialogue: 0,0:16:30.46,0:16:34.05,Default,,0,0,0,,So your insanity is already at that level...
Dialogue: 0,0:16:35.55,0:16:36.60,Default,,0,0,0,,It can't be helped.
Dialogue: 0,0:16:37.64,0:16:40.04,Default,,0,0,0,,Since Nadeko is an apparition...
Dialogue: 0,0:16:40.57,0:16:43.66,Default,,0,0,0,,But that's "Nadeko," {albel: to be precise "But that's "nadeko", not "me"!". I'm not sure what author tries to say with that. the "watashi" vs "nadeko" distinction became 2deep4me and even LN can't help me. So, we can leave current translation , I guess.}{she is embracing her nadeko-kuchinawa-kami self over the old nadeko}
Dialogue: 0,0:16:44.02,0:16:45.77,Default,,0,0,0,,Not "me"!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:58.68,0:17:01.12,Default,,0,0,0,,Hello, Sengoku Nadeko here.
Dialogue: 0,0:17:01.12,0:17:03.87,Default,,0,0,0,,Hello, Senjougahara Hitagi here.
Dialogue: 0,0:17:05.00,0:17:08.88,Default,,0,0,0,,Good day, Sengoku-san. Is my guy still alive? {albel: hello overload. considering that before it were phone greetings, and here it's "good day", maybe we should reflect that}
Dialogue: 0,0:17:10.25,0:17:12.76,Default,,0,0,0,,For now. Barely.
Dialogue: 0,0:17:13.26,0:17:17.05,Default,,0,0,0,,{\an8}I see. Good. Looks like I barely made it in time.
Dialogue: 0,0:17:18.14,0:17:21.01,Default,,0,0,0,,{\an8}Sengoku-san, let's make a deal.
Dialogue: 0,0:17:21.01,0:17:22.43,Default,,0,0,0,,{\an8}A deal?
Dialogue: 0,0:17:22.43,0:17:29.52,Default,,0,0,0,,{\an8}You can kill me, so can you spare Araragi-kun? And if she's still alive, spare Shinobu-san too.
Dialogue: 0,0:17:31.15,0:17:32.03,Default,,0,0,0,,Can't.
Dialogue: 0,0:17:33.03,0:17:38.46,Default,,0,0,0,,I'll kill Koyomi-oniichan and you too. Shinobu-san as well.
Dialogue: 0,0:17:38.46,0:17:42.29,Default,,0,0,0,,I planned to from the start, so I can't make a deal like that.
Dialogue: 0,0:17:42.29,0:17:45.90,Default,,0,0,0,,Oh, that's a shame. It can't be helped, then. {albel: maybe "can't be helped, then"}
Dialogue: 0,0:17:45.90,0:17:49.79,Default,,0,0,0,,Then I'll give you some advice as someone with more life experience.
Dialogue: 0,0:17:49.79,0:17:54.67,Default,,0,0,0,,You should think hard about the order in which you kill those three, which includes me.
Dialogue: 0,0:17:55.30,0:17:59.44,Default,,0,0,0,,You absolutely can't kill Araragi-kun before Shinobu-san.
Dialogue: 0,0:17:59.44,0:18:02.88,Default,,0,0,0,,If you do, her link to him will be broken...
Dialogue: 0,0:18:02.88,0:18:10.06,Default,,0,0,0,,...and she'll regain her original powers as a legendary vampire. She'll eat up someone like you in no time.
Dialogue: 0,0:18:10.06,0:18:13.82,Default,,0,0,0,,Yeah, you're right. Got it. {albel: maybe "Got it" instead of "I understand".}
Dialogue: 0,0:18:14.76,0:18:19.20,Default,,0,0,0,,And before that, you should kill me first and foremost.
Dialogue: 0,0:18:19.20,0:18:21.49,Default,,0,0,0,,Or not only will I kill you...
Dialogue: 0,0:18:21.81,0:18:23.33,Default,,0,0,0,,...I'll kill everyone.
Dialogue: 0,0:18:23.33,0:18:25.45,Default,,0,0,0,,E-Everyone?
Dialogue: 0,0:18:25.45,0:18:29.29,Default,,0,0,0,,Everyone, yes. Don't take the venting of my anger lightly.
Dialogue: 0,0:18:30.25,0:18:39.90,Default,,0,0,0,,All right. Then the order I should kill in is: you first, then Shinobu-san, and Koyomi-oniichan last, right? {changed from "All right. Then the order I should kill is you first, then Shinobu-san, and Koyomi-oniichan last." -forks} {albel: well, their translation is more literal, but your rewording is ok. maybe throw in confirming "right?" in the end.}
Dialogue: 0,0:18:39.90,0:18:40.89,Default,,0,0,0,,Thanks.
Dialogue: 0,0:18:41.55,0:18:46.81,Default,,0,0,0,,You don't need to thank me. But in return, Sengoku-san, can I ask you one favor?
Dialogue: 0,0:18:48.02,0:18:53.40,Default,,0,0,0,,You are now a god that should be worshipped. The owner of that shrine.
Dialogue: 0,0:18:53.40,0:18:57.24,Default,,0,0,0,,I think you can listen to the general populace's wishes, like mine, right?
Dialogue: 0,0:18:58.99,0:19:00.99,Default,,0,0,0,,I'll listen, but no more.
Dialogue: 0,0:19:01.49,0:19:08.54,Default,,0,0,0,,You can kill us in that order. But before you do, can you give us a little bit of time?
Dialogue: 0,0:19:08.54,0:19:09.62,Default,,0,0,0,,Time?
Dialogue: 0,0:19:09.62,0:19:13.63,Default,,0,0,0,,Like a day, two days, a week, a month...
Dialogue: 0,0:19:14.29,0:19:15.67,Default,,0,0,0,,...or six months.
Dialogue: 0,0:19:16.94,0:19:20.80,Default,,0,0,0,,It shouldn't matter if your intent to kill is true.
Dialogue: 0,0:19:20.80,0:19:24.79,Default,,0,0,0,,If those are your true feelings, and not fleeting ones, you should be able to wait.  {albel: to be precise "if that's your true feelings not fleeting ones", but w/e}
Dialogue: 0,0:19:25.36,0:19:28.81,Default,,0,0,0,,Six months? What happens in six months?
Dialogue: 0,0:19:28.81,0:19:30.60,Default,,0,0,0,,Graduation.
Dialogue: 0,0:19:31.04,0:19:33.24,Default,,0,0,0,,Graduation?
Dialogue: 0,0:19:39.86,0:19:43.77,Default,,0,0,0,,All right! Then I'll wait six months.
Dialogue: 0,0:19:43.77,0:19:45.95,Default,,0,0,0,,I see. Thank you very much.
Dialogue: 0,0:19:46.87,0:19:51.69,Default,,0,0,0,,Six months. Or more precisely, until graduation day...
Dialogue: 0,0:19:51.69,0:19:58.20,Default,,0,0,0,,After graduation, I'd like you to come straight to North Shirahebi Shrine. I'll be waiting there.
Dialogue: 0,0:19:58.20,0:20:02.85,Default,,0,0,0,,You should refrain from holding hands and such with Koyomi-oniichan till then.
Dialogue: 0,0:20:02.85,0:20:03.43,Default,,0,0,0,,Oh.
Dialogue: 0,0:20:04.26,0:20:06.47,Default,,0,0,0,,{\an8} TL Note: {\i1}hebi no namigoroshi{\i0} "half-killing a snake" is an expression for dragging things out torturously, or leaving things in limbo.
Dialogue: 0,0:20:04.26,0:20:06.47,Default,,0,0,0,,If that isn't half-killing a snake... {albel: maybe a TL Note?   蛇の生殺し [へびのなまごろし] /(exp) state of uncertainty/limbo/leaving unfinished with the intention of inflicting suffering/dragging out tortuously/half-killing a snake/}
Dialogue: 0,0:20:07.47,0:20:08.93,Default,,0,0,0,,If...
Dialogue: 0,0:20:10.77,0:20:17.98,Default,,0,0,0,,If we had met under different circumstances, maybe we'd have been able to become friends.
Dialogue: 0,0:20:17.98,0:20:19.90,Default,,0,0,0,,No, that would never happen.
Dialogue: 0,0:20:21.15,0:20:28.29,Default,,0,0,0,,Sorry, but I hate cute brats like you more than my former self, Sengoku Nadeko-san. {albel: maybe just "than my former self"}
Dialogue: 0,0:22:13.89,0:22:16.89,Default,,0,0,0,,Sengoku Nadeko has become a god.
Dialogue: 0,0:22:16.89,0:22:18.40,Default,,0,0,0,,That is all.
Dialogue: 0,0:22:18.40,0:22:22.36,Default,,0,0,0,,This is a story that could've ended with that one line.
Dialogue: 0,0:22:22.69,0:22:29.11,Default,,0,0,0,,That said, this story shouldn't be like the snakes I killed in the past. It wouldn't be polite to end it chopped. {albel: "That said, (since) this story not being the snakes I killed in the past, it wouldn't be polite to end it up chopped like that".  hope you at least get the idea. i.e. there's no need nor would it be polite to end this story chopped. where polite is  愛想 [あいそう] /(n) civility/courtesy/compliments/sociability/graces/(P)/}
Dialogue: 0,0:22:29.11,0:22:34.36,Default,,0,0,0,,So instead of an epilogue, I'll give an episode preview to wrap up.
Dialogue: 0,0:22:34.36,0:22:35.62,Default,,0,0,0,,Preview!
Dialogue: 0,0:22:40.56,0:22:46.13,Default,,0,0,0,,Some day in March, six months later... Graduation day for the private Naoetsu High School.
Dialogue: 0,0:22:47.88,0:22:51.43,Default,,0,0,0,,I was on the grounds of North Shirahebi Shrine.
Dialogue: 0,0:22:53.81,0:22:57.43,Default,,0,0,0,,You can see my face clearly from the front.
Dialogue: 0,0:22:57.92,0:23:04.19,Default,,0,0,0,,This meant I had my eyes fixed on what was in front of me. I had no intention of hiding.
Dialogue: 0,0:23:04.19,0:23:09.70,Default,,0,0,0,,Because this day was the day for Sengoku Nadeko to say farewell to her human self.
Dialogue: 0,0:23:10.24,0:23:13.83,Default,,0,0,0,,The last day to see things with my own eyes. {albel: maybe to throw in "my own eyes". if anyone cares, in LN there's some talk about her not needing to look with eyes, because she has thermal vision organs lol. but just for this day she decided to show her face and watch things up front with her own eyes, and make it like for teh last time. well w/e}
Dialogue: 0,0:23:13.83,0:23:20.84,Default,,0,0,0,,Yes, yes, I at least want to have this strong of a resolve, while lying in wait... {albel: yes yes, at least I want to have this strong of a resolve while waiting/laying in wait..."}
Dialogue: 0,0:23:20.84,0:23:21.85,Default,,0,0,0,,...for them.
Dialogue: 0,0:23:22.35,0:23:23.96,Default,,0,0,0,,Araragi Koyomi.
Dialogue: 0,0:23:23.96,0:23:25.59,Default,,0,0,0,,Oshino Shinobu.
Dialogue: 0,0:23:25.59,0:23:27.26,Default,,0,0,0,,Senjougahara Hitagi.
Dialogue: 0,0:23:27.50,0:23:28.51,Default,,0,0,0,,And...
Dialogue: 0,0:23:29.17,0:23:35.26,Default,,0,0,0,,If Kanbaru-san or Hanekawa-san were there, that'd be perfect. That would be the entire cast!
Dialogue: 0,0:23:35.61,0:23:38.27,Default,,0,0,0,,As the last boss, it'd be the best thing that could happen for me. {albel: real meaning is "as a last boss I couldn't wish for more"/"it's the happiest thing that can happen to me as the last boss" (being honored by being opposed by full cast and whatnot). formulate that however you want. ps, ugh, they use "can't wish for more" several lines later. disregard at will, not really important}
Dialogue: 0,0:23:39.39,0:23:44.73,Default,,0,0,0,,Of course, even with all of them there, I feel there's no way I'd lose.
Dialogue: 0,0:23:44.73,0:23:52.11,Default,,0,0,0,,And if the final battle could begin with this signature phrase from me, I couldn't wish for anything more.  {albel: synonym offering: signature phrase?}
Dialogue: 0,0:23:52.11,0:23:56.79,Default,,0,0,0,,"Welcome, Koyomi-oniichan. I'll show you some love." {albel: well, the real verb has double meaning,  可愛がる [かわいがる] /(v5r) (1) to love/to be affectionate/to favor/to favour/to be partial to/(2) to torment/to tease/to be rough with/(P)/.    but "I'll show you some love" kind of delivers it, I guess, nice work, HS}
Dialogue: 0,0:23:59.25,0:24:04.75,Default,,0,0,0,,And the romantic comedy will start. The final showdown, in all sorts of ways! {albel: more precisely something like, "decisive battle in all sorts of meanings", but w/e}
Dialogue: 0,0:24:04.75,0:24:07.73,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}Kami{\i0}ng soon. As expected from a {\i1}kami{\i0}. {albel: this play of words is a bit too subtle to translate. while HS is right that "dake ni" can be interpreted as "as expected from" at times, as well as some other meanings, it can also be pretty much straightforwardly "to the god only". so maybe they meant the stuff mentioned above like romantic comedy to the god only, and everyone else is in for being shoved as bloody corpses into donation box, etc etc. but w/e. guess it works the way it is now) }{2 subtl3 5 me}
Dialogue: 0,0:00:04.15,0:00:04.31,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Yellow frame
Dialogue: 0,0:00:05.31,0:00:05.48,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Blue frame
Dialogue: 0,0:00:06.48,0:00:06.65,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Red frame
Dialogue: 0,0:00:09.15,0:00:09.28,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5\fs90}Sengoku Nadeko
Dialogue: 0,0:00:15.41,0:00:15.70,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Calm down?
Dialogue: 0,0:00:15.70,0:00:15.99,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}What is with asking for the impossible.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.00,0:00:21.25,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Trembling voice,
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.25,0:00:21.50,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}trembling tongue,
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.50,0:00:21.75,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}and trembling lips.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.42,0:00:22.62,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Black frame
Dialogue: 0,0:00:29.84,0:00:31.09,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}It has turned into just an accessory.
Dialogue: 0,0:01:24.10,0:01:24.39,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Concern
Dialogue: 0,0:01:29.61,0:01:29.90,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5\c&H2A2D33&}I didn't want you to notice it.
Dialogue: 0,0:01:29.90,0:01:30.19,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}I wanted you to leave me alone—
Dialogue: 0,0:01:30.19,0:01:30.48,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}I wanted to stay a girl that was just cute.
Dialogue: 0,0:01:41.74,0:01:42.16,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5\c&H2A2D33&}Is.
Dialogue: 0,0:01:42.16,0:01:42.95,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}What Koyomi-oniichan — is saying.
Dialogue: 0,0:01:52.00,0:01:55.51,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Yellow frame
Dialogue: 0,0:02:02.26,0:02:02.52,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Red frame
Dialogue: 0,0:02:17.11,0:02:17.74,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}They are cold words.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:28.17,0:02:28.37,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5\fs50}(The iron-blooded, hot-blooded, cold-blooded vampire)\N{\fs70}was now only {albel: this sentence is cut, compared to LN. here it's just hitasura, e.g. "nothing but". including this and two lines next, the text in LN was as follows. "(compared to her usual motto of being iron-blooded, hot-blooded, cold-blooded vampire) now shinobu-san was nothing but cold-blooded. like a snake. she was cold-blooded." apparently here they just eliminated the repetition of "she was coldblooded". editor is to decide what to do with this shit}{idk even, i'd like it to be the words on the slide.. ヒタスラ hitasura? ひたすら, single-minded?}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:28.37,0:02:28.67,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}like a snake.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:28.67,0:02:28.96,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5\c&H2814B9&}She was cold-blooded.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:56.94,0:02:57.28,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}You.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:57.28,0:02:57.57,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Are a god
Dialogue: 0,0:02:57.57,0:02:57.95,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Aren't you.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:19.68,0:03:20.55,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\fs120\blur0.5}Eh?
Dialogue: 0,0:03:23.55,0:03:24.05,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Wrapped around there —
Dialogue: 0,0:03:29.89,0:03:32.77,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur4\pos(640,190)}Episode Ran (Revolt)
Dialogue: 0,0:03:29.89,0:03:32.77,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur1\pos(640,190)}Episode Ran (Revolt)
Dialogue: 0,0:03:29.89,0:03:32.77,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur4\pos(640,327)}Nadeko Medusa Part Four
Dialogue: 0,0:03:29.89,0:03:32.77,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur1\pos(640,327)}Nadeko Medusa Part Four
Dialogue: 0,0:03:48.37,0:03:50.79,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Black frame
Dialogue: 0,0:04:11.18,0:04:11.89,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\fs30\pos(644,411)}Right
Dialogue: 0,0:04:11.89,0:04:12.06,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\fs30\pos(644,437.667)}Right
Dialogue: 0,0:04:12.14,0:04:12.23,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\fs30\pos(645.333,456.334)}Right
Dialogue: 0,0:04:12.23,0:04:12.27,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\fs30\pos(645.333,433.667)}Right
Dialogue: 0,0:04:12.27,0:04:12.39,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\fs30\pos(645.333,415)}Right
Dialogue: 0,0:05:01.69,0:05:02.53,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5\c&H040305&}November 2nd
Dialogue: 0,0:05:51.66,0:05:52.41,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Snake
Dialogue: 0,0:05:52.41,0:05:52.91,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5\c&H2A2D33&}White snake
Dialogue: 0,0:05:52.91,0:05:54.03,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Kuchinawa-san
Dialogue: 0,0:06:41.83,0:06:42.33,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}This word pierces through me. {albel: technically speaking, it's "this word pierces" i.e. "fantasy" that she repeats after kuchinawa.}
Dialogue: 0,0:06:51.18,0:06:51.93,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Hearing the voice of a god
Dialogue: 0,0:06:51.93,0:06:52.34,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Such a delusion
Dialogue: 0,0:06:53.14,0:06:54.14,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}It's as if I was Jeanne D'Arc
Dialogue: 0,0:07:07.90,0:07:08.11,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Black frame
Dialogue: 0,0:07:09.61,0:07:11.57,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\pos(640,268)}The reason why the white snakes
Dialogue: 0,0:07:09.61,0:07:11.57,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\pos(640,521)}only showed up from enclosed spaces,
Dialogue: 0,0:07:11.57,0:07:12.62,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}the reason why he couldn't move from the shrine,
Dialogue: 0,0:07:12.62,0:07:14.11,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}they both were the simplest of reasons. {albel: reasons had simplest reasons? kind of "they both were the simplest ones" or something.}
Dialogue: 0,0:07:14.11,0:07:16.12,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\c&H2814B9&\pos(640,268)}If it wasn't that way,
Dialogue: 0,0:07:14.11,0:07:16.12,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\c&H2814B9&\pos(640,511)}the delusion would be inconsistent. {albel: literally "if it wasn't that way the fantasy would be inconsistent"}
Dialogue: 0,0:07:23.08,0:07:24.08,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5\fs110}Snake
Dialogue: 0,0:07:23.08,0:07:24.08,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\fs110\pos(266.667,289)}Snake
Dialogue: 0,0:07:23.08,0:07:24.08,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\fs110\pos(1013.33,289)}Snake
Dialogue: 0,0:07:44.65,0:07:45.02,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Useless resistance
Dialogue: 0,0:08:15.68,0:08:16.39,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\an4\pos(248,234)}One thing about human memory is
Dialogue: 0,0:08:15.68,0:08:16.39,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\an4\pos(248,480)}that it never really forgets anything.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:16.39,0:08:16.68,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\an4\pos(248,234)}No matter how hard you try to forget —
Dialogue: 0,0:08:16.39,0:08:16.68,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\an4\pos(248,480)}it's engraved in the brain.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:16.68,0:08:17.30,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5\c&H2A2D33&}Just like how you can never forget your sins
Dialogue: 0,0:08:26.94,0:08:27.44,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}As expected, no further —
Dialogue: 0,0:08:27.44,0:08:28.19,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\c&H2A2D33&\pos(640,268)}did I feel like
Dialogue: 0,0:08:27.44,0:08:28.19,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\c&H2A2D33&\pos(640,511)}escaping from reality. {albel: continuation of previous line. "as expected no further... did I feel like (wanting to) escaping reality". only the latter part is on this frame. but current translation is ok. except I start hating translation of "sasuga ni" as "as expected". in such cases it's more like ridiculing the alternative to what's being said. e.g. "There's no fukken way I'd want escape reality further, how the fuck bad you think of me to consider that, dude? Do I look liek an autist to you, huh?". but this doesn't work in english, especially without negation. disregard me.}
Dialogue: 0,0:08:28.56,0:08:29.44,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}There is no reason to escape now anyway.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:06.64,0:09:07.14,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5\c&H2A2D33&}White frame
Dialogue: 0,0:09:20.91,0:09:21.49,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Thinking about the beginning of September.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:37.67,0:09:38.34,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5\c&H2A2D33&}The end.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:48.14,0:09:48.56,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\fs90\pos(640,240)}Jealousy.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:48.56,0:09:48.98,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,240)\blur0.5\fs90}Envy.
Dialogue: 0,0:10:40.99,0:10:41.41,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Drawn to.
Dialogue: 0,0:10:49.29,0:10:50.17,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}A snake.
Dialogue: 0,0:10:50.17,0:10:51.16,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}A poisonous snake.
Dialogue: 0,0:10:51.16,0:10:51.92,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Bit me ({\i1}kamitsukareta{\i0}) —
Dialogue: 0,0:10:51.92,0:10:53.29,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}And I was possessed by a god ({\i1}kamitsukareta{\i0}) {why is (kamitsukareta) here? -forks} {albel: b/c it's a play of words with previous typeset line 噛み付く(bite) and 神憑く(god-possess)}
Dialogue: 0,0:11:00.84,0:11:01.30,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Because this shrine is —
Dialogue: 0,0:11:01.30,0:11:02.09,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5\c&H2814B9&}A shrine already in ruins.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:14.86,0:11:15.27,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5\c&H040A12&}October 31st
Dialogue: 0,0:11:48.68,0:11:49.18,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\c&H2A2D33&\an4\pos(194.8,191.4)}Knowing him, he's probably keeping it
Dialogue: 0,0:11:48.68,0:11:49.18,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\c&H2A2D33&\an4\pos(194.8,482.6)}stored very casually
Dialogue: 0,0:11:49.18,0:11:49.56,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Stored very casually
Dialogue: 0,0:12:01.07,0:12:01.40,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Black frame
Dialogue: 0,0:12:40.11,0:12:40.44,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Guilt
Dialogue: 0,0:12:48.03,0:12:48.41,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Excuse
Dialogue: 0,0:12:51.99,0:12:52.37,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Delusion.
Dialogue: 0,0:12:58.25,0:12:58.63,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Fabrication.
Dialogue: 0,0:13:03.51,0:13:03.88,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}A lie.
Dialogue: 0,0:13:12.47,0:13:13.47,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5\c&H2A2D33&}As a decoy — {albel: it's "as a decoy" - the middle of the sentence at 13:09-13:17 about "using sins as a decoy while plotting god reinstatement"}
Dialogue: 0,0:13:57.23,0:13:57.52,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Because I am always facing ({\i1}muite{\i0}) the ground. {albel: play of words with text at 13:57.  向く [むく] /(v5k) (1) to face/(2) to turn toward/(3) to be suited to/to be fit for/(P)/"}
Dialogue: 0,0:14:20.54,0:14:21.04,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5\c&H2A2D33&}......or is this {albel: this and the following two lines are really one sentence, followed by another oneliner sentence. but HS decided to split it differently and have 2+2 instead of 3+1, which helped to kind of preserve word order while keeping meaning intact somewhat. just mentioning that in case someone wants more precise meaning, then I'll translate. correcting capitalization and punctuation for chosen sentence separation is necessary though}{if you feel like it, do it}
Dialogue: 0,0:14:21.04,0:14:21.37,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}saying that you have to grant your own wishes
Dialogue: 0,0:14:21.37,0:14:21.67,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}A story with a moral.
Dialogue: 0,0:14:21.67,0:14:22.08,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Saying that you can't rely on a god.
Dialogue: 0,0:14:36.39,0:14:36.64,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}It couldn't be helped.
Dialogue: 0,0:14:36.64,0:14:36.89,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Because it couldn't be helped.
Dialogue: 0,0:14:36.89,0:14:37.27,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}I mean — because it couldn't be helped
Dialogue: 0,0:14:59.54,0:14:59.70,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}I
Dialogue: 0,0:14:59.70,0:14:59.87,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5\c&H2A2D33&}stayed quiet
Dialogue: 0,0:14:59.87,0:15:00.12,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}and swung it down.
Dialogue: 0,0:15:02.08,0:15:03.29,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}It became quiet. {albel: technically speaking there's no "she". it just "it became quiet", i.e. meaning generally in the area.}
Dialogue: 0,0:15:28.82,0:15:29.15,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}It's just like you, girl...
Dialogue: 0,0:15:49.59,0:15:50.34,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\pos(640,237)}I make her quiet. Hmm?
Dialogue: 0,0:15:49.59,0:15:50.34,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\pos(640,533)}Wait, this is strange. She's still moving. {albel: not "I will make". just "I make"}
Dialogue: 0,0:15:52.51,0:15:53.01,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\pos(640,277)}Then I have to make her stop. Take that.
Dialogue: 0,0:15:52.51,0:15:53.01,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\pos(640,517)}And that. And that. And that. And that. And that.
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.76,0:15:57.26,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}She stopped. She has stopped moving.
Dialogue: 0,0:16:00.64,0:16:00.93,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Black frame
Dialogue: 0,0:16:04.44,0:16:04.73,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Red frame
Dialogue: 0,0:16:21.12,0:16:22.12,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\an4\pos(190,245)}Of course, the lover will become a
Dialogue: 0,0:16:21.12,0:16:22.12,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\an4\pos(188,485)}"dead" lover as well...
Dialogue: 0,0:16:29.59,0:16:30.46,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\pos(640,277)}And more importantly,
Dialogue: 0,0:16:29.59,0:16:30.46,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\pos(640,517)}I don't want to trouble him anymore {albel: "and more importantly, I don't want to trouble him anymore"}
Dialogue: 0,0:16:56.91,0:16:57.16,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Seeing the name of the caller,
Dialogue: 0,0:16:57.16,0:16:57.66,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}I changed my mind.
Dialogue: 0,0:16:57.66,0:16:58.20,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5\c&H2814B9&}My mind went weird. {albel: liek srsly? NOW you went insane? so all that up until now was nothing? good to know. jokes aside, "ki ga hen ni narimashita" can be translated just as "I got a weird mood" or smth. anyway, nobody would get the play of words with 気 and 変 used in previous line too without a TN. this ep is too much work, sigh.}
Dialogue: 0,0:17:04.37,0:17:05.00,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}That was — a name I know. {albel: maybe "was" would be better in english. "that was — a name I know"}
Dialogue: 0,0:17:12.75,0:17:13.26,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}That was — a name there's no way I wouldn't know. {albel: "that was — a name that there's no way I wouldn't know of"}
Dialogue: 0,0:17:29.52,0:17:30.02,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\c&H2A2D33&\pos(640,223)}I thought about what in the world Senjougahara-san
Dialogue: 0,0:17:29.52,0:17:30.02,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\c&H2A2D33&\pos(640,529)}was thinking right now.
Dialogue: 0,0:17:30.02,0:17:30.52,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}But I stopped that immediately.
Dialogue: 0,0:17:30.52,0:17:31.15,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Because it really didn't matter.
Dialogue: 0,0:18:13.82,0:18:14.11,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Sure enough.
Dialogue: 0,0:18:14.11,0:18:14.73,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}That was some meaningful advice —
Dialogue: 0,0:18:21.49,0:18:23.33,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\fs90\pos(640,248)}Annihilation
Dialogue: 0,0:18:40.88,0:18:41.22,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\c&H2A2D33&\pos(640,265)}If someone is nice to me,
Dialogue: 0,0:18:40.88,0:18:41.22,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\c&H2A2D33&\pos(640,515)}I do say my thanks to them.
Dialogue: 0,0:18:41.22,0:18:41.55,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\pos(640,275)}People who are nice to me
Dialogue: 0,0:18:41.22,0:18:41.55,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\pos(640,511)}are all good people.
Dialogue: 0,0:19:00.99,0:19:01.49,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}I was interested.
Dialogue: 0,0:19:09.62,0:19:10.87,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Now that you have become an apparition,
Dialogue: 0,0:19:10.87,0:19:12.17,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}as long as you are worshiped from here on,
Dialogue: 0,0:19:12.17,0:19:13.63,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5\c&HB436B1&}you can exist forever, right?
Dialogue: 0,0:19:15.67,0:19:15.92,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}To the phrase "six months," for the first time,
Dialogue: 0,0:19:15.92,0:19:16.54,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}I felt some strong nuance in her voice. {albel: "from"? not "to" or "in"?}{yes, in}
Dialogue: 0,0:20:02.84,0:20:03.43,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}On the other side of the phone.
Dialogue: 0,0:20:03.43,0:20:04.26,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\pos(640,267)}I felt as if Senjougahara-san
Dialogue: 0,0:20:03.43,0:20:04.26,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\pos(640,513)}had a small smile on her face.
Dialogue: 0,0:20:06.47,0:20:07.47,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}I can't laugh at that.
Dialogue: 0,0:22:09.63,0:22:10.13,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5\c&H2A2D33&}There is no further development here.
Dialogue: 0,0:22:10.13,0:22:10.59,Default,,0,0,0,,{\an8} TL Note: {\i1}ochi:{\i0} slip/omission, outcome/final result/the end, punch line (of a joke).
Dialogue: 0,0:22:10.13,0:22:10.59,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}There is no punch line ({\i1}ochi{\i0}) either.
Dialogue: 0,0:22:10.59,0:22:11.26,Default,,0,0,0,,{\an8}TL Note: {\i1}ochita,{\i0} past tense of {\i1}ochiru:{\i0} to fall down, drop, fall (e.g. rain), to fail (e.g. an exam), to lose (a contest).
Dialogue: 0,0:22:10.59,0:22:11.26,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}I mean, I've fallen ({\i1}ochita{\i0}) already, right? {albel: another play of words that's fuck if I know how to translate properly}
Dialogue: 0,0:22:34.37,0:22:35.62,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\fs80\pos(640,227)}Preview.
Dialogue: 0,0:22:35.62,0:22:36.62,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\fs40\pos(640.571,494.715)}Five{make this nicer for the batch}
Dialogue: 0,0:22:36.62,0:22:37.62,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\fs40\pos(640.571,494.715)}Four
Dialogue: 0,0:22:37.62,0:22:38.62,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\fs40\pos(640.571,494.715)}Three
Dialogue: 0,0:22:38.62,0:22:39.62,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\fs40\pos(640.571,494.715)}Two
Dialogue: 0,0:23:09.82,0:23:10.24,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\pos(640,240)\fs90}Farewell
Dialogue: 0,0:23:28.50,0:23:28.84,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}It's different from what i promised,
Dialogue: 0,0:23:28.84,0:23:29.17,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}But if behind those three, {albel: continuation of the narration. "but if behind those three (people mentioned before, there were staying kanbaru and hanekawa, blah blah)" so maybe add "if" in there at least.}
Dialogue: 0,0:24:04.75,0:24:08.30,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,289)\blur0.5}Black frame
Dialogue: 0,0:24:08.30,0:24:08.46,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\fs60\c&H8F5A62&\pos(637,180)}Otorimonogatari
Dialogue: 0,0:24:08.30,0:24:08.46,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\fs50\c&H8F5A62&\pos(637,369.333)}Snake God
Dialogue: 0,0:24:08.30,0:24:08.46,BlinkingShit,,0,0,0,,{\fs80\blur0.5\c&H8F5A62&\pos(637,537.333)}Nadeko Medusa
Dialogue: 0,0:24:08.46,0:24:09.84,BlinkingShit,,0,0,20,,{\blur0.5\pos(640,528.8)}To be continued

Pasted: Oct 31, 2013, 12:02:46 pm
Views: 2